Broken Blades

By darkest112

1.7K 235 61

"You over estimate your importance in my life, Logan. Just because we share, shared a stupid bond does not ma... More



31 7 2
By darkest112



Blood soaks the spot where the girl lays, life non-existent in her eyes. Her throat slit from the claws that had resurfaced the moment the silver in her blood had reduced. There goes our only source of information. My heart pangs a little for her. She was used and disposed her life with no meaning at all. It was also my fault for being to preoccupied with the what she had shared before.

"I'll bring a few warriors to go burry her." Asher says as we both walk out of the dirty cell.

"The one that sends these rogues must know that any rogue they send will die for their cause meaning, they'll send more because they are just pawns." I tell Asher who nods his head agreeing with my conclusion.

"Yes, that means we need to find whatever it is that they are looking for and fast."

In each and every attack that had occurred, they have all headed to alpha's house, the one I had shared with Logan before meaning, Logan was the one that hid whatever they are looking for or there is something important Logan owned. I had cleared almost everything in that disgusting house and nothing ever really caught my attention or was suspicious. Logan had been secretive more than I imagined.

He ignored the parents of the missing wolves, he worked with rogues, he was also involved in some shady business of theirs and most probably, had something to do with the missing wolves.

"Logan is a big part of whatever is going on."

"Order a few guards to guard the Alpha's house and more to be stationed on our eastern and southern border where the rogues came from. Also, pack patrols should be someone of the age thirty and above." Asher nods, bows and rushes towards the training hall.

I stare at Asher's retreating figure wondering what we had done to Logan for him to turn and completely take a turn into the darkness where he'd collude with rogues and disregard the safety of his entire pack. The thought of Alpha Ares helping out after I had adamantly told him there'd be nothing for him to see is a huge blow to my pride. I had been confident that although there was a wolf that had gone missing and a few that had happened in the past few years here and had not been accounted for, there'd be no way Alpha Ares would find anything more. That had been a silly thought. Now, I needed him. I am confident in my strength as an alpha but considering the magnitude of what I feel is going to come, I didn't think I'd be able to handle it on my own. Sooner or later, I'd have to inform other packs of what is happening and I'd be at a disadvantage if my ex and disgusting mate was proven to be involved which was heading in that direction. How he was involved remained a mystery and a bother to me.

I find myself standing outside the Alpha's house, all construction and renovation had come to a halt. Sometimes when I concentrate hard enough, I can still feel his scent or get phantom memories of him walking through the hallways, him raising his hand in an attempt to hurt me, yelling at his loud voice that usually left my ears ringing and my body groaning in pain. The house haunted me and for the first time I realize no matter how much I change the inside, it would always remind me of Logan and the thought sours my mood.

I take steps towards the back door of the house and pull the key that I usually carry with me and unlock the door. It felt so familiar and strange at the same time. Memories always replayed as if I was detached from my body and watching everything from a distance. Today, though I refuse to dwell on them and I rush upstairs where our bedroom and Logan's office is. I should have done this before but I had been avoiding it, risking my pack and the foreign members here. Alpha Ares looked like a trustworthy alpha but it didn't help that he was a man, not that women weren't scary, but I had been burned by a man before and I wasn't ready to feel the same pain twice.

I had let him in on most of the things that were happening and I was also questioning my own sanity. Should I chase him away? The thought is fleeting when I realize, I can't. I'd be risking my pack and the others if I did that. It'd be better to have a witness of everything in case everything went wrong and I'm eventually blamed for everything or for working with that useless of excuse of a human being.

I take a right and enter our bedroom. The bed is missing and the couch is missing. It was the first things I got rid of. Although the room is bare, the cream walls, the bathroom and closet door doesn't dissipate the memories of the horrid things that occured in this room. Should I just burn the whole thing down?

I trace my hands through the wall, hoping that I'd find anything, something out of place, like a crack or a hidden compartment in the walls like I'd seen in some shows. I was desperate at this point. I trace through every part of the room and head to the closet and the bathroom and I come up empty.

I didn't know Logan. I didn't know his thoughts, his ambitions, his darkest secrets or even who he had been. I had spent my time with him surviving  as a captive. I didn't know him, meaning I wouldn't find where he'd hide his secrets or things he didn't want anyone to know.

I sigh as I walk out of the room, feeling more lost than I had been. Even the thought of going through his office didn't feel appealing anymore. It had taken almost all my self control to go through that room alone. The thought of going through another one, almost sends me into a panic attack. I had feared Logan but my reactions towards him these days felt intense. Was it because I had taken his life?

I race down the stairs and out of the house, feeling almost suffocated in there. When I'm already out, my fur bristles and the urge to shift takes over. Within seconds, I'm in my wolf form. Dark grey fur on my paws with a few patches of black here and there, that was identical to the rest of my wolf form. Wolves are enormous creatures and I stood almost the same height I would be in my human form. A relief washed over me and I'm gone, darting through the trees, hiding me from sight. With every leap I take , the memories of him began to fade until a rush of euphoria floods my being.

