Stray Kids x Reader

By YourNameLovesKpop

7.9K 105 16

This Stray Kids fanfic collection spans romance, fluff, angst, and smut, immersing readers in a range of inti... More

Han Jisung: Movie Night (smut)
Lee Felix: Morning After (smut)
Minho, felix, seungmin & Jeongin : Lets Have Some Fun (Smut)
Hyunjin : Baby fever (Smut)
Seungmin : Trust (Fluff)
Lee Minho: Jealous (Fluff)
Hyunjin : Haunted Hospital (Fluff)
BangChan: just relax (Smut)
Seungmin: Love At First Sight (Fluff)
Hyunjin & Flix: who I Wanna Be (Angst, Fluff)
Lee Felix: It All Started At The Night Shift
Jeongin: I'm Sorry (Fluff, Angst)
Lee Minho : A Teasing Game (Smut)
Le Felix : Pool Party (Smut)
Jeongin & choi Beomgyu: It's Party Time (Smut)
Hyunjin: Hair (Fluff)
Lee Minho: Cat Girl Chronicles
Seungmin: Phone Call (Smut)
Lee Minho: Stress (Angst, Fluff)
Lee Felix: Mad
Vampire Seungmin: Pray
All members: y/n in revealing outfit
Vampire Seungmin: Mine (smut)
Artist Hyunjin: My Muse (Smut)
ChanBin: Big spoon Little spoon (Smut)

Jeongin: Game Night (smut)

289 6 0
By YourNameLovesKpop

Paring: Jeongin x Reader

Word count: 2,547

Warning: smut, NSFW, friendship, romance, oral (M receiving), teasing, pets names

A/N: if you're planning to be intimate with your partner half way through a game with friends, make sure to double check you're on mute.

. . .

Jeongin was deeply engrossed in an intense gaming session, the glow of his laptop illuminating his focused expression. His bedroom had transformed into a virtual battlefield, connecting him with Heeseung, Jimin, Beomgyu, and Felix—each in their own spaces, with Felix just a room away. They were all immersed in the game, their communication facilitated solely through the digital voices crackling through their headphones.

"Watch your six, Jeongin!" Felix's voice rang out, a hint of urgency mixed with laughter.

Jeongin, quick on the controls, responded with a chuckle, "Got it, Felix. Covering now."

Their teamwork was seamless, a symphony of clicks and commands filling the air. Meanwhile, the other friends chimed in, their voices a blend of concentration and casual banter.

"Jeongin, you're on fire today, man!" Beomgyu exclaimed, impressed by his friend's gaming prowess.

"Thanks, Beomgyu! You're not so bad yourself," Jeongin replied, his fingers dancing over the keyboard.

In the midst of this intense gaming atmosphere, Y/N entered the room silently, not wanting to disrupt the focused gamer. She settled quietly on his bed, observing the scene with a soft smile. Jeongin spared her a quick glance and a loving smile, acknowledging her presence before diving back into the virtual world with his friends.
As time ticked by, the thrill of watching Jeongin play began to wane for Y/N. She had come to the Stray Kids' apartment hoping for some quality time with him, but the game seemed endless. A spark of mischief lit up in her eyes as a playful idea took root in her mind. With a cheeky smirk, she stealthily positioned herself under Jeongin's desk, unnoticed by him, engrossed as he was in the game and his friends' chatter.
Completely absorbed in his gaming and the ongoing conversation with his friends, Jeongin didn't realize Y/N's movements—until she made her bold move. Her hand ventured up his thigh, reaching his sensitive spots, causing him to flinch and gasp unexpectedly.

"What's up, Jeongin? You alright there?" Heeseung's voice crackled with concern through the headphones.

"Uh, yeah, yeah, I'm fine," Jeongin stammered, his voice strained as he attempted to maintain his composure, fighting back a low groan.

Jimin, ever the observant one, teased, "Sounds like you're not just battling in the game, huh?"

Jeongin chuckled nervously, "Just... got a bit surprised is all."

Down below the desk, Y/N looked up at him, her eyes sparkling with innocence and playful mischief. Jeongin met her gaze, an unspoken understanding passing between them. He was momentarily distracted, torn between the game and the unexpected turn of events.

Trying to focus on the game once more, Jeongin said, "Let's keep going, guys. We've got this match."

Yet, the game was no longer the only challenge Jeongin faced, as he tried to navigate this new, playful distraction. Y/N, reveling in the effect she was having, let out a soft giggle, her actions growing bolder as she playfully maneuvered his clothing, escalating the distraction.
She leaned in closer, her breath warm against his skin, prompting Jeongin to bite down on his lip in a futile attempt to maintain his composure. A heavy sigh escaped him as he fought for control, his concentration fracturing under the dual assault of the game and Y/N's teasing. His hands trembled over the keyboard, the battle on screen blurring as his focus waned.
In a moment of overwhelming sensation, a sharp curse slipped through Jeongin's lips, the word slicing through the air with an intensity that matched his inner turmoil. Y/N's skillful combination of touch and tease was proving to be too much.
On the other end of the line, the sudden expletive caught the attention of his friends. A chorus of laughter erupted through the headphones, their amusement clear.

