Beg For More


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Destroy Her
Franky's Party
Body Shop
Destroy Him
In the Gym
Meeting the Family
You Owe Me
Beg for Me
Saving You
Alone Together (part one)
Alone Together Part 2
School Daze
Family Affairs
Two Lost Souls
Knowing Me, Knowing You
Wrapped Around My Little Finger
Game Changer
Sweet Little Lies Part 1
All Bets Are Off
Prom Night
Whatever Will Be, Will Be
Letting Go

Sweet Little Lies Part 2

37 1 0


Within the next two weeks, I was already in hell.

I felt like I was in a daze. Fake ID, fake face, fake nails, fake smile.

My sister reassured me that the clientele were high class and only interested in dinners, shows, and nothing extra. They were older guys who just needed to have a young lady they could show off and whatever extra happened happened.

Ruby had hooked me up with the shortest dresses and tallest heels she could find.

"It's too tight,"I told her, looking at my frame in the mirror, "I can't even bend over."

"You're not supposed to bend over, sis,"she said, styling my hair, "You're supposed to be kneeling ever so slightly without showing your ass."

"I hate this,"I told her, "Why do I have to wear a thong? It's aggravating me."

"Can you please stop whining while I curl this hair of yours?"

Me stop whining? I was doing this for YOU.

"You have pepper spray?"





"Yes, Ruby."

"The guy's name is Rich, but it's probably not his real name,"she told me, "Just go with it."

"Sasha,"I said, "I will not be Sapphire, I'm sorry."

"I like it,"she said, hugging my shoulders, "You're so beautiful, Sapphire. You look a lot like Mom."

I stared at this stranger in the mirror and wondered how the hell I ended up here.


I ran some deals and got some girls. It wasn't all easy, but I played it well.

I decided to use my middle name, Benjamin, (or just Ben) because I didn't want to much of a trace back to me and especially not to Sapphire. I'd die if she found out what I was doing.

Chet and Lucas took notice, but I didn't give a fuck about them. All I ever wanted to do when I was done for the night was speed my ass home to be with her. She'd be asleep, usually. I know it was draining her to be at her sister's over the weekend, working and then dealing with school. We hadn't even found the time to look for a car.

I actually put ole Kenny on that mission for me. He liked my girl so he was happy to comply.

(Like he was ever going to fucking touch her.)

One night, I dragged my ass back to the townhouse, but I wasn't tired. I'd wanted her for days and we'd not had the chance to be intimate at all. It was earlier than I'd planned and when I got home, she was waiting for me. Waiting for me with a sheer, black nighty on. I was floored.

"When did you get this?"I roamed her body with my eyes as I stripped my clothes off as fast as I could.

"The other day,"she said, tracing the top of her black, lace panties with her fingers as she knelt on the bed,"I don't usually buy or own anything like this, but I thought you'd like it."

I crawled into bed with her and pulled her underneath me, "Oh, baby, I love it."

It'd been so long since we'd been intimate. I was ready for her.

"I've missed this,"I said, kneading her breasts with my mouth.

She ran her hands through my hair and laughed, "It's only been a week or so."

"A few days too long,"I whispered into her ear as I nibbled my way across her neck and up her chin, allowing my tongue to dive into her mouth. I settled in between her legs, feeling her wetness seeping through the panties. I traced a finger down her stomach and straight into her core. Those damn whimpers shot through her and straight into me as I continued to kiss her. That's all I wanted to do even though my body ached to be inside of her.

Her soft hands roved my body, but I stopped what I was doing and I looked down at her. She opened her eyes and smiled, "Are you OK?"

I wasn't OK. I wanted to tell her the truth. I wanted to tell her about everything, but I couldn't and it was breaking me. I could never tell her.

"Yeah, baby,"I resumed my licking and kissing and kneading and everything else I wanted to do to her. I slipped my finger in and out of her, enjoying her moans and the little giggles she'd exude when I gently brushed my mouth over her shoulders. I pulled the nighty up and over her breasts, exposing her hard nipples. I circled her mounds with my tongue, tasting every inch of her.

