Army of the Damned

By ArchiveOfStories

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"The objective here is to return home. By any means necessary." An Isekai about Politics, Strategy and War. P... More

VOLUME 2 Chapter 2
VOLUME 2 Chapter 3
VOLUME 2 Chapter 4
VOLUME 2 Chapter 5
VOLUME 2 Chapter 6
VOLUME 2 Chapter 7
VOLUME 2 Chapter 8
VOLUME 2 Chapter 9
VOLUME 2 Chapter 10
VOLUME 3 Chapter 1
VOLUME 3 Chapter 2
VOLUME 3 Chapter 3
VOLUME 3 Chapter 4
VOLUME 3 Chapter 5
VOLUME 3 Chapter 6
VOLUME 3 Chapter 7
VOLUME 3 Chapter 8
VOLUME 3 Chapter 9
VOLUME 3 Chapter 10
VOLUME 4 Chapter 1
VOLUME 4 Chapter 2
VOLUME 4 Chapter 3
VOLUME 4 Chapter 4
VOLUME 4 Chapter 5
VOLUME 4 Chapter 6
VOLUME 4 Chapter 7
VOLUME 4 Chapter 8
VOLUME 4 Chapter 9
VOLUME 4 Chapter 10
VOLUME 5 Chapter 1
VOLUME 5 Chapter 2
VOLUME 5 Chapter 3
VOLUME 5 Chapter 4
VOLUME 5 Chapter 5
VOLUME 5 Chapter 6
VOLUME 5 Chapter 7
VOLUME 5 Chapter 8
VOLUME 5 Chapter 9
VOLUME 5 Chapter 10
VOLUME 6 Prelude
VOLUME 6 Prologue Part 1
VOLUME 6 Prologue Part 2
VOLUME 6 Chapter 1
VOLUME 6 Chapter 2
VOLUME 6 Chapter 3
VOLUME 6 Chapter 4
VOLUME 6 Chapter 5
VOLUME 6 Chapter 6
VOLUME 6 Chapter 7
VOLUME 6 Chapter 8
VOLUME 6 Chapter 9
VOLUME 6 Chapter 10
VOLUME 7 Prologue
VOLUME 7 Prelude
VOLUME 7 Chapter 1
VOLUME 7 Chapter 2
VOLUME 7 Chapter 3
VOLUME 7 Chapter 4
VOLUME 7 Chapter 5
VOLUME 7 Chapter 6
VOLUME 7 Chapter 7
VOLUME 7 Chapter 8
VOLUME 7 Chapter 9
VOLUME 7 Chapter 10
VOLUME 7 Bonus Chapter "The Time Scourge"
VOLUME 8 Chapter 1
VOLUME 8 Chapter 2
VOLUME 8 Chapter 3
VOLUME 8 Chapter 4
VOLUME 8 Chapter 5
VOLUME 8 Chapter 6
VOLUME 8 Chapter 7
VOLUME 8 Chapter 8
VOLUME 8 Chapter 9
VOLUME 8 Chapter 10
VOLUME 9 Chapter 1
VOLUME 9 Chapter 2
VOLUME 9 Chapter 3
VOLUME 9 Chapter 4
VOLUME 9 Chapter 5
VOLUME 9 Chapter 6
VOLUME 9 Chapter 7
VOLUME 9 Chapter 8
VOLUME 9 Chapter 9
VOLUME 9 Chapter 10
VOLUME 10 Chapter 1
VOLUME 10 Chapter 2
VOLUME 10 Chapter 3
VOLUME 10 Chapter 4
VOLUME 10 Chapter 5
VOLUME 10 Chapter 6
VOLUME 10 Chapter 7
VOLUME 10 Chapter 8
VOLUME 10 Chapter 9
VOLUME 10 Chapter 10
VOLUME 11 Chapter 1
VOLUME 11 Chapter 2
VOLUME 11 Chapter 3
VOLUME 11 Chapter 4
VOLUME 11 Chapter 5
VOLUME 11 Chapter 6
VOLUME 11 Chapter 7
VOLUME 11 Chapter 8
VOLUME 11 Chapter 9
VOLUME 11 Chapter 10
VOLUME 12 Chapter 1
VOLUME 12 Chapter 2
VOLUME 12 Chapter 3
VOLUME 12 Chapter 4
VOLUME 12 Chapter 5
VOLUME 12 Chapter 6
VOLUME 12 Chapter 7
VOLUME 12 Chapter 8
VOLUME 12 Chapter 9
VOLUME 12 Chapter 10
Volume 12 Bonus Chapter
VOLUME 13 Chapter 1
VOLUME 13 Chapter 2
VOLUME 13 Chapter 3
VOLUME 13 Chapter 4
VOLUME 13 Chapter 5
VOLUME 13 Chapter 6
VOLUME 13 Chapter 7
VOLUME 13 Chapter 8
VOLUME 13 Chapter 9
VOLUME 13 Chapter 10
VOLUME 14 Chapter 1
VOLUME 14 Chapter 2
VOLUME 14 Chapter 3
VOLUME 14 Chapter 4
VOLUME 14 Chapter 6
VOLUME 14 Chapter 7
VOLUME 14 Chapter 8
VOLUME 14 Chapter 9
VOLUME 14 Chapter 10
VOLUME 15 Chapter 1
VOLUME 15 Chapter 2
VOLUME 15 Chapter 3
VOLUME 15 Chapter 4
VOLUME 15 Chapter 5
VOLUME 15 Chapter 6
VOLUME 15 Chapter 7
VOLUME 15 Chapter 8
VOLUME 15 Chapter 9
VOLUME 15 Chapter 10

VOLUME 14 Chapter 5

37 3 0
By ArchiveOfStories

Now standing on the podium, made to explain how a modern military would siege a city. Jackson was a bit jittery as he drew on the map of a long four lane highway that has one gas station on it while the vast area around it was just farmland and on the upper limits of his drawing, were the outskirts of the city.

Proceeding with his drawing, the chalk's screeching sound would intermittently make its presence known, keeping the attention of the class in check always. In the first row of the benches, Doctor Ugr looked to the student next to him and stared at the kid up and down. "You better take notes, young Lord. This could be a once in a lifetime experience." Though since the row was already full, half of his body was on the aisle. Making him stand out.

While Jackson had taken the ladder and drew a misshapen version of the city he attacked on that day. "The uhhhh... the objective we had was to push through Kayseri and reach Ankara before the Turkish Parliament could escape. We had air control, though not superiority." He then labels the vast flatland around the city as farmland. The city itself has a size that's formidable, but the Capital of Ankara would be twice its size.

"Now that's a city. Proceed." He'ruth scooched over to the front row even more. Pushing the Nobles aside as he drills his own place. Now he sat amongst the class as he obediently drew and listened to the Colonel.

"Our objective was to take it. Nothing else. No matter how much it costs. I was in charge of penetrating straight into their frontline as the last two Brigades that were sent over had staggering casualties."

Jackson pops out of the turret of his brand new Leopard 2A8+ Main Battle Tank. Unlike his previous T-Series tank. The German made armored vehicle was taller, wider, and sported more armor. But at the cost of weight and size as he could see even the top of the military transport trucks. But in his hatch, there was more than enough space to get around alongside his crew whose stature was small compared to that of an average European.

In Front of their tank, the vast farmland was cut in the middle with the highway. There was so much exhaust smoke that even the thermals of his commander's camera were cluttered with white paint. The endless sea of trucks were pulling to the sides a few hundred meters in front of him by the gas station as tracer fire flew into the skies. Reaching for the heavens just to explode and throw shrapnel at the drones swarming the begotten city.

With the slow moving traffic, he catches a glimpse of a machine gun position on one of the craters. The three soldiers on it were silent, their faces completely covered up by the balaclava and the thick combat goggles. Their neck down to their toes was covered in the fatigues and inside, was the metallic color of the exoskeleton suit that hides under the uniform. There was no skin shown, and they were poised like their feet and hands were cemented on the trigger.

Unmoving, untattered by the distant and near gunshots and explosions, the three men kept a stoic appearance. Jackson's eyes just looked at them as if they were a part of the heavy machine gun they were operating. Not a mere extension as rays of the Sun would intermittently appear from the darkened clouds above them that made it impossible to indicate if it was morning or afternoon as the stench of burnt diesel hugged everything. Not releasing the soldiers from its strong odor.

"Driver, park between the middle island." The 1,600Hp diesel engine roars as the tank accelerates past a slow moving trailer truck in front of them. "Damn! This thing really drives like a dream!" as one of the transport trucks was fully parked. Dumping ammo boxes and the soldiers opening them to reveal the boxed carton of 5.56mm and 7.62mm rounds.

The gas station meant for small sedans and commercial vehicles going out of the city was now filled to the brim with armored tanks and IFVs as the army stopped its advance. With so little space for the camouflage vehicles, they took to the trimmed farmland. Taking up the barren land and turning it into a motor pool.

The hot seething desert Sun was eating him even with his exoskeleton oversuit regulating his temperatures. His face dipped with sweat as he turned around to see an endless sea of trucks and all manners of transport vehicles flooding all four lanes of the separate highways. The convoy's tail end was in no sight as it continued onto the horizon.

Whips of tracer fire arched into the clouds as the dust and smoke of the diesel vehicles made the land seem as if a Demon army had arrived and with it, would transmit its warmongering presence to all.

"Captain Aldrin, are you in the gas station right now? I can see your Hunter IFV parked on the bay."

"Affirmative Colonel. That's me. We were yellow on gas so we had to stop."

