By JgardenUs

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The transmigration of a person from one universe to another can bring great blessings and great calamities, d... More



419 42 3
By JgardenUs

Observing the woman she loved sleeping was one of the queen's favorite things, because there were few moments when that face did not show concern or irritation because of something, and only in the privacy of their rooms could the young woman find quiet. Athena's head was lying on Daenerys' chest while one of the queen's hands circled her waist and the other hand caressed the face of the woman who was lost in the land of dreams, snuggling in the heat of the queen's body since the two were covered by a thin blanket and enjoying only each other's body heat. Athena began to grumble as she snugled even more in her heat source, burying her face in the queen's breasts as soon as the sunlight advanced over the huge room.

"Sȳz tubis issa jorrāelagon, ziry iksos nykeā privilege naejot wake bē jurnegēre rȳ se olvie gevie ābra isse se vys." The queen whispered in her mother tongue when she realized that Athena was waking up from sleep but still refusing to leave the comfortable position in which she was "lon emagon naejot jiōragon bē yn nyke jaelagon naejot enjoy mirrī tolī hen issa jēda rūsīr ao"

Daenerys was in pure ecstasy, for the moment of full tranquility that the two were having and for having had the opportunity to love Athena and love every piece of the woman's body. The queen's face turned red when she imagined that probably all the people in the palace already knew about the relationship between them. The queen was fascinated to hear Athena moaning her name and retreated to ask the woman to muffle sounds as beautiful as those; she wanted everyone to know that she was already committed.

With great reluctance, the two women got up. They had obligations and duties that they needed to face, and to stay all day in bed was a tempting idea, but today the two would discuss with the council the last details so that they could finally leave for Westeros. The woman with platinum hair admired Athena braiding her hair, and the expression on her face was the most kind in the world. She admired the new Lady Tyrell, and the queen's heart had surrendered to the woman's charms in a very short time. Daenerys sighed, denying her head, when she realized that, in fact, she would conquer the world if it meant that her beloved would be happy; she was the most important treasure of the dragon.

"How am I?" Athena asked, by turning her body slightly to be able to face the queen, who was already looking at her, "Am I beautiful?" The woman asked, waiting for Daenerys' evaluation of her clothes. "Missandei gave me this dress as a gift; she said she had your help to design it," she said, laughing as she caressed the golden dragons embroidered on the black dress.

It was only then that the queen paid more detailed attention to the dress and realized that it was Missandei's birthday gift for the woman; it was the same black dress with golden details that she had helped to design, and soon a huge smile appeared on Daenerys' lips. The dress was fabulous, with the long skirt that dragged a little on the floor, in addition to the corset that highlighted Athena's curves, and the most impressive factor were the golden dragons that were most likely hand-embroidered by the queen's own counselor. The colors were very well chosen and gave Athena an aura of confidence and pure magnitude, in addition to fully matching House Targaryen.

"You are not beautiful; you are the embodiment of beauty itself." Daenerys praised her, looking at the woman from top to bottom. "You are the greatest beauty in this world; you are my greatest treasure," the queen said as she swiped her arms over Athena's waist, hugging her. "If anyone says otherwise, I'm sure Drogon would love to have a new snack in addition to the usual food he receives."

She knew that Daenerys was not joking when she said these words because the last time a soldier dared to mock Athena by the scar in her arms and the eye she had lost, the queen did not hesitate for a moment to apply a severe punishment. Daenerys was furious when she found Athena crying hidden in one of the rooms of the palace. When she learned of what had happened, no soldier would want to be near the queen because she resembled a dragon that would destroy anything that moved. A very clear message had been given that day: she would not tolerate any kind of mockery in the direction of Athena or any woman, and it was good for each person in the palace to be careful with what they said and did.

Athena was insecure at first when assuming her feelings for the queen, but little by little, her insecurities disappeared when the queen demonstrated, not only with words but with attitudes, that her love was not temporary and could not be shaken by anything or by anyone. Daenerys was her first love; the queen was the first romantic relationship; and deep down, she was afraid that things would go wrong and she would end up with a broken heart. She had made a promise to herself; she had promised that no matter how long this love lasted, she would be happy, so that whenever she remembered the queen, her memories would be the most beautiful.

"A golden dragon for your thought," the queen said when she realized that her companion was lost in thought.

"You are my first love," the woman said this information as if it were just simple news: "You are my first love; you are the first person I loved, and this feeling is one of the best things, although it scares me a little at first."

Se zaldrīzoti roar while dancing
Se zaldrīzoti roar while dancing
Pōnta mīsagon aōha treasure
Pōnta mīsagon aōha jorrāelagon
Ruaragon hen se zaldrīzes's vēdros
lo ao ōdrikagon aōha treasure
Ruaragon hen se zaldrīzes's vēdros
Oh, se heavens jāhor rȳbagon issa jorrāelagon syt ao
Issa chosen mēre
Issa protégé, issa beloved
Se gentlemen se se ābri jāhor vāettan
Bē se dāria's jorrāelagon syt ao
Issa chosen mēre
Issa protégé
Issa beloved
Zaldrīzoti sīmonagon hae powerfully hae gō
Lanta zaldrīzoti sīmonagon, mēre zōbrie se mēre mele
Se zōbrie zaldrīzes iksos dangerous isse se air
Se mele zaldrīzes iksos dangerous va tegon

Athena cried freely as she listened to the melodious voice of the queen, which echoed beautifully throughout the room. The weight of Daenerys' words was hardly confused because she freely sang in her mother tongue her love for the woman; she sang with a very vibrant and living passion, and the woman was completely melted by the song in Alto Valiriano. The two continued to embrace for a moment until they were again forced to face the reality of responsibilities that could not be avoided and very important decisions that would need to be taken today. Soon the two women were walking down the palace corridor, heading quickly to the room where everyone would share breakfast and where the last meeting would be held.

