Season 6 Untucked

By DragRaceJustDance

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Drag Race Just Dance Season 6 Untucked. More

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11

Episode 4

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By DragRaceJustDance

Scarlet Gold: Welcome back to Untucked! In this show our coaches interact with each other outside of the challenges and get closer to each other, or the total opposite. This season Untucked will be hosted in the Untucked Lounge. If you're not reading Untucked, you're only getting half of the story.

Arleen, Claire Obscure, Cyn-D, Katy Play, and Jewelry Robin enter the untucked lounge.

Cyn-D: Another week survived, girls! As she cheers with Katy and Jewelry.

Katy: I am so glad! I was so nervous for this challenge. I'm happy it's over!

Jewelry: Me too! Back home I am not known for my looks, but for my acting and performance skills. I prefer costumes over fashion.

Cyn-D: I actually quite liked your take, it was similar to mine.

Jewelry: Oh, thank you! Yeah we both took the animal route haha.

Meanwhile Claire is steaming in a corner with Arleen.

Claire: Scarlet must be absolutely blind! I am wearing HAUTE COUTURE! I deserved to win this challenge.

Arleen: Agreed! Honestly your look is so creative and unique, I was expecting you to win.

Claire: EXACTLY! UGH! I'm so sick of this!

Arleen: Me too, gurl..... I have not gotten any critiques yet...

Claire: You'll get them, boo. But this week, you're deservedly safe. Hahaha

Arleen: So are you..

Claire looks at her angrily

Arleen: I'm just kidding girl. Hahahah, you should have seen your face!!!

Claire: Don't try me again hahahaha.

Arleen: Lighten up Claire, this is just a game...

Claire: I have a legacy to uphold!

Arleen: You with your darn legacy hahaha.

Maybel, Skadi, and Pele enter the untucked lounge. Maybel immediately joins Katy, Jewelry and Cyn-D, while Skadi and Pele chat near Arrleen and Claire, leaving Arleen to shush Claire so she can listen in.

Pele: Guess who's a two-win diva now! Oh I will be taking it for the elementals!

Skadi: hehe, don't count me out yet, I'm in the top again too.

Pele: But do you have two wins?
Skadi: I will get there...

Pele:I did it faster though haha.

Skadi: This is a marathon, not a sprint.

Pele: If I sprint the marathon I will win regardless...

Skadi rolls her eyes and walks off to join Maybel.

Pele: Rude... She didn't even congratulate me...

Arleen: Yeah, that is kind of weird... Maybe she's jealous? Hahaha

Pele: Maybe? Anyways I'm gonna catch my breath, this costume is tight haha.

Pele walks off and Claire turns to Arleen.

Claire: I did not know you were so close to Pele?

Arleen: Oh, I'm not, but can I not care for a sister?

Claire: That does not seem to be your thing, but sure you can.

Arleen: Hahahaha, You are correct. It's not my thing. I'm just scoping out the competition.

Claire: Are you gonna throw some pearls?

Arleen: Oh, I won't need pearls my dear Claire, just you wait.

Meanwhile Maybel had joined the other group.

Maybel: Guess who's in the top?!

Cyn-D: OMG Maybel, congratulations! I'm so happy for you!

Katy: Yes!! Well done girl!

Jewelry: You truly slayed the challenge girl!

Maybel: Thank you! The judges lived for my campy take. I was so happy that they got it.

Skadi joins the girls.

Katy: Hey, Skadi, whatsup girl?

Skadi: Nothing...

Cyn-D: No girl, be honest. What's bothering you?

Maybel: Yeah, you can tell us.

Skadi: It's just Pele... She keeps boasting about her track record to me, and it's becoming really rude. I feel like she's starting to feel like she is better than me...

Maybel: Just give it some time, she'll turn around.

Katy: Yeah, sometimes it's better to take a step back to avoid further frustrations. Like I did with Patty.

Cyn-D: Katy, that's not the best example, she's literally not willing to talk to you...

Katy: She is, she just needs some more time.

Cyn-D: Well, for what it's worth, Skadi. I feel like you should talk to her about this, good communication is good for friendships.

Skadi: Thank you all for the advice. Sorry Cyn-D, but it's two against one, so I'm gonna opt for taking some distance for now.

Cyn-D: Whatever makes you feel best, sweetheart.

