
By Tintedsoul_19

1.2K 150 67

In the vibrant heart of Delhi, Reena Rajendra Desai, a passionate event planner, and Rajveer Krishnappa Bairy... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 18

36 4 1
By Tintedsoul_19

Rajveer Krishnappa Bairya stood at the window of his spacious office, gazing out at the city skyline below. The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm glow over the bustling streets of Mumbai. But despite the beauty of the scene before him, Rajveer's mind was preoccupied with thoughts of the future - a future that held the fate of Bairya Constructions in its hands.

Bairya Constructions was not just any company; it was a legacy. Founded by Rajveer's grandfather decades ago, it had grown from humble beginnings into one of the most successful construction firms in the country. Under the leadership of Rajveer's father, Krishnappa Bairya, the company had flourished, taking on ambitious projects and earning a reputation for excellence and integrity.

But now, with Krishnappa's passing just a year ago, the future of Bairya Constructions hung in the balance. According to his father's will, if Rajveer did not marry within a year of his father's death, all shares of the company would be donated to charity. It was a provision that had taken Rajveer by surprise, and one that he had struggled to come to terms with.

Marriage had never been a priority for Rajveer. He was fiercely independent, pouring all of his time and energy into the company that bore his family name. He was married to his work, so to speak, and had never felt the need for companionship or romantic entanglements. But now, faced with the prospect of losing the company that meant everything to him, Rajveer found himself at a crossroads.

He turned away from the window and walked over to his desk, where a framed photograph of his father sat prominently displayed. Krishnappa Bairya had been more than just a father to Rajveer; he had been a mentor, a guide, and a source of inspiration. The thought of letting down his father's legacy weighed heavily on Rajveer's shoulders.


The sickening click of the lock sent a tremor through Reena. Trapped. That was the only word that accurately described the suffocating feeling that constricted her chest as she stared at Rajveer across the cramped apartment. Gone was the defiant fire in his eyes, replaced by a mixture of regret and a vulnerability that made her anger waver.

Rajveer, as if to break the heavy silence, reached into his pocket and pulled out a sheaf of papers. With a flick of his wrist, he sent them flying through the air, the flutter landing them right on Reena's face. She snatched them up, her gaze falling on the bold, black lettering that screamed "Contract Marriage Agreement."

Confusion melted into a flicker of hope. This wasn't a permanent binding, a life sentence he'd dragged her into. It was a bizarre solution, a twisted fairytale with a one-year expiry date. A flicker of suspicion ignited within her.

"What is this?" she demanded, her voice a brittle whisper.

Reena stared at the document in her hand, the legalese blurring before her eyes. A contract marriage. It sounded like something out of a cheap romance novel, a plot device to create manufactured tension. Yet, here she was, the unwilling protagonist in this bizarre reality.

Rajveer paced the cramped confines of his apartment, a caged tiger wrestling with his own anxieties. The weight of his father's will hung heavy in the air, a constant reminder of the ultimatum that had forced him down this path. If he wasn't married within a year, his inheritance – the controlling shares of Bairya Constructions, his father's legacy – would be donated to charity.

He glanced at Reena, his gaze filled with a mixture of desperation and a flicker of something more – an unspoken plea for understanding. He knew this was unconventional, a desperate gamble, but it was the only way he could think of saving the company his father had built from the ground up.

Reena's breath hitched as Rajveer slammed the contract down on the table, the clatter echoing in the cramped apartment. Her pulse hammered against her ribs, a frantic drumbeat against the chilling words that hung in the air. "Pose like a wife for one year and your uncle and aunt will be safe. I've also paid your loan to the Oberois. Now, I have all my rights over you."

His words were a slap, a brutal reminder of the power imbalance that had shifted dramatically in his favor. The anger that had simmered within her since their escape from the courthouse now erupted like a volcanic blast.

Blood throbbed in her ears, drowning out the apology that died on Rajveer's lips. This wasn't the desperate plea for a connection she'd witnessed earlier. This was a declaration of ownership, a chilling reminder that she was nothing more than a pawn in his twisted game.

With a primal scream that ripped through the silence, Reena lunged for the nearest object – a heavy ceramic mug emblazoned with a sunflower. In a blur of motion, she hurled it at the wall, the mug shattering into a million pieces, the sunflower design fracturing like a broken dream.

