
Por Zia-Ul-Qamar

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وَيَمْكُرُونَ وَيَمْكُرُ ٱللَّهُ ۖ وَٱللَّهُ خَيْرُ ٱلْمَـٰكِرِينَ {They plan and Allah plans and surely All... Más

Front cover
Back page
Author note:
A quote from me.
My Characters:
Aaliyah and Sultan
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 13

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Por Zia-Ul-Qamar

The moon hung in the sky and the clouds stood in front of it. They hid its glory, reducing its beauty. The darkness swam in their home reaching the heart of Aaliyah. She sat on the prayer mat clasping the fabric in her hand. Tears fell from her eyes a grief she could not explain was spilling from her heart. She felt each drop that sunk to the floor and she imagined a flower grow for every tear. She had fallen pregnant. Twice, however, both times she lost her child. Both times she was attached to a child who was never born.

What could be more painful than a mother losing her child? She crumbled onto her prayer mat one hand placed on the intricate embroidery of the Kaaba, her eyes red with agony. A fountain of tears kissed it as she sobbed. Her cries were silent, the look on her face as if she were fighting death. A silent scream ripped her soul and she clenched her fist. She held a tasbeeh in the other hand, Aaliyah felt as though the world was spinning as if her heart would rip out of her chest. She sunk further onto the mat, despair written on every teardrop. Her lashes curled, shimmering with tears, her skin the colour of roses and her lips outlined with red. She helplessly kneeled on the mat, her head planted firmly.

"Ya Allah" She cried her pain ripping the cover of the sky.

"Ya Allah" She sobbed, repeating the words for an ounce of comfort.

she grasped the fabric of her cloth crying into the void. her mind was not a storm, it was rain. It was a neverending rain, a persistent rain. A shower in which youd stand until you got sick. The world was dark and the pain almost brought comfort. Her chest caved in as she mourned. She mourned the loss of her two children, children who had not even seen the light of this life, children who had a future they never lived. She swam in faith yet she wished she could drown. They do not tell you the agony of trust in Allah, the agony when you want to give up but you cant. You know everything that happens does so for a reason, you know that he has a plan that is better than anything you could imagine, you know that he will bless you with something better than what he has taken from you. Aaliyah's sobs caught in her throat and her tears became silent, she stared at the wall her pain was not hers, she left her entire being to Allah her pain was no exception, she did not claim it as her own.

She sat up leaning on the wall behind her, her tears seemingly endless, she recited the prayers that she memorised and swam into a deep sleep.

فَإِنَّ مَعَ ٱلْعُسْرِ يُسْرًا

{Verily with hardship there is ease.}

She awoke in an unfamiliar place. White in colour, the light almost blinding. Aaliyah walked forward in a daze. A set of stairs led to a room made of glass. Aaliyah followed them up until she reached the top. There was a gap between her and the room. Inside stood a woman, a woman who was full of light, she could not be described, a veil of light surrounded her and Aaliyah felt safe. She found herself asking the lady for help.

"Please let me have my child"

The lady looked at her and spoke. Her voice was heard in Aaliyah's head. Peaceful and sweet and it held authority.

"Come back later"

Aaliyah shook her head and repeated her request. The lady again gave her the same response. This exchange continued Aaliyah would ask and the lady surrounded in light would answer. Until her response changed.

"Okay go, you will receive what you have asked for in the month of Rajab".

Aaliyah awoke with a shock. Her face stained with tears, she stared at the prayer mat recalling the dream, only a name left her lips.

"Hazrat bibi Fatima"

Soon after the dream things started to change for the better. Aaliyah fell pregnant once again. Her medical history increased with complications, and she bore her head in her prayer mat with worry. Whenever she would feel lost, she'd remember the dream. She carried the baby with care, loving a child that was yet to be born. She had told Sultan about the dream, and he had begun to call the baby their miracle. Sultan had found a more stable job as a security officer at the hospital and had taken the opportunity without a second thought.