"Good morning, your highness and your future highness." Asha welcomed the queen and Athena with a provocative smile on her lips. "I would like to say that the royal rooms do not have an isolation of sound as good as we imagined," the captain of the royal fleet confirmed the thoughts of the queen, who laughed as she imagined the faces of people listening to Athena's words.

"Daenerys Stormborn, I know what you're laughing at." Athena's eyes shone dangerously for the queen, making it possible to see a hint of fun in them. "I apologize for my lack of description last night, but I don't want to hear a word about my intimacy with the queen."

They were not only among friends; there were other people, and she wanted to prevent them from starting to whisper bad things about the queen. Athena herself was already very attacked by other people, so she did not want the same attacks directed at Daenerys. Everyone waved in understanding to the woman's request, including Asha herself, who had recognized the presence of strange people sitting at the table to share breakfast. They knew that the woman could be hard at the necessary times, and no one wanted to start the day by sowing some discord.

"So, what are the important updates?" The queen asked while putting some pieces of cheese and some fruits on the plate, while the companion opted for bread and roasted pork, "We have a lot to solve today."

"All our ships are ready to depart, and most of the necessary resources are already properly stored below the deck of each ship. But Your Highness, we need to discuss who will be responsible for governing for you here in Essos." Missandei spoke when bringing a very important subject but little taken into account.

"I was thinking of appointing Daario to take care of things while I'm away."

"I oppose," Athena said freely when remembering something, caring little about the confused looks she was receiving from everyone. "I suggest you name his older brother, the one who has experience with negotiations and these things."

"You're not opposing Daario's appointment just out of jealousy, are you?" Tyrion asked with an accusatory tone, "He is a great option; besides being loyal to the queen, I am in favor of this appointment."

"And I'm against it," Athena replied while savoring the orange juice. "He will play a much more important role as a member of the royal guard than as a regent here in Essos. Grey Worm will not always be able to protect the queen from threats and dangers in Westeros. We need someone who will protect her with life. So no, Tyrion, I'm not vetoing his appointment out of jealousy; if I were so insecure, I would never trust a man who one day was Daenerys' boyfriend to be responsible for her safety!"

Daenerys reassured Athena when she noticed that the fork in her hand was being tightened very tightly.

"I trust him because I know he will protect her, unlike many of you at this table. I can be her girlfriend, but my main function is to ensure her safety, and even if this were not the case, I would never doubt her honor and integrity. I suggest being careful with your words because Drogon has not yet been  fed." Athena, for the first time, had threatened someone in public without thinking about her own words: "Any news about the north?" She asked calmly as she looked away to face Jon Snow, who looked at her with a smile.

"We have moved a part of our troops to ensure the safety of Dragonstone; we are responsible for removing all the remaining threats that existed at the site," Jon said in a proud voice. "The place is already safe, so we can leave."

"Good point, Jon. Good point. It will be good to fight with one of the most experienced warriors by our side during future battles. I know about your battle with Bolton; you should have hit him more for what he did with Sansa," Athena replied Jon, returning the smile, "until you're not so boring."

"And until you are not so grumpy, it will be good to have you on our team, but honestly, I hope I never need you." He said respectfully, remembering that she worked as a doctor and would probably be working in military hospitals during the war, "I would like to meet with you in another meeting; we have other things to talk about."

For some reason, Daenerys didn't like what she heard.

〘 ——✯——〙


What did you think of today's chapter? I would like to know your opinions about the events in this chapter.

Here is the translation of what Daenerys said in high valyrian:

Good morning my love, it's a privilege to wake up looking at the most beautiful woman in the world.

We have to get up but I want to enjoy a little more of my time with you.

Song in high valyrian sung by Daenerys:

The dragons roar while dancing,
The dragons roar while dancing,
They protect your treasure,
They protect your love,
Hide from the dragon's fury,
If you hurt your treasure,
Hide from the dragon's fury,
Oh, the heavens will hear my love for you,
My chosen one,
My protégé,
My beloved,
The gentlemen and the ladies will sing,
About the queen's love for you,
My chosen one,
My protégé,
My beloved,
Dragons rise as powerfully as before,
Two dragons rise, one black and one red,
The black dragon is dangerous in the air,
The red dragon is dangerous on earth,

(For the high valyrian sentences I used a conversation translator from english to high valyrian.)

Daenerys to Jon when seeing him friendly with Athena:: Criminal offensive side eye.

Daenerys and Athena will be the most powerful couple in Westeros.

Athena and Asha are like healthy rivals, I think that's funny.

Daario would be a perfect royal guard to protect Daenerys.

For Daenerys the three most important people at the moment are: Missandei, grey Worm and Athena.

Athena and Daenerys trust each other a lot, if they didn't trust their other half there would be no sense to join a relationship.

About Jon, I couldn't hate him, I just think he was a very poorly developed character in the television series.

Drogon to Athena: I sympathize with you.

What are your theories for the next chapters?

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Please, if you can, don't forget to leave comments and vote.

Your comments on this chapter are important!

Thank you for reading my story, your support is very important to me.

An observation: I'm not the fastest person in the world but I'm working to correct all possible spelling mistakes! Thank you for your patience and understanding.


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