Flanked both sides by a vast desert farm, Jackson could see the hulls of both NATO and UAA tanks. Many having their turrets gone from the body as craters filled the land, even to the hills and mountains far away. Sneering sounds then flew above him as Kamikaze Drones of varying sizes flew towards the frontlines. Some being the size of a small plane whilst many of them, not being any larger than a chair.

His new tank rolls forward to the gas station and parks it on the bay meant for trailer trucks. "Jose, Nguyen. Refill it." He then turned to the loader. "Ramon, with me." The two small statured Asian men walked out of their hatches and opened the valve on the tanker truck and the other pulled the hose to the tank as Jackson with Ramon walked to the front where he laid down a map and a tablet.

Captain Benedict then walks up to him with his own lower NCOs and they huddle together. His 2nd hand man looked as if he just walked straight into a smokestack with his men and came out battered and half life. Yet, their eyes were full of vigor and the same old smell of wanting to go back into the fight.

"The Third and the Fifth are absolutely whacked. First wave of two hundred armored vics, only forty came back. Second wave of one hundred, only thirty came back. I heard the Malaysians and Indosians are preparing for another attack but this fuck up stopped the frontal assault to the city proper."

"But Colonel, hadn't our artillery, drones, and MLRS battered the city and its defenses already? What were all the JDAMs we dropped for?"

"No idea. But resistance is still stiff. I've been briefed from the forward logistics base that High Command was the city taken by tomorrow. They won't have us do a five month long siege." One of the NCOs under Benedict then steps forward. "Sir, the enemy might be routed. But their resistance is stiff. We did as you ordered and we uploaded to the battle map the positions of the enemy."

"Good. What's the main composition?"

"Abrams, Challengers, TOWs, Javelins, Bradleys, Pumas and everything under the European Sun."

"As expected. No wonder the waves didn't last long. So instead, we'll do this."

He then goes to the tablet and zooms out of the real time map they're being fed with. With the pen attached to it, he draws an arrow coming from the gas station then up the small mountains on their left. With Captain and his men turning right to it as the cloudless sky gave them a perfect view.

"The city is already in a half cauldron, we just need to poke it a bit more. The main thrust failed, so we'll go for the sides." as he talked, tanks returning from the front were in an absolute mess. Missing side skirts, blown out reactive armor and burnt out paint. The crews out of their hatches had no expressions at all as BMPs and Hunters rolled down to the back of the gas station building where a medical base was being set up.

In the tablet, he makes two arrows, one following the main highway, and another flanking to the field and up to a town in a higher elevation called Yeni Suksun. Circling it, he then makes another arrow, following the small mountain, it then leads to Gurpinar Pinar, the town that's in between the mountain and the city. He then makes a dividing line with pointy sticks on it.

"Instead of charging it forward with everything we got. I'll be sending you Captain to go and nudge them and gain their attention while we perform a little sneaky on them. I sent you guys to perform a Force Recon so that I could get an updated composition of the enemy, but also for you guys to know where to hide and keep them busy. Captain?"

"Roger that. We already know a place. The Battery factory named Aspilsan Inc. It's the perfect cover, sir. We can draw fire there for days if you want, sir, since that place is so huge."

"Good but I want you to follow the main highway like before and when you reach the factory stay, BUT just the edge of it. I want you to stop and don't advance even if you see a chance." He then draws multiple exes on the very limit of the city outskirts. "DO NOT go further unless you plan on eating a Javelin or a Hellfire. Just poke them with the cannons of your IFVs and the Kornet ATGMs you're carrying and let us flank from Yeni Suksun."

They then started nodding. "Major Rashed. Keep the Captain controlled. No shooting of civilians, no scaring or threatening civilians. Capiche?!" he was silent, the sounds of gunfire and the thousand rumble of diesel engines was the only thing talking as Benedict nodded once.

"This is gonna be bloody. Very bloody. There's not an inch of land beyond us that's not been mined or booby trapped on top of a mine inside a booby trap and the possibility of our EW failing again and the enemy having the ability to launch drones at us."

Using the pen, he selects the media files and shows leaked footage online of the 1st Wave.

The first column of over 200 armored vehicles that's being fully shown by a NATO drone can be seen rolling at a fast speed on the main highways. Leading the main charge of the Asian Alliance, the violent approach they had was brutal as they rammed through carcasses of cars, trucks, and buses.

Heavy threads and bulletproof wheels rolled through the well maintained highway. Leaving darkened marks and even chipping the upper layer of the asphalt. Throwing microbial debris of the crust into the steel railings.

The vanguard was composed of a mixture of Leopard 2SGs and BMPT Terminators with sets of mine plows, and to much of their horror, the tanks stepped on landmine after landmine, forcing them to suddenly stop. Creating a slow roll, the lead tank's active protection system suddenly kicks in as Javelin hits the vehicle. The Main Battle Tank was helpless as its blowout racks blew up and within a second, the crew was dead and their tank a burning hull devoid of a turret. "Damn. Did the Loader leave the blast doors open?" He looks at Ramon and nods. "That's what they say."

It then cascaded with the tanks in the back having to roll beside the burning wreck of the Leopard only to get shot by some M1A2 Abrams hidden in the outer rim buildings of Kayseri. Suicide drones would take them out just for another to replace the destroyed tank. British Challenger 2 tanks then rolled out of the alleys and fired high explosive rounds at the open field. Creating huge plumes of smoke that blocks even thermals.

From then onwards, the remaining tanks had no more mine plows but continued to charge forward. Even the ones carrying infantry inside were ruthlessly charging onto the city and before they knew it, it was one vehicle after the other till a pile up was created on the highway.

This then forced the remaining armored vehicles in the back to roll into the deadlier desert farm fields where it was a crescendo of tanks blowing up after another. With some lucky infantry having a chance to dismount and run for their lives as a barrage of 5.56 rain on them.

Captain Aldrin and his men just sighed alongside Jackson himself as he watched the horrific footage. One of them being a Leopard 2SG with its side panels and side skirts all blown off after stepping onto a mine. The faces of Jackson and his men were all full of stoic faces. With the Captain instead busy rubbing his chin as he observed carefully where the fire was coming from.

Rather than retreating, the tank then pushed a burning wreck of a BTR-90 in front of it forward just for the eight wheeled metal coffin to hit another mine. But even then, the Leopard kept pushing on and on as it fired its main gun, shooting at a five storey building till it's struck with a TOW missile. Its turret flew a meter off the ground and landed next to it as the crew of four disappeared in a mere second. "You see that? Their timing, their shots. They know the loader will open the blast doors to the ammo." Jackson ignores the Captain as he shrugs his head at the video.

As the attack slowed and was broken, the scene before them is something that could only be played out once, no words could be said nor given to the dead as husks of their complex equipment laid open like a tin can on the fields. The black smoke coming out of the wrecks was eaten up by the clouds as those lucky enough to survive took those wounded and retreated under the cover of the tanks in the back of the convoy.

"Colonel, sir. Did our Generals get their ranks from cereal boxes?"

"Pfft. Ahahahaha! If they did, that means they'd be smart enough to open one! Haaaaa... what a mess." The huddled up group of soldiers in exoskeletons laugh as the video continues to play. This time showing the horrific aftermath. The vast desert farm is now full of carcasses of their armored vehicles as an incessant pop music played over the corpses of their brethren.

"So... we're next huh?"

"Don't worry. I got a better plan and if it works, we might be able to establish a firing view of the entire city. After that, I'll call for the rest of the army to advance forward."

"Ahahahaha, you always do, Colonel."

"Now fuck off my sights and get going. I'll hand over twenty IFVs to your command Captain. I'll take ten with me and thirty main battle tanks. If we reach Gurpinar Pinar, Kayseri is done. We have full eyes on the city at that point. Major, take five tanks and ten IFVs and aid Benedict."

He then goes into the radio and gets the rest of his column to park up on the field behind the gas station where each tank commander ran to his tank alongside the squad leaders and they all got briefed about the plan.

Rolling out after an hour of preparation, the highway was ruined with the threads of the dirty heavy tracks of the armored vehicles that's been going back and forth from the city as Jackson popped out of his hatch. His mighty 73 ton tank sped through the field, heading straight to the small mountain in the horizon as the azure sky above became divided by the trails of MLRS rocket fire.

Trails of high caliber tracer rounds ate up the atmosphere as it targeted objects beyond the clouds.

"Ramon, tell me."


"What's the best time you had in training?"

"Four seconds flat sir."

"A second faster than our carousel autoloaders on the T-Series. Good. How long?"

"I can keep at it for five minutes at least, sir. My exoskeleton does a lot of the heavy lifting."

"Good. Because-" Jackson immediately sprang into action as he saw signatures on his thermal camera. "Load HE-FRAG!"


"Driver! Full speed! Follow the map and do not stop! Even if one tank gets disabled or half of all of us, keep going!"

"The pedal is to the floor!"

A huge wave of dust was created as the tanks and infantry fighting vehicles rolled over whatever wheat remained standing on the farm they were driving through. Looking out, Jackson could see Captain Benedict's column moving along the highway in a line as he could see suicide drones coming right at them. "TIMER SET! GUNNER FIRE! FIRE!" A shot rang out as the 120mm L/55 Smoothbore shot off a high explosive shell into the oncoming swarm.

Having programmed a distance to explode. The shell detonates in the middle of it. Taking out a large chunk of the drones as the other main battle tanks in his formation, all made up of T-90M and T-100 Main Battle Tanks, finished off the last.

Looking down, he sees on the real time ISTAR map that the attack on Yeni Suksun is being done by a combined force of Indian and Vietnamese soldiers while coming in from the D260 Highway were the Filipinos, Malaysians, and Indonesians. Their own columns meet intense resistance as they redirect their attack to the mountain, having the same idea as him.