"Whoa, Jeongin! That bad, huh?" Felix joked, assuming the curse was a reaction to a misstep in the game.

"Yeah, man. Never heard you swear like that over a hit," Beomgyu added, chuckling along with the others, oblivious to the true cause of Jeongin's outburst.

Jeongin, struggling to regain his composure, let out a nervous laugh, "Yeah, you guys got me. Just got...caught off guard, is all."

Jimin's voice came through next, laced with humor, "Sure, 'caught off guard.' We believe you. Just don't lose focus on the game, alright?"

As Y/N slowly retreated from her initial position, she was far from done. Elevating the intensity, she hoisted herself onto Jeongin's lap, facing him directly. The fact that she was wearing a skirt did nothing to ease the building tension Jeongin felt. His reaction was immediate, a pronounced gulp as she made herself more comfortable. She eased herself down onto Jeongin's hardened dick, her movements deliberately provocative.
She began to roll her hips against his with increasing fervor, his eyes darkening, jaw clenched in a mix of frustration and desire. The escalation was rapid, and Jeongin found himself at a breaking point. He hastily excused himself from the game, citing an 'important' matter that needed his immediate attention.

"Guys, I've got to handle something real quick," Jeongin muttered, his voice strained, hoping his excuse sounded believable.

"What's up? Everything okay?" Felix's voice came through, tinged with concern and curiosity.

"Yeah, just... something urgent. Be right back," Jeongin managed to say, quickly pausing his game and muting his microphone—or so he thought.

Freed from the immediate demands of the game, Jeongin's hands moved from the keyboard to firmly grip Y/N's hips, his gaze intensely locked on hers. The room around them seemed to fall away as she continued to move, the mounting tension between them palpable.
Jeongin couldn't hold back any longer, letting out a low groan that had been building up inside him. In a moment of heated passion, he delivered a sharp smack, eliciting a loud yelp from Y/N—a sound that was quickly followed by a mischievous giggle, signaling her enjoyment.

"You're a naughty girl, you know that?" Jeongin growled, his voice low and husky, sending shivers down her spine. "You wanted me this bad, huh? You couldn't wait another twenty minutes.

Y/N's only response was a whine, mixed with pleasure, as Jeongin's actions intensified. Their movements becoming more synchronised and her hands gripping the top of his chair for support.

"God, you're so bad. I should punish you right on the spot," Jeongin pondered aloud, the edge of his voice betraying his own escalating excitement. "I Shouldn't let you cum should I?"

"Please Jeonie. I've missed you so much," She pleaded with him, her voice desperate, expressing her longing for him, a longing that had only grown during his long shifts and relentless schedule.

"Awe, baby. You don't think I miss you too?" Jeongin grunted, his resolve softening. "Okay, I'll let you cum, but I need to finish this game, so don't think I'm done with you yet."

Their shared climax approached rapidly, the room's temperature seeming to rise with their actions.

"Yes, baby, just like that," Jeongin encouraged, his grip tightening, urging them both towards the edge. "Fuck! you feel so good."

Finally, they reached their peak together, their cries of release mingling in the charged air. After a moment to catch their breath, Jeongin helped Y/N adjust, keeping her close on his lap. He leaned in for a kiss, one that conveyed both deep affection and passionate desire, before attempting to reengage with his friends online.
It was only then, as he re-donned his headphones, that the mortifying realization hit him—he hadn't muted his microphone at all. The silence from his friends was deafening, his face draining of color as he braced himself for their reactions.

"G-Guys?" Jeongin's voice trembled slightly, filled with a mixture of embarrassment and apprehension.

There was a brief pause before Jimin's voice broke the silence, his tone a perfect cocktail of shock and amusement.

"Whoa, dude... that was something else," he managed to say, trying to stifle his laughter but failing miserably.

Almost immediately, Beomgyu's laughter erupted, uncontrollable and infectious. "Jeongin, man, you've just redefined game night for us!" he exclaimed, finding the whole situation hilariously unexpected.

Felix, unable to contain his amusement, chimed in from the other room, his laughter booming through both the microphone and the walls. "I didn't know we were playing that kind of game tonight!" he joked, adding to the playful atmosphere.

The fact that Felix had experienced the spectacle both through the microphone and firsthand from his adjacent bedroom only added to the hilarity of the situation.

Heeseung, always the one to add a bit of flair to the conversation, teased, "Well, Jeongin, seems like you've got some... interesting strategies for winning."

Jimin, jumping back into the conversation with a laugh, added, "Yeah man, and here I was, thinking I was the master of distractions!"

Amidst the laughter and teasing from his friends, Y/N, deciding to embrace the moment, leaned towards the microphone. "Hey everyone," she greeted, her voice filled with a mix of amusement and a slight hint of defiance, ready to own the situation.
The response was immediate; a mixture of surprised greetings and laughter greeted her announcement.

"Y/N, officially the MVP of tonight's game," Felix declared through his laughter, acknowledging her unexpected participation.

Beomgyu, ever the instigator, added, "Looks like you two took 'teamwork' to a whole new level!"

