New Monarchy


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"New Monarchy" is an enthralling fantasy tale set in a kingdom on the brink of transformation. The story foll... More

The Awakening of the King's Hand
Strain and Strategy
The First Clash
Recovery and Realizations
Home away from home
Echoes Of The Past
The Blacksmith
Remnants of Refuge

The Butcher

11 2 0

Danny woke from a restless sleep sandwiched between Lily and Delia, the first faint rays of dawn peeking through the curtains. He was careful not to disturb the serene scene as he slipped from the warmth of the bed. As he quietly exited the bedroom, a soft rustling came from the living room. Curiosity piqued, Danny peeked through a sliver of the slightly ajar door to see Jester up early, methodically cleaning and engaging in his morning exercises. Danny watched for a moment, admiring Jester's discipline and seemingly endless energy.

Without making a sound, Jester began to dress and sneak out of the house. Driven by a mix of curiosity and concern, Danny decided to follow.

He grabbed his jacket and trailed behind, keeping a safe distance.

As they traversed through Silverwood City, it became clear that Jester wasn’t familiar with its streets. He zigzagged through alleys and paused frequently, seemingly disoriented. Danny watched from the shadows, curious about the purpose of Jester's early morning adventure.

Jester stopped first at a small flower shop just as the owner was setting up for the day. He peered curiously at the array of colors and scents before moving on. Next, he paused at a newsstand, flipping through a newspaper but not buying it, his brow furrowed as if trying to make sense of the headlines.

Next, Jester visited a small public square, where he paused to watch a street artist setting up her canvas. He seemed captivated by the preparation process, observing intently before dropping a few coins into a hat by her feet and moving on with a wave.

After several more detours and wrong turns, Jester finally arrived at his destination: Mrs. Bakersfield’s bakery. The storefront looked worn and troubled, with a boarded-up window and signs of recent repair. Danny found a discreet spot behind a nearby dumpster to observe.

Mrs. Bakersfield was outside, assessing the repairs, her face etched with concern. When she noticed Jester, her expression turned wary.

“Can I help you?” she asked, her voice trembling as she recalled their last encounter.

Jester shuffled his feet, looking nervous. “Mrs. Bakersfield, I... I came to apologize,” he started, his voice barely above a whisper. “I’m really sorry for what happened—”

“Are you now?” Mrs. Bakersfield cut in sharply, her eyes narrowing.

“Yes, ma’am. I got caught up in the moment and was inconsiderate to your livelihood.” Jester’s voice trailed off as he pulled out a crumpled envelope from his pocket. “I’ve brought some money to help with the repairs. It’s from my job at the docks. It’s all I can offer right now.”

Mrs. Bakersfield took the envelope, weighing it in her hands before opening it and peeking inside. Her features softened slightly. “This is a start, I suppose. And what about my employee, Danny? He was fired because of the disruption you caused.”

Jester’s eyes widened, a look of regret washing over his face. “I know. I’m sorry. Is there anything I can do to help him?”

Mrs. Bakersfield sighed, tucking the envelope into her apron. “Help me finish cleaning up this mess. Then we can talk about what’s next. Maybe there’s a way you can make it up to him, too.”

Overcome with a mix of admiration and guilt for his suspicion, Danny turned to head home, his departure almost comically marked by a loud yelp as he accidentally stepped on a stray cat’s tail. The cat’s furious screams sliced through the morning calm.

Back at home, Danny found Lily preparing what little food they had left. Her welcoming smile faltered as she noticed the conflicted expression on Danny's face. He quickly relayed his morning's adventure and the unexpected revelation of Jester’s character.

“You should talk to him about it. I'm sure he'll understand,” Lily advised, handing Danny a plate of the last of their sausage and homemade pancakes.

Danny nodded, and not long after, Jester returned, looking slightly worn but peaceful. Danny greeted him with the plate and an apology for his invasion of privacy. Jester, ever unpredictable, waved off the apology with a chuckle and proceeded to enjoy his breakfast.