He lets out a huge sigh. "Not good. This is soon gonna be a metal orgy if we don't get there fast."


"I said we need to get there fast! If five Allied Nations with differing languages collide without everyone knowing their frequencies, it usually ends in chaos. We need to rush Gurpinar before they get there!"

The ISTAR gets updated suddenly and he sees the allied armies were planning on storming Gesi Guzalky, a large settlement on its own right that's right in front of Kayseri. "HAH! We can still do this! If we pull this off, the Fourth and Sixth Combined Armies can roll into the city proper! I won't need to hail the main force anymore!"

A large boom shocks him. To his left, one of their BMPs hit a mine. Throwing the soldiers sitting on top of it high into the skies as it completely turns into a wrecked hull. Jackson then looks forward and sees that his tanks with mine plows were doing their job blowing up the mines in front of them.

"Muak One! Was that on your side?!"

"Yes! Muak Four is completely decimated!"

"Fuck! Muak Five! Stop and collect them, we'll continue the push!"

"Muak Five copies!"

"Mandaya One! Lift your plows! We're about to enter the mountain! Remember! If she starts stalling, put it into Low Low Gear! The Automatic Transmission is a bit iffy with terrain like this!"

The T-90M and T-100s in front of him lifted their plows as they violently crashed into the mountain and the grueling climb began.

On the highway, Captain Benedict is ducking behind a hulk of an M113 Armored Personnel Carrier as bullets gushes off to his left and right alongside artillery shells. The factory's tall walls had been plastered with bullet holes as bullets flung into the machines and bounced off into the ground and their cover. "SER! COLONEL GOT HIT WITH A MINE!" The Captain remained cool as he looked at a piece of broken glass and could see the shooters were from the high rise buildings far away. "Is he still pressing on?!"

"Yes ser!" he nods with a smirk on his face. "Good! Tell him that they're very angry! I think tanks will soon pop out of the horizon if we don't pull out, so get the disposables!"

He then peeks out. His face is completely shrouded by the plastoid balaclava that's attached to his bubbly helmet that has a holographic hud. The squares and rectangles showing almost fifty vehicles littered about the city outskirts alongside almost a thousand soldiers and alerts popping up on the side of his combat goggles, warning him of mortar and artillery and all manners of cannons and guns attacking him.

Back in the mountainside, Jackson's column has reached the peak and he sees the brutal battle in Yeni Suksun and standing atop a hill was a lone T-14 Armata flying a tattered flag of India and the United Asian Alliance.

Its cannon was firing HE shells endlessly on the town below as a hail of gunfire came from the center of it. Popping in his hatch. The Colonel turns to his thermals and sees the two attacking Companies.




The mighty 120mm smoothbore rocks the small brownish leaves as the Irish soldiers inside the city could see another column of tanks coming out of the mountainside much to their horror. But one of their CO's stands up, tracers flying mere inches from his head as he looks at their destroyed vehicle where a flag was still standing.

Brazenly running across the street, he takes a flag of NATO from a destroyed Mine resistant vehicle even under extreme fire and pulls it out of the husk as he lifts up to the skies. "COME OUT YE YELLOW AND HONEYCOMBED! I WAS BORN IN DUBLIN WHERE THE ROYAL DRUMS THE BEAT!" He takes his NSGW Next Generation assault rifle and turns to the dismounted squadrons of Asian soldiers.

The heroic man then charges the Asians as the surviving European squads come out of their cover as the Northerners run amok into the enemy lines. Taking down as much as they can before they themselves were gunned down or blown up by autocannon fire.

Two kilometers away, their sudden attack threw his tank's aim. With their barrage of shells hitting their former covers instead.

"Knight, Mandaya One requests to break away from the formation and aid the Indian and Vietnamese force!"

"Negative! All callsigns! Press on! I repeat! Press on! We'll bypass Yeni Suksun and head for Gurpinar!"

"Sir! Are you sure?! The plan was that we'd take Yeni Suksun and press on from there. Without us having a foothol-"

"Just follow me! The Filipinos with the Malaysians and Indonesians are coming out of their own side of the mountain now! Our enemies aren't only the Westerners but also those of our own as our routes collide!"

Right as he says it, another column of armored vehicles supported by helicopters came over the opposing side. The thundering clashing of metals was brutal and violent as one side overwhelmed the other with a large amount of high tech vehicles and well trained men.

The battle had concluded upon the arrival of the other allies but the European forces inside the town refused to give up and continued to fight with extreme tenacity even under the rubble.

Approaching the small town of Gulluce, Jackson starts getting shelled and the Early Warning System of his tanks pop their smokes with flares as ATGMs fly to their hulls.

The rockets miss by mere inches as the System continues to pop the smoke and flares and the AI Assisted Aim Program locates the exact location of the enemy vehicles. The gunners of the tank return fire alongside the autocannons of the BMPs with them.

The small town with the sudden return fire was destroyed. The two story buildings collapse from another rain of shells and Jackson's column bypasses the town completely with no one daring to chase his high speed and violent arrowhead of armor.

An Indian commander looks at his thermals, the lone Leopard 2A8 with the support of T-Series tanks and BMPs leading the charge, bypassing their objective as they disappear into the mountainous terrain. "Just what is the joint forces planning?" He looks into their battle map and notices the new update from Colonel Jackson.

The route he had planned is going straight up to the very border of the city and stopping there. This widened the eyes of the Indian as he looked back to his thermal camera just to see his column already far gone. "I need a radioman!" He zooms into the written frequency of the unit as a knock comes from outside of his tank.

Going down a hillside, their Systems pop flares once again, but with one of the lead T-90Ms looking at the opposite direction, even with the help of the Early Warning that forces the gun to face where its coming from so that it could fire its countermeasures was too late and it eats an anti tank rocket.

"AY! Mandaya Two is dead!"

"Calm down Mandaya One! Press on!" but as they crested the hill. The enemy fire only became worse. It reached the point where the thermals were a white screen from the amount of dust that was being thrown and the crew inside being incessantly rocked like they were on a car that's falling down with a rockslide. "We can't! Holy shit!"

Jackson, whose tank was in the middle of the arrowhead, finds out what the ones in the lead were seeing as they take an immeasurable amount of autocannon and tank fire.

It's an entire Brigade of European tanks and trucks that was in the middle of getting reloaded and refueled. With their crews and people just as caught off guard as they were. Both sides were in absolute panic as the arrowhead became erratic and disorganized.

All the while, the Colonel breathes in and he starts to look at his ISTAR Map and sees that they're coming from the place he plans on taking and attacking.

"Mandaya! I want you to detach ten tanks from your platoon and have them flank while you attack their front! Mauk! Disembark your troops on the hill we came from and have them set up ATGMs right now!"

"Mandaya Copies!"

"Muak copies!"

Even with the mess their in, the formation does as they are told and ten tanks peel off the arrowhead and Muak lets the soldiers riding on top and inside them to disembark as they hastily grab the parts of the Kornet and Metis ATGMs their carrying.

Down below, a German Leopard 2A7V main battle tank that was busy getting refueled pushes on even with the hose still on its fuel cap, leaving a trail of army gas as the French Lerclercs and Turkish Altays turned their hulls to the direction of the hillside.

In the midst of the return fire of the Asian Tanks, ammo trucks were blowing up alongside fires starting from the fuel trucks and inside the ball of mayhem were crews that's trying to get inside their tanks and IFVs.

With ammo and fuel cooking off, Jackson had to turn off the thermals of his commander's camera and even then, it was still blindingly bright. Looking at the speed on the tank information screen. They were going down the hillside at the speed of 86Km/h with the enemy tanks down below driving upwards to meet with them.

Time slows down as Jackson's hands start to shake violently. His body trembles as he closes his eyes. "I wanna go home." opening his eyes, he shifts his attention to a pack of Leopard 1A5s scurrying away from the frontline resupply point. "Mandaya One! Cut off the tanks trying to enter the town! Those might be older tanks, but their One-o-Five millimeter cannons can still do damage to infantry!"

Doing as he's told, Mandaya, while receiving enemy tank fire and losing four of his tanks as they pressed onto the road where the sudden flat terrain gave them the chance to fire back at their lower side angle. "KABOOSH!" Mandaya screams in his radio, unknowingly broadcasting it to everyone as his remaining seven tanks fired in unison. Disabling the multiple NATO tanks trying to make a run for cover.

On top of the hill, Jackson's infantry had fully set up their ATGMs and laid waste on what remained of the combined column. But his arrowhead will still have to face the more armored tanks down below. The Leopard 2A7V, being only one generation below, opens fire.

Its tungsten dart flies straight into the center of the tank, rocking it heavily as they return fire. Jose was pinpoint but it also hit the frontal armor, doing nothing to the enemy tank as Lerclercs came out behind it, opening fire on the T-Series tanks on his flanks. "UP! UP! UP!" Ramon screams as their gunner opens fire once again.

Their tungsten dart gets eaten up by the turret cheeks of the 2A7V as the enemy tank had a complete view of their underbelly as they got closer and closer.

Breathing out, an Anti tank missile from above skims past them and into the Leopard. Completely blowing it up as it leaves a huge gaping hole. "OH HOLY MARY!" He turns to his combat map and sees that Indian Mi-28N Havoc Attack Helicopters had arrived. "Colonel Jackson, you are one dangerous man."

Deflating, he replies to the heavily accented voice that invaded their comms. "Colonel Ram. I owe you one for that."