Rajveer flinched back, startled by the sudden violence, but Reena wasn't done. Her gaze fell on his prized possession, the battered acoustic guitar propped against the wall. 

Driven by a white-hot rage, she crossed the room in a heartbeat. Before Rajveer could react, she snatched the guitar, the wood cool and familiar beneath her trembling fingers. With a deafening crack, she brought it down on the glass coffee table, the splintering wood and shattering glass echoing her own fractured sense of security.

"Don't you touch me!" she shrieked, her voice ragged with a mix of fury and despair. "I am not some object you can just buy, Rajveer! You may have saved my family and paid off my debt, but you haven't bought my soul!"

Tears streamed down her face, blurring her vision, but they did little to quell the fire blazing within her. The image of her aunt and uncle, their worried faces etched in her mind, fueled her anger even more. Rajveer had used their vulnerability to manipulate her, twisting his actions into a claim of ownership.

Rajveer stood across the room, his face a mask of shock and something akin to hurt. He opened his mouth to speak, but Reena cut him off.

"Don't even try to apologize," she spat, her voice raw with emotion. "This isn't some grand romantic gesture, Rajveer. This is coercion. This is you taking advantage of a desperate situation."

She pointed an accusing finger at him, her voice trembling with barely contained rage. "You may think you control me now, but I will not be your puppet. I will not play the role of the happy wife in this twisted play of yours."

The defiance in her eyes mirrored the broken sunflower on the wall, a silent testament to a dream shattered. This wasn't the love story she'd envisioned, a melody turning into a discordant clash.

Taking a deep, shuddering breath, Reena forced herself to calm down. She knew rage wouldn't solve anything. Picking up the remnants of the guitar, a pang of guilt stabbed at her heart, but it was quickly overshadowed by a steely resolve.

"I will stay," she declared, her voice regaining its strength. "I will stay to protect my family, to work on the Bairya Project with the Oberoi resources you so graciously 'bought' me. But make no mistake, Rajveer Bairya, this marriage is a sham."

She tossed the broken pieces of the guitar at his feet, the clatter echoing in the tense silence. "And for one year, you will have a stranger as your wife, not a doormat."

With a final glare that spoke volumes of her anger and disillusionment, Reena stormed out of the apartment, slamming the door shut behind her with a resounding bang. The hallway echoed with the sound, a punctuation mark on their shattered dreams and the beginning of a marriage built on a foundation of coercion and resentment.

As Reena walked away, tears drying on her cheeks, a single thought echoed in her mind: "I hate you, Rajveer Bairya. But for my family, I will endure this."

"I know this is crazy," he finally admitted, his voice laced with a raw vulnerability. "But it's the only way. I can't let Bairya Constructions crumble. It was my father's life's work, and..." he trailed off, his voice cracking with emotion.

Reena watched him, the anger that had initially flared upon his confession giving way to a grudging empathy. She understood the weight of legacy, the responsibility that came with carrying a family's dreams on your shoulders. The Oberois' offer had placed her in a similar bind, albeit a gilded cage.

"So, this is all about Bairya Constructions?" she asked, her voice surprisingly calm.

Rajveer met her gaze, his eyes filled with a desperate honesty. "Yes, still"

A wry smile played on Reena's lips. "Still what, Rajveer?"

He took a deep breath, his voice dropping to a husky whisper. "Still explore what could be between us. Maybe in a year, you'll see that we have something real."

Reena's heart skipped a beat. The intensity in his voice sent a tremor through her, a stark contrast to the practical arrangement he'd proposed. This marriage, born out of desperation, was starting to feel... complicated.

But before she could delve deeper into those confusing emotions, a pragmatic side of her surfaced. The Oberoi alliance, the Bairya Project – these opportunities were too valuable to pass up. And a year, she reminded herself, wasn't forever.

"Alright, Rajveer," she finally said, her voice steady, "One year. But on my terms."

"Alright," he conceded. 

The road ahead wouldn't be easy. Explanations to families, navigating the charade of a married couple, and most importantly, navigating their own tangled emotions.

That's it for today

See you guys in next chapter

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Till next time


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