Sonic Boom react to PROJECT S...

By Eibba9120

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To Team Sonic and Friends, Shadow is known as an edgy villain, but what if he wasn't always that way? Join th... More

Prologue: The Lost Origin Story
Chapter 1: The Ultimate Life Form
Chapter 2: Surprises
Chapter 3: Growing Up
Chapter 4: Bad then Good news
Chapter 5: Fight for Freedom

Chapter 6: The Hero of a Hero

285 4 5
By Eibba9120

So there is a end credits for PROJECT SHADOW with Doom, I didn't have them react since it's the present day. So I thought if I do a sequel of this story of them trying to help Shadow, what better villain than Doom himself. So if you want something like that, tell me! Anywho thank you all for all the love and support for my first ever fanfiction!


The ten minutes were up and everyone was on the edge of their seats.

Abbs: Alright we're about to finish Shadow's origin story, and while there is more to his story, whether I'll be able to show it to you is still up in the air.

Sticks: Is it because of the government, does that mean you work for them!?

Abbs: Nope, I don't actually work for those who I know need help, and make sure they can get that help they need. Which is why I invited all of you, all of you, some more than others, are good people when it comes down to it. Shadow needs good people to help him because while this was 50 years ago, to Shadow this is still fresh. Eggman, can you tell them why?

Everyone looked at Eggman, he cleared his throat.

Eggman: I found Shadow frozen in a pod in a very old lab, with a lot of security. I originally went there to take scraps to make more robots, but when I found him and my grandfather's journal on him I decided to release him. Let's just say he was very upset when he found out what year it was.

Sonic Team sat up in shock, Shadow was locked away for years? No wonder he was always angry.

Sticks: So the government used him for what they wanted, and as soon as Shadow had finished that, they locked him away for future use and to make sure no one else could find or use him. Why am I not surprised?

Amy: I'm sure they wouldn't do that, I mean, Shadow was a child.

Tails: Sorry Amy, but Sticks is likely right, especially with how G.U.N. was acting.

Knuckles: Man that's no fun, I know because I froze myself to see how I would taste as a popsicle.

Everyone gave Knuckles a look of concern.

Sonic: Well let's finish this, as fun as this was I am ready to go home.

The room was dark, and on each side of the door hid Shadow and Maria, as they heard a squad come closer to where they were.

G.U.N. Soldier: Where did he go? Have you checked the cameras?

Soldier: We can't see anything, just a knocked out squad at corridor 15...

G.U.N. Soldier: Bastard! We've been searching for hours now! This freak may have gone invisible, traveled through time, left the ship or whatever the hell he can do...

Tails: While they're not wrong about the time travel ability, does Shadow have the others?

Abbs: He could leave with his teleportation, but no Shadow can't go invisible, he is really good at stealth though.

Eggman: Can confirm, he suck into the lab and up on me so many times that I've gotten used to him just appearing out of nowhere. He always startles me regardless of how prepared I am.

Soldier: Wait... Look at this.

G.U.N. Soldier: Hum... A sealed off room... Smart.

Sticks: Leave them alone you evil men!

Amy: Sticks, yelling would change anything since this already happened. All we can do is watch and try to understand and to get to know Shadow better.

The soldiers then opened the door and they walked in.

Soldier: Careful

G.U.N. Soldier: Shadow...Come here buddy... Let's talk.

Shadow presses himself against the wall, but the rings act up, causing them to light up, he quickly teleports away.

Tails: Looks like the rings are causing more problems than just power limitations.

Knuckles: So Shadow should take them off, simple.

Amy: *Sigh* He can't Knuckles, not until he's adjusted to them. Gerald made them that way.

Knuckles: Well that's stupid.

Tails: In a way, your right Knuckles.

Knuckles: I am?

Tails: Yeah he should have put on some emergency lock or something incase something went wrong, like the right caused more harm to Shadow than helping him, or the situation their in.

The G.U.N. Soldier rounds the corner gun ready only to find nothing, he then looks around the room and only sees a black with red stripes ball.

G.U.N. Soldier: What is this?

Eggman: See, Shadow's quills allow him to hide better. If it weren't for the stripes we would hardly be able to see him, even then it's still hard to see him.

He realizes the ball is Shadow.

G.U.N. Soldier: It's him!

Knuckles: They found him! Does that mean he gets to seek?

Amy: Knuckles, why do you think Shadow's playing hide n' seek?

Knuckles: Because Shadow was hiding, while the other guys were looking for them.

Sonic: *Sigh* Knuckles, they're not playing hide and seek, it's more like hide and fight if found.

Knuckles: Oh, ok!

Shadow teleports away again, and the soldier looks around for him.

Soldier: Where?

G.U.N. Soldier: He's here! He Disappeared! - Here!

