love (free de la Hoya x reade...

By FireFistFan

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What if shu had a sister and she falls In love with the number 1 blader. Would the original story change comp... More

1.New Home
3.first Crush!?
4.Drawing Session
Ch 6-Distracted
Ch 7-sorry
Ch 8-Focus


224 8 31
By FireFistFan

Hey bit of a late update sorry :)

Alright answer to the questions.First up question 1:-

"what would you rate free's stadium?"

Easy 10.

Question 2:-

"Which bey club would you like to join?"

Everyone must have chosen this, it's BC SOL.

Then question 3:-

"Which season was the worst in your opinion?"

No hate but beyblade burst quaddrive was kinda disappointing when it was meant to be the end of the beyblade burst series.Glad we got quadstrike.

Y/n's pov

We just finished our training...the desire of just sleeping the rest of day is big but another desire is even bigger.Yep..I'm been waiting all day for this.As I make my way through the forest, I finally arrived at the stadium where the one and only, free de la Hoya is training.

"you came..." he said.

" came to draw.." I repliedz as I make my way to him.

"yeah, came to draw you free!" athena teased.

"The stadium! I came to draw the stadium!" I blushed.

"hey..why are you already flustered? "
Free teased.

" reason." I said while avoiding eye contact.

"no need to be so stress...(pats y/n's head) make yourself at home, I'll be back soon..." free said before leaving, he smirked at how flustered I got from his touch.

As free left I touch the spot he patted me, happy of the warmth and comfort he's giving me.With my heart still beating fast and my cheeks slightly red, I made my way to the stadium.

The stadium had white,musty pillars along with lush, green bush twirled around each column.I walked around it, soon finding the perfect angle to work at.I sat against a tree and prepared to draw.

I quickly started with the base structure,then with the pillars when I suddenly heard rustling.This time I wasn't scared though, I simply looked at the direction the sound from and here it came, our little prankster deer.

"hey bud." I said as I stood up.

It came towards me and tilted it's head as usual.I giggled a bit before petting it.I then sat back to draw and the deer also sat down a few feet away from me.

"Want to keep me company huh?" I said as it tilted it's head to the left, looking adorable as ever.

"Ok, I'll take that as a 'yes'." I said.

"Hey don't worry, your crush will also be here to keep you company." athena teased.

I simply sighed, athena has beening teasing me since morning to no end and it has been getting pretty annoying.I was thinking of leaving her in my dorm but-

"Don't even think about it,I want front row seat to this." Athena said.

"To do what? Free can't even hear you" I said.

(Yeaaaaahhhhh about that😅)

"Well to give advice! I mean you don't know how to charm a guy."

"I don't think what to say to me is 'advice'!" I thought as I started adding the details.

"Don't worry, I'll be serious today and give you the best advice possible to get your crush." athena convinced.

"Talking about crush, shasa has been avoiding me like crazy, I don't even have a single moment to be alone with her." I thought.

"yeah we're missing out on all that tea!" athena said as I chuckled.

"What are you chuckling about?" someone whispered in my ear.

I turned around in shock to see free de la Hoya smirking right beside me now.Where did he even came from!? And how didn't he make even the slightest sound!? No! I'm getting to the bottom of this!

I stood up to face 'Mr Ninja' over here, I pouted with my red cheeks and crossed my arms as he tilted his head to face me.

"How are you doing that?"

"Doing what?" Free said, pretending not to know what.

"That..when you appear and disappear without making a single sound."

"Oh, that..I have my ways.." free said while smirking.He then bent a bit closer to me, causing me to blush as he, in a really deep yet low voice said:
"why?..Did I scare you?? Huh?..."

"N-no..wh-why would I be scared." I mumbled.

"Your stuttering is telling me something else.." Free said while smirking.

" *gulp* N-no, it's're bit too cl-close.." I replied while blushing to his gaze.

"Ok...*moves back* I believe you.." free said.

Free then took my sketchbook as he sat down.He admired my work, analyzing it with great interest it seems like.

"Seems just like mom's..." free mumbled as he smiled.

"What did you say?" I asked as I sat next to him.

"Nothing, just that you're a great artist.." he said as he splash a hint of red across my face.

