RWBY: The Remnant Past

By GreenKing309

26.4K 765 977

Remnant: the definition of remains of something. it has been like this for a millennium. But when The Old Wor... More

UCSA bio
UCSA equipment (updated)
UCSA Vehicles pt. 1
UCSA vehicles pt. 2
UCSA aircraft
UCSA Airships/starships
UCSA Mechs
UCSA robots
UCSA buildings
UCSA defense
UCSA superweapons
USCA fortress
Atlas army
White Fang
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 pt. 1
Chapter 6 pt. 2
Chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
Chapter 16 pt1
chapter 16 pt2
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapters 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 28

130 9 15
By GreenKing309

Outside Atlas, 6-25-20

The American and Remnant forces, along with their newfound ally Whitley Schnee, cautiously approached the heavily fortified Atlas city. The chilling wind whipped around them, carrying with it the scent of battle and the distant echoes of gunfire.

"We need to proceed with caution." Nathaniel advised, his eyes scanning the imposing structure ahead. "There's no telling what defenses they have set up."

"I agree." Willow Cobalt chimed in. "We must be prepared for anything."

As they moved closer, they could see Nazi soldiers patrolling the perimeter, their weapons at the ready. The tension in the air was palpable, each step forward bringing them closer to the heart of the enemy's stronghold.

"We need a plan." Francis said, his brow furrowed in concentration. "We can't just rush in blindly."

"Agreed." Alice Arroyo added. "We need to find a way to infiltrate the bunker without alerting the entire garrison."

Just then, Whitley spoke up, his voice tinged with determination. "I may be able to help with that. My knowledge of the bunker's layout could prove invaluable."

Nathaniel nodded, recognizing the potential of Whitley's insight. "Lead the way, then. But be cautious. We can't afford to make any mistakes."

With Whitley guiding them, the group began to move towards the bunker, their senses heightened and their weapons at the ready. The fate of Atlas hung in the balance, and they knew that they would need to use every ounce of skill and cunning to emerge victorious.

As they neared their target, the sound of gunfire grew louder, signaling that they were drawing closer to the heart of the enemy's defenses. 

"Come on men, We need to make sure these Basterds pay!" a familiar voice to the Americans as Frank Horrigan charged into one of the many blocks of the City of Atlas. Gunfire erupted as they clashed with the Nazi defenders, the sounds of battle echoing through the streets of Atlas.

Whitley guided them through the labyrinthine streets, his knowledge of the city's layout proving invaluable as they navigated through the urban battlefield. They moved swiftly and silently, striking at key targets and avoiding detection wherever possible.

But the Nazis were not about to go down without a fight. As they pushed deeper into the city, they encountered increasingly fierce resistance, with enemy soldiers and Grimm creatures alike standing in their way.

"We need to keep moving," Nathaniel urged, his voice barely audible over the cacophony of battle. "We can't let them slow us down."

With renewed determination, the group pressed on, their eyes fixed on their ultimate goal: the heart of the enemy's stronghold. They knew that victory would not come easily, but they were prepared to do whatever it took to liberate Atlas from the clutches of the Nazi regime.

As they fought their way through the streets, the tide of battle slowly began to turn in their favor. The combined strength of the American and Remnant forces proved too much for the enemy to handle, and soon they found themselves gaining ground with each passing minute.


the Reichstag, New Berlin. 6-25-20

"My Furhur, the Yanks and their allies have entered Atlas." A soldier reported.

Ewers however, just smiled. "It doesn't matter, the Buldnacth is about to begin. Have Keinscht defend Atlas, have no stone unturn. he WILL delay them." He told them.

His orders were met with a chorus of acknowledgments from his subordinates, their loyalty to the Nazi cause evident in their unwavering obedience. They knew that the fate of New Berlin—and perhaps the world itself—hung in the balance, and they were prepared to do whatever it took to emerge victorious.

With the Blutnacht looming on the horizon, Reichsfuhrer Ewers stood resolute, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. The stage was set for a battle unlike any other, and he was ready to unleash hell upon his enemies.

"*laughs*, Soon Adolf, you will come back." Ewers said before laughing manically.

Reichsfuhrer Ewers' laughter echoed through the halls of the Reichstag, a chilling testament to his unwavering dedication to the Nazi cause. As he reveled in his twisted ambitions, his mind filled with visions of triumph and conquest.

With each peal of laughter, Ewers' resolve only grew stronger, his determination to see his vision realized unwavering. For him, the return of Adolf Hitler was not just a possibility—it was an inevitability, a destiny that he would stop at nothing to fulfill.

