Justice League: Batman's Miss...

By PublishedIndependent

298 1 0

Gotham's crime worsened after Batman's disappearance. Superman felt that something bad had happened. Batman w... More

Last Conversation With Batman
Shadow Fox
Justice League Meeting
Information Given
Bludhaven Docks
Where Is The Van Going?
Making A Stop
Central City
The Wrong Van
Awake Yet Unaware
Intel On The Inside
Tracker Is On
Journey To Gateway City
Waking Up Trapped
A Call Made
Battle Won
Stable But Not Awake
Welcome Back

To The Batcave

13 0 0
By PublishedIndependent

The Justice League and Shadow Fox were stationed behind the buildings in the Bludhaven docks, their eyes scanning the area for any signs of danger. With adrenaline pumping through their veins, Flash's nervous fidgeting caught Shadow Fox's attention, and she swiftly glared at him, her grip on the batrang tightening Superman immediately took charge and asked the question they all thought, "Did Joker mention Batman?" Flash quickly shook his head, "No, he didn't say anything about Batman." Shadow Fox was quick to voice her concern, "That's because you didn't stay long enough to find out!" The speedster was taken aback by her assertiveness.

Superman stepped forward with authority, placing a firm hand on Shadow Fox's shoulder, "Take a deep breath, Foxy. We'll uncover the connection between Joker's drugs and Batman's disappearance." Aquaman, who was leaning casually against the building, spoke up, "You seem pretty worried about Batman's disappearance." Superman's tone was strong and confident as he nodded, "I had a bad feeling, and Foxy confirmed it." The team was on high alert, ready for whatever might come their way as they searched for their missing comrade. They were determined to find out the truth and would not rest until they did.

"Yeah, yeah. You said that, Superman. I was talking to Shadow Fox."

Shadow Fox turns to the JL members with urgency in her eyes. "We need to get to the Batcave, and fast!" The group looks at her in surprise, intrigued by her sudden request. "The Batcave?!" Green Lantern exclaims, excitement building in his voice. "Yes, the Batcave!" Shadow Fox confirms. Flash can hardly contain his enthusiasm as he bursts into song, "Sweet! We're going to the Batcave!" Martian ManHunter remains composed, but can't help but ask, "What are we going to do there?" Flash responds with a dramatic gasp, "What?! Dude, we're gonna see the Batcave! How awesome is that?!" Shadow Fox takes charge, "I can check the street cameras between Bludhaven and Crime Alley. See what comes up." Flash jumps in excitement, "So, we're good to go see the cave?" The group nods in agreement, eager to see the legendary Batcave with their own eyes.

"Yes, Flash."


With a swift press of a button on her wrist, Shadow Fox summons her sleek motorcycle, which screeches to a halt before her. As her fellow JL vigilantes, Aquaman and Green Arrow, hop onto the bike's two seats, the rest of the Justice League either fly or run alongside her, as she speeds down the docks towards the city. The winding roads are no match for Shadow Fox's skilled driving, and the Justice League follows her closely, awestruck by the breathtaking views.

Suddenly, she presses a side button, and the side of the mountain they're approaching opens up, revealing that they're heading straight towards the Batcave. Aquaman lets out a gasp as they enter the cave, and Shadow Fox expertly stops the motorcycle by a set of stairs, allowing the JL to take in their surroundings. Green Arrow points excitedly behind Superman's head, exclaiming, "There's the T-rex!" The JL members turn to see the model, including a massive penny, and Wonder Woman gazes up in awe to watch the bats hanging from the ceiling. 

Suddenly, the bats screech and fly off to other parts of the cave, adding to the excitement. As the Justice League admires the Batcave, Shadow Fox confidently walks up to the large computer and searches for the Bludhaven dock cameras and Crime Alley street cameras. Cyborg offers to help and transforms his hands to search faster, and Shadow Fox agrees, allowing him to take the chair. Superman, curious as always, x-ray's the ceiling and discovers that a massive building covers the entire cave. Shadow Fox approaches him with a sly smile and says, "You didn't really think Batman lived in a cave, did you?"

As Superman looks down at the Gotham vigilante, he notices an amused expression on her face. "I, uhh, I didn't," he stammers, confused by her reaction. Shadow Fox, however, snorts in amusement at the situation and turns to see Flash speeding around in a red blur in the cave. "Flash! Take it easy. The cave isn't going anywhere," She warns him. The speedster stops and sheepishly chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck.

