Puck, The Fine Lines |The Roc...

By prayersimeon

209 22 0

In light of my breakup last year really affected me in many ways but not every famous artist writes breakup s... More

Characters aesthetic
Chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine (part one)
Chapter ten (part two)
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen part-one
Chapter Nineteen part-two
Chapter Twenty
Author notes
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter Twenty-seven
Chapter Twenty-eight
Chapter Twenty-nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-one
Chapter thirty two
Chapter Thirty-three
Chapter Thirty-four part one
Chapter thirty-five part two
Chapter Thirty-six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter thirty-eight
Chapter Thirty-nine

Chapter Fifteen

2 0 0
By prayersimeon

Mason's pov

Some of the guys who were on my hockey team kept laughing at me earlier for example, I may have written a poem including printing out an encouraging quote poster that she happened to send at five o'clock in the morning was now displayed on my room walls however, Asher, Holden and I will be the last ones laughing when Fletcher and Wyatt falling in love with their girlfriends.

As I saw Asher and Grayson both shrugged and soon patted me on the back while one of them read through my poem to check if it was any good knowing that I wasn't a fella who loves to express my sentiments especially when it comes to growing up without any important male role model in my life except for my uncle Clinton that brought me to my first hockey match. Presently, he visits all of my hockey matches where he sits in the stands seats each season having the biggest smile on his face.

Currently it was twelve in the afternoon when my uncle went down the stands to see me in the meantime, everyone was talking about our play-off or how one of the biggest NHL hockey players of 80s my best mate dad Mr Beckett but in my opinions, we both know what it it was like to have a no-shows dad or one who want to take over your life for you by controls your every play-off other than that, my uncle did happened to be a hockey jock himself until one of his knee blew out on the iced that caused him to playing hockey.

"Well,Mason I have always known that you will be brilliant indeed in whatever you choose to do in your lifetimes." Said My uncle Clinton, supportively smiling at me.

My uncle and I both did our secret made-up handshake before I nodded in acknowledgement to coach next, I called coach over here and I said "thank uncle, I really appreciate your support, encouragement and advice not just in the game but me too." i direct him to her "Also, I believe there is someone who wants to meet you."

Maybe i should have been more clearer as to say that coach Jenkins want to meet him unlike coach Jensen who might be retiring this season to passed over full power of our play-off books, practices as well as hopefully be leading us to victory anyways, i think he might have thought that i was suggesting Rochelle. She likes hockey, she said she wasn't ready yet to meet my whole family asking a load of what ifs questions because she wanted to avoid their judgment of being too  much of a punky girl with coloured hair.  Therefore, i did tried to tell her  countless of times always that she love utter-stunning in all of her clothes which  concluded at the ends of our conversions headed to her saying i just only  told her that since we were dating. Hey, I don't care what anybody else thinks of her because to the world she was so vibrant to them except to me, she was utter- priceless and my favorite girl in the whole entire world.

My girl, my songbird and my person.

"Aren't you so eager to  show your girlfriend to our family already?" asked my uncle Clinton, proud that i truly opened up with  my emotions instead of just being a grumpy frowny or smirky jock head.

In his words, he thought my might have ruined chances of me to be the perfect gentleman or maybe in five or tens years later, I would marry her and we would certainly have built a future together within a decade or  dying bones in my body. I would do whatever it takes to, for example, I would choose to cross the fine lines between civil and violent to hurt anyone. And repeat to anyone else who has ever hurt my girl.

Because Rochelle clearly wasn't just anyone to me but she was my flaming, pucking, little white light who saved the wreckage or of this world. I could stay with her for eternity as I love looking at her messy coloured purple, black jet shoulder-length hair, her fortitude of dark brown eyes that was filled with a million hidden truths, her immaculate large smile, her angelic giggles and she was flipping glows like the sun, the moon and stars. She was luminous even in the darkest places in her life too.

"No, erm actually ... what i meant was that coach Jenkins want to meet you to have a word-"

A loud voice yelled loudly over a crowd and then happened to call my uncle's name as I saw it was my hockey coach who slowly started to approach us. My uncle Clinton began to turn around to see who was calling his name shortly after. They had a short brief chat amongst themselves about how long they had seen each other.

"That is enough boy. And Clinton, I believe I have seen you in, how many years has it been since I last saw you?" coach Jenkins asked my uncle.

"I believe it has been over a decade since we last saw each other. I believe the last time we met each other was at your wedding."

I slightly looked over my shoulder to see her dancing in those stands having a vibing session with her friends and then she looked up before she had stopped her dancing to notice me when she waves me over whilst a small giggled escaped from her mouth which lifted up in a huge smile. I was actively listening to some of the guys on my hockey and it wasn't until she started pouting that instantly raced over there to her alongside Dean since I couldn't bear it to see her so sad as we stood near each other quietly listening to what was going on here.

Dean, our right wingers and a defence-man too. Thought it would be a great time to talked as she was explaining to the whole group that she had wrote a song for us called the legendary champions which the title was quite fitting knowing that Asher and Jessa kept on saying we might not from a legacy yet that doesn't mean we can't made our legacy marks on this place especially when we had to all work too hard to get to where we were in our lives as it is not right to give up now.

"Ahh, it is nice to see our little birdie finally flying peacefully."said  Dean with a faint smile on his face.

Silently, I hardly nudged Dean to keep him from talking as I wanted to hear Rochelle sing us her new song and I realized she was everything I was not but I seriously thank God for making a one of a kind girl like ever exist in this world. The only ones who have not thank for making a such perfect creation who i sometimes questioned myself if she was real, furthermore, when i get the chance to see her parents i tell them how much i truly appreciated their daughter in many ways that they cannot even imagine. In the meantime, Dean overreacted to me nudging him to keep quiet, additionally, i disagree with him calling her little birdie because she was a highly strong person, talent, unique, fun-loving and there was so much more layers of her or un-discover chunks of chapters on her story to learn about her.

And then all of a sudden i just couldn't simply stop myself from saying this  "Watch it ! She's my fiercely beautiful and smart song-birdie... not yours."I warned Dean.

As I merely didn't know what had come over me at that moment even though i wasn't wrong saying that she was mine yet i would give the independent space that she might need to focus and i will do anything to protect my girl from harm too.

"Don't you think that it might come across a tad bit overbearing?"asked a worried Dean.

Presently, I decided to tune him a bit out as I listened to her singing next, Asher silenced him. Don't take it the wrong way, I don't hate Dean but at a time like this, I enjoyed listening to my girl's voice and not his because I was secretly recording her on my phone so I can watch it repeatedly on my phone. You know something to take my mind off all the build-up pressure in my head that was just waiting to explode one day.

"Dude, can you just shut it for a minute? And anyway, you will understand why he acts like this when you actually have a girlfriend." whispered yelled Asher.

At the end of the day, we drove home to the hockey house shortly after I had to say to my uncle that my mom was expecting him to come home to talk about something important. We say we see you later now and I thought he was the only person who allowed me to be a teenage boy a couple of years ago whenever my world was filled with darkness so long ago, he told me to find my escape or lights at the end of a tunnel.

Birds fly in the sky flocking to one habitat home to another country although they never stay in the same habitat even though they often come back to visit their nest. Well as it turns out that she was my song-birdie who rescued me from my torture chamber and then she lead me to a newfound freedom of paradise.

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