Devin Planet

By KrisTriesWriting

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The Silky Frey, a solar system that houses planet Devin. A planet where life could be sustained, Devin's evol... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 9

1 0 0
By KrisTriesWriting

     The guard kicked the weapons to the side and put their gun away fully. "Your hostages? Tell me your story."

     4178 gulped and began, "Long story short... We left our house to find medical supplies and when we got back the cars were not working. This one decided to draw attention to us, and it brought back trouble, a gang. They took us in and forced us to raid the capitol. And 1663 here, is a child brought here too as a hostage." 

      Their face looked confused, "Why did they break into Dana?"

      "Because they want to steal the guns, execute the council, and the leader wants to rule the world." 3007 looked around cautiously, wanting to make sure that no one from the gang was nearby. 

      The guard looked worried and stuttered, "Ki- kill the- the council?" They grabbed their gun and pulled back the hammer, "You three come with me. I'll take you the council. We have to tell them this." 

     Hurried, they three stuck with the guard and walked through the arcade room, pool room, and a bar before making it to a hallway that led them to the important rooms of Dana. The meeting room, another meeting room, a science room, tech room, and where the council were at, the forensics lab that was used for autopsies. Making sure that every Devin who died from old age did die from old age and not an underlying disease unknown to the world. And for the few Devins who had cancer and died from it, to make sure it was from cancer and not anything else. 

     The guard could not enter for the fact that all these rooms were fingerprint entrances that only the council and employees in those particular rooms had access to. So, they knocked on the door, "Council, it's guard Devin #66578 and I am here with two people that have something important to talk to you about." 

     After a few seconds, Devin #2 opened the door, a little annoyed but you could only tell from his tone of voice and not his stoic voice. "We told you no randoms in the building. There's are dangerous Devins out there." He looked at the two Devins and noticed a young child standing next to 3007. He looked shocked.

     Before he could ask any questions, 66578 barged in, having to slightly push 2 to get through. His fat and tall build made it difficult to squeeze past. "These people said they were held hostage by criminals who are here now. Broke into Dana to steal our guns and take over Devin after killing you." 

     "What?!" #3 looked at #2 scared out of its mind. 

      He put up his hand and with a wave, calmed #3 and only caused judgmental expressions from the others. "They cannot get in without a fingerprint of ours or the guards. It's not possible that they'll make it in if... IF they can find the room in the first place." 

      Relieved, 4178 felt to ask, "Excuse me, so, there's nothing to worry about? Because his plans of taking over the world are horrifying and could cause an extinction of the Devin race."

     He tsked and shook his head, "Trust me all. He is not going to succeed. Now, you," he looked at 66578 as he waved them off, "tell the guards. Make sure they are all killed if they do not comply with our instructions. You know the drill."

     "Yes, future president!" They bowed their head, not a requirement, but a way to show someone they are greater than you. Then they rushed out of the room and went to tell the guards.

     The door closed behind them and the three were left alone with the council. And now without worrying about the criminals, 3007 really got to scan the room they were in. Counters and drawers which were most likely filled with books about autopsies and its supplies. Multiple sinks to drain the blood and a sterile fridge for organs, muscles, and bones. Then, something caught their eye, there was a man on the table, paler than the usual lighter almond skin tone. They leaned to the side to take a better look as 4 was blocking their view. "Oh my... Is that the president?" 

     #4 smiled nervously and looked at the body, "Ummm...." 

     2 walked over to it and waved off 4, "Yes. Our poor president was murdered, and we are now doing an autopsy to find who killed him." He touched the president's balding head and sighed with a tear, "We don't know who it was or how it happened. No one knows how to solve crimes anymore. The forensics room has been only for natural death. We don't know where to start." He sounded as if hope was leaving his body the more, he talked. He was unsure that they would ever find the killer.

      "I'm sorry, I love the president, but... there are Devin's being murdered and kidnapped out there while you are trying to solve something that will still be here. Why not get the people under control first?" 4178 tried to say compassionately but it was anger more than anything.

     2 smiled and looked at 4178 for a moment before speaking, "The whole reason the Devins are out of control is because the president was killed. We find who did it, announce it, and everything goes back to normal. Of course, after all those criminals are captured and publicly executed." 

