Chapter sixteen

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"You all packed and ready to go?" Mom asked, walking into my room.
"Yep. And Dylan is too he made me pack for him." I answered.
It was Monday night, the day before I meet up with Aryan and Leah in Canada and we all find out once and for all who would be playing Percy.
"We leave in 5, get your shoes on."
"Yeah ok mom."
"When are we leaving?" Dylan asked, taking off his headset.
"Next week." I said sarcastically.
"Oh ok." He put his head set back in before immediately removing it. "What?"
"Idiot." Mom laughed, grabbing the suitcase that we were sharing and dragging it downstairs and making dad put it in the car.
"Ok, come on then Dyl." I said, pulling him up off the floor after he turned his game off.

"They're alive!" Dad announced as we walked into the kitchen.
"Oh shut up, you're not funny." Dyl replied, putting on his shoes.
"Agreed." Arlo added.
"You're lucky I love you all." Dad scoffed as mom laughed.
"What times the flight?" I asked, following Dylan and putting on my shoes.
"Half 2." Mom told me.
"We're meeting Aryan and Leah at the airport." I told them.
"Okay hon." She replied.
We all then walked outside and into the car, chasing Arlo because she decided to make a run for it.
"Geez, Arlo." I spluttered, fastening her into her car seat.
"Sowwy." Arlo said, putting on her best baby voice.
"That only works on dad, Arlo."
Dyl chuckled as mom and dad climbed into the car and we set off.

"Excited?" Mom asked, looking back at me through the mirror.
"Yep, and a bit nervous too." I replied.
"That's normal." Dad assured me.
"Yeah, but I haven't done a job since wcbh."
"Wcbh?" Dyl asked.
"We can be heroes."
"What's that? And when were you in it?" He crinkled his forehead.
"Can't believe you." Dad chuckled.
"I played acapella in we can be heroes." I shook my head at him.
"Haven't seen it." He told me.
"What a good friend." I said sarcastically.

We pulled up at the airport after a short drive and we all clambered onto the side walk as dad handed the keys to valet, there was already a crowd of paparazzi outside the doors and security walked over, saying something to mom.
We were then escorted through the airport by security while I did my best to ignore the camera flashes and keep my head down.
"How did they even know?" I asked mom, who also had her head down.
"Probably saw Aryan or Leah."
"Mhm makes sense."
I ran over to them immediately after spotting them, embracing them both.
"It feels like forever!" I exclaimed, hiding my face from the cameras still.
"I know." Leah grinned.
"God, it's been like a week." Aryan said.
"You're running it." I rolled my eyes at him, before beckoning Dylan over.
"Oh, Dylan's here?" Leah turned her head around, smiling.
"Yep. Told him he should stay with his mom but he was having none of it."
"Of course I wasn't, I've just come back to you." He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and we made out way down to our gate.
"Where's your parents?" I asked, as we took our passports out of our bags.
"Told them that your mom and dad were here so they didn't come." Leah told me.
"Yeah my parents are working." Aryan added.
"Oh ok, mom won't care but dad will most likely be watching Arlo the whole time." I explained.
"How long are we all out there for?" Dyl asked.
"A week, it'll be mostly interviews, meetings and stuff." I handed my passport over and walked through the passport control.
"What's your reason to come to Canada?" The man asked.
"Work." I said, with a small smile.
He crinkled his forehead, which made me realise that a 14 year old girl saying that she was going for work must've sounded weird.
"Im an actress." I added.
"Yes, of course. My daughter loves you." He said coldly, stamping my passport.
"Tell her I appreciate it."
"Yes, I will." He passed it back to me and I walked through, waiting for the rest of the, at the other side.
"Work?" Aryan chuckled after they had all come through.
"Well, I am."
"I just said a trip."
"Well, you lied and they're gonna lock you up now." I nodded.
"Shut up."

We boarded the plane shortly after.
I was sat between Dyl and Leah, Aryan to the side of Leah and my parents were a few rows back because of Arlo.
"Hey, can I have a picture with you?" A young girl asked me as I was pushing my bag onto the floor.
"Oh yes, of course." I grinned, posing infront of the camera.
"Thank you so much!" She giggled, before running off to her friends.
"God, is this how it is?" Aryan asked.
"Oh I hope so!" Leah squealed.
"It's great, trust me both of you."

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