"Blaze..." Her hands were cupping my ass and I knew she wanted me inside of her.

"Sapphire...?"I pulled my fingers out of her core and moved her panties to the side allowing my cock to push through her wet petals. Letting out a guttural moan of my own, I cursed at her tightness. Still after all these months, there'd be times it took a minute for her walls to accommodate me. I wasn't complaining. She sucked me dry with her core.

More so, she simply took my breath away and we didn't have to be in the throws of passion for her to do that.


I felt myself wrap around him so tightly that I thought he couldn't get any harder. His strokes were long and deliberately slow. I was OK with that. I wanted to relish in this time we had together. I'd been wanting to wear the lingerie for a little over a week and I was so shy. When he called me to tell me he was on his way home early, I almost didn't put it on and then when I did, I almost took it off. I didn't want to look silly.

"You're so beautiful, Sapphire,"he moaned in between strokes. I caressed his cheek and he grabbed my hand, holding on to it and kissing it softly. There were many times that we'd been passionate during sex, but it was almost like he was taking me all in as if it was going to be his last time.

His body perfectly aligned with mine and I felt so silly to suddenly believe that he was made just for me, that my body was the only one left in the world that could perfectly accommodate and please him.

I needed to make him want me and only me. That had been my mission since the beginning.

He enjoyed looking at me when we were together. I always found it so intimidating and a turn-on at the same time. He'd told me that he wanted to take it all in, especially if I was leaving in the fall. He was reminding me about that even more these days.

The sudden reminder of that made me sob and he stopped prodding me, both of us breathing heavily.

"What's wrong?"He asked me, still fully buried inside of my core. His eyes searched my face as he looked for pain or sadness, and then he began to ease out and I pulled him back in.

"Please don't stop,"I buried my face in his shoulder as he leaned in closer to my neck and placed his head on mine.

I felt my entire body heat up and then I let go. I let go with so much intensity that I couldn't help but cry out. He soon followed, groaning into my neck as his lips lightly brushed my skin.

Blaze didn't pull out of me right away, either. He stayed in and lay on me, but not with too much pressure on my body. He was a built guy and had positioned his hands on the bedding around my head. I didn't mind. He could crush me for all I cared.

For some reason, I already felt broken.


We laid there for the longest time. Neither one of us spoke.

I knew she was lost in thought about something, but I had my own crazy shit happening. It had been two weeks since I'd started that shit for Fox and I was so sick of it. I'd done so much with these fourteen fucking days and Lucas and Chet were hell bent on me keeping the deal. I had a few more girls to get and some last minute hustles to make and then I'd be done and Fox would be clear. I didn't want to get caught and fuck things up.

We'd finally found Sapphire a car, (I put my foot down when she wanted a hearse), a new model VW Beetle in the color purple, (it suited her well and it was what she wanted) but I wouldn't let her take it to Atlas when she visited Ruby and the family over the weekends. Every time she came back, she was quiet. The last weekend, she didn't even want me to come get her. She took a bus to school that following Monday and fell asleep in history class. That just wasn't like her.

She told me the program Ruby was in was almost over and I was thankful for that. I wanted her home. Hell, I wanted to be home with her.

We'd been able to spend Valentine's Day together and that was completely wild because neither one of us were big V-Day people. The two of us turned off our phones and decided the only thing we wanted to do was lounge around, fuck all day and eat chocolate. That's exactly what we did except for I did buy a bottle of wine and ordered takeout. Since she wasn't expecting romance, I decided to have a little carpet picnic on the floor with her in front of the TV. In Spooks fashion, she insisted we watch "My Bloody Valentine."

The girl was something else.