      3007 elbowed 4178 softly, "We are no longer hostages, we can do whatever we want." They looked at 2, "Can I help you find the murderer? I'm a history nerd and I do know some things here and there." 

      He chuckled, "Sure, the more help we get the better." 

     3007 clapped and walked over to the president. 

     4178 sighed and looked at 1663, "I'm going to help 3007 and you have to stay here while they get 206. But after, I'll take you home to your grandma and hopefully... the council will give us some medical supplies." He looked over at all four, eyeing them each with plead and authoritative.

     #4 nodded, "Of course! A token of appreciation for you helping us."

      "What am I going to do? There are no toys..." 1663 whined as he walked around to search for a toy.

      3 grabbed his arm, "Please do not touch anything in the room. Let us play a game, ever play hot or cold?" It took out a piece of colored fabric and explained that it would hide it around the room and 1663 would have to find it by just looking around. 

      He sounded excited to play and it meant that the rest of the council, 3007, and 4178 could work in peace.

     3007 scanned the bullet hole, "Have you pulled out the bullet? Or did it go all the way through?"

      "No exit hole," 2 grabbed tweezers and held the bullet in it. "It was lodged in his brain which is why it took so long to get anywhere. Without the bullet we had nothing." 

     "What about cameras?" 3007 asked as they took the bullet in their palm.

      "The only one we have is in the gun room. And we don't know if there's any incriminating surveillance there or at what time and day it took place." 

      3007 nodded and thought for a little bit. Then, an idea popped into their held. As they held the bullet, they showed it for everyone to see, "What gun does this bullet belong to?"

      4178 smiled as they stared at 3007. Proud to know that they are of use to the council and that 3007 might solve a murder case. "We find the gun used, we can see if it's still in the gun room... or if someone stole it and is keeping it away."

      4 grabbed it and a smile appeared on them as they passed the bullet around. 

     5 took it and stared for a while, then passed it to two who also stared at it for a little. They all nodded confidently but no one knew where the bullet came from. 

      3007 gave a shocked smile and scoffed, "What do you mean? Didn't you guys create these bullets?" 

       "No..." 2 tossed the bullet back into the tray where it had been placed. "Each council member takes a different job. Whoever was the artillery member has been dead for a long time."

      4178 raised their arms and let them drop, "You fucking kidding me? The council doesn't do a little of each thing? Fine, we find a guard. They must know where the bullet came from." Annoyed, he moved to the door and before opening it was stopped by 5 who grabbed his wrist firmly.

    She shook her head, not saying anything.

     "You can't go out. Not until those criminals have been dealt with." 3 looked over at 4178 before telling 1663 that he was practically standing on lava, that's how hot he was.

     1663 began searching the area like crazy, moving fast and missing the bright red colored cloth that was tucked away in between a drawer door. 

      "Alright then..." 4178 slid on the wall until he hit the floor. "We can't do anything until we find the gun." 

      3007 looked at 4178 then at the council, before ignoring everyone and staring at the president's corpse. 

      Time went by, but it wasn't long before three guards appeared and were knocking at the door and asking permission to enter. 4178 stood up and opened the door, he saw they were covered in blood, cuts, and sweat. They were all exhausted and not by the physical labor but by the stress of succeeding in order not to see the world crumble down. 

      "How did it go?" 2 asked stepping forward, pushing people out of the way and almost causing 4 to fall by how light they weighed. They were almost underweight from the genetics they had where gaining weight was almost impossible. But losing weight was as easy as breathing.

      The guard who had escorted 4178 and 3007 along with 1663 was the one who did all the talking, "It was stressful... We were scared for our lives. But they didn't get the guns sir. All of them are either dead or ran away. Some claimed to be hostages who, when we stated to put their weapons down, ran towards where we believed was the entrance."

      "The president's bathroom is the exit and entrance," 4178 answered as he stared down at the floor.

      "That's genius," the guard scoffed and looked proudly at him. 

      2 sighed in relied, "Thank you so much guards. You all did a wonderful job. Now, can you please tell us which gun this bullet is from." He directed their attention to the bullet in the tray.

      All three of them entered and inspected the bullet without much thought and for a few seconds. That's how quick they were able to arrive to an answer. "That bullet is used in a sniper rifle. Can't be more specific than that." 

      3007 giddied, "Thank you, that is more than enough. Council, if I make us for you to take us to the gun room." 