This led to a surprising and impromptu trust exercise initiated by Jester. “Do you trust me?” he asked, his tone serious for once.

Danny responded immediately with a firm "Yes." Lily, however, remained silent, analyzing Jester carefully. Delia, who had just joined them, was more cautious, admitting "No."

As all eyes turned to her, Delia explained, “You seem like a decent guy, Jester, but you haven’t been with us long enough. Trust isn’t given; it’s earned.” Lily added, “It’s hard to adjust. It’s always been just us three. Trust takes time.”

Jester nodded thoughtfully, appreciating their honesty. “I understand your reservations, but in the heat of battle, trust in your allies can make the difference between life and death.”

“I get it. Trust is a big ask without the history to back it up. Let's take the time to build that, step by step,” he suggested earnestly.

Lily nodded, warming up to the idea. "We can start with small things, like you sharing more about yourself, and maybe some kind of team exercises during our morning training?"

Danny agreed, sensing an opportunity. "I think that’s a great start. It’s about more than just survival; it's about really knowing who's got your back."

Delia looked slightly reassured by this and added, "And maybe some shared responsibilities? Nothing big, just enough to see how we work together outside of a fight."

Jester agreed with a smile, "Sounds like a plan. Let’s make it happen." With that, the group started to discuss ideas on the best ways they can work together and complement each other.

Their discussion was abruptly cut off by the sonorous toll of a city-wide bell. A magical crest materialized on both Danny and Jester's arms—Danny’s bearing the symbol of a hand and the words "House Valentine," and Jester’s adorned with a jester's hat and "House Monroe." An authoritative voice echoed through the city, announcing the arrival of the final competitor and the official start of the tournament.

The rules were straightforward yet daunting:

1. Boundary of Participation: Competitors are bound within the city by a magical barrier until the end of the tournament or the relinquishment of their crest.

2. Challenge Protocol: Any competitor can be challenged to a duel. Upon a challenge being accepted, a magical barrier is erected around the competitors. This barrier does not impede the movement of non-competitors.

3. Crest and Kingship: Victory requires collecting the crest from every other competitor.

4. Voluntary Withdrawal: A competitor can leave by renouncing their claim.

5. Death: Killing another competitor outside an official challenge leads to disqualification. Upon a competitor's death, their crest is distributed to all remaining competitors.

"Good luck to all competitors, and may the worthy stand above all as the next king of this land."

As the rules concluded, Jester turned to Danny and, with a dramatic flair, awarded Danny with his crest. The small version of Jester’s crest appeared on Danny's arm beneath his own.

"Why?" Danny and the girls exclaimed almost in unison.

“As a show of trust, and because you already beat me before this all started. I want you to know I'm on your side,” Jester explained, his tone sincere.

However, the mention of death in the rules cast a shadow over their moment of camaraderie. Jester pointed out the gravity of the situation, especially since Lily and Delia were not competitors, and the rules only specified disqualification for the murder of fellow competitors.

This realization hit Danny hard. “Maybe you shouldn’t be with me during the fights,” he suggested, concern etching his face.

“No way,” Lily interjected quickly. “We’re in this together, Danny. Remember?”

Delia nodded in agreement. “We’re a team, through and through.”

Jester added a touch of levity, “Yeah, why should Danny have all the fun?”

Refocusing on the present, Danny steered the conversation towards their next move. "We need to be proactive," he suggested. Jester, agreeing, proposed they actively seek out challenges within the tournament, a strategy that might give them an edge in understanding their adversaries and the dynamics of the competition.

The pair then set out into the bustling streets of Silverwood, Danny intent on gathering more information about their opponents while Jester was eager to test his mettle. As they walked, Jester shared more about the limitations and peculiarities of his abilities. His body could stretch and contort like rubber, but excessive use risked making it difficult for him to revert to his normal form, potentially leaving him in a dangerously malleable state.