My mother's birthday was nearing and I really wanted to go see her. She'd called out of the blue one day and Ruby told me taking a weekend off would be fine. I'd just have to to make it up during the week. I didn't care what I had to do. I wanted to see my Mom.

We ended up going to see her the last weekend of February. The drive took about five hours and we were going to stay at a hotel near the institution. I was so excited to see her that I could barely contain myself.

Blaze could see that my spirits had been lifted that day and it wasn't just because I was seeing my mom for the first time in almost a year, but I was with him and I felt safe.

I hated to feel safe around him. I hated that I didn't feel right when I was away from him or when we were arguing about petty things, or even when I was applying for colleges far away.

I had gotten so much out of him since November and I was loving every minute of it, but I couldn't stand thinking about having to let it all go.

I just had to focus on the mission at hand and let all of these silly feelings go.

It was all just lust and hormones and I had to believe that's all it was.



She was so happy when we reached the institution. I'd made reservations at a nice hotel around the block, but we weren't due to check in until later.

The trip was incredible. Nice weather, beautiful girl, epic rock music playing on the radio. I was one happy man.

And every fucking time I thought about that bet, I let that wave of loneliness sweep over me. Every time one of the guys called or texted and asked me how shit was going, I knew graduation was closing in and I needed to let her go.

I needed to distance myself from this woman, but I just couldn't. I don't even know where I was at in this challenge any longer. I'd given her every thing she asked for and I'd continue doing it. To me, I had her in the palm of my hand. It was only a matter of time.

Before she was gone.


Mom was over the moon.

We'd brought her pictures made by the kids, lunch and some flowers for her room. There wasn't much else she could have at this place.

She couldn't even believe that little Blaze Baxter was this big gorgeous man sitting next to me.

"My goodness! The two of you are finally together!"She'd smiled, holding my hand all the while. She looked better than I thought she would and she only had another two months until the next evaluation. I knew she wanted to come home, but I knew she feared my father. It was time for her to stand up to him.

"Finally?"Blaze raised an eyebrow and looked at me.

"Oh, yes! She had the biggest crush on you when the two of you were little,"Mom winked at me and laughed, "I'm probably spilling the beans here and I'm so sorry, little one."She brushed my hair out of my eyes.

I waved her off, playfully, "Mom, I never had a crush on Blaze. You and Ruby are just teasing me now."

Blaze put a hand on my arm, "I guess the cat's outta the bag."

"The two of you used to play house all the time!"Mom continued, "It was so cute. You'd both have jobs and cars, but then came the babies."She turned to me, "You and Blaze used to take care of your baby dolls like they were your own."

My face had to have turned a thousand shades of red and I put my head in my hands.

Blaze put an arm around me, "At least we'd have fun making those babies now, right?"He whispered to me and I shoved him away playfully. I looked at him and he glanced back at my Mom.

He was joking, right?

"Well, I don't recall any of that, but we're doing well now,"I told her, wanting so badly to change the subject.

"Are you going to prom?" Mom asked us with a twinkle in her eye.

"No,"I said just as Blaze said, "Yes."

We needed to stop doing that.


Yeah, we were going to prom.

"I'm not really into the whole prom thing, Blaze,"she whispered to me.

"I'm not either, baby," I told her, "But why the hell not? Let's do it."

"I'm going to make you a dress!"Linda beamed from ear to ear, "Please let me. I did for your sisters. I can send it right to you when I'm done. When is it?"

"It's in May,"I told her.

I watched Sapphire closely. Something was happening in her head and I couldn't tell if she was happy or upset with me, but she smiled and nodded.

"OK,"she glanced back at me and grinned, "I guess we're going to prom!"

We spent the rest of the day with Linda. I still didn't understand why she was locked up here. It was under her own volition, though. She knew she had issues and this was a safe place for her.

It was hard for Sapphire to say goodbye, but we left near dinner time. I took her to dinner and then for ice cream.

"Are you mad?" I asked her.

"Why would I be mad?"

"The prom thing."