Looking down on his ISTAR Map, the four choppers were attacking Gurpinar and it updated him on multiple hits on tanks and infantry that were hiding inside. "YEAH! FUCK THEM UP!" he pops out as his tanks pressed on to the town proper.

Reaching it after numerous hills, only a burning town was left in the wake of the four helicopters and Jackson for the first time sees the city proper.

Most of the buildings were destroyed and flattened and tracer fire from anti air cannons were popping from its center up into the skies.

"Reaper! Paladin! Knight has reached Gurpinar!"

"Finally! I lost fifteen of my IFVs already and the bern we're using is getting flattened!"

"Good see you alive Colonel! As Captain says, we're getting our asses handed to us!"

"Lase targets and we'll get rid of them!"

"Check ISTAR! It's all marked!"

"Good work Captain, Major! I'll get you two commendations after this battle!"

He updates his ISTAR and he sees that the Captain has done a bonus for his work. All of the gun positions and windows were properly marked alongside where their tanks were hiding from and coming in and out of.

"Jose! Check the map! Ramon, good shit on the reloading! Nguyen! Stop just before the hill and let the gun depression do the rest!" He then goes to his radio. "Mandaya, do you have the gun depression for this? This is it."

"Uhhhh... copy! We might need to be a bit crested but there should be no worry!"

The small tanned Asian man on the gunner seat then presses his screen and the camera switches to an Uplink version where he could see the marked out targets in real time. Ready for when he fires, another shot was only seconds away from the breech. "Mandaya! I recommend Fast Reload mode! Muak! Set up a perimeter and have your infantry start digging!"

Reaching the hill just to the city, his tanks didn't even ask permission as they fired with a fire rate that's akin to an autocannon. A mixture of armor piercing and high explosives barrage the outskirts with pinpoint accuracy. Though the NATO soldiers inside the high rises just over the highway were still fixated on the Battery factory. Jackson picked out their heavy armor from afar.

Soon he switches to targeting the buildings and after only a handful of minutes, the highway proper was clear of enemy sights.

With the deafening silence, he pops out of his hatch to see even the anti air fire from Kayseri had all stopped. "Knight! Do you copy?" he then replies to the Indian. "I copy you Taj. What's the problem?"

"Check the combat map." he turns to it and the Mi-28N that had supported them has flown into the city. There, the European forces were packing up all they could get into there vehicles as they drove away from the city.

Seeing this, Jackson quickly goes into his radio and turns to the Commander net.

"Colonel Kuhar and Brigadier General John Hernandez, the highway is clear! I think the enemy is retreating with how fast they are running. Looks like they plan to make a final stand on Ankara. Live feed is also indicating that they are making for a retreat."

Far behind them in the gas station, the huge column revs their engines as they push on the road. The insanely long line of armor that reached into the hills far in the horizon started moving once again. "Copy, Knight. We are also getting more reports of a mass exodus of NATO forces from Kayseri. But they might've left stragglers to slow us down! Secure the entrance to the city and wait for the main army." he nods and changes his frequency.

"Reaper! Paladin! Secure the mouth of the city entrance and prepare for another circus!"

"Good copy, Knight!"

Before he knew it, Jackson had drawn over much of the chalkboard as he stopped his fingers from writing more words. He then turned around and his face was entirely different. Without a hint of a smile nor the lively and pretty brown eyes he has. What was there instead is a dead look of a corpse. The stoic stares as if he's looking down on an endless abyss as his fingers tremble with the chalk on it nearly falling.

Tapping his shoulder, Captain Julieanne pats his hair. It ruins it but he suddenly snaps back and drops the chalk on the floor. He then started to breathe fast, like he stopped after running a marathon.

Trudging along the stage, he sat on the podium chair looking extremely tired and battered but Doctor He'ruth kept writing and drawing with such speed.

"I never knew you were such a Hero."

The Knight then looks to the Captain, his eyes on the verge of tears.

"We took the city the next week... but what happened there became the horrors that happened at Ankara. We ran out of gas in the middle of it because our Generals wanted us to keep pushing forward... I lost so many people... far too many. They ran away because they had prepared positions along the highways to Ankara. We were baited."

Julieanne just kept patting his hair as the slap of a book closing echoed through the room.

"Fascinating. Class, that is enough for today. Prepare for your Mid Supper meals. Go on!"

Clapping his hands, the students snapped out from the fervor of the story Jackson was giving as they exited the room quietly. Even Lushu not daring to look at the tired man.

Coming to the stage, the High Elf offers his mug to the Knight.

"Quite a warrior, aren't we?"

"Th-thank you." He took it and the aroma of tea calmed him down enough that his hands stopped trembling.

"What you were showing... that also happens to one of my Uncle who served to fight the Druisvikings. Do you have a word for it?"

"Post Traumatic Stress Disease... though I can't believe it can get this worse. It's been years..." he then remembers that Bahamut or the Vampires was usually there with him "Oh... yeah..." he looks around as the classroom empties with Bannir just sitting down and looking at him with a concerned face.

"A Disease you say?"

"Yes... a bad one. I... want to see them again. They know how to calm me with ease."

"Hmmm... seems that I've learned something more important than Earthling tactics today. Go on your day, Mister Jackson. Be not afraid of your past, even if it comes to hunt you."

"If only I can fight back... but... when you see their faces, their eyes and then... then they're just dead the next day... you can't forget it. You will never forget it."

He then stands up and walks out of the classroom. Looking around, the Knight walks off to the halls as Julieanne and He'ruth look on.

"Better not bother him. Traumatic memories huh. I shall send a message to the consulate and have this investigated. We had something similar like that back then, called War shock. But no one really bothered as we live long enough to forget the pain."

"Earth really has it cut out for their Human species, huh."

"We'll never truly understand the plight of their lives. With all those dazzling Godlike technology they possess. One can wonder what a feeble Human soul can do under such a crushing world where weapons like those exist daily." He drinks from his mug and stands up. "The way he described the destruction their weapons were capable of in such a short time. No wonder they do not need a mage who has trained for years when children can operate machines with the capacity to bring chaos and violence beyond comprehension."

He then walks back to the podium where his mug would float and holds the history book with both his hands and places it near to his chest. As elegant and proper as ever.

"Good day to you, Miss Ammor. Do tell Augusten that his Mong'krel like behavior needs to be put in check. It annoys me when he tries to be close."

"Heh-heh-heheheh... his just like that I suppose."

"At least try to tell him to be proper. It gets annoying when my peers are with me. I get it that he cares for his kids but he needs to know that we Elves act differently and see things in another way."

The High Elf then walks away as he catches a bunch of students still staying on the floor. The kids looked at Lushu Rentsoss who had put his hands in his pockets and stayed in the shadows of a pillar just outside the room. "Oy! Get out! Do you want me to give you a lesson in Vampire history? I have my book right here!" Hearing this, the Nobles laughed and ran away as the Doctor put his hands in a fist to his hips. He then looks to Lushu who didn't follow his threat and the Elf just shrugged as he had a smile on his face. "Oh, youth. How I miss it."

He then disappears into the halls leaving Julieanne alone. The Holy Knight just walks to the railing that oversees the courtyard and watches the Nobles eat on the grass while others are with their friends, chatting about useless topics while others practice with wooden swords and those in the far corners using magic on target practice.

Finding a bucket of water. Jackson was splashing it all over his face as the School Cleaner looked on with disgust at the odd man. "PHWAH... Ahhh... I feel like I can breathe again..." He then notices the Cleaner and the Knight stands straight up, respectfully bowing as the tiles were splattered with the liquid alongside the mirror. "So-sorry. Ahahahaha... oops." The old man with a white beard just looked at him confusingly as he returned to his mop and went back to swiping the marble floor on the terrace path.

Walking back to the classroom, Jackson stops as his eyes almost popped out of its sockets. Looking forward, he sees Lushu has pinned Julieanne on the wall. With the blonde woman just smiling as the young man had a serious expression on his face. "Why won't you accept my proposal? If you become my wife, the Rentsoss family is assured to give you a title, a fief, and as many servants you could wish for." Hearing this, his legs suddenly veers off back to the hallway and ducks in cover.

"Haaaaa... I have no time for small-time love. Lord Rentsoss, you must know my duty is to the Church."

"What? You're only two years older than me. That nice girl act won't work on a Rentsoss."

"And in the time I've lived your life, I was already proving my skills to the Holy See's Knight Corps. I've also beaten multiple Swordmasters by then, and traveled through three continents. You?"

"I have earned the title of Lord, gained the rank of Swordmaster even at my early age, helped my family gain millions of wealth, expanded our business to even the High Elves and their absurd standards."

"And yet you've never killed a man." She then puts her finger to the man's face. "When you become a man. Try again. I'd rather live a life of peaceful poverty than be in a violent mansion where I'll forever be a captive. Aren't you tired of it yourself?"

"I am no captive. This is my duty, my purpose. I might be against some of the restrictions, but with what's at stake. I cannot let my personal problems get in the way of the lives of many people."

"Maybe we have different outlooks on things. But I hope you'll understand one day what I meant by that." A punch then flies into the wall as Lushu's face turns angry. "What is it that you wish for?! I can give it all to you! I know of your history and your background. You could do so much more if you could only return to the Nobility."

"Haaaa... what you want is not me, it's what I show. My family, for what it's worth. Are full of good people. A bit misguided, but they're good at heart. Lord Rentsoss, the weight you are feeling now." She lifts her hand and touches his cheek softly as her appearance seemed ghastly. "I felt a fraction of that and I collapsed and ran away. You shouldn't bury yourself so much. But you are still not fully a Man. Maybe a day will come where you will know."

