No time to die

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Fortunately for me it's the weekend; which means no academy for me! I flip over and stretch out my limbs, suddenly remembering I share the bed when I don't feel anyone next to me. I pry my eyes open and the sun blinds me for a moment so I flip back over to face the door. It's cracked open and I glance to the bathroom door to see the same but the light is off so that tells me it's vacant.

I get this weird feeling in my chest, as if something is missing. I shake it off and stand up, soon forgetting it as a heavenly smell makes its way to my senses. My mouth waters in anticipation as I follow the trail all the way to the kitchen. I'm met with Audrey hugging Billie from behind and my stomach twists but not in a bad way necessarily, I'm not quite sure what it is actually.

She pulls the mediums hair back over her shoulder, whispering something in her ear that makes the older blonde giggle. Billie rarely ever does that—giggle I mean—so I can't imagine what the actress could've said to make her do so. I don't make my presence known, I just stand there and watch them sway side to side to the tune of their seemingly synced internal music.

I'm not sure whether the pain I feel is because I thought I once had something like that and lost it or a completely different thing entirely. I decide to go outside instead, not being ready to face them for some reason. As my hand touches the door, it feels like a shock runs through my body; a familiar feeling. I quickly open the door and am met with none other than the supreme herself standing on the other side.

I shut the door silently behind me, staring her down. "I know you didn't want me to know where you were but I needed to make sure you were safe" she blurts out, "well now that you've done that, you can leave" I state quietly but firmly. "Natalia I-" "don't. I don't want to hear anything you have to say. I don't care. It's done" I sigh.

"You're with Billie" she whispers, "and?" I scoff. "It was just... an observation" she mumbles, "I'm not fucking her if that's what you're asking, she has a girlfriend. And even if I was—it's none of your god damn business. Lest we not forget you've been fucking someone else for how long now? Now if you be so kind as to leave before I have you escorted off the property, that would be fantastic" I say in happy tone, my voice dropping with crystal clear sarcasm.

She opens her mouth to rebuttal but the door clicks and she's gone in an instant, before it even opens. "Bunny... who were you talking to?" I turn around to see Billie, Audrey right on her heels, and I shake my head. She opens the door more so I can enter and locks it behind me. "It was Cordelia" I tell her as I make my way to the kitchen, where I see the food is finished and plated.

"Are you ready to eat?" Audrey asks and I sigh in relief, thinking she was going to ask me if I was ok. If she had, I wouldn't have known how to answer, I'm not sure what I feel right now. I simply nod and she nods back, bringing over the plates. We all sit down to eat, Billie beginning to ramble about something regarding work just like normal.

I zone out a bit, appreciating the background noise. I know I'll face it at some point but I'm glad they're not pressuring me to take it all right now, giving me time to process. "Sweetheart?" I lift my head to look at her and she smiles softly, "do you want juice?" Audrey asks and I nod saying please. She goes to the kitchen and I look at Billie who just gives me a look to silently ask if I'm feeling alright and I nod reassuringly.

"Here ya go" the actress says, setting the glass beside me and going to grab the other two for her and Billie. "I don't wanna go back" I whisper almost silently, "we'll move the rest of your things whenever you're ready" Billie says without missing a beat. "Is that ok with you?" I ask Audrey and she nods without hesitation, "more than ok" she reassures me happily.

"Ummm" Billie clears her throat, glancing at Audrey before returning her attention to me. "I don't wanna hide things from you, Natalia. So there's something I need to tell you, before you move here" she hesitates and I know it's serious because she never calls me by my name unless it is. My eyes dart to Audrey who also looks a bit nervous and I see her arm move towards the medium; I assume to grab her hand under the table.

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