I come to a stand still near a somewhat large stream where my wolves would fully emerse themselves and play in it. The water is clean but drinking from the stream after a few wolves have swam in it didn't feel safe or hygienic at all. Other brave ones did do it from time to time during pack runs though. Thank goodness for our strong immunity or I'd have a sick pack.

I stare at my reflection on the surface of the water, noting my shining coat of grey fur. It looks healthy, unlike last year when I shifted and looked like a mangled and deranged wolf.

My thoughts float away when sudden strange strangling noises fall to my ears. My ears perk up, picking up on the noise and I realize it's coming from the eastern part of my border, where I'd ordered Asher to strengthen patrol. I rush towards the source of the noise and I'm shocked by the sight.

Three huge wolves dragging what looks like a passed out member of my pack, towards the border. From the almost crazed look in their eyes, I know they are rogues but not fully gone. Lingering in there is an intelligence that helps them maneuver and drag the she wolf.

I can already sense she is young, in her early twenties. Before I can think it through, I'm already attacking. I grab the first rogue, a sandy brown one and quite small compared to the other two but still huge nonetheless. I clamp down on their neck hard and rip, completely detaching it's head off. The rogue falls, dead.

The two having realized what's going attack, discarding her. They are enormous but I'm an alpha and they are no match for my strength. We tumble on the grass and the dark coated one tries to bite my neck and I shove him off of me. I grab a hold of it's leg, biting hard until there's a loud crack, whimpers leaving him. While biting the rogue, the other swipes it's claws on the side of my form, it's claws digging deep enough to draw blood and for a whimper to leave my mouth. I discard the rogue and leap on the brown one, swiping my claws on it's face, and digging them into it's eyes , blinding it. I move to deliver the fatal blow when the black wolf rushes towards me and I tumble out of the way. Quickly, I claw the brown wolf's stomach, grabbing and holding onto anything my claws can find within and detaching them from it's body. A few seconds later, the rogue falls, life fleeting from it.

The black wolf witnessing this dashes towards the border, it's left limb useless, the bone having broken. I am fast enough. I grab it's other leg and deliver the same blow. The rogue remains still, whimpers and cries leaving it's mouth. I bite down on its neck, not enough to kill it but for it to pass out. Who knew they'd be attacking so soon.

I shift back to my flesh and hiss, finally remembering that the wolf had clawed my side, bleeding profusely. I walk towards the female and I immediately recognize her. Aliza, a twenty two year old warrior in training. I had asked Asher to relay the news of the change in pack patrol. Aliza must not have gotten the news yet. I place my fingers on the lower side of her nose and I'm relieved she's still breathing. What made her pass out? She wasn't silvered and there's no wolfsbane too. I would have smelt it.

Micah, bring me a change of clothes and come to the Eastern border. And bandages too.

I mind link him and immediately I can sense the worry, his emotions floating to me and engulfing me.

A few minutes later, Micah and more than a few pack warriors, are racing towards me and of course behind them, stood the alpha, eyes staring at me and I almost pass out. The intense look in them makes a shudder race through me. He approaches me and then stops, staring at the spot where blood is seeping through. Nudity wasn't really an issue with wolves but all the attention wasn't helping my nerves or embarrassment.

"What happened alpha?" Micah asks, eyes on the still form of Aliza,the rise and fall of her chest, the only indication that she's still with the living. His eyes shift to the rogue, his eyes darkening with rage.

"We'll discuss this later. Amelie, hand me the clothes and Micah carry her to the pack infirmary. Cori, take the rogues to the cell." I order.

Amelie, one of the female warriors walks towards me handing me the lose shirt and the lose fitting sweatpants. I quickly pull the clothes on. I grab the bandage and loosely wrapped it on my bleeding stomach.

The warriors that emerged, I realize are thirty years and above. Asher had delivered my message, I note.

I get up from the floor and an instant feeling of dizziness crashes over me, I almost kiss the hard dirt grass. Arms shoot up to hold me, their energy in synch with mine, my wolf almost humming. I glance up and stare face so close to each other with the alpha.

"Are you okay?" His voice is only but a whisper and I would have reacted by pulling away but with my slow reaction, I realize it's the blood loss. I can feel the wound stitching up, although slowly but surely.

"I think I need to rest." I tell him and take a step only for me to stumble once again and I am only a few seconds from actually hitting my head against the ground.

With reflexes as quick as a ...well wolf, the alpha is already holding me up from falling and hurting myself further.

"I'll carry her." Alpha Ares declares and before I can react I'm already being hoisted, princess style. Mortifying and embarrassing are what I'd feel if I was in my right state of mind.

I decide to close my eyes, a part of me not wanting to see my pack's reaction but a bigger part feeling strangely comfortable. I don't even note when I get lost in sleep, in a strange man's arms.


I assure y'all I have no idea where and what to write next. I want Ares to love Summer but I also don't want to downplay Summer's trauma caused by Logan. If I do go through that path, it's going to take forever for them to ever get together so I'll try to address her trauma while also, building them together.

Summer has a long way to go and I feel I've been revolving around this rogue thing because I felt quite stuck with the story. I know the overall plot of it but the in between leaves me quite...hanging but I digress.

Also, I honestly don't know when they next update will be. I'm sorry.

I hope you are having a pleasant day/ night.

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