Sheepish [Warrior Cats OC Fan...

By MissPomSkinnylegs

198 19 3

SheepFur just wishes everything in the world would be the way she wanted, but because of that she finds it ha... More

not necessary to read
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11, finale

chapter 6

8 1 0
By MissPomSkinnylegs

SheepFur was heading to the gathering along with her clan. During SheepFur's apprenticeship She rarely went to gatherings, and SheepFur didn't like gatherings anyways. She's always sleepy and crowds make her uncomfortable.

SheepFur always sat near her kin, and SheepFur would never actually listen to the leaders. She'd just daydream until the gathering was over. SheepFur watched SirenCrash trying to talk to the cats from other clans. He was pretty good at making new friends. RyeBerry would encourage SheepFur to do the same, but SheepFur was too shy to do it. There was that one time moons ago where a few random BlueClan apprentices tried to talk to SheepFur, but they never really had a full conversation again.

SheepFur felt something poke her back. She turned around and saw one of the cats that she sometimes talks to. They said hi to each other and had a small talk, and that was about it.

The sure gathering was something. The leaders had a small argument about territory. The only major announcement was that BearStar, the former leader of RabbitClan had all of his lives drained by The Tribe Of Falling Maples cats while on some journey, and later on his deputy was murdered by the tribe. The medicine cat ended up choosing the leader and the new leader was very lucky not to meet the same fate as BearStar and the other cat. It was said he needed a whole patrol to protect him.

SheepFur and SirenCrash were playing with a pebble. Both batted it to each other. SheepFur looked at his brother and noticed a slight difference.
"Where's your.. collar thing?"

SirenCrash looked at SheepFur and looked confused, then seemed to understand her question. "Oh! My bow? I took it off because RyeBerry thought I looked stupid. I burried it somewhere in the middle of the camp, hehe."

"Oh." SheepFur kept playing with the pebble. SirenCrash looks up to RyeBerry so much that he'll do anything to please her. That's quite sad, in SheepFur's opinion. RyeBerry is obviously not interested in her own son.

GingerHolly walked up to the two young cats, tipping his head. "You two." He meowed. The siblings perked their head up. "Could you help WolfWhisker and RoseGold and go gather some moss. We need recourses to prepare for leaf-bare."

"YEA!" SirenCrash jumped up. "Come on, Sheepo!" He meowed cheerfully and raced out of camp. "The one to gather the most moss wins!"

Hm.. SheepFur quickly got up and padded after her brother. The problem was that the area where there's actually moss is in BlueClan's territory, and the FuzzyClan cats never dared to fight over those trees again.

SheepFur peeled the moss out of a tree, constantly stressing about the BlueClan cats.

SirenCrash walked up to SheepFur, showing him the bunch of moss he got. "Is this enough?"

"Maybe." SheepFur commented. "We should... Leave."

"Okay! But next time we should explore the area with the bunch of trees over there, where the SandyPath is!" SirenCrash suggested.

SheepFur anxiously bended her tail. "Isn't that The Tribe Of Falling Maples? Remember how told me they would kill anyone who entered their territory."

"But that's bad! Why do they do this!?" SirenCrash protested.

"Cause their meanies." SheepFur responded grumpily.

SheepFur and SirenCrash made their way into the medicine den.
"There's noone?" SheepFur mewed, but decided to put the moss on an empty shelf, influencing SirenCrash to do the same.

SheepFur heard footsteps come behind her and she turned around. WolfWhisker was standing with herbs in his mouth. He placed them down and smiled slightly. "Thank you. Good job."

"Ew!" SirenCrash shook his leg around. "There's a tick in my foot!"

"Oop-" WolfWhisker walked up the the young tom and smacked it out, immediately crushing it.

SheepFur noticed that the tick didn't even drink any blood yet. Either way, it deserved it's death.

"Odd. FuzzyClan cats don't get tics in leaf-fall." WolfWhisker muttered and walked over to SheepFur, poking her with his paws. SheepFur kept flinching every time he touched her.

