Foster Care

By Always-Drarry

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Draco Malfoy ran away with his mother after the war. They both wanted to forget. They did. twelve Years late... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter three.
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
chapter 19


36 0 0
By Always-Drarry

Draco Malfoy yawned hitting the alarm that snowy February morning. The time was five in the morning and Draco had to get the children up, dressed for school and sent off to school. Harry was out of commission. Last week, the flu was going around the office Draco, Adam and Harry worked at. So, Draco  and Adam both got it first, so it ended up passing to most of the children, before it finally got to Harry. With Harry's injury and weaker immune system, it ended up putting Harry in the hospital, because of a lot of reason. Harry was still pretty sick, but wouldn't let Adam and Tiffany not celebrate the first birthday of their daughter, Billie. He wasn't going to be responsible for that little girl not having a party. They try to explain it wasn't that important, especially when her uncle would be missing. Harry then explained it wasn't a party for her, really, it was more a party for her parents to celebrate their daughter turning one year old.

Draco got showered and dressed, before he pushed opened the door to the bedroom the boys shared. Draco turned on their light, getting a groan from all three boys. "Come on, now." Draco chuckled, as the boys slowly got out of bed. "What did daddy say last night when you called?" Albus asked, with a frown. It had already been three days. To long! He complained. He was a boy of seven years old, worried about his father. "That he managed to have breakfast." Draco said. "There's a 'But', dad." David said and Draco sighed. "He couldn't hold it down, unfortunately. It's just going to take a little longer boys." Draco said. "I want my daddy." Fussed Albus. "I know, sweetie. It's time you three for dressed, okay? I can smell somebody is working on breakfast." Draco said, before he left the bedroom.


Draco turned the light on in the bedroom the four girls shared. Lily, a girl of just three, was also very worried about her daddy. To the point last night, she woke up crying. She had a nightmare. A nightmare about her daddy not coming home. A nightmare that caused her to cry until her new big sister, Rachel, got down from her bed and picked Lily up. Rachel had her up on the bed with her. Draco eased the toddler down to her feet. "You could of came and got me." Draco said to Rachel as she climbed down out of her bed. "She went to sleep, once she wasn't alone. I didn't see the need to bother you." Rachel said and with a sigh. "I thank you. Time to get ready, girls. We are going to have an easy weekend, alright? The party is this afternoon." Draco said. "Okay." They replied.
Tiffany was Already in the nursery with the babies. Koda and Faith were playing now that they had been changed and dressed for the day. "It was my morning, wasn't it?" Draco asked. "Yes, but I was up anyway. Just...a lot on my mind and I don't understand why your boyfriend won't let us cancel the party." She said. "He will feel responsible is why. It's a small party, this afternoon. It will be okay." Draco said and she let out a sigh. "Nothing is okay about him raising two girls that aren't his." She said. "Tiffany, stop. How is it any different then you raising Koda? It's not!" Draco pointed out. "He won't...let me give him a baby, Draco. He needs his own." She said. "You two have three children. Billie just turned a year old. The babies, yours, need to be a little bigger, do you really not agree?" Draco asked. "...maybe." She whispered, walking over to the crib that held her baby girl, Billie. "Adam loves you and the girls. They are his Tiffany. The time for another child, isn't now. I don't care if you two do have one, but the time needs to be right, for you. You have a 12 month old, a 19 month old and a 5 year old. Billie and Koda are pretty much like twins. Let them get older, and I am sure he won't mind to have another child, if that is what you truly want." Draco said. "I don't... understand, what he sees in me. I'm nothing." Tiffany whispered. "You are so much more then that. Come get Billie. Let's finish getting the babies ready and get downstairs for breakfast." Draco said getting a slow nod.


By seven, the household was downstairs at the table eating breakfast. The children still had school, the young ones went to daycare now and the adults were all working, even if it was part time. Remus and Narcissa were part time. Narcissa was getting the handle of being a working mother of a infant. It was something she had yet to do in her life, but Richard convinced her it was time.
"How was teaching yesterday?" Draco asked. "Wonderful, thank you...for getting me set up at that secondary school." Remus said, taking a bit of his breakfast. "Of course! They always need aid there. It's a great school, it really is. Rachel, how do you like it?" Draco ask. "It's alright, Draco. It's a bigger school then I am used to, but yeah-It's good." Rachel said. "I would really like you to join an after school Activity." Draco said. "I...have never been one to participate in them. Never...had the money." She said. "That isn't something you are to worry about, alright? I want you to pick something, alright?" Draco said. "Yes, okay." Rachel said.