She giggled like a little school girl, "No, I just never thought anyone would want to take me to prom."

I smiled at her as she finished her dessert.

If she only knew I never wanted to take anyone to prom until she came along.


The beginning of March was insane.

The first week I was telling everyone I knew about me going to prom with Blaze Baxter.

I still had that one more weekend to spend at Ruby's and I was looking forward to getting it done. After that, she'd have to be on her own. I told her it was over and she needed to get help. She didn't agree to getting help, but she did tell me that the dues owed to Chet and Lucas would be cleared.

I had to dress up for this strange masquerade party at this club called Nine Tails. Ruby put me in a short red mini skirt with a red halter top and red heels. I had on black fishnets and hoop earrings. She also let me borrow a black blazer because the weather was freeze your ass off and die that night.

"What about my mask?" I asked while putting in my contacts.

"It's perfect,"she handed me a full-mask, red with small multicolored beads and silver and gold glitter sprinkled across it.

"Do I put it on there?"

"Before,"she told me, "Chet and Lucas are going to bring a limo around for all the girls tonight."

I nodded, grabbing the red handbag that carried my essentials and she stopped me before I left the apartment, "I'm sorry for all of this."

I hesitated, "For what?"

She swallowed heavily, "Asking you to do this for me. Getting you involved in this. Tonight's the last night, I promise. The men have been good to you?"

I nodded. It had actually been rather dull, but the money was out of this world.

"Ruby, just be there for those babies, OK?"I hugged her and smiled, "We'll get through this."

I had to get through one more night.


This was ridiculous.

A masquerade party at Nine Tails? Jesus Christ.

I had to dress up, nice suit and dress shoes and a fucking mask. I decided to wear a jester's mask just because I felt like a fool.

The only thing I had to do was hustle some chicks, deal some dope, and I was done. It would be DONE. I had my own shit to take care of and I needed to tend to it as soon as possible. All of this running around for Fox was taking up too much of my time.

Nine Tails was snazzy, though. I'd met Chet and Lucas earlier that night to discuss business. All they needed from me was to make sure the girls were working and taken care of. That was fine. I hated dealing with this. These girls deserved better, but this was where life had lead them at the moment and I was here to see to it that they would be safe under my watch.

The place was hopping when I exited the back rooms with Chet and Lucas. I scanned the dance floor and the bars and back to the dance floors. My job was to mingle with everyone and see what clientele was coming in for the night.

Everyone knew me as Ben and that was fine. Chet and Lucas found it amusing, but they could fuck off for all I cared.

The hours ticked by. I had a drink or two and kept checking my phone. Sapphire was at Ruby's and I knew she was busy so I didn't bother her. We'd spoken earlier and she thought I was going to Greg's for the night. A little game night with the boys.


One of Chet's goons, a dude by the name of Rhett, motioned for me to join him in a booth. He'd been wearing a devil mask all night and it suited him.

"What's up, Rhett?" I slid into the booth with my drink in hand.

"New job."


"New job. It's easy."

"I'm done after tonight."

"She's at the bar,"he motioned towards the bar, "Nice girl. Young, hot. Only works as an escort, no sex. Nothing. Not even a hand job."

"And?"I chugged my drink, "That's her, right." I gestured to the only girl at the bar.

"We need her,"Rhett licked his lips, "That fine ass would rake in so much money. She's gorgeous. "

"And if she says no?"

"Then she says no," he shrugged, "She'd work under Fox."

"Fox is outta this after tonight."

Rhett didn't believe that. I don't think I did, either, but if all I had to do was talk to a chick and then it was over, I was going to do it.

"All right,"I left my glass and walked over to the bar, praying that she'd just say no and I could go home.


The man I was supposed to meet showed up and then left.

He left because I wasn't interested in sleeping with him, but I was told by Chet and Lucas I had until midnight to pay Ruby's dues. A few guys offered me dances which I took, hating myself for being such a hypocrite. All I could think about was when I got mad at Blaze for the Heather incident.