Shadow appeared and spin dashed a Soldier.

Soldier: He vanished again!

Shadow appeared once again, spin dashing into another Soldier, then the third one.

Soldier: Watch out! Take this!

The soldier shot at Shadow, he dodged all of them then teleported to disarm him then delivered many blows to his head knocking him out. He teleported away letting the man fall, and waved off some excess energy. His power fluctuated again, but soon delivered a powerful punch to the second soldier, knocking him out as well. Shadow fell and grunted, his power on the fritz, he tried to take off the rings to no avail.

Sonic: Ok, I have to admit Shadow's good. I mean come on fighting multiple soldiers off while his power is limited and hurting him? I wouldn't be able to pull something like that off without my speed.

The last soldier came out, gun pointed at him.

G.U.N. Soldier: Freeze!

Shadow tried to run, but his power wasn't working

G.U.N. Soldier: I said freeze!

He shot at Shadow, only missing him due to Shadow throwing himself back.

They all gasped, Shadow had nearly been shot and they quickly realized the severity of the situation, including Knuckles.

Maria runs out and tackles the soldier.

Maria: No!

Shadow quickly summons a chaos spear, destroying the soldier's gun and knocking him out, falling unconscious soon after.

Knuckles: *phew* Shadow's ok.

Eggman: But just like I predicted, Shadow was forced to use almost all if not all of his powers to defend them. Now as soon as the soldiers wake up or more soldiers come they will be defenseless.

Sonic: Shadow will get up, that guy doesn't quit ever, he's too stubborn for that. I'm sure this situation won't be an exception.

Amy: I'm glad you are being at least more civil when talking about Shadow.

Sonic: Well, I guess I at least respect him just a tiny bit now, but I still think his ego is way too big.

Tails: Yet you're just as bad, and what you just said proves it.

Sonic: Really, Tails? Enough already, mine is justified because of how awesome I am.

Tails: *sigh* I'm done arguing now, we can talk about this later.

Shadow consciousness comes and goes after using the last bit of his power he could muster.

Shadow: Maria...

He felt himself be lifted up and walked over to the escape pod.

Eggman: Wait a minute, what is Maria doing?

Shadow: No...Maria...

He soon saw that he was put into the escape pod.

Shadow: Maria...What are you doing...They'll come back...You can't stay here alone...

Shadow vision clears and he sees Maria at the counsel setting up the pod for launch.

Maria: I'm getting you out of here, Shadow. I won't let them catch you.

Amy: This is so sad, Maria must have sent him to earth and he got captured and never saw her again.

Sonic: Oh man, I can't imagine if Tails or one of you guys had to do that for me to save me. Shadow probably feels awful.

Shadow tugs on the seat bar hoping to get it to lift it up.

Shadow: I won't go without you...

Maria looked at Shadow with tears in her eyes

Maria: People on Earth need you to be there...Be a hero to them Shadow, be all the hope...That you were for me, promise me, Shadow.

Amy: Well I'm sure that Shadow can be a great hero, he just needs some help getting on the right path.

Sonic: Seriously, alright I'll let him join Team Sonic.

Sticks: I'm sure I can help him with the government problem, I bet he'd love to take them down.

Knuckles: Alright! New friend

Tails: It's settled then we help Shadow to become the best hero ever!

Soinc: You mean second best, I'm the best hero.

Amy: Oh hush Sonic, you can always be a better hero, starting with your ego.

Sonic: Oh Come On! My ego is not that bad!

Everyone except Sonic: YES IT IS!

Abbs: Alright, please leave the discussion for later, now's not the time.

Shadow: But Maria... I can't leave you here...Get me out of here... I will protect us.

He struggles with the seat bars again, trying to free himself to no avail.

Eggman: As much as I hate it, looks like I was right Shadow won't be able to defend himself, even when he escapes he will be too weak, and G.U.N. took him.

Maria: There's no other way, trust me Shadow, I'll be okay. I just wish I... Could go with you...

Shadow: But Maria...

Maria: Promise me, Shadow. Promise you're gonna save them. Be a hero on Earth...Do it for me.

He tries again but then stops with his eyes brimming with tears.

The room was quiet, they could feel Shadow's sorrow. They all then knew why they were chosen, because they would be able to see past how Shadow acted towards them and see how hurt he was.

Shadow: I...Yes...Yes...I promise, Maria...

She walks up to the pod and puts her hand on the pod like she had so many times before.

Maria: Shadow, let them live for their dreams...Believe me, I know you can. That's the reason you were brought to this world...

Maria gave Shadow a smile.

Maria: Sayonara, Shadow the Hedgehog.

Shadow starts to break down barely holding back his tears.

Shadow: No...

Sonic could feel his eyes start to mist up, and saw everyone was the same.

