Say you won't let go || walke...

By yourfavscarlett

10.4K 139 303

13 year old Evelyn Meester (daughter of Leighton Meester) is a well known actress and is dearly loved by all... More

A/N please read!
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Playlist <3
Chapter seven
Birthday posts <3
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Random - dont need to read
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Thank you so so much!
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty two
Chapter twenty three
Chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty seven
Chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty one
Chapter thirty two

Chapter thirteen

245 5 0
By yourfavscarlett

"Hey walk!" I smiled, hugging him.
"Hi Ev, how are you?" He said into my hair.
"Good. You?"
"Yeah things have been good." He let me go and looked over at Dylan.
"You guys saw eachother the other day, I think you're all caught up." Mo rolled her eyes at us, before walking over to Dylan.
"Hi Dylan is it? I'm Momona."
"Yeah, hi Momona." He smiled politely and ran his hand through his hair.
"This is Connor, Brady and Leah." I introduced them all, pointing at each person.
"And this is walker." I turned, grinning at him.
"Oh hi walker." Dyl chuckled, holding out his hand.
Walker shook it and nodded at him, before placing his arm on my back.
"Who are we waiting for now then?" Brady asked, pulling out his phone and leaning on the railing seperating the beach from the pier.
"Aryan and McKenna?" Connor asked, looking around for confirmation.
"Yeah, I think so." Leah answered.
"He slept at hers last night I think." Brady told us all.
"What?" Connor asked, wrinkling his forehead.
"Yeah I've just seen it on insta." He answered, turning his phone around.

These yoghurts were so good 😭 @aryan.simhadri

That's so cool and I'm so happy that your yoghurts were nice but pls hurry up we're all waiting and I wanna go on the rides
↪️ @aryan.simhadri
You'll be fine besides you did text us like 15 minutes ago
↪️ @mckennagrace
What he's trying to say is we're on our way Ev

I thought McKenna and Connor were dating?
↪️ @mckennagrace
We are! Aryan is just a friend dw Connor isn't going anywhere
↪️ @veronica.ts
Good I was scared for a sec

"So they're on their way?" I asked, but not needing an answer.
"Wait, so Connor and this mckenna are dating?" Dylan asked, confused.
"Yep." I answered, grinning and looking at Connor.
"Anything else I should know about?" He chuckled.
"Well you probably already know about walker and Ev-" Mo started, "But that does depend on what Ev actually told you."
Dyl chuckled and turned to mo and said, "well she says that they're just friends and everyone ships them, nothing else really."
He thankfully left out the part where I told him that I think I actually do have feelings for him, which I was grateful for.
"Oh yeah, just friends." Mo winked.
"Sure, sure." Brady added.
"Shut up, oh they're here." Walker interrupted, trying to change the topic of conversation.
"Hey guys!" I said, hugging them both.
"Hii Ev!" They said simultaneously.
They made the rounds, hugging everyone and saying hi before Aryan got to Dyl.
"Uh hey." He said, confused.
"Sup man." Dylan nodded, holding out his hand so that Aryan could dap him up.
He didn't. He just looked around confused before Dylan chuckled and patted him on the back.
"God Aryan what was that?" Brady laughed.
"What do you mean? Dylan what was that?" He said back to him.
"Oh wow." I giggled, turning my head into walkers shoulder so that Aryan didn't see me laughing at him, who knows he could be like Brady and post a mug of me.

"I call riding with Ev!" Mo shouted as we lined up to go on one of the rides.
"Nuh uh already claimed her." Walker said, leaning against the railing in the queue.
"What about me? She's the only one I know." Dyl chuckled.
"Wow I'm popular aren't I?" I smiled and flipped my hair.
"Get over yourself." Aryan rolled his eyes.
"Wow." I turned to him. "Someone's grumpy today."
"Shut up."
I ended up with mo, Dylan and walker were together, then it was Aryan and Brady and of course Connor and McKenna too.
It was fun, I've always loved rollercoasters but always hated riding them with mo and I immediately regretted turning down Dylan or walker when she began squeezing my hand, tight.
"You're fine, chill out mo." I told her, trying to be comforting but letting out a little giggle.
"This is so not funny!" She argued.
"I know, I'm sorry."
"No you're not!" She screamed as we began travelling upwards.
"No I'm not!"

