SwaRon SS You Me and Dreams

By Rach_RainDrops

15.4K 480 79

They meet. They become friends. Along the way they know each others likes, dislikes, dreams, aspirations and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 5

579 19 0
By Rach_RainDrops

"Nothing happens to me" the screen roared before playing the Sherlock title theme. Sharon sat in front of the TV with ice cream and popcorn sprawled across her. Work and dance practices were really hectic and Sharon deserved a day off. Sherlock, ice cream, popcorn and her bed. Perfect! Just as John walked into the park Sharon's doorbell rang. Sharon let out a cry of frustration. Who dared to disturb her in between a Sherlock marathon? If it was Swayam she swore in her head that he would not leave the house alive. She specifically told him he was not to disturb her, not even a single message.
But why do you think it is him? It can be anyone. Her subconscious spoke.
Who else can it be huh? He must have thought it would be fun to annoy me. She replied back to herself.

But you will be happy if he does come? Back came a reply.                                                                                         No I wouldn't. Arghh why am I even thinking about this? The bell rang one more time.

"Coming.." Sharon yelled. Her plans of a peaceful Sherlock marathon were ruined! As she opened the door her annoyed face changed into one with a huge smile. "Shar..." "Anku " she said and hugged her best friend Ankita. "Shar... let go... I can't breathe.. " Just to annoy her more she hugged her tighter. "No Anku. It's been so looonnng! " "So? Will you murder me for that?" Ankita choked out. "Maybe." Sharon said releasing Ankita. "Your mind has always been twisted." "So I have heard." "Are we just going to stand here?" "If you say so." "Argh! You haven't changed a bit." "Of course I haven't. Come in." They remained in silence till Ankita saw the condition of her bed. "Oh! No wonder you wanted to murder me." "I was considering it yes!" Sharon switched off the television. Sherlock could wait her friend wouldn't. "But now that you are here, I can't tell you to leave can I?" "Even if you did I wouldn't." Ankita replied. Sharon sat on her taking a big scoop of ice cream. "Sharing is caring Sharon." "Ok fine." Sharon reluctantly handed the ice cream tub to her.

"Ok now that you have learned the art of sharing Sharon, spill." "Spill what?" "Who's the guy?" "What guy?" "Sharon." "Ankita." They both glared each other. "Spill." "There is nothing to spill." "There is. You like a boy, I can sense it." Ankita said proudly. Sharon's eyes popped out as she heard her say this. Why is she surrounded by psychics? She needed to be with normal people ASAP! "Earth calling Sharon." Ankita's voice brought her to reality. "How did you know?"

There was no point in denial. If she did deny it Ankita would not give up until she heard the answer which she wished to hear. She could make her say a 'yes' to anything even if it was the things that she wouldn't do or things that didn't even exists. Sharon was sure she could be a detective or something because of her questioning skills.

"You are not going to deny it?" Ankita asked. "And be forced to accept it? Accepting it firsthand is the easier way. " Sharon replied. "You have gotten smart." Ankita remarked. "I was never stupid." Sharon replied. Ankita gave her a look meaning 'REALLY?' Sharon just rolled her eyes. "Anyway," Ankita spoke "What is his name?" "Ankita I am not even sure that I like him or he likes me." Sharon said. "Oh you do like him. She you blushed even though I didn't even say his name." Well what Ankita said was true, Sharon's cheeks were shaded with a slight shade of pink. "Ok maybe I do like him." "Yes! I thought I would have to spend more time making you admit it but I was wrong." "Haha" "So... it's the guys from the theatre right? What was his name? " Ankita thought aloud. "Swayam." "Aha yes Swayam. Swayam Sharon. Sharon Swayam." "Stop it Anku!" Sharon yelled flustered. "OK are you going to tell him?" "Why should I?" "Why shouldn't you?" "Because... I don't know. I can't. My mind goes blank and comes up with crazy ideas at the same time when he is around." "Classic signs of love." "Ankita!" With that Ankita kept her mouth shut and being a good best friend just heard Sharon's problems. "Like a week ago he takes me somewhere and I assume it's a date." "And was it a date?" Ankita squealed like a fangirling teenager. "No. He took me for auditions." "He did what?" asked a shocked Ankita because she herself had tried countless times to make Sharon go for an audition and here comes a guy and makes her agree effortlessly? Ok she had to admit that she was jealous of him now. Who knew?

"Ankita?" Sharon said looking at Ankita as she was lost in her train of thoughts. "Yes?" "I was saying he took me for auditions and was successful in convincing me and I even managed to get into the third round." "What? That's amazing! I have to meet this guy." "I'll be sure to do that." "And you say he doesn't like you." "What?" Now it was Sharon's turned to be shocked. "Obviously he does. Actions speak louder than words Sharon. He forcing you to give auditions is a big sign that he cares and likes you." Ankita said proud of her explanation. "You sure?" Sharon asked softly. "Of course. How can you be so naive? I haven't met this guy and I already know he likes you." "Every person is not a born Sherlock like you." Sharon said sarcastically. "Let's talk about you love life after we finish this ice cream." "Happily!" Sharon said happy that Ankita chose to focus on ice cream. The thought of Swayam liking her back and her having the same effect on him like him having an effect on her send chills down her spine. As much she would have loved to focus her mind completely at the goodness called ice cream in front of her, her mind wandered back to Swayam. She liked him way too much or maybe she was in love?

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