"Oops. I... Haven't washed my paws before checking you. Well, you don't seem to have any ticks."

SheepFur silently gasped and looked at her own pelt that had tiny stains of blood. She almost gagged. You disgusting old cat! Now I know why cats think you should retire.

"SheepFur, come on!" SirenCrash called out for her sister, and SheepFur proceeded to follow him while wanting to groom her fur as soon as possible.

SirenCrash volunteered to lick SheepFur's fur clean. He's basically cleaning her from his own blood.
"You taste like dust! How often do you wash?"

SheepFur grunted, annoyed how cats always complain about her untidy fur as she never has the motivation to clean it. "I clean my fur when I feel like it!"

"You should wash every day, not when you feel like it!" Said FerretBite while passing.

SheepFur almost bristled her fur in rage at the comment. It's not his business how SheepFur's fur looks!

SheepFur was asleep in her nest, and she had a nightmare about murdering a clan-mate and being exiled for it. Her nightmare was interrupted by a sneezing fit. She sneezed like five times, maybe even more, then her nose was slimy with snot.

"Dear StarClan." Some warrior whispered. SheepFur looked around. "Did you inhale a pile of pollen in a dream?"

SheepFur recognised AsterFlight's voice as she was laying in her nest. You had no idea how terrifying my dream was. She sniffed a few times and couldn't figure out if it's night or just a really dark morning. She soon went back to sleep, having a more normal dream.

"SheepFur! SheepFur, get up."

A muffled voice wakes up SheepFur, gazing up at FerretBite with a drowsy expression. "What?"

"Good morning. You, me, LavenderSnow and ThymeStripe are going on a border patrol." He meowed softly.

"What... Oh, okay." SheepFur slowly stood up, stretching her body and moaning tiredly, following FerretBite out of the den while sniffling her nose. This is gonna be the worst day of my life.

SheepFur tried her best to keep her body language neutral while walking up to the other two cats while silently questioning StarClan what she did to deserve this. Out of all cats he had to go on a patr with, it's ThymeStripe and LavenderSnow. At least FerretBite was okay. He's stale, but he's nice.

"You sleep like a bat, SheepFur." ThymeStripe meowed.

SheepFur felt an indescribable pain inside her whenever ThymeStripe said anything about her. He was so annoying. "Good morning to you to." She gathered all her confidence to say this, regretting it just a second later, but the cats on the patrol had a small laugh about it, and SheepFur felt abit better because of that.

The patrol was marking the borders near BlueClan.
SheepFur almost wandered into BlueClan's territory. She found that out when she saw the bluebells. Bluebells don't grow on FuzzyClan territory. She turned around before it was too late. She kept sniffling, feeling ill.

"Don't accidentally mark BlueClan's territory. BlueClan won't like that at all." LavenderSnow meowed. SheepFur through the she-cat was directing at her.

"Remember that one battle, SheepFur?" ThymeStripe asked the she-cat.

"Uh-huh." SheepFur nodded. How could she forget the battle for some trees? And especially WillowLeaf's threat towards SheepFur.

"I wish LeatherStar didn't just let BlueClan get away with it." LavenderSnow commented.

"LeatherStar doesn't care about anything." FerretBite replied. "Besides, he should know better than battle for some trees."

SheepFur was impressed at how FerretBite said exactly what she was thinking. SheepFur can't seem to think of any downsides to loosing the trees. They're near the dangerous SandyPath anyways.

"It's not that we lost some territories, it's that we needed to endure an unnecessary battle!" ThymeStripe said harshly, then turned around to SheepFur angrily. "Will you stop sniffling!?"

SheepFur flinched as she was being yelled at. She didn't realise she was sniffling so much. It's not her fault that she felt ill.

"I think we marked enough." LavenderSnow interrupted the cats.

ThymeStripe nodded. "Then... Let's go back to camp.. before a BlueClan patrol comes here."

Finally. SheepFur followed the cats as she tried her best not to sniffle. She really wanted to rest.

