P L A C I D I T Y ~ King Von

By xchunkli

47.3K 2.4K 410

placidity [ pluh-sid-i-tee ] noun. a calm or peaceful quality; tranquillity; serenity More



682 55 19
By xchunkli

"Congratulations, you are pregnant!"

"You are my big brother Von, you know I love you. I was stupid, I'll admit that. But I want my brother back."


"Am I really not deserving of forgiveness Von? I didn't mean for you to get sent to prison. I retracted my statement!" Von laughed as he picked up his fork to begin eating.

"After you found out he was fuckin' on your friend." Kayla couldn't help but join in on the laughter too.

That boy had her looking an absolute fool.

"I'm gonna let you have that since I'm begging for forgiveness." She smiled, now digging into her own food.

"How is everything tasting? Can I get you both anything?"

"Everything's great thank you." Kayla responded, adding some pepper to her cheesy eggs.

The waitress gave them both a smile before walking off.

"How's grandbabi?" Kayla instantly pulled out her phone, scrolling through her gallery.

"He's so big now Von. And he has locs just like yours. He begged me for three whole months to dye them."

Flipping her phone, she began showing Von all of the saved pictures and videos of Grandbabi. Some dating back to two years ago.

"Folks hair really just like mine." He responded.

"He misses you so much. More than anything, I'm so mad that I am the reason he hasn't been able to see you. He asks about you everyday."

"I miss him even more. I'll make sure to start calling him everyday." Nodding in agreement, she put her phone away, returning to her food.

Von pulled out his phone, deciding to send Saavia a text. He felt his point had been proven.

I'll meet you at the
apartment downtown

"How is Saavia?"

"She's doing good."

"I'm not going to lie like I haven't seen she's like the literal fucking goat of hair right now. I'm so happy for her, she was always bomb."

"I'll make sure to tell her you been stalking." He joked.

"I am not a stalker!" She rolled her eyes, slapping his hand.

"But you've been doing it big too Mr. Party Promoter. I'm proud of you Von, I mean it. We all are."

"I already know what you about to say Kayla, don't start."

"I'm just saying Von, she's very proud of you."

"She always proud when I'm making money. When I was in the streets risking my life, but bringing home 30k a night or more, she loved the fuck out of me. I was her favorite kid." He continued.

"Until I went to prison and couldn't pay her rent and car note no more. I would call her phone and she would decline it. Until the one time she answered and told me I wasn't her son no more and to stop calling."

Kayla huffed, knowing there was probably no hope for her brother and mother to reconnect.

All of what Von was saying was true. Their mother had always been motivated by money. She would do anything for a dollar. Thankfully, her kids were never put up for grabs. But she had no shame in the fact that money completely ruled her life and everything else came second.

It became silent between the two as they finished their food. There was a lot of pent up trauma and resentment throughout the Bennett bloodline that has never been discussed.

In normal African American households, the elders never believed in therapy or discussing family issues outside the house. They actually never talked about them at all. As long as the kids were fed and clothed, they were more than well taken care of.

Kayla and Von were products of this mindset. However, they both strived to create a different reality for themselves.

"How long you in town?" He asked, breaking the awkward silence.

"I leave tomorrow afternoon, I was only here for a photoshoot." Nodding his head, he wiped his mouth, tossing the napkin onto the nearly empty plate in front of him.

"But I have one more favor to ask of you."

"Did you get the wire transfer?" Saavia closed the door behind herself and Dayvon as both of his hands were full of a few groceries and their takeout dinner.

"Okay. How soon can we move in?"

Pulling a lighter out from the drawer, Saavia lit her favorite snickerdoodle candle, bringing it to the dinner table.

After touring the high rise apartment, Dayvon and Saavia completely fell in love with it. It was spacious, modern and timeless. Everything they wanted out of having their own space for the first time in years.

Dayvon was currently on the phone with the sales agent, finalizing the first payment and handling electronic signatures.

She felt her heartbeat beginning to quicken as she realized it was now time for them to talk. Saavia was both anxious and annoyed with this conversation. She was scared to hear the truth, but also apprehensive to know what they were up against.

"Thank you, I'll let Saavia know. You too." Ending the phone call, Dayvon joined Saavia at the table.

"She said we can move in the first. The unit will be ready for us." He informed, immediately digging into his stir fry meal before him.

Simply nodding, Saavia began playing with her food. She wasn't sure how to start the conversation. She wasn't even sure if Dayvon was still upset with her for staying out so late.

Not liking the feeling in her chest, Saavia stood from the table to walk into the kitchen.