Jeongin, finally catching up with the laughter, allowed himself a sheepish grin. "Guys, I swear, it wasn't part of the plan," he confessed, his tone light and filled with embarrassment yet tinged with a bit of pride.

Heeseung, with a chuckle, advised, "Maybe keep the mic muted next time, yeah?"

Jimin added, "Or, you know, just make sure to invite us to the right kind of game night," his voice teasing and light.

The room was filled with laughter, the earlier tension dissolving into a shared moment of joy and camaraderie. It was clear that this incident, as embarrassing as it might have been, only served to strengthen the bonds between them, turning what could have been an awkward situation into a story they'd all laugh about for years to come.

Y/N, now fully part of the conversation, joked, "Next time, we'll make sure to check the mic twice."

Jeongin, feeling a mix of relief and happiness, realized that despite the initial embarrassment, these moments with Y/N and his friends were what truly mattered. "Thanks for being cool, guys," he said, genuinely grateful for their understanding and humor.

The conversation eventually moved on, but the laughter and teasing about that night's unexpected turn of events lingered, a testament to the strength of their friendships and the memorable moments they shared, no matter how unconventional.
The game session had finally come to an end, marked by a chorus of farewells and a final round of teasing, especially aimed at Jeongin.

"Alright, guys, I think it's time we called it a night. Great game, though!" Jeongin said, trying to steer the conversation towards a close.

"Sure, Jeongin, just make sure next time your... 'distractions' are kept in check, yeah?" Heeseung chuckled, his voice laced with amusement.

"Hey, Jeongin, remember to mute your mic next time, okay? We don't need a live broadcast!" Jimin added, laughter evident in his tone.

As the virtual room filled with goodbyes, Jeongin couldn't help but laugh along, despite the blush that warmed his cheeks. "Yeah, yeah, I'll remember. Goodnight, guys."

Once the call ended, Jeongin leaned back in his chair, a sigh escaping him as he turned off his PC and unplugged his headphones and microphone, ensuring no more unexpected broadcasts would occur. Glancing down, he noticed Y/N's head resting peacefully against his chest, her breathing soft and steady, the excitement of their earlier escapade having taken its toll on her.
He carefully scooped her up, her body light in his arms, and gently placed her on the bed. She stirred slightly, her eyes fluttering open to meet his.

"Jeongin?" she murmured, a soft smile playing on her lips.

"Just wait here, okay? I'll be right back," he whispered, his voice tender.

He quickly adjusted his jeans, a silent reminder of their earlier activities, and headed out of the room.
His mission was simple: grab a bowl of hot water and a flannel for some much-needed aftercare. But as he stepped into the hallway, he came face-to-face with Felix, who wore a knowing grin.

"Off for round two, or is this the aftercare part?" Felix teased, leaning casually against the wall.

Jeongin couldn't help but chuckle, shaking his head. "Just some aftercare, man. You know how it is."

Felix raised his eyebrows, his grin widening. "Sure, sure. Aftercare. So, how are you two holding up know?"

Jeongin paused, a soft smile spreading across his face. "We're good, Felix. Really good."

"That's what I like to hear. Just remember, Jeongin, we could hear everything. Next time, double-check that mute button, will ya?" Felix laughed, the memory of the night's mishap still fresh.

Jeongin's laugh joined Felix's, the awkwardness of the situation diffused by their friendship. "I'll remember that. Thanks for the heads up."

Felix nodded, stepping aside to let Jeongin pass. "Just making sure you're taking care of our Y/N, okay? She's precious, you know? And hey, if you need anything—like, not about that, but anything else—just shout."

"Will do, Felix. Thanks, man," Jeongin replied, his heart warming at the gesture of friendship.

As Jeongin continued his quest for the bowl and flannel, he couldn't help but reflect on the night's events. It had been a rollercoaster of emotions, filled with unexpected turns, laughter, and a deepening of his relationship with Y/N.

Back in his room, Y/N sat up, waiting for him, her eyes filled with a mixture of anticipation and affection. "Everything okay?" she asked, noticing his amused expression.

Jeongin nodded, setting down the bowl and flannel. "Everything's perfect. Just had a little chat with Felix."

Y/N laughed, the sound music to his ears. "I can only imagine what about."

"Let's just say, he offered his... support," Jeongin said, his eyes twinkling with mirth.

As he tended to Y/N with the warm flannel and dressed her into his baggy clothes, the two shared soft conversations and gentle touches, the bond between them strengthening with each moment. They spoke of the night, their friends' reactions, and the unexpected journey their relationship had taken.

"Jeongin," Y/N began, her voice soft, "I never expected tonight to turn out this way, but I'm grateful for every moment."

Jeongin paused, his actions stilling as he met her gaze. "Me too, Y/N. It's been... incredible, you're incredible. And I'm here for you, always."

The room filled with the warmth of their affection, the outside world fading away as they lost themselves in each other. Laughter, whispers, and tender caresses painted the night, a testament to their growing connection.
As the night deepened, they found solace in each other's presence, the events of the evening weaving a new thread into the fabric of their relationship.
as they finally settled down, wrapped in the comfort of each other's arms, the world outside seemed miles away. In that moment, they had everything they needed—each other.

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