Jackson on the other hand just looks the other way back to the terrace and starts walking with his hands on his back.

After leaving the area, he just starts to look at the paintings of the various students that now have places in the Kingdom. Old and new. In one of them, he notices the face of the Headmaster of the school. "Huh, so he didn't look like a crooked Mandrake back then."

The painting depicts him in military uniform, with his right hand inside his pocket standing atop a rocky hill. Young and beautiful, he could see the Noble was a made man at a young age thanks to the plaque below it. "Knight Second Class Sir Lamorak the Second, Age Sixteen at the battle of Castrum against Elven backed Rebels." looking at the now part, he is titled as a Knight Commander and has an addition to his name. "Lord of Brecilien." which made him squint his eyes. "Huh, so the big forest outside the city is owned by him?"

Tapping his shoulder was Julieanne. Her hands on her back as she smiles at Jackson.

"Do you feel fine now?"

"Oh... uhm yeah. Just needed a bit of water." She then puts both her hands on his face and stretches his cheeks a bit. "Hmmm... you still look like you went through the Underworld and back."

"I... kinda did..."

"Well anyways, let's depart. Etiquette is about to begin. Sister Gerda is in charge. Ugh."

"Uhm... who is she?"

"I think it's better for you to meet her. Ehehehehehe~"

"Alright, but at lunch. When you went with Augusten. What else did he tell you about the other part of the University?"

Walking into the courtyard, Sister Gerda looked at her class all doing their own thing. Fixing her large spherical glasses, she merely lightly coughs and everyone immediately runs to formation as her blue and white nun ensemble stood out at the bright rays of light kissing her bright colors with a majestic and holy aura.


Sister Gerda looks up to the azure sky of the afternoon, soft with the warm hug of Star down kissing her plump cheeks as she enters the main yard, Her eyes then descends to the class she's in charge of. Many of them swallowed the food they had in their mouths as she came close to each of the students, closely inspecting their uniform and face. She seemed to be peering down to the fibers of their uniform and to the microbial level of each inch of their skins as she observed their decorum down to how elegant their fingers moved and was placed on the food they held.

One by one, she checked them without making a single sound. Her feet, calculated in their movement as she swayed around the students with glee as she saw their terrified faces. Since all of them had already swallowed their food and some, sneakily using magic to wipe off any hints of morsel in their surroundings, down to the grass itself on the main yard. Like a vulture that's had enough of circling around its prey, she stops and reveals her hands. Placing it on the student farthest from the group.

"Be reminded of the time. I'll be in the classroom."

Though her height and presence wasn't any taller nor scary than most of the women in the class, her voice alone made up for it as she walked off to the premises and entered the classroom on the first floor.

Jackson and Julieanne both went down to the room ahead of everyone where she perks up upon seeing the two faces. The man instantly looked for a place to sit as the Holy Knight caught her attention. "Oh, if it isn't Miss Ammor. I believe the Bishop has been quite busy with his military errands to you, correct?" She immediately nods and bows. "Pleased to see you again, Gerda. How's Father Yerde?"

"As always. Talking about magic and the likes." She then turns to the first person who entered her flat classroom who has now taken one of the unused stools and placed it in the back corner. "And who is this man you're tailing like a puppy to its mother?"

"Sir Jackson's the name. Pleased to see you, Miss Gerda." Looking at her now without any distance, the woman couldn't be any more inconspicuous with her attire. With a boney body, little to no chest and short shoulder length, she seems like an hourglass that'd break upon first contact.

The large rim of the spherical glasses reached her straight bangs, akin to that of Bahamut's but without the sides being too long that it'd reached her breast. The yellow eyes she had behind it seem to reflect a bit as the black hair she had would gleam. "And I presume you're here to Watch?"

"Yes. Honorable Bannir to be exact."

"Ah, I see. It's his time. A bit late but understandable seeing as things are starting to get hot in the world."

She then quietly settled down her pouch and books as the woman went over to the side of the room where there's a large collection of glassware of varying sizes and shapes alongside all manners of utensils.

Apart from the main table, next to it on its own corner is a bunch of pens and a large portrait of basic Noble Lettering. Ranging from cursive to downright comical ones with the need of an attention to detail to even write it down due to the drawings that surround the letter.

Jackson could see the differences with how the letters, though mostly looking like slashes and straight cuts, would have more curved corners and indentations on the upper and lower cases.

"So... You know Miss Gerda?"

"Hm. Sister Gerda works at the lower Church for the downtrodden. I've personally come to know her as she's usually tasked with aiding the harder to patrol areas of the city like Chamilos."

"Ah, I've been there before. Met a cool Dwarf who was heating up the block around his house that was full of Elves."

"Oh, that's Sir Manych. I'm surprised you actually talked to him."

"Of course. I haven't met a lot of native Dwarves so I took the chance."

"Aren't you a kind man, Jackson." He shrugs and scratches the back of his head as he looks at Sister Gerda. Minding her own business, she was methodical and slow in her movements. Elegant and constructed, she had a heavy yet upbeat tone to her. "Hm. She looks kinda cute."

"Ehhhh... yet you have all those busty women in your little harem of concubines."

"H-Harem?! Excuse me?!"

"What else is it? A collection of Concubines?" Julieanne winks multiple times at him while Jackson is absolutely appalled at her sudden confidence. "It's... I... don't know. Tsk. No wonder you and Augusten are close. Christ. I don't even call it anything as Harem means I am with a bunch of human girls. They're not Human."

"Pfft. The pain of being with nonhumans."

"We-well, in Human terms. I don't think there's a word truly for what we have with one another. I could... call it a Harem but at the same time, it doesn't truly fit that description..." he then recoils a bit as he lifts his hand up and starts rubbing his chin. His face was full of thoughts as if he was suddenly gifted with a trigonometry question. "Whatever it is, I find it surprising that's your taste." As she giggled, Jackson looked at Sister Gerda.

"What do you mean? I just found her cute, that's all." He tilts his head from left to right whilst rubbing his chin profusely. "I mean... she looks like that above average looking Eastern European girl who is blessed in the curves and face, but just that." Julieanne nodded with fire in her eyes. As if she just unlocked Pandora's box. "And Goddess Bahamut? Or Miss Carmilla? Aren't there bodies more of the dream type of men?"

"Sexy... alluring... and mature. Yeah. I don't get how they do it. Their breasts are large but it's not too large for it to be over the top and their bodies." Jackson quickly deflated as he remembers. "Gah... like Bahamut's human form is so good. You can see the lines on her stomach and the divide in the middle that runs down to her belly button. I've only seen bodies like that in super gifted and hard working models on Earth." Suddenly, he reaches both of his hands out and starts making an imaginary hourglass.

"And Carmilla's. What else can I say, it's a bit more exaggerated but it still meets the standard." Julieanne just walks to the door and closes it as she orbited Jackson with her hands behind her back. Gerda who was in front of the stage, preparing a table and glassware just looks at the Captain and sighs as the voices of the Noble students outside continue to barrage through the opened windows. She then could see Jackson making an unknown image with gestures from both his hands, this only made her shrug and return to her work.

"Her golden blonde hair and bright emerald eyes, the eyeshadow, pale red lipstick, and that purple gown of hers." This then made the Captain skim her body next to his arm. "Pfft. Are you just gonna compliment her make up and gown?" he instantly shrugs. "Heck no. But her body? What can a man like me say? Her chest is as big as a small melon but her body is thin and has basically the smallest amount of body fat that even researchers in the UN said she has the ideal body that can only be achieved through dreams." he then stretches his arms.

"Don't get me started with Alana. She... she is basically an everyman's High School or College crush that's been pumped with the genes of every modern supermodel. Not as big chested as Bahamut or Elizabeth, but she more than makes up for it with her pose and curves. Not to mention..." he leans in to the Captain. "She cooks a damn good steak. That's enough to make most men fall." She lifts her hand and cutely laughs at him as she looks at his face with a big smile painted over her. "And yet... the quiet and innocent Gerda made you compliment her in the open."

"I compliment Bahamut, Alana, and Eli- Carmilla just right now and I do it all the time. It's just that when I want to do it, they'll push my buttons or drag me into a problem."

"Hmmm..." She then starts to poke his cheeks and forehead. "Wha-what?"

"Are you really that thick headed or is this part of your nice guy ploy?"


"If a woman gives you trouble, that means she wants your attention. Be it Vampire, Dragon, Ogre or Beast folk. All Females work in the same wavelength. We're giving you problems because we want you to notice us."

"What? Women aren't cats. They wouldn't go out there to make my life miserable just so that I could give them attention."

"Oh my... you are actually serious."

"Huh?! Again, what are you trying to say here?!"

Julieanne then puts her fingers up her chin and then proceeds to nod to herself.

"I guess this is what Vampires want in their men. Though acceptable I guess since they live for so long that kind of innocence can truly never be found in any of their kin."

"Uhhhh... I'm not really following but... sure?"

Jackson then turns back forward and observes Sister Gerda. The woman was painstaking in her effort, making sure not even a wrinkle was on the cloth on top of the table and the glassware were all appropriately lined up with not a single one misaligned even by the tiniest of margins.

After doing so, the woman picked up the broom and observed every corner of the classroom. Brushing and cleaning every particle of dust that she'd come across whilst using magic to make the smaller hand sized brooms to fly around and wipe the ceiling. Upon encountering the desks and tables, she'd use gravity magic to lift herself up and promptly clean what's underneath without wasting a single second.

Leaning far into the wall, Julieanne closely observes the Knight as he silently waits for the Mid Supper break to finish.

