My Other Half

By simpforholytrinity

1.3K 225 56

When Natalia stumbles upon a late night conversation, things in her life take a drastic turn. Fortunately, or... More

Mistakes Happen
My Savior
Not good enough
A turn of events
Ruh roh
No time to die
Sonograms & Serendipity
Sun Showers
She's Here
Surprise surprise
An Unexpected Stay
Glimpse of Us
Back Again
Standing by
A proposal
Plan B
Trouble in 'Paradise'

A New Perspective

48 9 0
By simpforholytrinity

Third person pov
Natalia has been working tirelessly in her position as a stay at home mom and now a care taker. Fiona doesn't differ much from an infant, only that she can make her complaints through speech—and she obviously doesn't shit herself. Either way, it's still been a challenge for the young girl because now she actually has to make meals during the day too.

Normally she would have sandwiches or something light and Sarah's food is mainly premade so that's nothing. Fiona however needs extra strength which means hearty meals. The ex-supreme is also a very picky eater despite what some would think so this has made it all the more challenging. In addition to all that, Natalia cleans and makes sure dinner is ready when her girlfriends return.

It's been exhausting her and because she now has to rearrange her schedule for Fiona; it's also interfered with Sar's sleeping schedule, particularly for naps. Which means the little one is up later than normal but it also means she rises later which is a partial upside. This still means long nights for Natalia, not that Billie and Audrey don't help. Still, on days where Billie or Audrey are away or work long hours, Natalia wants home to be an easy and stress-free environment.

Overall, trying to keep things under wraps and keep her emotions in check has led to unintentional isolation. She hasn't been sleeping in the bedroom with her girlfriends, not wanting to wake them by getting in the bed. Her stress levels have made her agitated during the day so she talks as little as she possibly can, still greeting them warmly when they arrive but not much more than cordial small talk.

Her anxiety being high due to feeling like she's hiding Fiona from everyone has also made her a bit paranoid; which makes her want to leave the house even less. It's not that Natalia fears she may be harmed, she just doesn't want to leave Fiona and risk the blonde doing something rash. "I mean I really don't understand why that foolish girl would leave me in a shack of all things" the older witch rants once again.

"Why don't you go tell her off then" Natalia quips, not intending to sound rude but she's so tired recently it makes her snippy. "I can't let Delia see me in such a weak state, she'll only make it worse" Fiona argue. It gets Natalia thinking about the younger blonde, wondering how she's doing. A former surpeme coming back from the dead must've affected her, right? She decides to brush it off though, trying to focus on the tasks at hand.

Meanwhile, Billie and Audrey are out for a quick lunch break. The studio the actress was filming at happened to be close to Billie's office, so they agreed to meet up for a half hour. "You can't tell me you haven't noticed it too" Audrey says and Billie sighs as she takes out a cigarette, being so grateful she suggested they sit outside.

Billie's pov
"Come on, don't do that" Audrey whines, "what would you like me to say, Aud? I don't get what you're on about. You've always been a bit... paranoid, darling" I shrug as turn my head to blow out smoke. "I have not!" she protests, "when it comes to Natalia... you have" I remind her.

"Whatever. You can't tell me that she hasn't seemed more interested lately in being a care taker than our girlfriend" she crosses her arms and leans back in her chair, pouting in the way a child might, which makes me chuckle. "I think you might be blowing things out of proportion a bit. Besides, this is a conversation we should be having with her, not about her" I reason.

"That's the thing, Billie... I don't feel like I can talk to her" Audrey sighs, "what do you mean? Has she said something to you I don't know about?" I inquire and she shakes her head. "Look... I know you think I've had a hard time trusting her throughout all this and I won't lie—I have; but I got over it. Now... it's not that she's taking care of someone it's who she's taking care of" she stresses as she looks into my eyes and I sigh internally.

"I mean it's her mother for Christs sake! Am I not supposed to feel the slightest bit weird about that?" she breathes out desperately and I put out my cigarette, not being able to enjoy it anymore. "She also hasn't been sleeping in the bed with us" she points out and that I can't disagree with, it's an undeniable fact. "I've found her sleeping on the couch multiple times, in the baby's room on the floor, literally anywhere else" she continues.

"Ok the baby's room is justified though because she was probably tired and accidentally fell asleep there. I mean she's been doing double the work during the day, it's understandable that she's tired" I argue, "that's exactly my point though" Audrey exclaims. "Ok now I'm confused" I chuckle which causes her to glare at me.

"Why is she doing so much work to care for this woman? I get that she's an old friend to both of you but with all due respect, I don't see you going out your way to do anything for her" she states and I roll my eyes playfully. "I hear you, believe me I do—mostly because I don't have a choice" I say and she smacks her tongue.

"I don't think this is as serious as you think it is. Sure she hasn't been sleeping with us but again, she does a lot so we don't have to after work. She cooks, cleans, teaches the baby whatever she can at this age, and on top of all the baby stuff she's now doing a service to our friend. What you have to understand is that Natalia knew Fiona way before her daughter" I reason.

"I feel like you're just defending her because you either have a soft spot or you don't want to face reality. Whatever it may be, I'll let you have your opinion and I'll have mine" Audrey says calmly but after years I can tell she's not truly calm. She feels like I'm not hearing her and I am but I don't want to worry over nothing.

I'm prone to jumping to conclusions and one I cross that bridge, it's very hard to get me back over it. "How about I just keep an eye out? If I pick up anything out of the ordinary, I'll say something" that seems to be enough to ease her nerves at least for now. We both have to be getting back to work so we split the bill as always and share a kiss better going out separate ways.

I can't lie, she really got in my head about how all of this is possible. It could be an act of love for Cordelia, restoring her mom back to health subsequently giving the two a second chance. Maybe not just a second chance for mother and daughter but Natalia and Cordelia as well. I mean it's not that far fetched, it seems inevitable that she'll have contact with the other witch at some point; even if only for the supreme to express her gratitude.

Even with that being a possibility, I highly doubt it would lead to an affair. I mean she hurt Natalia quite badly, she was broken when she came to us. I just want to protect her so that she doesn't find herself in a tricky predicament. Generally speaking, I feel unsettled because something doesn't feel right about this. I suppose only time will tell if Audrey's assumptions are correct.

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