And as he stood in the heart of New Berlin, surrounded by the echoes of his own maniacal laughter, Reichsfuhrer Ewers knew that the Blutnacht was only the beginning. The true horrors of war were yet to come, and he would embrace them with open arms, eager to see his twisted dreams brought to fruition.


Becaon Academy, Ozpin's tower 6-25-20

Salem and Ozpin look at each other with hidden hate, their war can do that to one another. but they could not unleased said anger as they know who truly killed their daughter all those years ago: the Nazis.

For four hundred years, they had waged a clandestine war, their battles fought in the shadows of history and the annals of time. Each encounter had left its mark upon their souls, etching deep scars of resentment and bitterness that festered beneath the surface of their immortal beings.

But amidst their simmering hatred, there was a shared understanding—a recognition of the true enemy that lurked beyond the confines of their eternal struggle. It was the Nazis who had torn their world asunder, who had robbed them of their daughters and set in motion a chain of events that had led to untold suffering and devastation up to today.

And so, despite their animosity towards each other, Ozpin and Salem found themselves united in purpose, bound by a common desire to see justice served and vengeance exacted upon those who had wronged them. In the face of a greater threat, their personal vendettas faded into insignificance, replaced by a singular focus on the task at hand.

"So, when are you gonna stop starring at one another and speak?" the Voice of President Gates cut through the air, making the Wizzard and Witch stop their starring contest. as they return, they saw Mercury, Emerald, Watts, and Hazel on one side, Ironwood, Qrow, Oobleck and Glynda on the other, and Commander James Connor, Sea Admiral Russel Ward, Marine Commander Santiego Cortez, and Space Admiral Alvin Chester in the middle, these Americans where in the frontline as the rest of HIGHCOM was still in America. With a sigh, Ozpin broke his gaze away from Salem, turning his attention to the assembled group before him.

"President Gates, esteemed colleagues." Ozpin began, his voice measured and composed. "We find ourselves at a critical juncture in our struggle against the Nazi menace. It is imperative that we set aside our differences and work together if we are to have any hope of prevailing."

Salem, too, shifted her focus to the others in the room, her expression inscrutable as she regarded them with a mixture of suspicion and disdain. "Indeed." she added, her voice a cold whisper that carried the weight of centuries of bitterness. "Our enemy grows stronger with each passing day, and it is only by standing united that we can hope to thwart their ambitions."

President Gates nodded solemnly, his gaze sweeping over the assembled group. "Agreed." he said, his voice firm and resolute. "We may have our disagreements, but we cannot afford to let them divide us in the face of this threat. The fate of humanity hangs in the balance, and we must do everything in our power to ensure its survival."

As the gravity of their situation settled over them, the room fell silent once more, the weight of their shared burden pressing down upon them. But amidst the darkness, there was a glimmer of hope a spark of unity that burned brightly in the hearts of those gathered.

"Sir, We have reports that our forces have entered Atlas, they are in heavy fighting right now. We have reason to believed that General Keinscht is leading the defense." The soldier reported as he went in the room.

President Gates listened intently to the soldier's report, his expression betraying no hint of concern. Instead, a steely resolve settled over his features as he absorbed the news.

"General Keinscht is a formidable opponent." Gates remarked, his voice firm and commanding. "But he is but one man against the might of our combined forces. Their defenses are formidable, but our soldiers are prepared to lay down their lives in defense of the Free World."

He turned to the assembled officers in the room, his eyes gleaming with determination. "Prepare our forces for a counterattack," he ordered. "We will crush the Nazis and drive them back into hell."

"What about this New Berlin?" Ironwood asked.

Connor nodded thoughtfully, considering Ironwood's question. "New Berlin is another front in this war, and we must not underestimate the threat it poses. But our priority right now is Atlas. Once we secure victory there, we can turn our attention to New Berlin and deal with the Nazis there accordingly."

He glanced around the room, meeting the eyes of each officer present. "Our goal is clear: we will not rest until the Nazi threat is eliminated and freedom is restored to all."

"I'll have the 14th Marines and the 212th Attack Battalion prepped and Ready." Commander Cortez stated.

"The 67th is already in transit. just give us the order and we'll move out." Connor added.

"The Fourth Combine Armada is ready to unleash hell sir." Ward announces, his southern accent rippled in the room.

"The Third space fleet, the Vader's fist is your waiting your command. Mr. President." Alvin Chester said as his British accent crept in his tone.

"So, ready for teatime Redcoat?" Ward jokes.