"I get it."

"Haaaah... What now?"

"You see yourself in her, don't you?"

"I mean, me and Alana usually do the cleaning and maintenance on the carriage and whatever lodging we get into. I understand the effort she's making in making sure everything's presentable and neatly organized. If the Vampires had taught me one thing, it is that there's always something to anything."

"And the Goddess? What does she usually do in your merry band of special people?"

"Fly around... eat around... sleep around... sometimes she'd sleep atop cabinets, or hard to reach places. She'd only help IF I explicitly ask her... but most of the time, her days go by in that simple three cycle. Fly, Eat, and Sleep."

"Heh. Dragons are lazebutts huh."

"They need to. The amount of energy they expend on a single battle or even a long flight is ridiculous. That's why I never complain about it unless it gets in my way which Bahamut never does or avoids it... unless she's asking for my attention."

"And the blonde one? What does she do?"

"Mostly sewing and helps in preparation of cooking stuff. Carmilla though is the biggest violator as she's just sleeping and in the most awkward positions, just as bad as Bahamut sometimes but more useful around the house. She also does a lot of decorating. Like A LOT and would burn those flower scented incense if she has any."

"You know, Jackson. I never truly managed to pick a Vampire's personality. They seem to have so many layers that it might take me a century to even get a trait out of their expressions."

Jackson sighs and leans down on the rear most desk, putting his weight on the wood as outside, the Class President, that of a woman with a Holy See Sword Cross ornament on her long violet hair, gathered the class and everyone prepped themselves for the next subject.

"... When I first met Alana, in that foggy night in that fishing town at Meilurous with Grifvet and his party. I couldn't believe my eyes that I was seeing a real Vampire for the first time in my life."

"Eh? So Lady Minuit is the first Vampire you encountered?"

"Yup and when she danced around me as she held my life captive in her palms... It felt so surreal for a moment. That this is my life now, and this few inches of chestplate armor is what divides me from this inhuman creature, the natural enemy of Humanity from completely killing me."

"She let you go, didn't she?"

"Yeah. She said the Outworlders' mess made her come to the main Continents to go and fix up whatever chaos we were brewing up."

"Oh you did. So much so the High Elves and Humanity's partnership strengthened due to your inferences in this world's affairs."

"Don't blame me. People in my world are left without much purpose. They thought they could find it here, bring change and something meaningful without knowing the full crusts of the problems they're trying to undo." he sighs and looks up to the blocked skies. "In the end, I sometimes feel like these Non Humans in my party are closer to me than actual people I've met." He sneered a bit as he returned his stool in the corner of the room. "But that's just me I guess. I've seen what people can do. We didn't become like this because we are peaceful. We weaponize everything we come across and find a civilian application afterwards."

Tapping his thigh, the noise outside dies down as marching shoes can be heard right outside the classroom.

Julieanne then suddenly patted his back. "Class is arriving. Act manly." he then straightens his back as the two doors that lead to the Courtyard opens and the students in a neat and organized line quietly enter the premises. Taking turns in greeting Sister Gerda as they one by one went to their designated places and then in complete unison, sat down without much of a sound from their seats.


Sister Gerda then lifts her head from the book and proceeds to point at the page numbers written behind her. "I suppose we'll practice the ceremonies for next week. I believe the ritualization of certain acts like making and preparing and serving food to higher nobles is best reserved for when Summer has fully settled. Begin the prayer." The class leader then stood up and everyone removed their hats as they bowed with their hands together. At the front of their heart.

Jackson just stands up and lowers his head as the Captain does the same but instead, unsheathes her sword and lifts it just enough for the center to be at level with her heart. "Oh Deus Vrax. In his everlasting light and mortal witness. May you bless our class so that we may learn truest and fullest. Bless Sister Gerda and my fellow classmates with your wisdom and that we may one day rise to paradise and be with you, the mortal that became a God." The Nun then proceeds the gesture to them as they sit in unison.

"Alright. Take the papers and hand them out." The students on the aisle then proceeded to stand up and took a bunch of papers and gave them out to their rows. "Remember, making a mistake is not the problem. It's when you do it again that it becomes one."

Opening their books, the students started to do some lettering as Sister Gerda stood up and started to walk around. Quietly observing each of the students.

Since the classroom was flat unlike the ones on the second floor. Her eyes could easily observe everyone, even those at the very corner. Arriving at one of the center rows, she reaches into her pockets and brings out a napkin. Handing it to one of the Noblemen.

"Mister Ingud, could you perhaps redo this sewing project of yours?"

He stops lettering and observes the napkin. On its edge, a strand has come undone and the Noble just bowed his head and took the cloth without question with both his hands out. "There's many more improvements that have to be done with your sewing skills. All of you, we will return to that next week as your take home work. For now, focus on lettering." She'd then return to patrolling around and help those who are having a hard time, taking the quill and showing them how it's done personally.

Not wasting any moment at all, the woman would closely teach the student one on one and help them understand and develop as she gives small comments to light hints on how to get the letter done.

Everyone was silent, the sound that filled the room were the quills and the shoes of the Nun hitting the tiles as she deliberately and slowly made her rounds.

After a while, she then started to make things harder. From single letters, it became sentences to full then, full blown paragraphs that could take up to three pages. Jackson was not only bored, but had once again fallen asleep. This made the Sister notice him as he snored a bit.

Though the Captain tugged his sleeves, it was far too late and the Nun had reached the back. "Sir Jackson, I believe?" He wakes up, eyes wide open as he snorts. Making some of the Nobles laugh and giggle. "Y-YES." With a straight back, he didn't dare look at her eyes. "What is the Nobility like in your world?" he scratches his head as the man leaned forward. Slouching.

"It's just like yours. But that was long ago now. The Nobility is more like just a ceremonial title that doesn't really hold any power or influence aside from some remaining nations." This made her change her stoic expression. Now with a small lift on her trimmed eyebrow, the Sister nods. "Nations are now run by Democratic Governments. We vote for those who go into power. Everyone. The poor, the middle class, and the rich."

"Hmmmm... So how do you assure a person who is capable is actually voted in then?"

"Errrr... What do you mean? We believe that everyone has the right to rule if they get the right amount of votes."

"But then, does this mean there's been Kings in your world where they've grown up with no background in politics?"

"Not Kings, Sister. But Presidents... and yes. We've had a lot. Actors, Singers, and the likes have all become Presidents. I believe some European countries even voted in Media Influencers into Congress and Parliament."

"By Deus Vrax's light. How have your nations not fallen with such unqualified leaders?"

"Well... the world economy did kinda tank around early to mid twenty twenties leading to a world war. Then again, it's not started by the younger ones in office. But the really old ones."

"Sir Jackson, what does it feel like to serve under a person who had not even been in the military nor touched a gun?"

"I do not know. I came from an Asian country where Mandatory Military Training is given at the age of fourteen in High School. Male or Female, everyone gets to touch a gun."

"And for the other countries?"

"That I do not know. But in my experience, things had just changed. With how easy it is to access information, even someone with no knowledge of stuff like geopolitics can easily catch up to entire conflicts whose roots take place in ancient times."

"My. What a world you live in. I do not know if I should commend the Mankind on your planet for reaching such enlightenment or to be disgusted by the lack of tact, elegance, tradition, and culture that remained."

"As the world became more connected, the more we became one and not one. People knew each other's differences but it also showed who you disagree and agree with. Making people select groups they wish to identify with." The man proceeds to sigh and look out the door window. "I actually have no words for the things the internet and full dive VR did to the Human Society. It did good and bad things, and with the inception of Androids recently. I am both afraid and hopeful for the future of my world."

Sister Gerda sighs as she looks at Captain Julieanne. "Since when have you known Sir Jackson, Captain Ammor?" she smiles as the woman rested her right elbow on the man's broad shoulder. "Ah, I first heard of Sir Jackson when he sent two of his companions to aid the Holy See. As one of their fellow Outworlders had sprung up an Undead Army. They both talked quite highly of him." The Sister returns her prying eyes to Jackson who had fixed his posture once again.

"I see... and what is the news with the Bishops? Has his Holiness Sir Rival come up with plans for next month's celebration of the Heroes Party Unification Festival?" the Captain shrugs as she stretches her hands. "Nay. I think he and Bishop Regelus are more focused on the calamity that comes ahead." With a light sadness to her, the Sister held her book closer to her heart. "At Least there is no abstaining then. You like meat, don't you, Captain Ammor?"

"Ahahaha... ahhhh... I do. But that is only from my younger days."

"Really? I believe I saw you buying punds of meat-"

"S-sister! Let us discuss this when we are back at the Offices." The Captain, with her best expression of smile with a plea made Gerda nod. "Ah, I see. Very well." With a small nod, she turns around. "Class, let us move into a five page writing with Elizabethan style lettering then. We have extra ink for those who are low."

Soon, the class finishes and everyone exits out. With Bannir having a smile on his face as he quickly ran back to the upper floors and came back down with a bunch of wooden swords and polearms. Jackson was already rolling up his sleeves as he neatly put the scabbard of the Glass Rapier on the arching pillar around the main yard.

To his shock, many of the students stayed. Staying on the sidelines while Julieanne made sure none of the students pushed one another too much. Bannir quickly changed to chainmail and thin plate armor. "Sir Jackson, would you?" He shrugs with a grin on his face. "Gotta continue mastering how to fight without armor. So I won't use one." Everyone watching made an "Ooooh" that it even caught the professors eyes and they watched along from the top floors. Some opened the windows from their rooms to see the commotion below. Bannir immediately readied his pose, one foot forward, both hands on the handle as he stared at Jackson, being in a more open position, ready to jump left or right.