By eight Draco was driving the van, taking the kids to school a daycare. A lot kept on the man's mind. He was worried about Harry, who was having trouble fighting off the flu. He was also the father of a handful of children. He wouldn't change it, but it kept him busy, very. Between work and the kids, there was little time for anything else.
First, Anne was dropped off at preschool.
Second, Albus, James, Destiny and David were dropped off at the primary school.
Third, Rachel was dropped off at the secondary school.
Lastly, Lily, Koda, Faith, Billie and Zoe were dropped off at daycare.

Draco got to work by nine.
Draco sighed, sitting down at his desk, hearing the knock on the door. "Adam should be here by ten, didn't you agree to the time change?" Draco asked. "Yes, I did. Are you okay?" He asked. "Just, overthinking is all. Lily and James want their daddy. There isn't anything I can do to fix that, without him." Draco said. "Harry will be fine, don't worry so much Draco." He said. "Oh, I wish it was that easy, I really-Really do. I'm fine, thank you." Draco said.

By Four that Afternoon, Remus had unlocked the door, letting the children into the house. Rachel holding two of the babies and Remus had the other two. "What time, are we supposed to have the little celebration?" Rachel asked. "By seven, I'd say. Everybody should be home by then." Remus said. "They don't seem to should teach after the moon. Are you...not yourself that far later?" She asked, as the pair sat all the babies down on the mat to play. "It has more to do with me being exhausted, sometimes ill. Harry's just worried. I won't, if I think I can't handle it. I have really missed teaching. If I can handle this, the whole substitution teacher thing, I'm hoping I can just go to teaching my own." Remus said, walking into the kitchen. He was going to get the children some finger food, while they did their homework. "Kids! Get at the table, you know the rules!" Remus half barked at the school aged children. On Fridays, they like to try not to do their homework right away. Rachel joined the table to, but kept her conversation with Remus going. "You regularly taught at that school Teddy goes to?" She asked. "I did, yes. I don't want to go back there, but I do want to teach. We can talk later if you like, it's homework time for you kids." Remus said.

Six that evening, Narcissa was at the stove starting dinner. Draco, finally, got home. Adam was home an hour before. Adam also informed their parents that Draco went to the hospital. He needed to talk to Harry. His own thoughts running wild. A phone call, just wasn't cutting it, unfortunately. "Draco, love." Narcissa said, calling her son into the kitchen. Adam and Tiffany already gone, for a short time, to get the cake and ice cream for the small celebration they were doing for the brith of their daughter. "Yeah?" Draco asked. "What did Harry say?" She asked. "Nothing...much. the doctors are thinking at least a week more. I don't know what I am going to do." Draco whispered. "What you are doing, son. I promise, it is going to be okay. Dinner is nearly ready, can you gather the children?" Narcissa asked. "Yes, of course."

By Seven, dinner was finished and they were now gathered around the table, again. The were wishing the birthday girl, happy birthday. Billie was such a happy and giggle girl as Tiffany soon started to feed her small bites of her cake. Adam handed out the rest of the cake to the children. One by one, the children would start getting ready for bed and their late evening approved activities before bed.

Nine that night, Adam took the hand of the woman he did love, giving her a light kiss. "I will have another child with you, I just want the babies to be a little older." Adam said. "Draco...said something?" She asked. "He bought up how you were feeling was all, my love. You must stop those silly thoughts." Adam said. "It's not so easy, Adam." Tiffany said, getting a light kiss. "I love you and our kids. That is all that matters. That is all you need to hold onto, okay?" Adam said. "They aren't yours, Adam! Anne knows that and Billie looks nothing like you." She said. "And Koda Mom is in the ground! I know we have a blended family, but that doesn't matter. The girls are mine." Adam said, drying off her face. "Please, just calm down my love." Adam said, pulling her close.
He laid stroking her hair as she slowly opened back up her eyes. "Just...a rough day." She said. "I know, love." Adam said, placing a kiss on her lips. "Just get some sleep, my love." He said.


Ten that night. Narcissa felt the need to check on her son. Draco laid asleep on the couch. He just couldn't sleep in the bed, by himself, another night. Narcissa let out a sigh, but tucked him into bed. "Get some sleep, my son." Narcissa said softly, turning off the lamp. She waited a few minutes, to be sure Draco kept sleeping, before she went back to the bedroom she shared with her husband, and often times, Adam and Tiffany. Tonight, wasn't one of those nights. "Where did you go?" Richard asked, placing a kiss on her lips. "Check on Draco. He's on the couch. He's...upset I think." Narcissa frown. "He'll be okay, Nass. Come, it's late." He said.

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