Meanwhile, Green Arrow and Green Lantern stand next to each other, observing the t-rex model and massive penny, while Aquaman stands next to Wonder Woman, gazing at the bats above them. Flash, still not content with standing still, runs up to Shadow Fox, begging her, "Hey, Foxy? Can we go upstairs?" Shadow Fox, however, raises a brow at him and firmly replies, "No." 

"Come on, Foxy!" Flash pleads. 

"No," She repeats.

Superman, curious about what's upstairs, decides to ask Shadow Fox, "What's up there, Foxy?" But Shadow Fox, looking annoyed, crosses her arms and simply replies, "Home." J'onn, the Martian Manhunter, notices the tension in the air and calls out to Shadow Fox, "You're giving short answers, Shadow Fox."

The rest of the Justice League turns to Shadow Fox, all curious about what's going on. Superman, in particular, grows increasingly concerned and points out, "We're all curious and concerned."

Before Shadow Fox can reply, the Bat computer bings, alerting everyone that the cameras in those two areas have been loaded. Cyborg faces the screen, and Shadow Fox joins his side. The Justice League watches with anticipation, wondering what they will see. What could be hidden in Shadow Fox's mysterious home upstairs? They can't help but wonder what secrets she's hiding and why she's being so secretive.

The cameras caught Batman entering a building two weeks ago, but then the video glitched, and Joker was seen exiting towards a worn-down building nearby. The scene was cut off, but not before Batman's batrang was thrown towards that structure. Suddenly, the cameras glitched again and shut off as if trying to hide any movements on the docks of Bludhaven. Cyborg tried to turn them back on, but it was too late. Shadow Fox knew that Joker's men had sabotaged the cameras to cover up any evidence of Batman's abduction.

But the team was not about to give up. Wonder Woman and Shadow Fox found evidence of Scarecrow and the Riddler, but the cameras had stopped working to show if they were entering or exiting the building. Aquaman suggested checking out Crime Alley, and the team saw a van approach the alleyway, stopping next to a drugstore.

Joker and Harley were inside, and at least six of Joker's men were struggling to carry a large bag inside. Shadow Fox's eyes narrowed as she wondered if it was drugs or Batman in that bag. The team watched in horror as the footage revealed the van coming and going, unloading drugs or weapons. Then, the footage stopped to the beginning of the week, and six thugs were seen carrying the same large bag, with Joker following them towards the van door.

As the team watched in anticipation, Joker pointed to one of the thugs and gave them an order. The van doors shut, and the van left Crime Alley, leaving the team in shock and disbelief. The fate of Batman was still unknown, but they knew they had to act fast to find him before it was too late. 

As Cyborg accessed the cameras of Gotham, Shadow Fox watched intently. The team was trying to locate the van that had taken Batman. She felt her heart sink as the trail led them all the way to Metropolis. Her voice trembled as she spoke, "Metropolis?" Superman turned to her and nodded, "Looks like we're going to my city." The other members of the Justice League looked to him, waiting for further instructions. 

Superman realized that they could access the street cameras in Metropolis to try and locate the van. However, Aquaman raised a valid concern, "Will they allow you to access the cameras?" The Atlantean looked around at the others in the Batcave, "Not to be a downer, but what if they moved him again?" 

Superman knew that they couldn't afford to lose hope. "Then, we keep searching," He said, determined. Green Arrow noticed Shadow Fox's shoulders shaking and called out to her, "Fox?" The rest of the team turned their attention to her. 

Shadow Fox didn't answer, and Superman could hear her breathing becoming more erratic. He focused his super-hearing on her and heard faint sobs that she was trying hard to suppress. He knew how much this was affecting her.

He approached her carefully and whispered softly, "Talk to me." Shadow Fox shook her head slowly, her breathing hitching as she tried to hold back her tears. Superman rested his hands on her shoulders and stood in front of her. He could see that her cheeks were wet and her head was down. He knew she was trying to be strong in front of the team, but he wanted her to know that it was okay to let her emotions out.

Superman's voice whispers softly, "Foxy, we will bring him home." The words seemed to have a magical effect on Shadow Fox as she broke down in tears. The other members of the Justice League slowly gathered around them, exchanging worried glances. Wonder Woman gently rubbed Shadow Fox's shoulder, trying to comfort her. 

Green Arrow and Flash looked on with concern, while Green Lantern, Aquaman, Cyborg, and J'onn watched in confusion, unsure of what to do. Superman, determined to help, focused on Shadow Fox's breathing, trying to soothe her. Suddenly, Shadow Fox muttered something unintelligible. Superman leaned in, "What did you say?" He asked. Shadow Fox took a deep breath and looked up at him, "Batman is my father." 

The revelation shook everyone to the core.

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