I Found Home

By Mary444Jackson

16.4K 932 446

Hannah : you don't get to talk or even breathe next to that woman . Kane : She works with me , how am I ... H... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Thank You Note

Chapter 2

1.1K 39 14
By Mary444Jackson


The school looks more like a palace from the outside , there is a parking at the entryway , a green lawn at the sides and a big statue of an old man holding a bunch of books greets the incomings , staring at them while everyone else ignores it . The entrance is crowded mostly by cars , I am seemingly the only student who walked into school without a vehicle . Then I noticed it . The look on their faces when they caught sight of me , they eye me from head to toe , some of them don't give attention to me but others do , I find it hard to contain myself from punching them right on their mocking faces , but I made it inside the school without starting a fight , the hallway was more crowded than the entrance and louder too . I keep bumping into students until I finally make it to the principal office . I knock on the door and go in . He asks me to take a seat then starts blabbing about this school's educational system quality .

All I am able to focus about is his Afro black hair in a buzz cut , his sweaty face giving a gleam to his brown skin and how tight his tie is wrapped around his neck .

« Are we being clear here , Miss Floris ? »

I look up at his scowling face , then nod calmly as I try to smile politely .

Next I head to the school counsellor to get my schedule and my locker number . After being done with that too , and realising that my first period class is philosophy , I groan and head to my locker to put my stuff there . I am a math and physics person , not a literature or philosophy one , although I enjoy deep thoughts and historical stories with meaning , instead of love stories meant for simple minds to get lost in the fake wonders of finding a true love and a happy ending someday .

The hallway is still full , everyone around minding their own business , however I can sense pairs of eyes on me as I walk around , like I am a new animal in a circus .

I ignore those stares the way I was ignored by justice and fairness all this time and continue towards my locker . A bunch of boys are hanging out nearby , talking and laughing loudly it hurts my ears to stand near them .

I place my stuff in the locker ignoring the fumble going on around me until one of the guys stands near me . I don't avert an ounce of my attention towards him as I keep gathering my stuff .

I never was a bully yet I never was bullied either . I know how to put everyone in their places . Tough times taught me tough shit to survive .

At least I got out with that .

« Someone borrowed their clothes from their grandma . » The guy who approached me with a boyish smirk and hazel eyes along with blond strains of hair , lets out a snort as he finishes his joke and turns to laugh with his pals .

I am aware that my choice of clothing is not wise , which is why I wish there was a uniform code in this school . But then it is a private school for conceited kids who like to show off with all the prosperity they own . I keep arranging my books in my locker not giving him a slight hint of annoyance , not that I am .

Typical popular boys are in every school , that won't make him the first to deal with .

« Looks like she's trying to play hard to get , this one . » One of his dumb friends speaks .

« Oh let her . We'll see how long she lasts . It will be fun , right granny ? »

I close the locker and walk away before I plant my fist in their faces . I promised mom I will try to be as composed as possible and not pick out a fight , not that I do it with no reason but she is trying hard to be careful about everything new going on in our life . He better not push my buttons further though .

The doorbell rang and students reluctantly started scattering to their classes . I do the same , heading upstairs for a boring first period of philosophy .

A woman is cleaning the hallway the students managed to make dirty again . She looks at me and sigh as I stand at the top of the stairs , probably expecting to walk on her effort of cleaning and making her forced to start over again . I don't . I wait for her to finish but she narrows her eyes at me .

« You need something miss ? »

« No . I will just wait for you to finish before walking in . » I reply .

Her brows furrow and she eyes me from head to toe with a slightly annoyed expression . « You can't be late for class . »

« I won't be . » I will be but I don't care . I will eventually get there , the when has no importance .

She ignores me as she finishes her cleaning then I wait some few more minutes after her disappearance for the floor to dry before heading to the class . I take a deep breath before knocking on the door , expecting to be sent to the principal's office for being late but hoping for a different outcome .

A deep familiar voice calls for me to come in .

Huh ? That is weird .

I open the door and freeze .

No I actually melt , or wish I did .

The man I sat on his lap just this morning is standing next to the whiteboard , arms crossed as he eyes me with an indiscernible expression . At least his is indiscernible , mine must be one of a person running away from an asylum .

My lips part , but no word comes out .

He's my teacher ?

But most importantly , did I sit on my teacher's lap just this very morning ?

Shoot me right now .

Maybe I could use the pottery class to meld a new brain for myself since this one doesn't seem to function properly anymore , or at least not in this man's presence .

« You're in this class , Miss ? » He asks in a calm , composed tone with a hint of disturbance . The students around are quiet , probably enjoying having some minutes robbed out to shorten the class period . I tighten my grip on the door handle as I nod .

« Yes . » I reply back , looking down at my feet . I am not embarrassed , well maybe a little . But mostly because of his previous cocky attitude towards me . If anyone knows about that ...

« Your name ? »

The bastard will get what he wanted after all . My eyes narrow as my gaze meets his .

« Hannah Floris . »

Recognition seems to floods his mind . Didn't know my name was famous . He nods and walks over leaning on his desk .

« The new student ? You're late though . »

I resist the urge to roll my eyes , but before I can speak he interrupts me .

« I will disregard this today , since you're new and it's the first day . But I expect a more disciplined behavior in the future as long as you're in my class . »

I stare at his brown eyes framed with the pair of nerdy glasses he is wearing , then force nod again as I purse my lips . If he expects me to thank him for disregarding my indisciplined behavior , he could as well expect flying cats to come inside from the window .

He looks me up and down so quickly it's almost unnoticeable , his jaw flexes as he straightens up to his full height , then signs for me to come in . I swallow seeing his hand extended towards the tables , a big one with calloused fingers . Since when hands became ... interesting ?

I take a seat at the very back , not willing to deal with any of my classmates or my teacher . I don't want to be near him , it makes me nervous and I hate being nervous . In fact I don't get nervous usually , not easily at least but this man makes me feel this way , especially after what happened earlier in the coffee shop .

« Since everyone is settled , I want you to take your books that I hope you read this summer . » He says in a very authoritative tone as he looks at everyone . I grab the book I was barely able to read one page from. I never was a fan of reading or imagining , that was a very bad idea for me , for it would only raise my hopes high enough to crush me under their weight . So I always kept myself realistic , never optimistic no , being unhopeful was never optimistic . However that demeanor saved me from disappointments .

« First before we start , can anyone of you tell me who Fyodor Dostoevsky is ? » He asks and silence takes over the place . Before a girl raises her hand just as his eyes clashed with mine , probably intending to make me answer his question . I should've come more prepared for this . If it were a math or physics class , would have been that girl who is answering proudly right now .

I open the book , Crime and Punishment , reluctantly and try to listen to the girl giving a full biography of the philosopher , all while feeling a pair of eyes on me , eyes that should be focused on the girl trying hard to show off her efforts , I don't meet his gaze and instead look at the whiteboard behind him , where his name is written in a very fine handwriting , like that of some curse in the walls of a cave , and I have a bad feeling that my brain became the curse's new cave with his name engraved in it .

Kane Oliver .

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