President Gates couldn't help but smile at the banter between Ward and Chester, though his expression quickly turned serious once more.

"Thank you, gentlemen. Your dedication and readiness are commendable," Gates replied, his tone filled with gratitude and determination. "Let's show these Nazis what it means to face the might of the Free World. Prepare your forces and await further orders. We will strike swiftly and decisively."

With a nod of approval, Gates signaled for the meeting to adjourn, his mind already focused on the next steps in the battle to liberate Atlas and defeat the Nazi regime.


Atlas Academy, improvised war room. 6-25-20

Grey Copper was shocked what he just head what came from Kienscht mouth. "Excuse me?" he asked.

Keinscht repeated his words, his expression, or lack thereof, turn deadly serious. "I said, we must hold Atlas at all costs. Delay the enemy for as long as possible. Our mission is to buy time for the Buldnacht to commence."

Copper's shock turned to disbelief. "Are you suggesting we sacrifice our forces to delay the Americans and Remnants?"

Keinscht nodded grimly. "If that's what it takes to ensure the success of the Buldnacht, then yes. We must do whatever is necessary to protect New Berlin and allow the Fuhrer's return.

"Fine, but this is MY city Keinscht, and I will defend it how I see fit." Copper told the paled smooth face officer.

Keinscht's expression remained impassive, but there was a glint of something akin to amusement in his eyes. "By all means, Copper. Defend Atlas as you see fit. But remember, the ultimate goal is to ensure the success of the Buldnacht. Sacrifices must be made if we are to achieve victory."

With that, Keinscht turned and strode out of the war room, leaving Copper to wrestle with his own thoughts and the weight of his responsibilities. As the gravity of the situation settled over him, Copper knew that the coming battle would be one of the toughest challenges he had ever faced. But he was determined to defend Atlas at all costs, even if it meant defying Keinscht's orders in the process.

Suddenly he heard a chuckle. he looks at the door and saw the CEO of Schnee Dust Company there. "Looks like I not the only one to have trouble." Jaucge Schnee said.

Copper nodded, acknowledging the presence of the CEO. "Indeed, it seems we are all facing challenges of our own. But rest assured, Mr. Schnee, I will do everything in my power to defend Atlas."

Jacques offered a small smile in return. "I have no doubt about that, General Copper. Your dedication to protecting this city is admirable."

Copper smiled back, but that smile is anything but Freindly. "Oh, before you go Mr. Schnee. the Riechfuhur asked something of you."

"What is it?" Jacques ask only to hear a round go off and tasted iron. he fell on the floor as Copper smiled with a smoking Lugar.

"Kindly donate your blood for the Buldnacht Mr Schnee." Copper said with a smile.

As Jacques fell to the ground, clutching his wound, shock and fear flashed across his face. He struggled to comprehend the betrayal unfolding before him, his mind racing with disbelief.

Copper's smile widened as he watched the chaos unfold. "Consider it a contribution to the greater cause." he remarked casually, his tone devoid of remorse.

With a grimace of pain, Jacques realized the gravity of his situation. He had been deceived and betrayed by someone he had once trusted, and now he was paying the price for that misplaced trust.

As the room spun around him, Jacques knew that his fate was sealed. He had become another casualty in the ruthless game of war, a pawn sacrificed for the sake of a twisted ideology.

"You bastard!" Jacques yelled out.

"No, Opportunist. After all, your son is out of our reach, and you said that he was loyal. such failure must not come unpunished." Copper said with a grin.

"You'll pay for this," Jacques spat out, his voice trembling with rage and pain. "Mark my words, you won't get away with this."

Copper merely chuckled in response, his grin widening with each passing moment. "We'll see about that." he replied cryptically, his eyes gleaming with malice.

Copper slowly walked up to Jaquces lying body, taking each and every step slow, remembering this moment. "Such as shame, Mr. Schnee. it was nice to catch up again. oh wait." He paused as he aimed the Lugar at the CEO of the SDC's head. "It wasn't."


The shot echoed through the room, a deafening roar that seemed to reverberate off the walls. Jacques felt a searing pain erupt in his head, followed by a wave of darkness that threatened to consume him whole. He closed his eyes, bracing for the inevitable end.

But to his surprise, the darkness did not claim him. Instead, he found himself still conscious, still aware of the world around him. Slowly, he opened his eyes, expecting to see Copper standing over him, triumphant in his victory.

But Copper was nowhere to be seen.

Instead, Jacques found himself staring up at the concerned faces of his allies, their expressions a mixture of shock and relief. He felt hands grabbing at him, pulling him to safety, away from the danger that had nearly claimed his life.

