Relationships & Partners and...

By Lumna10

1.5K 338 82

Here I give my opinion on my favorite characters and their relationship with others both as friends and some... More

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Adding Supense and Withholding Information
Flat And Round Characters
Round Characters P2
Minor and Round Character Differences P3
What's A Major Character?
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Lecture 4 Fictional Characters Imagined and Observed
Lecture 5 How To Properly Introduce A Character
Lecture 8 Integrating Dialogue within A Narrative.
Lecture 7 The Mechanics of Dialogue
Lecture 7: The Mechanics of Dialogue P2
Punctating Dialogue Editing
Clash About Point Of Views From Two Writing Guides
Clash About Point Of Views From Two Writing Guides P2
Lectures 16: I, Me & Mine First PersonPoint of View
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Lecture 17: He, She, & and It-Third Person Point of View
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Temporal Distance?! Is It Really A Point of View? I Don't See It.
Dialogue Lecture Lesson by Gabriel Arquilvech
Word Choice: The Antidote To Vocabulary-Gabriel Arquilvech
Wordiness and Word Economy
Prefixes, Roots & Suffixes
Word Choice: Verbs
Dialect And Slang
Onomatopoeia & Alliteration
Prepositions & Prepositional Phrases
Transition Words Lesson
Punctuations: Colons & Semicolons
Punctuation: Parentheses & Dashes
Fragmente & Run-ons
Parallel Construction
Misplaced & Dangling Modifiers
Repetition Vs Repetitious
Sentence Combining
Sentence Variety
Stream of Consciousness: Medicine For Writers
Simile Vs Metaphors
I will Get Back To Gabriel Lectures But TheseDontsWithRomanceBuilding
Answer Key For Some Correct Examples
Lecture On Style of Writing
Writing A Boring Piece Lesson
Copying To Annotate An A Response
Brainstorming & Outlining Lecture
Setting Lecture
Lessons On Creating Plots For Stories
Plotting with the Freytag Pyramind Lecture 10
Lecture 18: Evoking Setting & Place In Fiction
Lecture 2: Building Fictional Worlds Through Evocation
Lecture 20: Building Scenes
Lecture 13: How To Start A Plot
Lecture 14: How To End A Plot
Lecture 12: Narrative Without A Plot
Write The First Draft-Gabriel
Lecture 21: Should I Write In Drafts?
Lecture 19: Pacing In Scences and Narratives
Lecture 9: Turning Story Into Plot
Thirty Minute Essay & Beginning Drafts-Gabriel
Free Verse Poetry & Group Poem Lesson -Gabriel
Writing A Sonnet -Gabriel
Writing A Limerick -Gabriel
Writing Song Lyrics -Gabriel
The Art of Imagery-Writing Haiku -Gabriel
Writing A Blank Verse -Gabriel
Lesson On Line Breaks -Gabriel
Writing A Sestina The Final Challenge -Gabriel
Things To Decide Before Your Writing Hobby Begins
This Book Is Closed

Word Choices: Adjectives & Adverbs

3 1 0
By Lumna10

Adjectives & Adverbs Lesson
Adjectives and adverbs are perhaps the most popular parts of speech. Adjectives, you remember, describe a noun, while adverbs modify a verb. Although adjectives and adverbs are indispensable, they must be used with care. They should be used only when they count.
Take a look at these sentences:
- A bird was flying in the blue sky.
- A bird was flying in the pink sky.
Now, unless there's a good reason to remind us that the sky is blue, 'blue' should be dropped. 'Pink, however, shows us something distinctive, creating a mood.

Besides unnecessary adjectives, there are also empty adjectives. Which one of these sentences sounds better to you?

The final exam was really hard.
The final exam was unbearable.

Unbearable is far more vivid than really hard.
Another habit, especially among creative writers, is the overuse of adjectives. Too many adjectives will ruin a composition, just as too much salad dressing will spoil a salad. Imagine reading a story that begins like this:

-The tough men rode their dog sleds with determination through the deep snow and freezing cold of the deserted North Pole.

Here's the same sentence with economized language:
-The men rode their dog sleds through the snow and cold of the North Pole.

Do we lose anything in this version? Wouldn't the men have to be tough to be sledding in the North Pole? Wouldn't they have to possess determination? Do we need to be reminded that the snow is deep or that the cold is freezing? These adjectives don't improve the description or add important information. Naturally, if you want to use adjectives in a sentence, you should. What's important is that you decide which ones are necessary.

Adverbs are also used too much. Often, a strong verb can eliminate the need for an adverb.
Here are a few cases:
talk loudly - shout, scream, holler run fast - sprint, dash, race touch gently— caress
hit strongly - punch, smack
cry hard - weep, moan, blubber

Writing Prompt Exercise
1. Each of the following sentences contains either excessive alectives, empty adjectives or weak adverbs. Rewrite the sentences, adding precise adjectives and verbs when needed.

1. The judge spoke quietly to the prosecuting attorney.
2. The movie was great!
3. Swimming joyously, the beautiful, graceful dolphins neared our boat.
4. She's the best swimmer on the team.
5. The monkey held on tightly to the bar.
6. His car is always really dirty.
7. He is a loud-mouthed, obnoxious, offensive fellow.
8. The windy, curvy road is dangerous and scary.
9. He spoke softly; we could barely hear him.
10. That dinner tasted good.

Writing Prompt Exercise
2. Each of the following sentences contains either excessive adjectives, empty adjectives or weak adverbs. Rewrite the sentences, adding precise adjectives and verbs when needed.

The thunderstorm was terrible.
2. The infant cried a lot during her vaccinations.
3. My headache really hurts.
4. The food at the new restaurant is bad.
5. She ran so fast when the wave came towards her.
6. The millionaire is very giving; he donated lots of money to the local hospital.
7. The hikers soon discovered that the trail was really hard.
8. He was so frustrated that he hit the wall over and over again.
9. White clouds floated in the blue sky as the colorful rainbow appeared.
10. She was so mad.

Three Adjectives & Two Adverbs -Practicing Writing Precision In Action Writing Prompt Exercise
3. Here's an assignment that's challenging, fun and frustrating. Write a one page story about anything you like. Only one rule applies: you can use only three adjectives and two adverbs.
When you complete the composition, read it aloud. See if everyone followed the rules! What do you notice about your story? Did you leave much unsaid? Can the reader get a vivid feeling from the writing? Would you have preferred more adjectives and adverbs?

Note: This assignment is not intended to suggest a standard for your writing. Rather, it gives you a chance to sharpen your writing skills by paying attention to word choice. -Gabriel Arquilvech

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