Skadi: Thank you for the all of the support.

Harlem, Carl and Patty enter the untucked lounge. Harlem immediately starts practising for the lipsync. So does Patty, while Carl sits down next to the group of girls.

Maybel: What's wrong Carly-poo?

Carl: I'm so tired... I worked until late in the night on this look, but the judges hated it.....

Katy: So why aren't you preparing for the lipsync, tiger?

Carl: I think I'll be going against Harlem, I'll lose regardless of what I do...

Skadi: But what if you have to go against Patty? You could beat her.

Katy: Wait... Patty might go tonight? I need to talk to her. Runs off to Patty.

Carl: I guess you're right? I just feel so defeated...

Cyn-D: Keep your head up, Carl. Do not give up the fight yet!

Harlem joins them.

Harlem: Carl, Wassup?

Cyn-D: He's feeling defeated...

Harlem: Afraid to lipsync against me?

Carl: Who wouldn't be?

Harlem: Patty painted fish on a dress she already had... Either you are lipsyncing against her or I am, but she is lipsyncing for sure.

Carl: You think so?

Harlem: Have you seen the outfit? I would not want to be found dead in that rag! And considering her age, that is definitely something she should have taken into account. Hahahaha

Harlem walks off again to stretch for the lipsync.

Cyn-D: Harlem is kinda rude...

Katy: He's charming tho.

Carl: Yeah, honestly, I feel like he's reading from a place of respect honestly.

Cyn-D: Hmmm.... Maybe I misunderstood him? Who knows?

Meanwhile Katy tries to confront Patty again.

Katy: Heyy... Patty, could we talk?

Patty: Not now, I'm practising for this lipsync...

Katy: That's exactly why we should talk...

Patty: You don't believe I can stay?

Katy: That is not what I said...

Patty: You thought it though...

Katy: Assumptions like that are what got us into this mess in the first place.

Patty: No, you are an inconsiderate brat, that is what has gotten us into this place!

Katy: No! And you will listen to me for a hot second right now. I have tried to explain this multiple times. The event had a specific aesthetic, showgirls... I had to adjust my act for it to even allow myself to perform...

Patty: So you think I would not have adjusted my act for the show?

Katy: Would you have?

Patty: No, but that's not the main issue here...

Katy: So I was right...

Patty: Right to just throw me aside?

Katy: No, right that you would not have adjusted to the night... So I told you I would have wanted to host a night to accommodate you next, but you ignored me... FOR YEARS!


Katy: You've got nothing to say to that?

Katy: Well then I leave you with this, I was incredibly hurt by the fact that you cut contact with me. I thought of you as my family. But I guess you're not. Good luck in the lipsync, and we'll see if you'll be here to talk about this next week...

Katy Walks off.

Everyone gets asked to return to the main stage. They watch how Scarlet declares Harlem as safe. While Carl S. Whisper and Patty Tay-To take to the stage to lipsync to Under The Sea from Disney's The Little Mermaid.

Carl S. Whisper, Patty Tay-To, Neither one of you has shown us that it's better down where it's wetter. Therefore, my darlings, I am afraid that I have to tell you BOTH to Sashay, Away!

Everyone at the back of the stage gasps.

Harlem: Whispers Now THAT is the gag of the season.

Both Carl and Patty stand on stage speechless, waiting for Scarlet to say it's a joke or something like that, but eventually make their way to the back of the stage. Carl stands at the back of the stage with tears in his eyes, while Patty stands next to him in confusion. Katy runs up to her and hugs her.

Katy: I'm sorry Patty. I truly am.

Patty still looks confused but nods her head.

Carl: "Now I truly will NEVER dance again!"

Patty: "Wait a minute. Is this really happening?"

Scarlet nods

Scarlet: I am sorry, but yes. Neither one of you showed me the fight it takes to stay in this competition. I have to take that very seriously.

Carl and Patty nod understandingly. Carl blows a kiss to Maybel, Cyn-D and Jewelry, while Patty runs back to Katy quickly.

Patty: I am sorry too, I should've been more understanding and not just assumed stuff about you.

Katy: We both messed up. But I look forward to catching up after the competition.

Patty: I do too, I'd really like that..

They hug, and Patty and Carl leave the stage.

9 Coaches remain....

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