'I need a shot' she thought to herself, opening the cupboard to pour herself a shot of what has become her saving grace, Don Julio Repasado.

She winced at the shot traveling down her throat, replacing the tightness in her chest with a burning sensation.

Joining Dayvon back at the table, he was now staring directly at her.

"Are you ready to talk?" His face was completely deadpanned. He seemed emotionless and tired.

Saavia hasn't seen him this exhausted since the prison visits. This made her even more nervous to hear the truth.

"Yes, Dayvon." He sighed.

"Why did you leave me waiting last night?" Shifting the conversation.

He figured they should start where the communication broke first.

"I really lost track of time. We were drinking and dancing. I had no idea we were out so late."

"But you knew we had something important to talk about. Was it not a priority for you?"

"Of course it's a priority for me Dayvon. I was having a good time and I lost track of time. That's it." She fussed.

Von ran his hand down his face, he was truly exhausted. The last thing he wanted to do was argue with the love of his life. Especially in this situation now when they need each other more than ever.

"Look, I'm sorry Von. It was disrespectful of me to leave you waiting and not even call or text. I would never do that intentionally baby and I'm sorry." Saavia stated, grabbing both of his hands, stretching them across the table.

"It's okay beautiful." He smiled, kissing the back of her hand.

"So, what's going on Von? With... all this stuff with Madison?" She asked.

Through their touch, she could feel Von's body stiffen at the mention of the case. She took a deep breath, awaiting his response.

"Over a month ago, I was clocking out of my shift and Madison was tryna' talk to me and shit." He started with a very low tone.

"She kept grabbing on me, trying to get me to talk but I was tired of her and from the day. But when she grabbed my hand, I noticed she had your watch on."

Saavia sighed, giving Von's hands another reassuring squeeze. She was comforting him, but preparing herself for the worst.

"I confronted her about taking the money. She was denying it, but the proof was there. I blacked out, and started choking her."

"Von-" Shaking her head, she closed her eyes briefly. Part of her was hoping this was all some sort of bad dream.

"Just let me finish. I started choking her and Carlos walked in."

"When he walked in, I let her go. I turned my back to her to talk to Carlos, and she hit me in my head with something made of glass." Her breath hitched at how aggressive the interaction was getting.

Part of her knew this wasn't the worst part.

"Next thing I know, Carlos shot her."

That was the worst part.

"S-Shot, he shot her where?" Dayvon knew what she was really asking.

"In the neck Saavia. She's dead." Instantly, Saavia covered her mouth with both hands.

She was disappointed, angry, tired, resentful, all in one. Who knew one jealous female could turn their world completely upside down?

Going back into the kitchen, Saavia poured herself a double shot this time, instantly throwing it back into her throat.

The burn was nothing compared to the heavy thoughts that currently clouded her mind.

"I have no idea who is cooperating besides Carlos. Depending on how much he is cooperating, that might be all they need." He added.

"But he did it. He killed her Von, not you. There's gotta be some type of camera or something that-"

"The footage is gone."

"But maybe they're lying. Carlos just went on a trip with you, he can't possibly be trying to get you arrested."

"Carlos went MIA in Houston." He confessed.

Dropping her head into her hands, Saavia felt defeated.

"But Durk's guys found him and are watching him in Houston. I just gotta go back-"

"Durk? Durk knows about this? Von, why?"

"I'm handling it Saavia. You gotta trust me."

"Trust you? You didn't tell me about any of this until the police came knocking on the door, arresting me!"

"Lower your voice." He commanded, now towering over Saavia.

His voice was authoritative, but his eyes were pleading. Von was handling the situation, but he was honestly just as scared.

Von wasn't scared of prison, or guns or the case. He knew that if all else failed, he would do whatever to make sure he was the only one serving time.

He was frightened of losing Saavia this time. She already dealt with a bid, and he made a promise to himself and to her that he would never put them in that position again.

He was tired of disappointing her. He was scared that this would be the final straw.

He did not realize he was crying until Saavia's small hand, wiped the stray tear that fell down his face.

"I have a plan Saavia, I swear I do." Stepping closer, he rested his chin on top of Saavia's head, holding her body into his.

One hand on the small of her back, while the other cupped her behind.

"What if they find her Von? What about your fingerprints?"

"They won't find her. That's one thing I do know."

"How do you know?" She asked.

Truth is, Von had some help getting rid of the body while Carlos was frozen in a state of shock. But again, Von was going to protect the ones he cared about.

Therefore, he felt it was best to keep that piece of information to himself.

"I did it. She's gone, for sure." He lied.

Saavia, leaned forward, pressing her lips softly onto his. Giving him one more peck, she planted her heels back onto the hardwood floor beneath them.

