Justice League: Batman's Miss...

By PublishedIndependent

170 0 0

Gotham's crime worsened after Batman's disappearance. Superman felt that something bad had happened. Batman w... More

Last Conversation With Batman
Justice League Meeting
Information Given
Bludhaven Docks
To The Batcave
Where Is The Van Going?
Making A Stop
Central City
The Wrong Van
Awake Yet Unaware
Intel On The Inside
Tracker Is On
Journey To Gateway City
Waking Up Trapped
A Call Made
Battle Won
Stable But Not Awake
Welcome Back

Shadow Fox

11 0 0
By PublishedIndependent

Shadow Fox hid in the shadows, watching the drug dealers by the docks of Bludhaven. The pungent stench of rotting fish oil made her gag, and she covered her nose with her sleeve. A few days ago, Batman would have solved this case. But with him missing, it is up to Shadow Fox. Willis Todd hands the money to one of the drug dealers, shaking their hand. Shadow Fox shakes her head, slinking into the shadows, hoping to get more evidence for the police.

She knew Joker was behind this. He wasn't interested in the money but the drugs themselves. She had seen a few poor homeless people take the drugs, laughing until they died with a smile. She grabs her camera and snaps a few pictures of the dealers and the crates full of laughing drugs. After getting enough photos, the Shadow Fox leaps away and returns to her motorcycle. She starts her engine and heads away towards the Batcave.

Shadow Fox takes the back alleys, avoiding the streetlights, and makes it to the back road that leads straight to the cave system, where Batman stores his vehicles and weapons. Pressing a button on the side of the motorcycle, the mountain opens up, and she speeds right in, the hidden door closing behind her.

Shadow Fox pulls the motorcycle to the side and gets off. Grabbing the camera, she walks up to a set of stairs and towards a giant computer. Taking the disk out of the camera, Shadow Fox sets the disk on the computer and downloads the photos.

The Joker's followers' faces, painted like his own, are revealed holding the drugs. Shadow Fox prints the pictures and stores them in a yellow folder. Standing up, she shuts down the computer and makes her way up the stairs that lead to a door. She will have to deliver the evidence in the morning to Commissioner Gordon, hoping the police can get to work.

Shadow Fox opens the door and enters a quiet hallway. Most of the lights are off, as it is 1 a.m. With a yawn, Shadow Fox quietly enters her room and removes her mask, revealing chestnut, shoulder-length hair, and tired, blue eyes. Stretching, the young woman sits down on her bed and throws her disguise in the closet.

Scratching the back of her neck, she lay down on her bed and threw the sheets over herself. Sleep came quicker than she expected. When morning came, the young woman opened her eyes and gazed at the clock to see it was 10 a.m. With a groan, she sat up and popped her back.



The young woman stands up and opens her door, "Good morning, Alfred." She spoke. "Good morning, Ms. Hazelle. Breakfast is ready, along with coffee by the pot." Alfred Pennyworth spoke. Hazelle nods her head, "Thank you, Alfred." The Butler turns away and heads down to the kitchen. Hazelle closes her door and follows the older man towards the kitchen.

The smell of cinnamon toast and scrambled eggs made the young twenty-six year old's mouth water. The scent of freshly grounded coffee followed, with the smell of hazelnut creamer. Hazelle lightly grins at Alfred as the man joins her at the table.

"You sure know how to make a fantastic breakfast, Alfred."

"Thank you, Hazelle."

Hazelle takes a sip of the coffee and then a bite of the cinnamon toast and eggs.



Hazelle's communicator buzzed insistently, and she narrowed her eyes in annoyance. As she checked the device, she saw that it was Superman calling. With a deep breath, she answered the call and spoke firmly into the comm link.


"Shadow Fox? This is Superman. Can we talk to you in the Justice League tower?"

Hazelle's mind raced as she considered her options. She was not one to be pushed around, even by the Man of Steel himself.

"What's this about?" She demanded, her tone firm and unwavering.

"It is important," Superman replied, his voice urgent.

Hazelle took a deep breath and made up her mind. She wasn't afraid to stand up to the Justice League if she needed to.

"One of you will have to pick me up. Meet me in Crime Alley in one hour."

"Thanks, Foxy," Superman replied.

Hazelle ended the call and turned to her trusted ally, Alfred. "Alfred, I need you to cover for me. I'm heading to the Justice League tower, and I don't know when I'll be back."

The butler lifted his hand in a gesture of understanding. "It's okay, Hazelle. Do what you must."

As she prepared to face the Justice League, Hazelle felt a sense of determination wash over her. She was ready to take on whatever challenge lay ahead and stand up for herself in the face of even the greatest superheroes.

Hazelle is focused on the task at hand and thinks about what needs to be done. She heads to her room and picks up her disguise before proceeding to the Batcave. Shadow Fox starts her motorcycle and heads towards the police station to deliver the important folder. She knows that it's essential to get it to the right person.

Without saying a word, she hands the bright yellow folder to the secretary, aware of how important it is for Commissioner Gordon to see it. She then heads towards Crime Alley, thinking about the best way to approach the situation.

Once she arrives, Shadow Fox parks her vehicle and puts the shield on, ensuring that she remains out of sight. She climbs a building and jumps on the roof, assessing the situation. She takes a moment to think about her next move, trying to come up with a constructive plan.

Despite the challenges she faces, Shadow Fox remains calm and composed. With a deep breath, she takes a moment to collect her thoughts, knowing that she needs to stay focused and constructive. She knows that the situation isn't easy, but she's determined to find a solution that benefits everyone involved.

With a clear and constructive mindset, Shadow Fox waits for the next move, ready to tackle any challenge that comes her way. She knows that with a constructive approach, she can make a real difference in the world.


The girl whirls around at the sound of a powerful landing behind her. With unshakable confidence, she jumps to her feet, and raises an eyebrow at the sight of Superman standing before her. "Superman," She greets him coolly, exuding a sense of self-assurance.

Without hesitation, the man of steel nods his head at her. "Shadow Fox, we need to speak to you," He says in a serious tone.

Curiosity piqued, she meets his gaze with unwavering confidence. "About what, exactly?" She asks, her voice steady and unwavering.

Superman's expression turns grave, but even that doesn't shake her poise. "Batman," He replies, his voice low and serious.

Here is Shadow Fox's disguise. She likes to change her mask sometimes.

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