The other Watchers all stood under the shadows, some already showing their Disciplines some pointers to be remembered as Jackson prepared his stance.

"What was your family business again?"

"We used to hunt legendary animals for their skin and sold them. My father was known for one of the greatest feats in the Kingdom. He hunted down the legendary Dastraia Oxen in the middle of winter and bought its carcass back home. But, we are now just usually known for making and selling winter clothes and specialty meat from our own farms."

"I see. No wonder you already got the basics down to a tee. Alright, how do we start?"

"Just do whatever you may, you are here to teach me afterall."

"But first, I need to know what I can even teach you in the beginning." Bannir's eyes open wide as Jackson's wooden sword swoops inches from his ear and without even a second wasted, turns its bladed part to touch his neck. He immediately lowers his head just to meet his knee as the Knight pushes him away. "Don't hold back!" Hearing this, the grin on his face enlarges to a smile as he continues to go after the young man.

His pigtailed blonde hair would briskly sway left and right as he kept his wooden sword straight and pointed up, meeting any of the attacks Jackson would lay. "Hm! I see what I can teach you!" He then tries to swipe his feet, but the Noble saw it beforehand and preemptively jumped back just to see the Knight had already run to his flanks. With all his might, Bannir swings his sword to meet with his opponent's blade.

A small shock was emitted as he was sent flying. Unable to catch his footing from the powerful blow, he lands on his back, silent. The crowd went with another "Ooohh" as the Knight ran towards Bannir who was picking himself up.

Jackson made sure he couldn't even lean upward as he rolled to his side to dodge the Knight's blade who was about to land a finishing blow on him. "Wait! That wasn't very Knightly of you!" With a devious dance, he continues trying to get Bannir through his sides. The young man, having to keep his feet together and avoid the swift defeat that echoed through every swing of his stronger opponent.

Jackson ignores his cries. Charging at him and keeping at the offensive nonstop as if he was a machine that could swing the wooden sword without tire nor error. Programmed to defeat and disable his enemy, the Knight was as ruthless and lifeless as the bullets that once tried to kill him years ago.

Being trained since he was young, the young Noble kept his feet and composure together, taking one swing from another till the Knight got the upperhand on him with a lock of swords. The hardened and experienced Player pushed the young man more and more till he hit the ground and rested his wooden blade on his forehead. "I win." Everyone clapped and the professors went back to their duties as the students all dispersed upon the arrival of the Headmaster. "Go along now! Training between Mentor and Student is a very intimate thing! Do not tarnish it with your decrepit looks! Gone!"

The Knight then offers his hand to Bannir. "When in combat, throw away all that crap about honor and duty. When it all comes down to it, who is the one most brutal and chaotic wins." hearing this, the young Noble takes his hand and stands up. "Most of all, the one who wins is the one who is willing to do anything for survival. This isn't hunting animals, it's hunting a Man and a Man knows how to be underhanded."

Walking to the sidelines, Julieanne clapped for the both of them but Bannir wasn't smiling which made her concerned. Putting her arms over the young Noble, she smiled at him as her head was up close to his cheeks. "Don't put it to your heart. Lord Jackson knows how to survive, better remember what he taught you just now. That is something any warrior needs to live by." Bannir's eyes were lively, sparkling with action as she let go of him and he sat down on the grass with Jackson.

"Honor and duty is good and all, but you see what it did to you back there. You weren't focused on killing me. You were focused on finding a rightful way to disable me. That is not how you should be when you sword to someone whose main objective at that point is to survive and go back home." Jackson then pulls the young man closer to him. "A man who wants to go home will do everything under his power to make sure that happens."

Bannir nods silently as the man wiped some sweat off his forehead and neck. Feeling a stare, he turns to one of the arches where the Headmaster, in his old and wrinkled state, was watching carefully whilst some of the Watchers with their Disciplines had departed. Those remaining were also training with swords and weapons.

After catching a bit of his breath, the Knight then stretches his arms and legs. "Alright, let's check out your magic then. How many spells do you know?" The Noble then walked to his bag and opened a separate notebook that looked like a small grimoire. "Uhhhh... I... I know twenty." This made the player shrug. "Can you do fifty?" The young man jolted upon hearing the absurd number, left with a tilt of his head and a look of confusion to his Watcher. "F-Fifty?!"

"I can do fifty. Seventy if I focus enough and prepare spells beforehand. It's useful, you know? Twenty for self buffs. Thirty for doing things like making my sword shoot off lasers to making flying blades of varying size and type."

"I can only cast one, so far. Fifty might take me a few decades to fully master."

"And that few decades means you can cast it without speaking, right?"

"Eh? That's a very advanced thing to do! I'm not a Mage so I can't balance both that well!"

"Is that so? Well, can you atleast know how to whisper it?"


"Hmm... that's problematic." Jackson then goes to the young man and squats down to check his notes. It's a mess, unlike the ones he uses for school stuff. This one was more blown up, with arrows leading left and right to remind him and haphazardly placed methods and nicely drawn hands in how to cast it. "Well... I don't understand your language, but checking this, is it coupled with speaking and hand movements?"

"Hm. It helps concentrate the magic in one area." rubbing his chin, the man then looks up to the skies. He then points his wooden blade at it and without speaking, makes it shoot a fireball which explodes into fireworks. Bannir's eyes sparkled as he sees the man do such a thing firsthand. "How about using your imagination? In Tur, Magic is mostly prepositioned by where you're pointing as it helps cope up the image in your head. You imagine the combustion and if you know the basics of it, you can make it go boom! Can you do this?"

"U-uhhh... without speaking?" Jackson smiles and nods at him. "Hm. How is it done here in Threa? I might be able to teach you something more different and alien then." The young man then proceeded to look at his notes and opened his palm. Closing his eyes, he seems to force out something and a small fire appears. "That's really the only thing I can do without speaking it. As Magic for us requires Willpower, Lord Jackson. Not imagination."

"Ah! But to have the willpower to do it, don't you maybe need to have an image beforehand?" Bannir nods. "So to do this, what do you need? What does both of these styles, Tur and Threan really revolves around in the start?" With his eyes lighting up, he jitters and utters the answer. "My mind!"

"Correct!" Jackson then conjures another magic, this time with his index finger. He points it at Bannir's forehead which then heals the small bruise he got from the Knights attack. "Use your mind then, it might help you master how to cast without speaking. In the end, it all starts with your head."

"Ahem, Lord Jackson, may I remind you that only a handful of Knights could both spar with great skill and cast spells without speaking?" the man just shrugs at the Captain's comment. "I don't know that. That's something every Swordsman had to learn by Level Forty." with his body pumped with ego. He rises from the grass and takes his wooden sword. "Then, why not I show you why this is so important. Stand up Bannir, sword out."

The two once again position themselves. "I'll speak my magic to you, and see if you can think beforehand what it does." he nods. "Greater Awareness!" as Jackson spoke of his, he didn't move and went into the offensive instantly. Hearing it, Bannir then goes for his flank in a quick and fast move. The Knight notices this and faces him, but as his legs were about to straight with his chest, the Noble moved once again, rolling to the side to get him through the lower side.

To his shock, Jackson's eyes were peering through his shoulders, staring down at him like a Wolf that's locked onto its prey as he dodged it in his attempt to attack his flank. Though he got closer this time, Jackson was a tad faster. And with a quick swipe, made him hit the ground. "Good try. Now, let's see it again but this time, I won't speak."

Bannir then stands up once again, this time roaring to go once again as he practiced his swinging as he walked away and repositioned himself. He puts his wooden sword up and Jackson just blinks as a fireball was sent at him. The barrage of flames made him fall on his butt and without long, the Knight was already pointing the tip of his sword at his forehead.
"You see how different the advantage is? If you speak of it, it gives your enemies a heads up. You heard what I said and you thought of a strategy forward, but if you did not speak, you were caught off guard and even shocked. Easy win. Now, try the most basic magic at me, without speaking."

"B-but, Sir Jackson."

"No buts. You already know so much, something like this shouldn't be difficult if you try hard enough. Got anything super basic but offensive? Like... Magic Missile?"

"Magic Missile?"

"Oh man, this is one of the worst spells you can use. Low to Top Tier Mages use it. They just make it stronger or larger to annoy you more. I'll teach you, don't worry." Jackson then sheathes his wooden sword as he walks to his notebook and takes his quill. He starts writing how to do the spell in English. "It's easy, all you do is make one dart of magical energy. Its coloured blue, if you want it to become effective against Demons or Ghosts, put Divinity into it and it turns Gold. Red if you mix fire, and bright blue if you use ice magic. Brown for soil." After a while of writing, he managed to finish it with three paragraphs with some drawings showing finger guns to a variation with both hands forward and palms open.

"There, have that translated and if you can, master that. Believe me, you'll be using that from start to finish." seeing the strange language in his book, Bannir smiles and looks at him. "Hm! I'll be sure to try this, Sir Jackson! I can't wait to try Outworlder magic!" with a chuckle, the man walks back to the arching pillar with his glass rapier. As he rests for a bit and sees the Noble trying it out with his fingers.

As time passed, he then returned back to Jackson after some attempts and failing. "Sir Jackson, could you then maybe teach me how to fight with armor?"

"Hm? Why? You haven't gotten yourself one yet?'

"Not yet. My father hasn't assigned anyone to make one for me."

"Problem is..." he then looks at the shoddy practice armor the Noble has and nods. "No, I can make do with this." Standing up, Jackson unsheathes his Rapier. "Do you know the weak spots of your typical plate armor?"