"Fun?" Dylan asked me, helping me out of the cart.
"Yeah, besides mo almost breaking my hand." I answered, letting go of him.
"Let me see."
I gave him my hand and he looked at it and turned to me with a straight face.
"What?" I giggled.
"You're gonna need to amputate, that's really bad."
"Shut up!" I snatched my hand back, rubbing it.
"Still dramatic I see?"
We were stood in front of the ride, waiting for everyone to get off. Walker was talking to Connor and Aryan about something but he did run off as soon as the bars of the carts opened.
"Of course, there's no other way." I replied, smiling.
"I love that you haven't changed one bit Evie." He grinned down at me.
I shook my head, giggling a bit before turning my head and looking for the rest of the group. They were all stood about 2 steps in front and talking not really seeming to notice anything, except walker.
He was staring directly at me, but he was looking at me like I had just punched him in the face.
"Are you alright?" I mouthed to him, looking concerned.
He just nodded and turned away. I walked over to them and touched his shoulder, and he turned around but now he was smiling at me.
"We were talking about going on the ferris wheel next, you in?" He asked me.
"Yeah of course." I replied, spinning towards the ferris wheel.
"My turn though." He told me, following my movement.
"I guess that's fine." I rolled my eyes sarcastically, linking my arm with his.
"Don't start." He pulled out two tickets from his pocket. "You know you're happy."
"I also know that you ALL NEED TO HURRY THE FREAK UP!" I shouted telling the rest to hurry because we had only been walking for 1 minute and we were so far infront.
Brady and Dyl were talking, which I was glad about. I have been hanging out with everyone non-stop for weeks now and if Dyl was staying at mine, he'd have to make friends with at least one of them.
"Coming, keep your hair on." Connor shouted back at me.
"I was planning on it but thanks for reminding me!"
"Ok smart ass."
I smiled sweetly at him and turned towards walk.
"You sure you're ok?" I asked him.
"Yeah, I'm fine just tired that's all." He answered me.
"Oh okay." I placed my head on his shoulder, still walking fairly quickly.
When we got to the ferris wheel, we jumped straight onto one of the compartments but Leah was freaking out so mo had to join us too, we were doing a group of 3 and 4.
"It's so pretty." I gasped, looking out towards the beach.
"Yeah it really is." Mo and walker both answered.
"Cold though." I folded my arms before walker wrapped his arms around me, pulling me in.
"Ugh why did I decide to come on with you two." Mo said, rolling her eyes but I could tell she felt like screaming, and so did I.
Walker placed his head next to mine so that they were touching and we were both looking out at the beach.
"HEY GUYS!!" Mo screamed at the others in the compartment below us.
"Hey Ev.." Walk whispered in my ear whilst mo was still distracted.
"After this ride, just follow my lead. I need to talk to you."
"What?" I whispered back, giggling a bit.
"Just do it."
"OMG!!" Mo shouted.
We turned to look at her and she had her phone pointed straight at us.
"Walker just kissed you!" She shouted again.
"What are you talking about?" Walker laughed.
"You just kissed her on the cheek!"
"He really didnt." I laughed, looking at walker.
"That's getting posted."
"For fucks sake." Walker sighed, but I could tell he wasn't really bothered.

SKSNXJSNJ @evelynmeester01 @walker.scobell

Wait why am I so invested in these two kids relationship
↪️ @yourgirlmomona
↪️ @walyn.shipper
     Even THE Olivia Rodrigo wants walyn to happen

I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news but he didn't kiss me guys he was whispering something to me
↪️ @urfavleahjefferies
     Bad news huh?