The patrol returned to camp. ThymeStripe gazed over to SheepFur.
"You go to the medicine den so you can get your slimy nose fixed. I don't want you sniffing like a diseased bee." He said seriously.

If you say so. SheepFur tiredly walked to the medicine den and saw WolfWhisker staring at a wall.
"Good morning." SheepFur mewed, without receiving a response.

WolfWhisker twitched his ears and jerked his head thowards SheepFur. He stood up, also seeming exhausted "Oh! Hello, SheepFur. What do you need?"

SheepFur flattened her ears slightly, tipping her head. "My nose is runny."

"A runny nose? Alright, let's give you medicine before the nose runs away somewhere." The old tom laughed and started searching through his herb stores.

Even tho SheepFur's face was straight, she was laughing on the inside. She sniffled again, awkwardly waiting for medicine to eat.

WolfWhisker eventually turned around with leaves in his mouth and dropped them infront of SheepFur. The she-cat raised her paw slightly and bent down to get a better look at the herbs. Is that catmint?

"Eat those." WolfWhisker mewed softly and sat back down, seeming to stare at nothing again.

"Thank you." SheepFur purred quietly and consumed the herb. She liked the taste of catmint.

"You're welcome." The tom rasped quietly as SheepFur was leaving the den.

SheepFur was curled up in her nest, trying to rest so her sickness would go away. She zoned out and was thinking of memories she made when she was smaller. She then realised how much she missed BurrPaw, and now she feels angry at her again for leaving her like this.

RyeBerry walked into the den with a bird in her mouth. She sat down in her nest to eat it. "How are you feeling?"

"Horrendous." SheepFur said sarcastically. She could feel better.

RyeBerry snorted and took a bite out of her bird, raising her eyes in suprise. "That's some good prey!"

"What's better, prey or kittypet food?" SheepFur asked curiously, laying lazily in her nest while annoyed by the sounds of RyeBerry chewing the bird.

"I like everything. Unlike you who barely likes anything." RyeBerry quickly responded, her voice sounding quite harsh.

SheepFur felt a painful strike inside her. Shouldn't have asked then if you're going to be like that..
It was about time for SheepFur to find out why RyeBerry left her original home, but she was scared to make grumpy.

"It's good that I'm sick and don't need to do work." SheepFur mewed, trying very hard to start a nice conversation with her mother.

But RyeBerry always finds a way to ruin the mood and instantly snaps at whatever SheepFur says. "Even if I'm sick I do work till I feel sore!" She hissed.

SheepFur hissed back, enraged that RyeBerry can never reply nicely. "What is wrong with you!? Can't you be talk normally!?"

RyeBerry stood up, her voice becoming loud and growly. "HOW AM I NOT REPLYING NORMALLY!?" She roared, probably loud enough for the whole camp to hear. Good thing no-one else is in the den to make it more awkward.



"What is going on!?" SirenCrash dashed into the warriors den with a branch in his mouth. He put it down and RyeBerry and SheepFur looked at him with alarm. "What happened? Why are you yelling?"

"Nothing for you to worry about, son." RyeBerry said calmly and trotted out of the nest.

"SheepFur what did you two argue about this time?" SirenCrash walked up to her, almost tripping over the branch.

"Nothing!" She hissed softly with her eyes abit teary. "Why do you have a branch here?"

"I just think it's cool. I like branches of trees when the leaves are brown!" SirenCrash responded cheerfully, lashing his tail up. "FerretBite says I'm strong for getting that branch!"

SheepFur tilted her ears, looking down before coming to a realisation. "But there's no trees in out territory... Where did you get it from?"

"Me and FerretBite went on an adventure around the lands!" SirenCrash explained. SheepFur through it sounded more fun than patrols. SirenCrash walked up to SirenCrash and nudged her face, them started to lick her.

SheepFur shut her eyes closed and darted her head around desperately. She didn't like cats getting too close to her when she felt ill. She opened her mouth wide and sneezed on SirenCrash. The black and white tom jumped back in alarm. SheepFur couldn't help but burst out laughing, and SirenCrash began to laugh to.

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