"Th-thanks..."I mumbled as I took my sketchbook.

I continued to finished the pillars as free attentively watched me.I was kinda hoping that he was gonna practice beyblading at the stadium.

"Ooh~ and why? To be able to stare at him while pretending to draw the stadium?" athena teased.

"To learn new moves!"

"If you say so...Anyways start a conversation with free! It's a great moment to get closer!"

Good idea..but what to say?..hmm...
What to talk about?...Beyblade? Nah.Maybe the deer? Well he already told me about him being a friend... Wait a friend! Maybe I can talk about friends, oh wait he's a loner..he always comes to the stadium during breaks..

It suddenly click as I finished one of the pillars.The answer is right here, the stadium. He must have some sort of connection to it.

"Hey free.." I said as he hummed in response.

"Do you train here often?"

"All the's very close to my heart.." Free replied.

"Does anyone else know about it?" I asked.

"Only close friends.." he said as I looked him in the eyes.Does he think of me as a close friend?

"D-does that include me?" I asked as he smirked.

"You're just a friend for now.." free said as I looked down disappointed.So he only thinks of me as an ordinary friend nothing more.Free saw my sadness so he got close to me and whispered in my ear: "You can be more than that though.."

I blushed as he smirked at me.Does he want to be more than just friends!? Could I have a chance to be someone important for him?

"Girl you have a chance! Don't give up!" athena encouraged.

"I wouldn't mind us becoming close friends.." Free said with a smile.

"oh..uh..well we can go from close friends to dating right? Athena asked.

"Cause I feel some sort of connection with you.." Free said as my eyes widen.

"Girl some sort of connection!" athena yelled.Well she's more excited about this than I am.

"Can I asked who are the other close friends?" I asked with rosy cheeks.

"well there's the deer..and of course kris..I remember that we used to play here all the time when we were younger.." free said.

"Oh no! you have competition!" athena yelled.

"Hey, don't yell so loud! And they're just friends..I hope.." I thought.

"You knew kris since back then?" I asked.

"Yeah..we're childhood friends.." free said.

"Oh no! Childhood have even more chance to become a couple!!" athena yelled.

(free's reaction to the thought of kris and him😂)

"Where are you even getting this information!?" I thought.

" know..animes and dramas..." athena mumbled.

"And that's where you're gonna get my 'advice' huh?"

"H-hey they are great!!!" athena protested.

"Hey, you know.." free began as I paid attention to him, ignoring athena.

"..kris is more of a big sister to me rather than a friend.." Free said as he closed his eyes and lean to the tree.

"Oh, ok." I calmly replied but inside I was screaming with joy.

"Oh I needly forgot about her.." Free said as he opened his eyes.


"A friend I made last year...nya..." free said as my eyes widden.

"Uh..who is she?" I asked.

"A friend..( leans closer to me) why are you so interested? "

"Sorry, got a bit carry away.." I said as I continued drawing.

"Oh~ I smell jealousy in the air~" athena teased.

"Shut up.." I thought as athena continued teasing me and to be honest..I was.


It was getting dark as I started adding the details.Free was still beside me but was bobbing his head up and down in a sleepy manner.Guess he's tired..I should hurry so we can get back to BC SOL.

When I started hurrying I felt a sudden weight on my shoulder...I turned to see free laying his head on my shoulder.Did he have to lay his head on my shoulder!?

"Hey..hope you don't mind.." he said while smiling.

"Athena what do I say!!?" I screamed inside.

"That you don't mind one bit." athena said.


"But what? I know you're enjoying this." athena teased.

"Ye-yeah I do but-"

"No problem then." athena said.

"hey..if you're not gonna say anything I'll take it as a yes.." free said as he closed his eyes.

I forzed in place as free took a nap on my shoulder, yeah he literally fell asleep I can even hear his cute snores.
I'm happy that he can catch some sleep since he did seem tired but in our current position I can't even draw anymore.

At that moment an idea came and I started: "Uh free..." to which he hummed ,thankfully not fully asleep yet.

"I can't really draw in this position... Sorry but can you find something else to use as a pillow.."

"fine.."he said as he lifts his head and rubs one of his eyes. He then stared at me and smirked before saying: "Hey I think I know a better pillow that won't disturbed you.."