"Oh, I Don't think so My friend." A voice that sounded deep, old, and malice beyond time spoke out. Jacques looks around and tries to find the voice.

"WHERE ARE YOU!?" Jacques demanded.

"Over here." The voice called out to him. turning to the voice he saw a Caucasian horned businessman in w black suit and tie, but he saw bat like wings and reddish yellow eyes, almost as if he was half-Grimm. his hands look like they were burned and black claws longer than a longsword. the businessman gave him a sharp, toothy smile that holds no comfort.

"Welcome Jacques Schnee, or would you prefer Jacques Gelé?" The Businessman asked in a tone of utter joy. A joy that Jacques does not like. He recoiled at the sight before him, his mind struggling to comprehend the surreal figure that stood before him. The businessman's presence radiated an aura of malevolence, sending a shiver down Jacques' spine.

"Who... What are you?" Jacques demanded, his voice trembling with fear and uncertainty.

The businessman chuckled, a sound that sent chills down Jacques' spine. "I am many things, Mr. Schnee. But you may call me... Lucifer."

The name struck Jacques like a physical blow, filling him with a sense of dread unlike anything he had ever experienced. Lucifer's grin widened, revealing rows of razor-sharp teeth that seemed to gleam in the dim light of the room.

"What are you? Are you the Brother God of Darkness?" Jacques asked.

Lucifer however, laugh, a laugh that sent shivers down his spine. "Oh, I am nothing like those fools of gods, I am something so much more. The Americans know me from their scriptures. and I have watch you, people of Remnant, for a very long time. even my Father watch as this playground of his turn into what it is now." Lucifer said what spatting out the word 'Father'.

Jacques felt a chill run down his spine at Lucifer's words. The mention of the gods of Remnant and the revelation of Lucifer's true identity filled him with a sense of unease unlike anything he had ever experienced.

"Your Father... you mean...?" Jacques trailed off, unable to voice the question that lingered in his mind, he has heard stories of the man in front of him by the Nazis, and now it seams it is all true.

Lucifer's grin widened even further, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Yes, Mr. Schnee. I am the Morning Star, the Lightbringer, the First Among the Fallen."

"Wh-What do you want with me." Jacques asked.

"Right now? Nothing. for the Interlopers is starting their way here, and in time, they will breach a part of my domain that holds all of their dead. And the Americans will follow, lead by my hounds. All you need to do, is watch." Lucifer told him.

Jacques felt a shiver run down his spine at Lucifer's words, his mind reeling with the implications of what the Morning Star had just revealed. The thought of being caught in the crossfire between Lucifer and the invading forces filled him with a sense of dread unlike anything he had ever experienced.

"But why tell me this?" Jacques asked, his voice trembling with fear and uncertainty.

Lucifer's grin widened, his eyes flashing with amusement. "Because, Mr. Schnee, I find it amusing to watch mortals squirm in the face of their own impending doom. And besides, it's always more entertaining when there's an audience."

With that cryptic response, Lucifer vanished into thin air, leaving Jacques alone in the darkness once more. And as Jacques struggled to process the implications of his encounter with the Morning Star, he couldn't shake the feeling that he had just been drawn into a game far beyond his understanding.


Lucifier then teleports to a room in his castle. he sighs as he looks at four figures, three male and one female.

"It has begun Father." He spat at the biggest male in the room. "The Interlopers are coming in here. and soon the Americans will follow." He said before looking at a male in Dark Armor and a Female in a white Dress. "You Two must remember the deal, or I will make sure Judgment day happens to your world." He growls. 

The largest male, presumably Lucifer's father, regarded him with a steely gaze, his features betraying no hint of emotion.

"We remember the deal, Lucifer," the male in dark armor finally spoke, his voice deep and resonant. "We will uphold our end of the bargain."

The female in the white dress nodded solemnly, her eyes fixed on Lucifer with a mixture of fear and resignation. "We understand the consequences," she said softly. "We will not fail you."

Lucifer nodded in response; his expression unreadable. "See that you don't," he warned, his voice dripping with menace. "The fate of your world depends on it."

With a wave of his hand, Lucifer vanished once more, leaving the figures in the room to contemplate the dire task that lay ahead of them. And as they prepared to face the coming storm, they knew that failure was not an option - not if they wished to avert the cataclysmic consequences that awaited them.

the Largest male then looks right at the- hey wait a min-

-... .-.. ..- -.. -. .- -.-. - .... / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / -.-. --- -- -- . -. -.-. .


(AN: ... rude)

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