Their strategy session was abruptly interrupted when Jester, unable to contain his combative enthusiasm, shouted a challenge to any listening competitors. His proclamation was bold and reckless, drawing the attention of a formidable new adversary.

A large, burly man with a presence as imposing as a grizzly bear cut through the crowd. His arrival was marked by a dramatic display of power, accidentally severing a nearby pedestrian light with a swipe of his massive hand. Danny and Jester barely dodged the attack, and as they regained their footing, they noticed a more horrifying consequence of the man's entrance: a bystander fatally injured by the same reckless strike.

The crowd's screams pierced the air, pulling Danny and Jester back to the grim reality of their situation. Angered and appalled, Danny confronted the newcomer, who introduced himself as Benjamin King, also known as "The Butcher," a moniker that seemed chillingly appropriate given the incident.

"Why?" Danny demanded, his voice tight with anger and disbelief. "You just killed an innocent man!"

The Butcher, unfazed, explained that the attack was meant only as a test of their reflexes, not to harm bystanders. "He was just a casualty of war," an explanation that did little to temper Danny's outrage.

As tension skyrocketed, Jester intervened, trying to calm Danny while also apologizing for letting his battle lust cloud his judgment. Turning back to The Butcher, Jester suggested that they move to a less crowded area to avoid further incidents. Benjamin gave a swift nod of the head in agreement.

The trio quickly relocated to an abandoned alley, where the enclosed space felt suffocating but appropriate for what was to come. As they lined up at opposite ends of the alley, the air thick with anticipation, Jester wasted no time. "I challenge you, Butcher!" he declared loudly.

With a menacing grin, The Butcher accepted. "Challenge accepted," he growled, his voice echoing slightly against the walls of the alleyway as a magical barrier silently rose around them, sealing them in a translucent arena visible only to competitors.

The second the duel commenced, while both Jester and The Butcher were distracted by the dome forming around them, Danny, fueled by rage, enhanced his physical capabilities and launched a powerful kick at The Butcher, sending him crashing into a nearby dumpster with a resonant clang. The shockwave from the impact reverberated through the alley, a testament to the enhanced strength Danny wielded.

Regrouping, Jester utilized his unique abilities, stretching his arms into long, whip-like appendages that cracked through the air. The Butcher got to his feet and dodged nimbly, his large frame surprisingly agile. Danny, coordinating with Jester, grabbed one of the elongated arms and swung Jester towards their adversary like a human flail. The maneuver was nearly successful, but The Butcher's quick reflexes allowed him to evade at the last second.

The battle escalated with Jester and Danny alternating between direct assaults and strategic retreats. The Butcher's hand, transformed into a blade-like weapon, slashed through the air, aiming to incapacitate or disarm. In one harrowing moment, he managed to sever the tip of one of Jester's extended limbs, causing Jester to retract in pain—a sight that momentarily stunned Danny.

Reacting swiftly, Danny pulled Jester out of harm's way, just as The Butcher prepared to deliver another skull-splitting strike directly to the center of Danny's forehead. Inches before this blow made contact with Danny's skull, Jester turned, using the thought-to-be-severed arm, and delivered an enlarged fist to the jaw of The Butcher. Danny, capitalizing on the moment of disorientation, then proceeded to deliver a series of enhanced punches directly to the body of The Butcher. The rapid, forceful blows left him dazed and reeling, and soon, he collapsed, unconscious, amidst the debris of their skirmish.

As the barrier dissolved, signifying the end of the challenge, a small crest of The Butcher appeared on both Danny's and Jester's arms, a token of their victory but also a stark reminder of the lethal stakes of the tournament.

Exhausted and still fueled by adrenaline, Danny and Jester left the unconscious man for the city patrol and returned home, their appearances battered and bruised. As they entered, Delia and Lily recoiled in horror at the sight but quickly rushed to aid them. Danny, attempting to reassure them with a pained smile, suddenly felt a surge of intense pain that overwhelmed his senses, and he collapsed to the floor, the impact of the day's events finally catching up to him.

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