Chapter eleven

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Evelyn's pov

I woke up to being pushed off the floaty that I had previously fallen asleep on and almost dying.
"Oh my god! I actually could've died." I spluttered, grabbing the edge of the pool.
"Blame Brady!" Mo yelled, pointing at Brady who was swimming away.
"Get back here!" Walker shouted, racing after him.
I sighed, still catching my breath and slid out of the water. I knew exactly how to get Brady back, one for literally trying to kill me and walk and also for ruining a really nice moment. I grabbed a water gun from a box at the side of the pool, and filled it up quickly.
"Hey Brady!" I shouted, shooting him when he looked over.
"No please!" He spluttered, practically being water boarded.
I only gave up when the gun ran out and I thought about re filling it and going again but I was interrupted by someone busting through the back door.
"WHERES EVELYN?" They yelled.
It was Uncle Ry, I didn't know why he was there but he was yelling and I freaked out so I ran over to the side of the house and hid.
"She's gone." Mo panicked.
"Where?" Ryan questioned.
"Spain?" Mo said, making things worse for herself.
"What's up anyways?" Walker asked.
"Nothing, just wanted to see her and thought I'd scare her."
"Oh right ok!" Walker said.
"I've seen those pictures on everyone's instas we need a word young man." Ryan told him, trying to sound intimidating.
"Oh yeah right, I'm so scared of you!"
Ryan chuckled, picking up the water gun that I had previously thrown onto the floor and pointing it at walker.
"Still not scared, it's empty." Walker said, flipping him off.
"Hey uncle ry." I said, walking out of my hiding spot.
"Enjoy Spain?" He asked, hugging me from the side.
"Yeah it was good, cut short by you threatening walker." I explained.
"Aw I don't feel bad!" He laughed.

I climbed back into the pool and uncle ry sat on the edge with his feet dangling in and mom and dad came out soon after, with Arlo.
"1..2..3 GO!!" Arlo jumped in the pool into my arms and mom and dad sat with Ryan.
"Where auntie Blake?" I asked.
"At home, she wasn't feeling too good." He explained.
"Ah, hungover from last night?" I giggled.
"Spot on." He laughed with me.
"Hey mom, what was that surprise that you never actually gave me yesterday?" I asked, holding Arlo and swimming to the middle of the pool.
"Oh yeah right!" She squealed.
"Walker go over there please?" I asked him, pointing about 2 meters in front of me.
"Yeah of course." He replied, swimming backwards.
"Go on Arlo, go to walker." I encouraged her.
She started to 'swim', except I was holding her stomach but she was kicking and stuff so technically she was swimming.
"So.. Evelyn, your final surprise is that we have booked for you all to go on a surprise trip in 2 months, I've asked all of your parents and they said it's all ok!" She told us.
"What?!" I screamed, looking at walker.
He grinned at me and threw his arms around me, placing his head in my neck.
"Thanks so much mom!" I shouted, patting walkers back.
"You're so welcome honey!" She grinned, raising her eyebrows at me and looking at walker.
I shook my head, knowing that she would know what I meant.
This was so exciting, I slipped out of walkers arms and picked up Arlo squealing with her, before placing her on the side of the pool and swimming over to the rest of the group.
"IM SO EXCITED!!" Leah squealed.
"Yeah me too, thanks so much Leighton!" Mo said.
They all said their thanks and mo even offered to hug her but since she was all wet mom practically begged her not to.

After a while, swimming got really boring because we had been doing it all day, and we ended up all sat in the shallow end of the pool while the adults were on the lounge chairs. Ryan had brought a speaker and he was blasting music loudly while mom, dad and him were all talking (and drinking) while we all were at the opposite side, occasionally shouting to them but overall just chatting.
"This trip is gonna be insane!" Walker blurted out.
"I know!" Mo agreed.
"Where are we even going though?" I asked.
"I messaged my mom asking her, but she refused to tell me." McKenna added.
"I'm really excited." I said, staring at my nails through the water.
"Mhm, me too." Brady told us, starting to swim away.
"Where are you going now?" Connor asked, rubbing his eyes.
"I'm just bored, we've been in here for at least 4 hours."
"Truth or dare?" Mo asked, squealing.
"Throwback to our first hangout." I said.
"Omg yeah at the lake!" McKenna remembered.
"Ok, truth or dare it is." Brady huffed, swimming back over and kneeling next to Connor, who had his arm around McKenna.
"I'll go first then." Walker said, looking at me. I knew that he only offered so that nobody could ask about me and him, or make us do anything especially after the conversation he overheard last night.
"McKenna.." He started, looking over at her quickly.
Her eyes widened as she answered.
"Okay, how did you and Connor get together?" He asked, jumping in the water.
"Oh." McKenna chuckled, looking behind her at Connor who was leant against the side of the pool.
"Well, he basically just slid into my dms like 2 weeks before we went to the lake but we talked that night and yeah." She explained awkwardly.
"Wow that's romantic." I giggled.
"I know." Mo said, throwing her hand over her head jokingly.
"Ok, ok my turn then." McKenna interrupted attempting to change the topic of conversation.
"Aryan!" She practically shouted after thinking for about 3 minutes.
"Finally, thank god!" I said, pretending to yawn.
"Well, truth or dare?" She asked.
"Dare." He smiled, squinting his eyes and looking away.
"Oh well I dare you to post one of the girls here on your insta and confess your love for them." She laughed.
"What? I can't do that!" He whined.
"Yeah of course you can!" She answered, over everyone laughing.
"Who would it even be?" He asked, not looking happy with the dare.
"Rock, paper scissors?" McKenna suggested.
"Well what about you McKenna, you can't just sit out." I whined.
"I'm taken so it wouldn't make sense." She told me smugly.
"Not fair." I said back to her.
"Come on, you're really saying that to Evelyn? Her and walker are more of a couple than you and Connor!" Mo said putting her hands on her hips.
"That is absolutely not what I meant." I giggled.
We did rock paper scissors and guess what? I lost. Of course I fucking did.

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