"Uhm... The armpits, neck, the joints?" he nods but Jackson then lifts the tip of his glass rapier to his eyes. "Don't forget that. The most important part." Bannir nods. "And when you're gonna try to kill someone in plate armor, you don't go for their weak spots immediately." Jackson then starts to pretend as if he is striking Bannir. "You go for their arms and legs, wear them out." the young man just nods as the magnificent sword of the Knight was truly an eye catching gem. "Soon, if you see an opening as the tire gets to them, go for their neck or head. Usually, if you mix magic with the attack, not even an enchanted Coif and Chainmail made from Magic infused metal underneath it can stop the shock."

The Knight then stands up and goes at the bunch of swords and weapons Bannir took. He takes the knife and gives it to him. "Try stabbing me with this." with his gauntlets still on, Jackson easily swipes it from him. "Try again, now bare handed." The Noble took off his gauntlet and this time was able to grip his knife harder as the Knight tried to take it from him. "Good, always remember where the straps are. When it comes down to it, with both of you being of the same level and skill, both of you will tire and it all comes down to who has the faster hand."

The Knight then goes around and sees the large pebble. "You see this? If you find yourself without your knife, use a rock, even a sharp branch. Don't be afraid to let your more animalistic side take over. All for survival. Got it?" seeing his piercing and serious eyes, the Nobleman nodded in silence. "Good. Plate armor can only take you so far. Don't depend on it too much. You must also depend on yourself and the skills you have. Got it?"

"Yes, Sir Jackson." The man then throws the pebble away and looks at Bannir as he sits back on the arch.

"You already know what you want in armor and style?"

"Oh! I have this great idea! I saw one from the history books, Lord Jackson."

"Wrong. Captain, can you please stop ogling at me and come here?" the woman just giggles and walks to him, the man points at the area in between her body and the steel plates. "Captain here wears padded leather armor, chainmail and then the plates. You see how it obeys her curves and busty figure?" with a blush on his face, Bannir just nodded. But Jackson wasn't even showing a pint of red on his face as he stared at the young man with his apathetic eyes. "The armor you'll wear must be for you alone. If one part doesn't feel right, get it fixed. Don't mind if the Smith gets angry at you. Don't stop till you feel perfect when wearing it anywhere, and anytime, get it? Position yourself at awkward places and poses and see if it all connects."

Seeing his face, the Noble's flushed expression disappears as he nods. "Me, I wear full plate armor, no joints can be seen, underneath that is enchanted chainmail and padded leather armor with another layer of thick cloth just to soften blows even more. I also made it a bit more... Gothic and... Expressive of the motif of the Order I belong to." breathing in, Jackson then turns back to Julieanne. Pointing at her thighs this time. "Make sure everything is to fit, like hers. If need be, even call Captain her when you'll be getting yours. She has the right idea, perfect even. You see how she's worn this all day and hasn't had a problem?"

"I thought Miss Julieanne was just used to wearing it."

"Wrong. If your armor is all wrong, even if you got used to wearing it, you'd still be trying to adjust your body every now and then. Her? See how her composure is straight and laced all the time? That's how it should be." Before long, Bannir already had his notebook out as he wrote down all the points and ideas Jackson was speaking to him from pure experience, the Noble didn't waste any inkling at all as he jolted down every bit of info he could squeeze out from the man's mouth.

"Got all of that?" Collecting his breath, Bannir nods. "Why are you all tired already? I was planning on showing you some combo moves."

"Lord Jackson, I think it's better for you to let Sir Bannir home." Looking at her with a disgruntled face, the man caves in to her. "Sure. Are you happy with today, Bannir?" the man nodded as he collected his breath. "Sad though, Sir Jackson. I would've loved it if you were able to teach me till maturity. I feel like I haven't even gotten a grasp yet of your vast knowledge in Knightly battles and techniques."

"Oh you compliment me too much." Jackson then puts his scabbard back to his belt as he picks up the weapons on the ground. "Sad, I was planning on teaching you how to use the Greatsword too. It can be a great weapon if you know your thing. My Rapier actually has the same length as it, that extra bit of reach does wonders in battles."

Collecting everything and cleaning up, they all returned their weapons and armor back to the Armory as Bannir parted with them. His notebook in his hands as he ran out of the school and into the Upper Class neighborhood. Now both of them left alone with an empty University, they set off to look around.

Soon, Jackson finds out just how absolutely huge the entire place is. Going from one hallway to another, it seemed like an endless Labyrinth while Julieanne navigated the place without having to think. Knowing where to go as they reached a strange section of the University, there, the language was different and so was the decor. It seemed more extravagant and blowy, with so much detail that you could look at one pillar for days and still find something new to see.

There's also no signs of any Humans. Instead, the Professors that remained around the area were Elves in their Toga's and wands. Walking about with no problem at all at the fact that there are two Humans in their area. They soon stumbled upon a familiar face.

"Ah. If it ain't Sir Jackson. Good battle, I now know why the Vitavill family's youngest chose you."

"Oh... Professor.... Heh- Hehhh" as if to help the Human to say his name, the Elven Professor silently says his name, overexpressing his mouths movements to show how to do it. "Heeehh'ruth?"

"Close enough. What brings you two here?"

"May I ask... but in Human, what would your name be?"

"In Human?"

"Yeah, like my name would be Pablo in Spanish, in English it would be Paul."

"Ah! It's Henry."

"Oh, hey. That's pretty neat actually."

"Thank you. But to call a High Elf born from the Empire in its Human name would be akin to slurring our family lineage. So do avoid that."


"But we are not in the Empire. I do not mind it. Human names are simpler anyways."

Captain Julieanne, who noticed that the Knight had gotten invested in knowing about the High Elves, taps his shoulder. "Oh! About the opinions of the High Elves on things. Do you people support the Beast people being accepted into the Holy See?" saying it so straightforward, it made her facepalm while the Professor just put his hands on his hips. "Oh..." the tall Elf then scratched his cheeks as he turned to the well lit ceiling with floating candles. "Well, most of us don't really care. It's only those so engrossed in the meager politics of Man that'd care of something as menial as this. The Emperor has been very open to Man and I believe some are feeling threatened by this or disrespected."

He then rubs his chin. "Eh? But... then... how come... hmmmm..." with a confused look, the Professor took one of the wooden chairs and sat on the side of the hallway, leaning down on the small table as he elegantly fixed his toga. "Why? Are the Outlanders so scared of the High Elves doing something?" The two then lock eyes with Jackson caught red handed.

"Pfft, please. Even the Emperor doesn't care. Only a handful of peons with scars of the past. You know when all the species united?"

"Uhm... when the Demon King comes and opens the portal to the underworld?"

"That and when the New Vampires rose to conquer the Main Continents. Only in those instances did we all unite. Do you know why we Elves are so apprehensive of you Humans even to this very day?"


"Hmmm..." the Professor then changes his seating posture. Leaning back more and his legs forward. "I can picture a world without hate. A world without war and suffering..." The two then just looked at him as they waited for him to continue. "And?" the Elf immediately finishes his sentence with a tone that was more akin to that of a normal person. His usual flare of arrogance is gone. "And I picture Humanity attacking that as they know they'd never see them coming. Your species alone, Earthling Humans has improved your technology to the levels of which it is indistinguishable from the strongest of Magics. All while in a constant state of war and difference."

"I mean... technically... yes? But, so what?"

"That means your society could never develop to such levels without conflict and war."

"What are you getting at? We have times of peace, do you know?"

"Tell me, in this time of peace, were you ever truly in a world without war?"

"Errrrrr... proxy wars are different from... like big wars between superpowers... it's kinda peaceful."

"Yet you prove me right. This is why we Elves are always on the lookout for you Humans. Do you think the Beastmen are capable of the same? No. So why should we care for them?"

"I guess so..."

"Extinguish this thought that we'd be so pious to try to start a war over something this small." Captain Julieanne on the other hand steps forward. "But you Elves have also started many wars. You've even pushed many Kingdoms to absolute annihilation." a large two door then opens and another High Elf, wearing a Toga of Blue and Green presents himself.

"War was always here, it came with the birth of the Gods. Before Man, War was already there but it was missing something. Waiting for it... The Ultimate Craft waiting for its Ultimate Artist." The thin bearded Elf elegantly bowed to He'ruth who returned it with his own little bow. Peering over the door was a Holy See Priest to Jacksons surprise. "Professor, can you set aside the Anti Human dribble later? If these calculations are correct, we are seeing a very dangerous line we're all about to cross." with a sigh, he heads back in and He'ruth stands up. "May you show me your Card, Lord Jackson?" The man immediately hands his Adventurer's Card. With it, the stamp of the Bishop. "Very well. I believe this is what the Outworlders are after, correct?"

"Hmph. Yes. This is what we're after."

"Well, knowing one of the bishops had given you permission. Follow me, you two."

He led them inside the room that needed two huge ornate doors to it. "Please do not touch anything. Even the litter on the floor. Thank you." Inside, there's a magic globe on the floor, surrounded by books as parchment was everywhere on the floor and on the side opposite of the huge towering windows were chalkboards with various calculations already on it. Priests and High Elf Professors were both together as they sprung from one place to another. Jackson's jaw drops at the sight of the place. Stacks of papers were floating around as Elves and Humans worked together in complete harmony as bright reds could be seen on the bright golden globe.

He turns to Julieanne and was even shocked by the sight before her. "I thought you knew this place before me." She just shrugs as He'ruth takes them to the side of the globe where two seats were open. "Please. Sit down. I'll talk to you more later. I must tend to this first." 

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