      "We will do that, yes. But I hope you don't mind that one of the guards follow you three. You said you were hostages but to be safe, if you try to make a run for it either out the door or towards a gun, that guard will shoot." 3 warned while patting a guard in the back.

      4178 looked at 3 with a warm smile, "No need to be scared for something we won't do."

     3 perked up, glad to make its point.

     2 walked out and led them all to the artillery room. The three followed the council from behind and the guard stood a few steps behind them, hand on his gun the whole way there.

     As they walked from room to room, 4178 noticed the dead bodies of his kidnappers and kidnapped people. They were on the ground, with pools coming out of many wound sites. Some from their heads and others the chest. The guards were working on cleaning them all up but not clean nor fast. The stench of iron rose from the ground and wrapped around 4178's nose. He held his breath and took short breaths in between. It caused him to become dizzy and his body panicked, demanding more oxygen. After passing the bodies and coming to a bar, he inhaled deeply with gratitude. He was out of sight of dead people and their smell, and now he was at his favorite place. "May I grab a drink?" He asked the council up front, eyeing a gin drink.

       "Go ahead," 2 waved off.

      He smiled and walked towards a bottle, grabbing it fully and drinking it as they entered the artillery room. Watching as 2 scanned his fingerprint and watched the automatic door slide open, they all made their way inside, the guard being the last one to enter. The guards stare became intense and 4178 felt his gaze linger on him. He shrugged and tried to ignore it as he watched 3007 identify key components in finding the murderer who killed their beloved president at such a young age. 

      3007 sucked their teeth as they stared at the bullet then at the racks of guns. All different types were hanging on the wall and below was a multitude of ammo. "Do these bullets match up with the right gun?" 

      The guard answered, knowing more than the council did. "No necessarily. Some do, some don't. The bullet right there, belonging to a sniper rifle, could be from any of these boxes." 

      "I don't know anything about guns... So, can you point out the sniper rifles?" 3007 smiled sweetly at the guard. Also taking notice of the intense stare that they decided to ease his suspicions by showing him they meant no harm. 

      Before giving any further details, he looked at 2 who nodded and waved him to help 3007 without delay. He stepped forward and walked to four sets of different guns that were all sniper rifles. "Here you have the AR-50's, M82's, and XM109's," He pointed each one out going from left to right. 

      "Thank you! Now, we have to use the bullets that can fit in these and figure out which bullet was used and from which gun." 3007 pulled out an AR-50 and inspected it. They were in awe by the beauty and danger that the gun possessed. Crafted so well that it could be an amazing display in a museum of art. 

      5 had been quiet the whole time; strange as she had been doing all the talking for the council. But now she stood up and began talking, sharing out her knowledge. "Each guard has to check out a gun and put it back by the end of the shift. We should see if all guns are accounted for," she spoke in a faint voice that everyone had trouble hearing her.

      "I apologize, #5 here is shy with a weak voice. It took us explaining her duties as council member to have her go out to the crowd and talk to everyone." 3 looked at her with a smile that said, 'Talk louder.' And, 'Good job!'

      3007 looked at the guard, "How do we check that?"

      2 went over to a small screen that contained all the data of the guns and their uses. "We can check through here." He scrolled through the information for a few minutes, having to check every data log from today. He chewed the sides of his fingertips, treating this as his form of entertainment and focus. "Here it is..." he spoke quietly. 

      Everyone's head turned and walked up to the screen, having to squeeze themselves in order to see what 2 was looking at. He read out loud for everyone to hear, "Seven days ago, an M82 was checked out by Devin #80970 and has not been checked in since."

     3007 celebrated, "Yay, I helped!" 

      2 turned around, "We need to find out where 80970 lives and go talk to him." 

      After gathering a few guards to protect the council as well as 4178, 3007, and 1663, they all left The Dana through a hidden door on the side. A place where no people nor cameras could see, a place that is used to leave without being spotted. Before leaving however, they ordered a car for 1663 to go back home after realizing that this backup generator worked for the whole world. But, to power a whole planet, lots of energy would be needed; the power would last for an hour or so. 

     4178 opened the door to the car and helped 1663 inside, "Here is some medicine that will help your grandma heal. And some food rations the council gave you." He grabbed his hand and cupped it softly, "Take care of yourself and your grandma. Me and 3007 will see you around." 