It was a little after 10:30 and I was bored. I had had so many guys come up to me and offer me whatever I wanted, but I told them I had a date and he was in the restroom. Chet and Lucas didn't notice. They were busy with everyone else at the club.

I felt a warmth beside me and another man sat down. He motioned for the bartender to bring us two drinks of whatever I was having which was a margarita.

I smiled like an idiot because this man couldn't see my face.

"There ya go, Ben,"Will, the bartender smiled, he was in a plain, half mask, "Sasha."

"Thank you,"I said.

The man next to me jerked his head in my direction, staring at me like he'd seen a ghost.

"Sasha?" His voice was muffled, but I could have sworn...

"That's me,"I nodded.

The man looked me up and down and I trembled. I didn't want to dance with anyone else. I didn't want to be propositioned. I just wanted to go home.

"You sound familiar,"he said, still staring in my direction, "Do you come here often?"

I laughed, "That's a cheesy pick up line."

The man slammed his hand on the bar and I jumped as did Will.

Suddenly, he grabbed his mask and tossed it onto the bar.

I think I died, but I don't remember coming back to life.



All she fucking had to do was laugh and I knew it was her.

She lifted her mask and my heart fell out of my chest. Her eyes were wide, but I don't know what emotion she felt or what her thoughts were.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"I demanded, grabbing her arm and forcing her towards the back exit and into the alleyway.

She seemed too stunned to answer me. The cold whipped through us and all she had on to warm her was a fucking blazer.

"Answer me!"I shook her.

"Blaze, please! I can explain..."she trailed off, but then she narrowed her eyes at me, "What are you doing here? Picking up random girls at a bar?"

I swallowed hard. I had to tell her, "I'm working for Fox. He owes them AGAIN. I wasn't picking you or anyone else up, I was working."

She laughed, "Working?!"

"Well, who are you here with?"I was looming over her even with her in heels, "Tell me. Who is he?!"

"I'm not with anyone, Blaze!"She yelled, "I'm,-"she stopped, suddenly and I pushed her up against the wall, my body pressed against hers.

"What?"I was seeing red. My girl was out here seeing other men.

"Working..."she choked, gripping my shirt just like she'd done in the booth that day. Just like she'd done every damn day I held her like this.

"Working?"I cupped her chin, forcing her face in my direction. Tears streamed down her flushed cheeks.

"For Ruby,"She sobbed into me, "She owes them."

"You've been seeing other men? Sleeping with them?"

"No, no...."She could barely speak, "I've been an escort. No sex. Tonight was my last night."

"How long?"

"How long for you?!'She had every right to be angry at my interrogations. I was just as guilty.

"After that day at Mom's."

She nodded, "I'm sorry, Blaze. I'm so sorry." Her crying was killing me and I couldn't bear it.

"Shhhh,"I held her close. What's else could I do?

"We're done. I'm done, baby,"she told me, "I'm sorry."

I knew I should never have let her out of my sight.

"I'm sorry, Sapphire,"I whispered to her, stroking her hair as I held her up against the wall. Her body was so limp in my arms.

"You can't do this to me anymore!"I told her.

Suddenly, she shoved me off, I stumbled backwards and stared at her, my heart pounding in my chest, "Do what to you? What you're doing to me? Lying?! I'm trying to save my family, Blaze!"She shook, violently, "Who the fuck are you to tell me what I can and cannot do?!"

"I'm your fucking boyfriend, Sapphire! I fucking care about you! You shouldn't be anywhere near this place right now!"

"Why? Because it's so dangerous?!"She waved her hands in the air, stepping towards me, "I can take care of myself, Baxter. I don't need you or my father or my sisters to fucking tell me how to live my life! You told me yourself WE are temporary so why the fuck do WE even care about what the other one does?" I had never seen her so angry, but there was such a sadness behind her words.