He repositioned himself and lay down on his new 'pillow'.My cheeks became bright red because the so-called 'pillow' he chose was my lap.

"I'll catch a few Zs...wake me up when you want to leave..." free said as he closed his eyes.

I was just sitting there frozen for a minute or two before I finally came out of my traumatic shock.I let out a breath I didn't even noticed I had in.
Gosh what do I do in this situation!?

"Well we can't let this chance go." athena said.

"Wh-what!? Are you thinking of drawing free!? Are you out of your mind!? "

"what? Do you think we'll get another chance to get this close to him?" athena questioned.

Well she is right but is this the right thing to do? I don't think I'll get another chance...


About 20 minutes went by and I'm still thinking about what to do.The angel inside me is telling to not do such a thing while the devil, athena, is constantly telling to do it.

After a long thought I gave in to temptation and took my pencil.Free looked stunning even when he's asleep and it would be a shame to not draw this.As I was about to start I heard a loud ringing which caused me to drop my sketchbook on free's face.

"Ow..well that's one way of waking someone up.." Free said as he rubs one of his eyes.

"So-sorry! I-I just got startled by that sudden ringing..." I said while he checked his pocket.

"Hmm..we must get back.." free said as he grabbed my wrist.

He led me through the dark forest,this time free walked at a slower pace than we did the first time,it seem like he was being careful that I won't trip somewhere.Despite the slow and long walk neither of us decided to talk, we simply walked in silence until BC SOL came into sight.

"Thanks free.." I mumbled as we entered.

"No problem.." free said as he let go of my wrist.

"Uh free, could you let me come back tomorrow too? I didn't finished the stadium yet.." I said.

"Oh~ nice excuse to spend time with him." athena said.

"shut up..." I thought as a slight blush came on my face.

"sure..(pats head) I'll wait for you.." free said before going somewhere as I made my way to my dorm.


I had just showered and was now getting ready to sleep.But there was still something on my mind and I decided to talk to athena about it.

"Hey athena what do you think about that girl free mention of,that nya?" I asked as I cleaned her.

"Just a friend~ why are you so interested about her?"

"I don't know why but I feel like I'll meet her soon..."

"oh~ you can't wait till your love rival enter the scene."

"Love rival!? I don't even know if I love free!" I yelled at her.

"sure you don't love him...yet."

"you're hopeless!"

Arthor's pov

At the same time y/n was talking with athena, Free came to kris' office.As he entered he was met with a smile from her.

"So, what were you calling for?"free asked as he took a seat.

"Well I'm interested to know what you and y/n were doing so late if the forest." kris said while smiling.

"We were just hanging out.." free smirked.

"Just hanging out? Nothing more?" kris asked.

"Nothing more.." free said.

"Alright if you say so.Also I got a call from nya, seems like she will be coming soon." kris said as free got up.

"She is?..great.." free said while smiling.

"You must be excited to battle her?" kris asked.

"yeah..battling her is gonna be pretty exciting.." free said as his eyes glowed a yellowish-brown colour.

"Anyways mind telling what you did with y/n today?" kris asked.

"Nothing special..she wanted to draw the stadium." Free said.

"The stadium?, just like your mom did back when we were kids?" kris asked.

"yeah..she's a great artist.." free said.

"She only came to draw huh? Why do I feel that more than that happened?" kris asked to which free smirked.

Free chuckled as he thought back to how she reacted to him laying on her lap. Kris stared confusedly at free who seem to have spend good with y/n.

"Well I'm going to sleep..goodnight." free said as he left.

"Seems like free is pretty happy these days.Wonder if it's cause of y/n being around? Maybe she could become what nya was to BC SOL." kris thought.

As free left, fafnir started talking about y/n.Fafnir felt that free was a little risky today and that he should take things slow.

"Sorry fafnir but I know what I'm doing.." free said as he crash on his bed.

As both y/n and free placed their bets aside, both closed their eyes waiting for tomorrow to come and pass another great time together.
So questions for this part are :-

1) how would you react to free laying on your lap.

2)What is your favorite bey type?

3)what do you think nya's role in the story is?

That's all the questions and I'll hope you'll leave a comment on them.Bye 👋

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