Aaliyah was 8 months pregnant when the owners of the flat forced everyone to leave, by the will of Allah Aaliyah and Sultan became an exception. The owners, Mr and Mrs Rajah were an old couple both in their 80s and by some miracle they held a soft spot for Sultan and Aaliyah. Aaliyah made sure to treat them well anytime they visited prior to this and she thought maybe it was in one of these meetings where Mrs Rajah took a liking to her, but she knew that there didnt need to be a reason, Allah allowed it therefore it happened.They referred to the elderly couple as Uncle and Auntie, as a sign of respect and closeness. Now in the house lived only the 4 of them, Aaliyah would make food for Mr and Mrs Rajah when she cooked for Sultan and herself and they became a kind of family.


Sultan entered the office at the hospital, and the man on the other side welcomed him.

"Congratulations, You've got the job, but we only have spaces in the car park for now, so we'll place you there, and when a vacancy arrives inside, we'll move you. Is that okay?"

"Yes sir," Sultan nodded, leaving in triumph.

He woke up early every morning, Aaliyah would make him breakfast, and he'd stand in his designated spot, helping all of the visitors with their parking. He conducted himself with pride, a wide customer service smile on his face, and you could often find him cracking small talk with the elderly patients. He'd help them out of their cars and carry their luggage, there wasn't a day when he was late, and he seemed to be really enjoying his job.

A few months passed and he remained in the parking lot but he noticed that someone had been employed to work inside the hospital. The colleague would call him to remember the code for locking up since Sultan had memorised every lock to every door. Then he watched as another person was employed to work inside. He stood in the parking lot, his tongue poking the inside of his mouth, wondering why he hadn't been moved inside. He rubbed the back of his neck and decided to ask the question.

Sultan walked into the hospital, greeting his colleagues and making his way to the office. The blue tag on his shoulder, a badge of pride. Security was engraved on it in white. He knocked on the door, and his boss called for him to enter.

"Good morning, sir."

"Oh, Sultan, good morning! I've heard many good things about you over the last few months. What brings you to my office?"

He had a large smile plastered on his face, and Sultan narrowed his eyes slightly, wondering if It was sincere.

"Sir, I've been working in the parking lot for the past few months, and I thought you told me that you'd move me inside if there was a vacant spot."

A look of confusion came over the other man, he seemed stumped. A nervous laugh escaped his mouth.

"I see you every morning with a smile on your face, and you conduct your duty so well. I thought you were satisfied working there,"

Sultan's lips parted in slight shock; he didn't know whether he should laugh or cry. He passed his tongue over his canines and looked at his boss with an 'are you serious' face.

"Sir, that was my job of course. I'm going to do it to the best of my ability, but that doesn't mean I don't want to be moved inside?" Sultan tilted his head to the side,looking at him with his forehead creased. His boss looked apologetic.

"Um, okay, I'll place you inside, don't worry"

"Thank you sir"

"Thank you for your work Sultan"

Sultan bowed slightly and walked outside closing the door behind him. He stood there for a second recollecting his thoughts. Then with a sigh and a shake of his head he walked back to his spot chuckling slightly.

To celebrate their success at securing this new job and for Sultan's birthday, the couple decided to go to Madam to Sword.  It was October, and they were excited for their trip together. Sultan wore a black shalwar kameez, and Aaliyah wore a matching dress. It glistened as the light reflected on it, and her dupatta was sheer. They smiled at eachother walking around. The area was darker than they were expecting and they strolled rather cautiously. It was not long until they began discussing each statue and each room. Evaluating everything critically and engrossed in conversation, before something jumped out at them from the side. Aaliyah jumped into Sultan, hiding in his chest with a slight scream and Sultan screamed louder than Aaliyah did. She peaked out from where she was hiding and looked at the person. Covered in bandages, a mummy? Zombie? She furrowed her brows regaining her composure and took another look around. Sultan stood frozen still recovering, his system had crashed undoubtedly.
"Sultan what day is it?" Sultan took out his phone and the glow took over his face.
"The 31st of October" Aaliyah blinked at her husband.
"Isn't that Halloween?" A string of ohhhhhhs followed the initial realisation and the couple laughed at their obliviousness. For the rest of the trip they decided to get back at the scary people by hiding in various places and jumping out at them. Aaliyah succeeded, mostly and Sultan failed, mostly. But they had a good time and that's all that matters.

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