The True Hero (Link Male Read...

By BigBoyGhost_04

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I think this'll be cool I swear I'll get better at these PJO was created by the ever talented Rick Riordan an... More

Part 1 - He's just like me
Part 2 - This place is amazing
Part 3 - Home
Part 4 - Mother
Part 6 - We play capture the flag with some puppies

Part 5 - Who am I?

334 16 10
By BigBoyGhost_04

The day of capture the flag I was up earlier than usual. I did my whole ritual of climbing out of bed and tying my hair back. I then noticed that everybody else was asleep. Everybody but Luke. Luke was over at a desk looking over something, he had a confused look on his face but it was also a look of determination. I looked at the desk and saw a clock, seeing in bright red letters "6:04". I put my earrings in and walked over to Luke.

"Whatcha up to?" I asked him, and without looking up he answered,

"Deciding our strategy for capture the flag."

"What does our alliance look like?"

"Athena and Apollo."

"Seems like a good team, are we against the rest?"

"Yup. Even so, we still have a numbers advantage." He said, almost like he had considered this already. I pulled a chair up beside him.

"Isn't planning Athena's job?" I asked.

"There's nothing wrong with a backup plan." He responded.

"When did you start?"

"Since just before three." He said like it wasn't a problem.

"Then you need a break. I don't need you falling asleep mid game." I whisper yelled at him, trying not to wake up anybody else. It looked like he was considering it before he stood up.

"A break sounds great. Let's go to the ring." He said, as he made his way to the door, "Come on (Y/n)."

We left the cabin and made our way towards the ring. The sun hadn't risen yet because it was still fairly early. What had surprised me the most was Luke, he said he couldn't see anything in the dark but he seemed to be navigating fairly easy.

"Where are the harpies?" I whispered.

"They go away at six, it's nice information to know if you ask me." I made a mental note of that if I ever needed to think. Luke and I got to the ring and lucky for us, there was a light system so we could see each other. He flipped the lights and a ring (haha) of lights illuminated the middle of the ring. He grabbed a sword and looked at me.

"What kind of weapon will you be using?" He asked me. I met him down in the middle and held my hand out, and a sword appeared in it. It was a longsword, had a bluish purple hilt, with some blue-green inlays on the handle.

"A two handed sword?" Luke asked me. I shook my head and gave a few practice swings with the sword in my one hand, a shield expanding on my left arm. A/n: Yes I know he's left handed usually

"Nope, it's one handed." I answered.

I was met with a determined look on Luke's face.

"Best of three?" He asked me.

"Works for me." I replied, taking a deep breath.

"You sure you're ready?" I nodded in response to his comment. He pointed his sword at me.




He dashed at me the moment he hit one. He feinted to my sword arm only to throw a slash at my upper body, leaving my shield useless. Now don't get me wrong, I've been trained for years in close combat but dueling against "The Best Swordsman the camp has seen in decades" is a little bit intimidating. My training kicked in and a took a step back, the swing barely missing my chest. This whole routine of him swinging and me dodging continued for a while as I waited until he made a mistake. It was almost like a choreographed dance. However I noticed that he had a habit of over extending when he went for any over head slashes, leaving his body exposed and that would be my opening.

He went for that over head slash and instead of backing away, I moved in towards his off hand, throwing a punch that hit him square in the ribs. Luke recoiled pretty hard, I didn't realize how hard I must have hit him.

"Damn. Good at archery and swordsmanship. What can't you do." Luke said, almost frustrated with himself.

"There's a lot you don't know about me Luke." I shrugged.

"And that also exposed a weakness I have to cover."

"Do that. Don't make the next round too easy." I told him and we separated back to opposite sides.




I had expected the same aggressive behaviour as our last round, but he didn't. He stood, waiting for me to make the first move. He seemed to be taking me serious, understanding that he truly didn't know what I was capable of. Wanting to make it fair, I collapsed my shield away and held my sword with both of my hands and this time, I moved in, fast; trying to overwhelm him. Our swords met as him and I were face to face, we exchanged a few swings, our swords clashing with each swing and with another we pushed against each other, our faces staring at each other.

"Come on (Y/n). Show me what you can do!" He shouted., pulling away, causing me to stumble forward and giving him the opportunity to get behind me.

He swung his sword at my back, fully thinking he would win only to be met with a shocking sight. I jumped, and flipped over Luke's head. Time seemingly slowed down as he glanced up and we met eyes as I was above him. I landed, and Luke whipped his body around, only for us to lock blades again. Luke was clearly struggling and I noticed that. I threw a kick at his stomach, sending him backward and onto his back and as he sat up my sword was pointed at his neck.

"I win." I said and Luke grumbled standing up.

"Damn you're good."

Luke and I sat and talked for a bit

"You're really good (Y/n). Guess I'm not the best anymore." He said with a laugh.

"I've been trained for years Luke. You're no slouch yourself."

"All I know is, I'm glad you're on my Capture the Flag team." Luke said as him and I walked back towards the cabin.

"You have immense potential (Y/n), don't waste it."


In a far away area, some voices are heard. A mix of male and female ones with one of the female ones seemingly commanding the rest.

???: Attention! He has told me that there are a few demigods that could pose a threat to his plans, there are direct orders. If you see them, kill them on sight! The biggest of all the threats is this man right here...

"(Y/n) Link. The son of fabled hero Link and the goddess..."

The voice trailed off, unable to hear the rest of that statement.

"If you see him. ANY of you from titans to monsters. Kill him."

A/n: Hope you liked it. Also!

got a question about the future of the story.

Should (Y/n):

1. Help fight Kronos with Percy.

2. Have his own villain to fight (Not Ganondorf)

And if you picked two, who should that villain be? I've got some ideas but I would like to hear people's inputs.

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