"It is dangerous, Sapphire!"I told her, "You mean too much to me for something to happen to you."

She laughed and I didn't know why she did, but she folded her arms across her chest as tears streamed down her face, "What about you? How do you think I feel now? I know what really happened the night you were jumped. Helping out Fox, right? You went to the warehouse? I know why you were beaten. Their "interest" is legendary."

I'd paid that shit off and now I'm paying for doing what I thought was right.

"I'm sorry,"I tried to embrace her, but she stepped back, "Don't walk away from me, Sapphire. I swear to God I will throw you over my shoulder and drag your ass right back home like I should have done five minutes ago."

"I have to finish this night, Blaze,"she wiped her face, "I'm sorry." She turned back to the door and I stood in front of it.

"Please get out of my way,"She stared up at me with those big blue eyes. She was so sad and I had just made it worse.

"I understand what you need to do, but I can't let you do this,"I told her, crossing my arms, "We're both done and I'm taking you back to Edison."


With all the fucking questions.

"Just let me go, Blaze. If you can't answer my questions, we have nothing left to say. I apologized. I don't know what else you want from me."

I didn't budge. She was going to go in there with ME and leave with ME.

"Why are you making this so difficult?"I don't know why her voice was so gentle now, but she was flush with my body again and I couldn't take it anymore.

I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her into me as tightly as I could so I knew she wouldn't be able to escape my clutches.

"Tell me why!"She sobbed into my chest.

"Because I fucking love you!"

She peeled away from me, "What?"

I pulled her back in. I couldn't let her go this time, "I love you, Sapphire."I told her again.

She looked up at me with curiosity or like I'd gone crazy. She made me that way. She drove me crazy.

"You're lying to me .."

"I swear I'm not!" I whispered, "I've fallen so hard for you, Sapphire..."

She trembled against me and I was so scared she didn't feel the same. It took her forever to speak to me.

"I've waited so long to hear you say that,"she said, softly wrapping her arms around my neck.

Both of us were trembling and I knew it was cold, but I was terrified. I couldn't pretend anymore.

I loved her.


I'd waited for weeks to hear him say it.

I would have had to let him go if he really didn't love me. I'd fallen so hard for him and I'd continued up until the last minute suppressing those feelings.

"I love you, Blaze,"I said, burying my face into his chest again.

"I want to be with you,"he was telling me, "I don't want this to be temporary. I want us to be real."

I stepped back slightly,"Are you telling me the truth, Blaze?"

He scanned my face for what felt like forever, "Yes. I want us to be together."

I had to tell him. I couldn't lie any longer, "I want this, too. My heart is melting and I have knots in my stomach, but I need to tell you something."

He looked at me with caution and he had every right to, "What is it?"

"I love you, Blaze,"I began, "I've loved you for a long time, but I didn't love you when this started."

I was...."I trailed off and pushed away from him.

He grabbed my arm, "Please don't walk away from me. It's OK to tell me anything."I'd never heard him be so soft with his words unless we were fucking.

"I was using you to get what I wanted because I thought you were using me to fill a quota,"I blurted out.

His face fell and he stepped back. I saw his eyes darting every which way instead of focusing on mine.

"But that wasn't true, right? I'd been wrong?"

He breathed in heavily and stepped forward to embrace me again, "I'd never do that, baby."


Fucking fuck.

What the fuck was I doing?

I just told the girl of my dreams and the woman I wanted to share the rest of my life with that I loved her and she opened up to me about everything and I lied....again.

I needed to tell Greg and the others that all bets were off and she would NEVER know. Ever. I couldn't hurt her anymore. She wouldn't understand if I'd told her she was nothing but a challenge, a bet, a dare!

I was damned determined to never let that get back to her. She'd been hurt enough and here she was knowing about my past, knowing what I may or may not have been doing to her. I didn't care what she did to me. I was actually tickled that she would be so brazen as to use me like that.

I finally had my girl.

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