Sonic: Man, I've been a huge jerk to Shadow, I'll make sure to apologize next time.

Amy: Well acknowledging your faults and apologizing is the first step to do better, I just hope you will continue to be nicer to Shadow after that.

G.U.N. Soldier: Freeze!

The first soldier from the start had found them and had his gun pointed right at Maria.

Shadow: What?

Maria quickly put her hand on the ejection handle looking straight at the soldier.

G.U.N. Soldier: Move away from the panel, now! Don't play with me. I won't say it again...

Sticks: Ok, I hate the government and all, but that's too far! Maria is a child!

Amy: I'm sure it's just a bluff, I mean if they do shoot she will pull the lever when she falls over.

Knuckles: Yeah, no one that bad.

Eggman: For once, you're right Amy, even if her dying doesn't launch the pod, he needs her to open the pod.

Sonic: This is one of the few times I will ever agree with you Eggman.

Tails: Yeah, these no way they would!

Shadow finally was able to get out of the chair, quickly trying to open the pod, but the controls were locked.

Shadow: No Maria, No!

He started to bang on the glass, trying to break it open, but couldn't due to his power being spent.

Soldier: Move away... Shadow begged: Let go! Let go Maria, Let go!

Soldier: Look... I'll count to 3 and you will move away. Shadow shouted: Maria let go of it, Maria! Let me out of here, Maria

Soldier: 1... Shadow: Don't do it!

Amy: There's no really going too...

Soldier: 2... Shadow: Don't do it, Maria!

Tails: I think he's going to...

Maria closed her eyes, took a deep breath and looked straight at the soldier determined.

Soldier: 3. Shadow: Don't do it! Maria!

Sonic: Ok that too far man stop it!

Maria pulled the lever.

Soldier: No!

The soldier shot Maria.

The room was dead silent as they watched on with utter horror. The soldier had shot Maria after she pulled the lever, not before. No one could even speak, they all thought they wouldn't hurt a child, let alone a sick child, but they did. Just because Maria had wanted Shadow to be safe from their cruelty.

The world around Shadow slowed down as he could only look on in horror, Maria collapsed on the floor, blood pooled on the floor around her. Maria was dead, the tears that were in his eyes finally poured out with no end in sight, he had failed.

Shadow Screamed in agony: MARIA!!

Everyone shivered, they had never heard That Much emotion from Shadow ever. This, G.U.N. killing his sister in everything but blood, was the straw that broke Shadow.

The pod launched out into space and headed to earth. Shadow curled in on himself and started to sob, he had lost not just his friend, but his sister in everything but blood.

Gerald: Shadow the Hedgehog... The perfect creature... The one meant to guide and protect humanity like a real shadow...Born... To heal... Maria.

Everyone felt awful, Shadow had lost his friend to humans, the very people Shadow was supposed to protect. They then realize why Shadow has not fulfilled his promise to Maria. How could he protect them, when they had hurt Maria on purpose? Through all of this Sonic could only wonder how Shadow was so strong. He knew if that had been him and Tails instead, he'd destroy the world to get back at them, promise or not. However, Shadow only tried to destroy it after he was tricked, and as soon as he found out he worked to fix his mistake. Sonic shook his head and went back to watching the screen.

Everything changed at that moment. At those milliseconds you took everything! Everything we had. I've never wanted to hurt anyone... And she... She was just a kid! Without his purpose now he's sleeping...But someday he'll wake up! Shadow will fill the world with darkness! Shadow...Will bring...Total Destruction!

Gerald swore with a crazed look in his eyes.

Abbs brightened the light, to make sure no one hurt their eye, and looked at them with a few tears running down her cheek.

Abbs: This is why Shadow needs help, he's hurt and too afraid to let anyone in again. But for him to be able to heal, he needs friends to love and support him so he can properly grieve and heal. Shadow will be stubborn, but you can help him if you don't give up on him, are you up for the task?

Sonis stands up and walks over to Abbs.

Sonic: Being a hero means that we help those in need, and Shadow needs us more than anything. As the leader of Team Sonic AND Friends, we'll do it, right guys.

Amy: Absolutely, we will.

Sticks: Yeah!

Tails: Hear! Hear!

Knuckles: Yes, Duh!! Also, Tails, what are you hearing, I don't hear anything out of the ordinary?

Everyone laughed

Tails: Sorry Knuckles, "Hear, Hear" is a way of saying I agree, not that I hear anything.

Knuckles: Oh, ok.

The Team looked at Eggman expectantly.

Eggman: I'll make sure to talk to Shadow, and I won't trick him anymore.

Abbs: Good to hear! Well everyone, thank you for everything and I hope you enjoy the rest of the day. Travel home Safe.

Abbs walks out of the room, and the others head home wondering what would happen next time they see Shadow.

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