Sun Showers

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I'm not sure what's going on today but it's been absolute shit. Everything that could go wrong—in this 'perfect' little life—has. It's been a few months now and Audrey's in her third trimester at this point. The mood swings and cravings have only seemed to increase over time. I've not taken it too personally because I know she's just frustrated, but today is different.

I've tried steering clear of her because the slightest thing may set either one of us off. Billie's off today too and so when I get home from a little field trip with the girls, I meet them on the couch together. I simply smile and head to the room to get out my clothes and shower. Once I'm all done with that I head to the kitchen for a snack before I join them.

As I'm coming out, Audrey passes me and heads to the room I presume. I take a seat next to Billie and she smiles warmly, placing a kiss on my cheek. I hum contently and then glance to the tv to see they're watching Jane The Virgin. I love this show so I sit back and hold my drink close to me, occasionally sipping from the straw.

After a while, I realize that Audrey hasn't come back and I tap Billie's shoulder. "Yes, bunny?" she prompts, "where'd Audrey go?" I ask softly and she seems to think about it for a moment before remembering. "Bathroom, why?" she questions, "nothing, she's just been in there a long time. I'm gonna check on her" I say as I place my drink down and stand up.

I head to our room, checking for closed doors on the way there. I get to the master bath and enter, seeing the actual toilet room door is closed. I knock softly but I don't get a response so I call her name. "Audrey? Honey, are you in there?" I ask and I hear a mumbled reply. "I just wanted to see if you were ok, you've been in there a while" I say, pressing my ear to the door so I can hear her better.

"I'm fine" she mutters, "are you sure? It's just that-" "I said I'm fine, Natalia" she barks. I flinch away from the door, taking deep breaths to gather myself before saying anything else. "Ok well... do you want me to wait? In case you-" "just get Billie and go... AWAY" she screams and I frown deeply. I leave without another word, slowly walking back to the main space.

"She umm... she asked for you" I whisper before showing myself out. I slipped on some shoes and decide to go for a little walk. By the time I look up, I'm at the nearby park. I take a seat on the bench that overlooks the lake, hearing the squirrels jump through the trees above me. I pull my knees to my chest, resting my forearms on top of them and my head on top of those.

I don't think about anything in particular, just watching the water ripple in the wind. My phone buzzes repeatedly in my pocket, I know someone's calling me but I don't rush to grab it. I see a missed call from Billie, actually three since my phone is on dnd. A message notification pops up and I click on that first.

Where are you??

I'm not sure I want to tell her just yet. Of course she'll come get me and there's nothing I want more than to be in her arms but I'm still uneasy from the encounter with Audrey.


I know it sounds kind of bitchy with nothing else behind it but I just don't have the energy to make an effort. Sitting by the lake always makes me feel better but clearly the effects haven't kicked in yet.


I just need a minute

What else am I supposed to say? 'Your pregnant girlfriend yelled at me and now I feel like shit'? Well, our girlfriend but she didn't even wanna talk to me. How good of a girlfriend am I, if she can't even tell me anything?

Is this because of whatever Audrey said? She won't really tell me what happened but she says she yelled at you?


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