     1663 smiled with tears streaming down his cheeks, "Thank you!" Closing the door, he told the car where he wanted to go.

     4178 and 3007 watched him leave until they could no longer see him. "He was such an adorable kid... I'm going to miss him..." 3007 stared at the empty sky, watching only a cover of blue caused by the atmosphere. 

      "80970 lives in Marlin... It's around ten minutes from here," 3 explained to the group while calling a car over. 

     4178 couldn't hold a smile, he couldn't believe that he was working with THE council on a case with massive importance. Finding their God's, their King's killer was an event that people will be celebrating in just one year. He could already see it, the council celebrating the one-year anniversary since the killer was put behind bars. They would congratulate 4178 and bring him onto stage once a year. Tears filled his eye, 'This is really happening!'

     3007 poked and pushed 4178 slightly, "Come on! The car's here." They popped a cigarette in their mouth and held it in their mouth without lighting it. Instead, they were chewing on the end and playing with the lighter. 

      4 noticed this and assured them that they could smoke. 3007 smiled and declined the offer, saying that they didn't need it right now. "I need to stop smoking... I smoke a pack every day and I only need two a day."

     4178 heard this and was shocked, that was not something they told him when they first met. "What are we going to do when we find 80970? How are we going to get his statement?"

     The whole council went silent. Then, 2 spoke up about his plan, "We ask him questions... And he will answer." He felt confident in his plan and that it would without fail. And so did the other, they all nodded in agreement.

      "And if it doesn't?" 3007 asked genuinely wanting to know if this was their whole plan. Even 206 had a better plan than they did. 

      "Why would he lie?" 4 asked.

      "Because he killed the president." 3007 scoffed and groaned, having lost all faith in the smartest Devins here.

      "Tell us, history buff... What's your plan?" 4178 nudged them to help the council in this idiotic plan. He, a stone-cold killer, would one hundred percent lie and refuse to cooperate.

     "You have to read their emotions, their movements, their speech. It's all psychological," 5 spoke up while pointing at her head. 

      3007 looked over at her, "Yes! And, also, if we find out his lying... Torture always helps" 

      'Torture? My Devin...' 4178 thought, disgusted at the idea of making a person suffer, even if they are guilty. 'You killed someone without thought and praise torture.'

     3007 looked over at 4178 and lit the cigarette, a smirk appeared on them. And even then, 4178 looked deeply into their movements and emotions. Trying to act confident and proud but failing to do so; eyes showing the guilt they felt for thinking up of the idea. 

      4178 opened the fridge and took out a margarita in a bottle. Pouring himself one and failing to cut a lemon in half, he left with only the drink into his room. He sat down and grabbed a safari tour guide figurine. He sipped his drink and moved the character around, "Wow, a... sandy place! I can't wait to find an animal in the wild." He moved him across the room over to a place he set up with trees and animals. "Oh, my Devin! A giraffe! I should get him and bring him over to my truck." Grabbing the toy giraffe, he put it in his crate. 

      He finished his margarita and went back to refill his cup. "Let's see what other animals I find."

      "An elephant!"

      "A gazelle."

     "A... monkey..." 

      He hiccupped and felt sick, putting his toys away by crawling around he laid on the floor and watched his room move with being staying still. The next day his head throbbed, and he didn't want to go to school.

      "No! I don't care if you have a hangover, you're going to school. School makes you smart! Smart means money, and lots of it." His mom grabbed him and held him up, helping him grab his backpack.

      That was the first time he ever got drunk; a memory so fuzzy yet so vivid that he still remembers to this day. 4178 was a little over seven when he got drunk for the first time in his life.

     The car stopped at the third floor on house nineteen. 3007, the one nearest to the door, opened it and stepped out. Watching everyone step out after them. 

     2 knocked on the door and waited for an answer. The guards were set up all around the seven of them, watching everything. Any movement, they clutched their guns tighter and pointed towards the sound. There was nobody harmful to them. Most of them were want-to-be-criminals trying to get someone to come for them. A few though, were dangerous, and thankfully they didn't spot or want to mess with a swarm of guards with guns.

     Again, 2 knocked on the door, this time louder and shouting, "This is the council. Open up."

     Upon hearing this, 80970 opened the door wide and looked at them. Already terrified of them; already guilty to the crime. 

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