I'm team Dylan!! 🔛🔝
↪️ @bradyynoon72
     Nahh 😂


"You're like personal paparazzi for us both." I told her, scrolling through the comments while we were going down.
"And I love it!" She squealed, folding her arms.
"I think it's hilarious." Walker said, still holding me and reading the comments on my phone.
"Glad someone does." I said. "Even my little sister thinks we're dating."
Walker winked at me which made mo go crazy again to the point where I actually thought that we were going to fall out and die.
"If you kill us it will never happen." I sighed when she eventually stopped.
"Tell me there's a chance and I'll shut up." She gasped.
I turned to look at walker and he was already looking at me and smiling softly.
"Yeah there's definitely a chance." I said quietly.
That's when we reached the bottom and climbed off the ride, I signalled to walker that that we should go to Leah first so that mo wasn't on her own but hurry up because Brady would definitely run after us.
He nodded, somehow understanding what I meant and we made our way over to Leah who was standing against a game next to the ferris wheel talking to a group of people.
"Oh they're here!" Leah announced, pointing at us as we walked over.
"Hi?" Walk waved awkwardly, looking confused.
"Omg hi Evelyn!!" One of the boys in the group blurted out.
"Hey!" I smiled, trying to hide my confusion better than walker did.
"These are all fans who came down to meet us all after your post Momona." Leah told us.
"Oh! It's so nice to meet you!" Walker grinned, looking over his shoulder trying to see when the others were getting off the ride.
"Can we get a picture with you?" One of the girls asked.
"Yeah sure." Walker answered, trying to be discreet that he was in a hurry but was not very good at hiding it.
"Of course." I smiled at them walking over to the group.
The girl pulled out her phone and held it up, getting everyone in the frame.
I smiled and just then we heard McKenna screaming and running over, walker grabbed my hand and smiled before saying thanks to the fans and taking off, dragging me with him. I waved at them all and we just bolted.
We ran and ran until we couldn't see or hear any of them, which is a big deal because they're LOUD.
"Where are we running to?" I gasped, brushing out my hair with my fingers.
"Almost there!" We were running onto the beach now, and he stopped when we went under the pier.
I bent over, trying to catch my breath and laughing at the same time which wasn't easy at all.
"What's going on walk?" I asked, looking up at him.
"I just needed to talk to you away from everyone and their phones."
I giggled at that, I did seem that no matter what we were doing there was a camera pointed towards us so that everyone could be updated on 'walyn'.
"Are you and Dylan.." He widened his eyes and nodded at the end and I immediately knew what he meant.
"No, definitely not!" I shook my head, moving closer towards him.
"Sorry, it's just I saw the photos and I don't know"
"Walk I only have feeli-" I stopped myself, but he grinned and moved even closer.
We stood there looking at eachother and walked leaned in and just as our lips were about to connect, my phone started ringing.
"Shit." I whispered, to see it was mo.
I didn't answer but I saw that mo had been texting my non stop for 20 minutes and the final couple messages she genuinely did sound worried.

Mo ❤️❤️

Where'd you go 😂


No seriously

Where are you

And walker

If you don't answer I'm gonna think the worst



Brady literally just ran around the whole pier where are you

Can you at least message me to say you're ok

Were going to security

The whole security is looking for you Ev

I'm gonna cry please just text me

I showed walker and his face dropped, he looked over at me and I immediately called mo and she picked up within two rings.
"Ev?!" She practically shouted.
"Yeah it's me your notifs were silenced I'm sorry." I sighed, scrunching my face.
"Evelyn we were freaking out!"
"I'm sorry we were only gone for 20 minutes though."
"It's fine just come back please."
"Yeah, coming."
"This is so stupid." I heard she was actually laughing at this point.
"Hey Evie what the fuck was that?" Dylan was on the phone now.
"Hi Dyl we just ran off to see if you'd um follow us." I lied.
"And we didn't." He chuckled.
"But you told security?"
"Leah, I think it is literally cried, she thought you got grabbed." He said, trying not to laugh.
"Well we're on the way back now."
"Alr bye love you."
"Love you too." I said before hanging up.
I looked at walker while we were walking back up the beach and sighed, knowing that we would have to run so that they wouldn't send out a whole search party if we took too long.

