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Miguel and I quitely went downstairs after putting daniel to bed "would you want something to eat or drink before you go to sleep?" I ask

He raised his eyebrows "maybe something to drink will be nice,I'm not hungry right now" he says with a soft smile

I nodded as he followed me into the kitchen,he sat himself on at the table while I opened the fridge "do you want some ice tea? I made it" I said

"You make ice tea? every time I try to,it always taste like shit for some reason" he chuckled,I laughed before taking out the tub

"You have to put in a lot of sugar so it can taste good.my brothers taught me that" I said,he nodded while making an impressed expression

I placed the tub on the table before I open the top cabinets to take out two glasses,I felt eyes on me and it made me want to drop the glasses but I held my own

I turn seeing miguel with a smirk as he eyed me,I blushed knowing he was waiting for me.I then pour a good amount of ice tea into one glass before passing it to Miguel

"Thanks chula" he muttered,I poured mine as I sat across from him "you think you will be able to sleep tonight after..what happened?"

"I don't know" I mumbled,I watched miguel take a sip while keeping his gaze on me.my stomach made a huge turn

I lowered my head to avoid eye contact,I couldn't help myself.why is this happening? Why am I feeling like this towards him?

I zoned out onto my french tip nails that Lexi paid for,slightly tapping it against the glass "do you want to talk about it?" He asks lowly

I inhaled sharply before moving my eyes up onto him "do you really wanna know?" I whispered,he scoffed "I'm not gonna judge you y/n" he states

I sighed "Daniel's father,Leandro,he obviously wasn't a good person to me and I knew he wasn't going to be a good father to Danny"

I watch his facial expression become more interested onto the topic "he put me through hell ever since we were together and it was a living nightmare" I said

"He would emotionally and mentally abuse me throughout the whole relationship,he would say I was acting like the victim when it really wasn't me"

His gaze soften "and my stupid ass just kept going back to him even when I knew he was mistreating me,Lexi always gave me advice and encouraged me to leave but..I never listened"

"He called me names and would try to manipulate and gaslight me.sometimes it would work but then I'll catch on" I felt a knot forming into my throat

"My mom hated his guts,she begged me to leave him cause she knew the damage he was doing to me..I'll cry to her when I'll find out he cheated on me with multiple women" I choked

Miguel instantly moved to the chair near me.he knows it's hard for me to talk about this,I never wanted to talk about that asshole in the first place

"Oh y/n,I'm so sorry" he says as the crack in his voice became visible.I weakly smiled

"I stayed until the abuse..became physical" I spoke,that caused Miguel's eyes to darken "even while I was pregnant with Danny"

"No fucking way" he said under his breath

"When I told him that I was pregnant,he obviously wanted me to abort him but I couldn't and I didn't want to so he threatened to..do it himself" I breathed out

I pinched my eyes shut;not wanting miguel to see the tears

"Y/n" he called out,his warm hand picked up mine "look at me" I slowly obeyed

"You're the strongest person I've ever met,you didn't deserve none of it.you're such a gentle and precious soul..I couldn't imagine what you went through with that asshole"

"You're the best mom to Daniel and I know he truly loves you.you're amazing" I sniffled as I wiped a tear that suddenly escaped

"Thanks mikey" I whispered,he lightly smiled before he raised my hand that was still in his and pressed a gentle kiss on it

"Anything for you" he mouthed making my heart flutter.oh boy I'm falling for him hard..

"Um would you like pancakes for breakfast tomorrow? They're Daniel's favorite" I said after clearing my throat

He softly chuckled "if Daniel doesn't mind,I'll love to taste his mom's cooking" he says while titling his head to look deeper into my soul

"..why do you do that?" I blurted,his eyebrows furrowed

"Do what?" I squinted my eyes at him

"Make anything sound flirty or sweet" he grinned before his tongue swiped across his lips

"I'm just talking to you chula" he says with a brow raised

"Talking or flirting?" I teased as I stood up from my seat  being inches from his body

"A little bit of both" he naturally winked

"You're so full of yourself" I say while rolling my eyes

"Don't you want to be full of me" he says while standing up from his seat now making our faces closer

"Is that dirty talk?" I smirked

"Do you want it to be dirty?" He teases before placing his tongue against his inner cheek,we stared at each other with silence

"goodnight miguel" I say now turning away from him,I heard him chuckle

"night preciosa" he lowly says as I hit the stairs

Now we're getting closer😏

I know the story behind the baby daddy is terrible but it's true behind a lot of stories I've heard

Hope you liked!

Love you mwah

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