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I let Miguel in before closing the door behind him,he had the biggest smile on his lips and I knew it's because he's staying the night.

"So what you wanna do first?" Miguel asked while placing his bag near the couch,I cleared my throat

"Well I'm hungry so do you wanna order food?" I spoke,he nodded as I walked into the kitchen hearing him follow me with his footsteps

"Where's Daniel?" He asked as I grabbed the menus that I have stacked "he's upstairs,you can go get him if you want" I told him

He smiled before turning on his heels and sprinting upstairs,I laughed as I heard Daniel squeal once Miguel made it.

Daniel and Miguel's giggles echoed as I heard running footsteps down the steps,I glanced over seeing Miguel holding Daniel over his shoulder as he's a superhero flying

The biggest smile was on Daniel's face,I knew in that moment that Daniel actually loves Miguel being with him.i love seeing Miguel act like a father with him

"What do you want to eat honey?" I spoke while looking through the menus of different types of foods "whatever you want baby" he says in a low voice

I raised a brow "I was talking to daniel" I say with a smirk,he pressed his lips together as his cheeks faded into pink

Miguel adjusted Daniel against his chest so he's more comfortable "Chinese food!" He slightly shouted,Miguel grinned before Daniel laid his head against Miguel's

I pouted my lips in awe at the sight "aw you love Mikey don't you" I said to him,he nodded as his big eyes stared back at me

Miguel couldn't remove the smile off his lips,he just looked at me with so much light in his eyes "okay well Chinese it is then" I spoke


I watched as Miguel and Daniel kept messing around with each other,Miguel would try to act like he's taking his food and Daniel would fight back.

Miguel pretended he was distracted by something knowing Daniel would try to take his food and Daniel tried to but Miguel quickly caught him,they laughed for hours

My throat tighten seeing the love that was being spread,Daniel never had a father figure besides me playing both roles and now I see that Daniel is getting attached to the only man that comes to see him.

The laughter died down as Miguel shifted his eyes onto me "you okay chula?" He asked with a light smile on his lips

"Yeah I'm good,do you guys want more?" I asked changing the subject

"Me!" Daniel says while raising his arm,Daniel and him exchanged looks "and miguel" I chuckled as I picked out the rest of the food onto their plates

"What do you say?" Miguel spoke as he raised his eyebrows

"Thank you mama" Daniel grins,I always taught him manners but miguel going along with that and making sure he knows it,feels like a breath of fresh air

Daniel immediately began shoving the food in his mouth as miguel took his time but kept his eyes on Daniel,he was basically admiring him

It melted my heart,I never seen someone love my kid this much.Lexi and his uncles,of course,but a guy who I'm interested in? They don't even bother to acknowledge him

Miguel is someone I definitely want to be with,maybe I really do want to last with him.


I usually put Daniel to sleep around this time but he had a lot of energy ever since miguel walked through the door,miguel and Daniel were sat on the couch watching a Disney cartoon movie that Daniel picked out.

I couldn't help but to pull out my phone,I sneakily took a photo of how Daniel is laying beside miguel on his torso as they shared some chips together.

Miguel looked very intrigued into the kids movie,I leaned on the wall.Miguel took a few secs before looking at me

He caught me watching them,he shot me a wink with a soft smile.He opened his arm wider signaling me to sit with them

I walked over and sat on the opposite side of miguel,leaving him in the middle.he rubbed my upper arm after placing a gentle kiss on my temple

"I'm really glad you're staying the night" I whispered,trying not to disturb how focus Daniel was on the movie

"Me too" he responded,I felt so close to him already..I'm falling for him more and more but it seems like it's early..is it early?

I pressed my lips on his,I couldn't help myself,I pulled away as I saw that he was caught off guard.Daniel didn't notice

Later,I heard Daniel low snores letting Miguel and I know he's fallen asleep.Miguel turned off the tv before picking Daniel up into his arms

I guided miguel to Daniel's and I's bedroom that we share upstairs,miguel gently placed him in his crib that's in front of the bed.

I noticed that Daniel is getting bigger for the crib,he's gonna need a real bed now.Shoot that's gonna cost a lot of money but I think i have a good amount from footlocker

"You okay?" Miguel asked while laying his hand on my lower back,I weakly smiled

"Yeah it's just..Daniel is getting bigger and now he's not gonna be the little baby boy I was used to" I said while crossing my arms below my chest

He scoffed "he has a long way to go,don't worry about it" I shrugged "quick question.What's the room next to this one?"

"It's just a storage room for now but it will be Daniel's when he gets older,he loves sleeping in the same room as me"

"He loves his mama" he smirked as he lifted his arm to place it over my shoulder,I turned my head to look up at him

"He loves you too,I see it" his pretty soft plump lips formed into a light smile

"I hope his mama feels the same way" I faced my body towards him and wrapped my arms around his torso

"I do" his eyes slowly widen

"You love me?" He spoke,I nodded "I've been..wanting to say that for a while y/n.I love the fuck outta you"

I giggled before he crashed his lips onto mine..

I just bought my college online classes so now I need to lock in for that,I'll try my best to upload

God loves you 🙏🏼
Jesus died for you so please turn to him

Love you mwah!

•The Step Daddy•Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora