•The Step Daddy•

By jjjustherrr

54.7K 2.2K 741

Y/n is a single mom of a two year old boy,Daniel,she's all about her boy and does everything she can to make... More



893 38 18
By jjjustherrr


"Come on,it doesn't take that long!" I shouted at Carlos

"I'm gonna knock your head off your shoulders if you don't stop rushing me" he scolded as he made a turn

"I'm gonna murder that fucker!" Josh spat in the backseat "hey! You're near the kid" I told him while pointing at Daniel in the baby seat that's staring at josh with his big eyes

Josh glanced over with a fake smile "sorry kid" he muttered

We got a phone call from Lexi about what happened at her house,I couldn't help but tear up.She gotten hurt just because of me,cause Leandro wants me

If it wasn't for her scary dogs,he could've killed her.Josh is the one that's more furious and I know it's cause he likes her but he doesn't want to admit it

Finally,Carlos parked in front of the hospital.Josh and I jumped out "wait!" Carlos yells getting our attention

"Get the baby" he says while rolling his eyes,I made an realization face before rushing back to the car for Daniel


I held Daniel's head against my chest as we sprinted through the hospital,we made it to the counter.I spoke to the nurse before she gave me the room number Lexi is in

We walked by other rooms until we finally saw the room number,my throat tighten as I looked through the window seeing Lexi laid in the bed in a gown

My brothers guided me in first,Lexi blinked over to me before she began to smile.I don't know how she's doing so well

"Lexi" I sobbed,her smile slowly faded

"I'm okay honey,don't worry" she says now sitting up against her pillow

"I'm so sorry.I didn't know he would go to your house and I don't know how he found it-

"Y/n relax,I'm okay.charlie and max were good boys" she chuckled

She then shifted her eyes to Daniel who was admiring her "can I hold him?" She asked,I gave her a look "I'm fine"

I sighed before carefully passing Daniel onto her lap,he immediately hugged her neck.she smirked as she hugged him tightly

She waited for Daniel to pull away before looking out in the hall seeing Carlos and josh "why they're here?"

"They offered me to stay with them and when we got your call,we were already together" I told her

"Aw that's nice.It's more safer that way" she says

I smiled at her,she didn't have makeup on but she looks naturally beautiful and her hair somehow still manages to look good.

I looked back and signaled my brothers to come in,they slowly did but josh looked the most worried "hey,how are you feeling?" He asked

She shrugged "I can be better but I'll push through" she says as her pupils grew,I smirked knowing why they did that every time she looked at josh

I always noticed Josh's pupils doing the same,I want them to be together cause they're perfect but they're just being little kids

"Hey" I heard from the doorway,I turned seeing miguel.my eyebrows knitted

"I made a call" Carlos says with a shrug,I rolled my eyes before walking over to him

"Hi" I say,he softly smiled "I'm sorry about Lexi" he whispered as he pulled me into an embrace

"She's doing okay thankfully" I muffled,he rubbed my back then pulling away "I'm gonna stay with my brothers for a while"

"Why's that?" He asked,He held my hands as his thumb caressed my skin

"Leandro is dangerous mikey,I gotta stay with them" he sighed

"Yeah that seems about right,I can't believe what he did to Lexi.it's horrible" he says while raising his eyebrows

"Uh hopefully our date is still on this Saturday?" He says making an unsure face,i cackled before nodding "don't worry it's still on" I say

He nods before pecking my forehead,I turned to check Lexi before feeling Miguel's warm hands on my hips.he pressed his chest against my back making my stomach turn

"Ugh I'm starving" Lexi said,josh smirked

"I'll get you something" he says with a tap on her shoulder,he walked past us then out the room

"Are you guys together?" Miguel asked,I giggled

"She wishes" I snickered

"Shut up!" Lexi says as her cheeks turnt pink,Carlos raised a brow

"Then why is your face red" Carlos says,she slightly gasp while patting her cheeks.Daniel laughed as he put his small hands on hers to do the same as if he was helping

Miguel let out his cute laugh making me smile


I signed the papers to discharge Lexi,they did all kind of tests to check how's she's doing.She does have an concussion and she has to rest,given the option to stay with her mom

Josh was sweet enough to carry her bridal style over to the car,Carlos held the backseat door for them before josh gently placed Lexi on her back.

I glance at miguel who had Daniel in his arms,he stared at me with a light smirk on his lips "what?" I said,he shook his head

"Shit,I don't think there's enough room for all of us" josh spoke

"Oh that's okay,I'll go with Miguel" I said.My brothers exchanged looks before eyeing miguel

"She'll be fine" miguel states while slowly pulling me closer by my hand,Carlos nodded.they both jumped in the car and turned on the engine

"Come on" he muttered,we both walked over to his car that wasn't too far.I crawled in as miguel passed Daniel onto me,Daniel blinked around Miguel's car

He got in himself,we began going on the road "so you want me to drop you off at your house?" He asked with a quick glance

"Uh actually I'm gonna give you my brother's address,he has our bags in his car" I say

"That's perfect for you guys.if there's anything I can do to help you,I'll love to" he softy spoke

"Thanks mikey" I smiled,he winked at me before shifting his eyes back onto the road

I glance down at Daniel,his head placed against my chest as he zones out;watching the window.I pecked his head causing him to look up at me,I grinned at him

He puckered his lips then pressed against my cheek,I giggled knowing I taught him that "hey,there's an ice cream shop.Want some?" Miguel asked

"Sure!" I squealed,he laughed before slowly parking near by "I'll be back.Don't move" he spoke as he eyed me

I chuckled after he stepped out,I placed my lips on Daniel's chubby cheek making him giggle and slightly scream.

I babied him in Spanish with nonsense before there was a tap on the window of my side,I looked over.My eyes widen as my heart jumped

Leandro with a smirk watching us through the window,he raised his eyebrows as he signaled me to lower the window but I didn't want to

Fuck where's miguel..


Hope you liked!

Love you mwah!

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