"You're such idiots." Dylan shouted at us as we walked over (we didn't run).
"Why did you all get so freaked out?"
"We didn't actually tell security we just knew it would make you come back." He told me, messing up my hair.
"Sorry man." He then said, looking over at walker and bumping his shoulder.
"It's alright." Walker nodded.
"Wait I'm gonna scare her." I said, before running over to mo.
They both chuckled and nodded at me before I reached Momona, and starting to fake cry.
I have done a couple acting jobs before, I don't know if you've seen it but I played young hope mikaelson in the originals so I have mastered the art of fake crying.
"Ev??" Mo said, looking concerned.
"It's- it's walker.." I 'cried'.
"What's going on with walker?" She asked, grabbing me and stroking my hair.
"H-he.." I stuttered.
"It's okay Ev, you're ok."
"What's happening?" Aryan asked, running over.
"Something with walker." Mo filled him in, still looking concerned.
"What's going on with walker?" Leah asked.
"H-he.. took forever getting here." I said, straightening my face.
"What the fuck?" Mo looked around.
"Hey guys!" Walker waved at them and then looked at me confused because they all gave him confused/dirty looks.
"What's happening exactly?" He asked, smiling.
"You're so horrible Ev!" Mo said, laughing a bit.
"So are you! Lying just to get us to come back!"
"That's not important." She rolled her eyes and we started walking away.

We ended up just running around the pier all day, and even some of the night and by that I mean we were all still there at 8pm.
There was this man who we had passed a few times who was playing different songs by the cotton candy cart and Dylan being Dylan went over and asked him to play a song. The man nodded at him and looked over at me grinning.
"What's going on?" I asked Dylan while everyone else looked as puzzled as me.
"Come on!" He said, grabbing my hand. "I think we should dance."
The song began playing, 'this town' by Niall Horan. This was our song, we used to dance to it all of the time before he moved away even if we would scream at the bits where it said anything to do with kissing, it described our relationship well. I always saw him in the places that we used to go in town and it was pretty hard to get used to him not being there.
Luckily, he asked him to change some of the lyrics, or just not change some words because I'm not joking someone would of rugby tackled him. Especially since walker was filming us and laughing.
We did look pretty stupid, but everything felt normal again so I didn't really care if I looked dumb. We were just dancing and eventually a crowd began to form, someone even threw a dollar at us.
"You're such idiots!" Leah, who hates anything to do with embarrassment, yelled.

Look who I saw tdy!! @evelynmeester01

Omg no way hi!!
↪️ @evelynswaterfall
I love you sm! ❤️❤️

Is that walker?
↪️ @evelynswaterfall
No it was Dylan!
↪️ @.spenver

Who else thinks Evelyn is replacing walker?
↪️ @user28291964
Me they've hardly been tg
↪️ @walyn.shipper
A new pic was lit posted tdy and besides she said they're just friends

"Guys I earned a dollar!" I bragged, flashing it to them.
"I'm so proud of you." Walker said sarcastically.
"Shut up." I told him, shaking my head.
"Where's the rest of yous?" Dyl asked, noticing everyone was gone practically.
"Well, Connor and McKenna are going on the carrousel and they also said you have to go meet them Ev, and Brady, Aryan and Leah went to get some churros for Connor." Mo told us.
"I'm coming McKenna!" I shouted, running off but grabbing Mo's arm on my way there.
"Why am I coming?" She asked, running next to me.
"Because I want walker and Dylan to talk a bit more." I explained, breathing heavily.
"Because of the whole thing on insta?" She asked, slowing to a walk.
"Yes, and he asked me what was going on when we ran off earlier."
"Poor walker, he really likes you Ev I can tell." She told me.
"I think I really like him too I just don't know."
"What don't you know?"
"I do know, but as soon as I say it then it's all real and I'm scared that if we start dating and then we break up, I loose him. And I don't want that."
"That's cute Ev."
"Yeah, I just don't know what to do."
"Talk to him about it." She suggested.
"Yeah that's a good idea, but he hasn't actually admitted to liking me. He could just have a really flirty personality I don't know."
"Ev, he doesn't look at me, Leah or McKenna the way he looks at you."
"Yeah I guess."
"What do you guess?" McKenna asked, popping up behind us.
"Nothing." I said quickly.
"Aren't you supposed to be at the carousel anyway?" Mo asked.
"Connor said he had to take a call so I went back looking for you and walker said you'd already come looking for us." She explained.
"Ok, let's go then!" I said, starting to run again.

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