Chapter two

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Momona's mom answered the door and quickly pulled me in for a hug while also waving at my mom, me and momona have been best friends since forever and naturally, that entails that our moms are really close too.
"Hi, Leighton! Do you want to come in for a coffee?" Momona's mom, Eri yelled out to mom in the car.
"No thanks, I have to be getting off back to Arlo and Adam, you never know what they would do to the house if you leave them for at least 5 minutes." Mom rolled her eyes, not entirely joking.
"Ok, ok, soon though." Eri chuckled, walking back inside, guiding me with her.
When the door closed I turned back to Eri,
"Where's mo?"
"She's just in her room, darling. Go on up." She pointed over to the stairs and began walking back into the living room, probably to watch the vampire diaries, she always seems to be watching that.

"MOMONAAAAA!!" I shouted, bursting into the room, only then realising she was on FaceTime to someone.
"Oops.. sorry Mo, who ya talking to? I said in an almost sing songs voice.
"Oh, it's walker, you know, the one who plays Charlie in the secret headquarters." Mo said, turning the phone around.
It was then when I saw him, he was nothing like I had ever seen before.
His hair was so.. and his eyes.. he was just..... OH MY GOD.
"Um.. hi" I stuttered, very clearly turning red.
Momona just laughed turned the phone back around and told him that she had to go, and while she did that I stood there and questioned my life decisions.

"Are you good, girl?" Momona laughed at me.
"Shut up, you just caught me off guard shoving that phone in my face." I said wailing my hands in her face.
"Did not!" She said, still laughing.
"Uhm yes, what exactly are you trying to say?" I knew exactly what she meant, I just wanted to know if she would come out and say it.

She did, I should not have doubted her.

"You have a thing for walkerrrrr" She teased.
"Excuse me, might I just say I literally just said 2 words to him, which might've been the most awkward interaction of my life, so no, I do not have a thing for 'walkerrrr' " I said flipping my hair at the end, while falling to the bed while me and Momona both have a laugh attack.
"Soooo.. this whole Percy Jackson thing." Momona finally said after we were just sat there laughing for what felt like forever.
"Yeah I know, I'm really excited about the whole thing, I've loved the series since I was a little girl." I answered finally sitting up and looking at her.
"Believe me, Evelyn, I know, I still remember that time in 3rd grade when you ran over to me and screamed something about a fan-made film about Percy Jackson and a titans curse."
"Omg stop, I remember that film, it was actually life changing." I said, pretending to cry.

Then, after a really long conversation about the series and how excited we both were about it, we decided to do face masks. She was telling me about how her mom went and bought them especially for us as we walked into her bathroom. We put the face masks on and then put on our pyjamas.

When we were all dressed, and our face masks were all dry, I snapped a quick picture of us both before we washed them off.

"You know what Evelyn.."
"Yeah? What's up?" I answered looking up from my phone.
"I'm bored."
"Ok, well done." I said looking back down at my phone.

That's when Aryan DM'd me.

Hey Evelyn, is now a good time to talk?

                                                                                  Yes of course it is Aryan
So, I'm not sure if you know yet, but Rick Riordan himself has organised for all of the main cast to meet for the first time!

Wow, that's great! Also, do you actually know who is
playing Percy and Annabeth?
Uhh, I do know that someone called Leah Sava Jefferies is playing Annabeth, but I don't know who is playing Percy, Rick said he wanted to film us all meeting him for some documentary on Disney plus.

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