Guns and Badges

By Gailoui

1.8K 71 43

Jenna Ortega, the best detective in Special Crimes, recieving a new task to uncover the true life of Emma Mye... More

Characters (Visual Look)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 4

110 5 1
By Gailoui


The atmosphere in the precinct was tense following the thwarted bank robbery.

Emma Myers sat alone in the interrogation room, her patience wearing thin as she twisted her head around, tapping the table in boredom.

She groans loudly, putting her legs up the table, "Can we hurry this up?!" Emma shouted, her annoyance palpable as she glanced towards the observation window,

knowing that Detective Jenna Ortega and Captain Hektor were watching.

On the other side of the one-way glass, Jenna exchanged a glance with Captain Hektor, her expression unreadable but determined.

"We need to get her to talk, Jenna," Captain Hektor's voice was stern, his gaze fixed on Emma through the glass.

Jenna nodded, her jaw set in determination. "I'll see what I can do, Captain."

Entering the interrogation room, Jenna took a seat across from Emma, the air charged with silent tension as she prepared to question the enigmatic suspect.

Emma regarded Jenna with a smirk. "Oh, so you'll be the one interrogating me? That sounds... Exciting."

Jenna's gaze narrowed slightly, her resolve unwavering. "Let's cut to the chase, Emma.

We know you're involved in more than just this robbery. Where have you been hiding these past few years? What's your next move?"

Emma's smirk persisted. "Ah, Jenna, always with the questions. You really want to know about my exciting adventures? Well, let's just say I've been enjoying some quality time off the grid."

Jenna's patience was wearing thin. "We have questions about your connections, your operations. You can't keep evading us forever."

Emma tapped her fingers on the table, a mocking smile playing on her lips. "Oh, Jenna, you're too serious. Life's too short not to enjoy the ride."

Jenna leaned forward, her tone sharp. "This is no joke, Emma. People's lives are at stake."

Emma's smirk turned into a grin. "Oh, lighten up, Detective. Can't we just have a friendly chat?"

Jenna's frustration grew with each passing moment. "Enough games, Emma. You're not fooling anyone."

Emma's demeanor shifted slightly, her eyes glinting with mischief. "Oh, but Detective, you seem so tense. Here, let me tell you a joke."

Jenna's was getting impatient with Emma, but thought it was no help and inhaled deeply, calming her down.

"This is not a joke, Emma. You're facing serious charges."

But Emma persisted, her demeanor playful yet calculated.

"Alright, here's one for you. Why did the bank robber take a bath before his heist?"

Jenna sighed, growing increasingly frustrated with Emma's antics. "I don't have time for this."

Undeterred, Emma continued, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Because he wanted to make a clean getaway!"

Jenna's jaw clenched, but she remained composed. "I'm not here for jokes, Emma. We have serious matters to discus-"

Emma interrupted her, putting her legs down to the floor,

"does it look like I care? I don't give a damn if i will go to prison for 10,000 years or more than that!", She raised her voice.

"You know i'm still going to escape that hellhole place anyways. So," she puts both her hands in front "Arrest me! I don't give a fucking dam-"

Jenna stood abruptly, interrupting Emma's words as she pushed her chair back with force. She stared down at Emma with a steely gaze. "I'm done here."

Just as Jenna turned to leave, Emma let out a loud, mocking laugh while putting her legs back up the table,

"Thank you for your service!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with amusement.

Jenna's jaw tightened, her patience tested to its limits. She said nothing as she exited the interrogation room, slamming the door shut behind her.

Inside the room, Emma's grin widened. She knew she was playing a dangerous game—one that would test her cunning and resolve.

As Jenna walked away, her mind raced with unanswered questions. Emma Myers was proving to be a formidable adversary—one who thrived on manipulation and deceit.

But Detective Jenna Ortega was not one to back down. She would uncover the truth behind Emma's involvement, no matter the obstacles in her path.

The battle between them had only just begun, and Jenna was determined to emerge victorious, with justice served and secrets revealed.


Emma Myers was released on bail by her 'family' and lawyer and headed back to her base with Georgie Farmer, her trusted accomplice.

As they approached Georgie's car, ready to make their getaway, Detective Jenna Ortega appeared, blocking their path.

"Emma, hold up," Jenna called out, her voice firm yet tinged with an undercurrent of unresolved tension.

Emma raised an eyebrow, feigning nonchalance. "Well, well, Detective. To what do I owe this unexpected pleasure?"

Jenna stepped closer, her eyes locked with Emma's. "I need to have a word with you, in private."

Georgie glanced between them, then nodded. "I'll wait in the car, Emma."

Emma smirked at Jenna. "Alright then, lead the way, Detective."

Jenna motioned for Emma to follow her to a quieter spot away from the prying eyes of the precinct.

They walked a short distance until they reached a secluded corner of the parking lot.

"What's this about, Jenna?" Emma asked, her tone laced with curiosity.

Jenna hesitated for a moment, her gaze intense. "I need to warn you, Emma. This won't be the last time we have this conversation."

Emma's smirk widened into a confident smile. "Oh, Jenna. You're so serious. But don't worry, I can handle your interrogations."

Jenna's jaw clenched, her frustration simmering beneath the surface. "You think this is a game, Emma? People's lives are at stake, even your own family is at risk."

Emma laughed lightly, unfazed by Jenna's warning. "Relax, Detective. I've been through worse than your questioning."

Jenna's frustration boiled over. "You may be confident now, but I will uncover the truth. Mark my words, Emma."

Emma's smile remained, her demeanor unshaken. "Looking forward to it, Jenna. But for now, I have places to be."

"Ba-bye, Jenna.", she says in a mocking tone, waving her fingers goodbye.

With that, Emma turned and walked away, smirking widely and leaving Jenna behind, seething with anger.

Jenna watched as Emma disappeared into the car with Georgie, her mind racing with unanswered questions and unresolved tension.

As Jenna returned to the precinct, her thoughts were consumed by Emma Myers and the elusive trail of deception she left in her wake.

Despite Emma's confident demeanor, Jenna sensed that there was more to the story than met the eye.

The battle between them was far from over, and Jenna was determined to unravel the truth behind Emma's involvement in the criminal underworld.

She knew that the road ahead would be fraught with challenges, but Detective Jenna Ortega was ready to face whatever obstacles stood in her way.

With renewed determination, Jenna prepared herself for the next phase of the investigation, fueled by the lingering tension and unspoken confrontation with Emma Myers.

The game was on, and Jenna was determined to emerge victorious, no matter the cost.

She would not rest until she uncovered the secrets that Emma was so determined to keep hidden.




Woohoo! Chapter 4! Longest chapter yet!

Totally forgot to add the other  part of my chapter, so here is the improvised one.

Tomorrow ill publish chapter 5, since i have nothing to do, and im in the mood to write something so yeah!

See you tomorrow for C5!!

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