"What do you need me to do?" She asked him.

"Congratulations, you are pregnant!" The doctor informed, wiping the cold jelly off of the girls very small bump.

"How far am I?"

"You are a little over 12 weeks." Nodding her head, she pulled her shirt over her stomach, swinging her legs over the examination table.

"I have already placed an order for your prenatal vitamins, but I have some here for you to take with you today. Make sure you get on my schedule next month so we can keep eyes on the baby."

"Thank you Dr. Warner."

"No problem. Congratulations again Mrs. Banks. You have a great day as well Saavia, so nice meeting you."

"Nice meeting you as well ma'am." Saavia smiled, as the doctor softly closed the door behind herself.

"I am so excited India, oh my goodness." She gave her friend a tight hug, making sure not to put to put pressure on her small bump.

"Me too girl, I can't wait to tell Durk."

"He is going to fall out. You know he's been talking about having a boy." India nodded, pulling out her phone.

"I am hungry, where we finna' eat at?"

"I want some pasta." Saavia replied.

"We always get pasta. You know they got other food right?"

"Ugh leave me alone." Saavia whined, causing her friend to laugh.

Saavia was currently in Atlanta for moral support as India went through her first ultra sound.  Von decided to tag along, but he thought they were coming to Atlanta just because Saavia missed her friend.

He was now with Durk at the studio, but they were all going to meet and have dinner together tonight.

"What about Ruth Chris? I really want a steak." Saavia nodded in agreement as the two girls walked out of the doctor's office.

Climbing into the car with India behind the wheel, the girls began their journey to Ruth Chris.

"Oh girl, guess what I saw on The Shade Room this morning?" India teased.

"What?" Saavia faced her friend.

"Kali and Tae trying to be shady with their messy asses."

"Oh my God, I thought he was over all that stuff." Saavia replied.

"Tae will forever be messy. And you know that bitch Kali will do whatever for your attention. I'm starting to think she don't even want Von, she wants you."

"She's so desperate. She's not even an ugly girl, why won't she just get her own man?"

"Fuck her ugly ass! You need to let my cousins handle that for you." India smirked.

"It's handled." Saavia replied.

She honestly hoped her own words were true.

The group finally made it to their late dinner. They were currently seated at gorgeous Asian Creole Fusion restaurant just outside of Atlanta, so it wasn't crowded.

The restaurant had shiny black floors, with emerald and gold accents covering the walls and golden chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. The decor was filled with Greek mythological gods and goddesses, along with beautiful paintings, bordered in gold frames.

It was a gorgeous restaurant.

The group was currently sharing appetizers of fried deviled eggs, charbroiled oysters, sweet chili alligator bites and dumplings.

"You want the last one India?"

"Yes please." Grabbing the last deviled egg from Saavia, India dropped the entire thing in her mouth with a smile.

"You ain't getting the last dumpling." Von teased, also shoving the entire dumpling in his mouth.

"I didn't want it fat ass." India childishly stuck her tongue out, causing both Durk and Saavia to laugh at their antics.

"Y'all both fat as hell. Y'all ate most of everything." Durk commented.

"It's not our fault you and Sa eat like birds." India retorted.

"Uh uh, don't come for me because I actually chew my food." Saavia teased, finishing off the last oyster.

"Y'all better know what y'all want before the waitress come back. All this talkin'." Von inserted.

"We know you know what you want." Durk mumbled for the whole table to hear.

Saavia's phone rang, causing her to shuffle through her purse to find it.

Once she pulled it out, she saw that it was her mother calling. She debated whether or not to answer for a few moments before Ms. Frazier's words came to mind.

"Hold on y'all." Excusing herself from the table, Saavia walked to the lobby of the restaurant, answering her mother's call.


"Saavia, where are you?"

"I'm in Atlanta. What's wrong?"

"Atlanta? Why are you in Atlanta? Did that boy drag you there?"

"Mom what are you talking about? We are here with my friend India and her fiancé. So if you are calling for me to do your hair I can't do it."

"I'm not calling for that. I am calling to tell you to come home." Saavia sighed, now regretting her decision to answer.

"Mom, I really don't want to hear this. I knew I shouldn't have answered the phone."

"You are so disrespectful Saavia. I am trying to protect you, but you choose to be on the run with that hoodlum."

"On the run? Mom what are you even talking about?" Saavia laughed. Her mother was truly losing it.

"The police just questioned me about your little boyfriend and I told them everything I know."

They can't catch a break lol

Y'all already know what to do

But PLEASEEEE check out my new book 'Forever and Always'

Love y'all 💜💜💜

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