The Queen B's secret

By teddy45678

44.8K 1.7K 77

Brooklyn Patterson is transferring back to North Shore after a couple of years playing soccer in the uk ... w... More

Off limits
All wet
Will you stay?
Unwanted attention
I need you
The day of the storm
Promises broken
A little lie
The meltdown
Truth time
The make up
The hard launch
The talent show
The last lunch
My Brooklyn
Cady fucking herons party
Let me in
All good things must come to an end
10 years later

The wheels on the bus

1.6K 91 1
By teddy45678

Brooklyns PoV

I take a seat next to Nat who basically led me the whole way here. Someone put in that damn book that I'm intersex ... it had to have been Regina. Nat looks furious as we sit down. "Should you be here you know... because of your" "finish that sentence and I'll knock out all your teeth" Nat snipes to the girl next to me as I stare at the floor. My heart hurting. How could she do this to me? "Never in my thirty one years as an educator have I seen such behaviour. I have half a mind to cancel your spring fling dance" mr Duvall shouts at us all as he stands with the other teachers facing us. "I object" Karen stands up as everyone starts getting worked up about the dance being cancelled. I couldn't care less about the dance now ... not after this. "We are not going to do that because we already paid the DJ" Karen sits down satisified at mr duvalls reply. I'm listening to what's going on but my minds racing thinking about Regina. If she didn't write it in that book herself she must have told someone about it... someone with access to the book. Now the whole school knows I'm different. "But ... I am taking this burn book seriously... now who has something to say about this?" He asks as everyone remains quiet, Nats arm wrapped around me protectively. Silence until a girl in our grade lifts her hand "someone wrote in that
Book that I'm lying about being a virgin because I use super jumbo tampons...but I can't help it if I have a heavy flow and a wide set vagina" Nat rubs her hand up and down my arm. "Ok... thanks ... hold that thought" mr Duvall says before turning round to Miss Norbury. As they have a conversation a girl taps me on the shoulder "hey Brooklyn ... I think it's hot ... like really hot so..." "she's not interested back off" Nat swipes the girl away as I try not to cry. I can't cry here ... I need to get through this and go home and then I can cry. Miss Norbury steps forward as she ... for some reason sings "well" in a really high pitched voice before coughing and excusing herself. "Well....ok hope shots who wrote all this junk?" I can hear movement around me as Miss Norbury looks at Cady "Cady ... any ideas?". "No" cady replies as miss Norbury scoffs "interesting". Then she stands up ... the girl who once again has hurt me "can I just say we don't have a clique problem at this school and some of us shouldn't have to participate in ... whatever this is and uhm just because of a few bad people". My heart aches hearing everything she's saying ... hearing her voice. "A few bad people?" Miss Norbury replies as Regina hums in agreement. "Ok ... well let's unpack that..." I turn quickly to see Regina sit down, she smiles at me and waves before I turn away from her.

Regina's PoV

Why did she turn away from me? She's not in the book ... this doesn't... we were fine when I left this morning? I look next to Brooklyn and see Nat glaring at me with her arm wrapped around Brooklyn. Brooklyn who definitely wants to cry right now ... I know her well enough to know when she's fighting back the tears. "I want everyone to close your eyes ... and I want you to raise your hand if you have ever had anyone say something bad about you behind your back" I look away from Brooklyn to miss Norbury and close my eyes. Lifting my hand before she asks us to open them again, seeing everyone in the gymnasium with their hand in the air. Everyone's hand slowly drops as Miss Norbury asks us to close our eyes again but this time only raise our hand if we have said something bad about a friend behind their back. Everyone apart from Brooklyn and Nat lift their hand and nobody challenges it ... knowing the two have the best friendship. Nat smiles at Brooklyn before resting her head on her shoulder. Miss Norbury nods before turning to the rest of us "hmmm seems like we should take a break from being victims in this situation and start taking responsibility for our actions". "Ok we are going to write out some apologies for people who we have hurt in our lives... everybody up" Miss Norbury instructs as everyone stands up from the bleachers.

Brooklyns PoV

Trust falls are you fucking joking? Miss Norbury stands up on the stage "alright everyone calling someone ugly does not make you better looking. Calling someone else stupid does not make you any smarter... and we as women need to trust and support each other. Like this" Miss Norbury turns round on the podium before falling backwards into the crowd... thankfully the girls catching her. "Alyssa ... I'm sorry I said you look like you comb your hair with a chicken bone ... I know your vegetarian" a few girls have stood up giving their apologies by now as she turns and falls into the crowd. I haven't seen Regina since we all gathered here, Miss Norbury motioning for the next girl to go up. Karen took the stage next "Gretchen ... I'm sorry I laughed at you the time you got diarrhoea on the ferris wheel and I'm sorry for repeating it now...and I'm sorry to the people that were below us" I can't help but smile watching the vacant look in Karen's eyes as she falls forward. Miss Norbury looks at me pointing her head towards the stage as I sigh. "Go up there and own it like the bad ass I know you are" Nat claps me on the back as I slowly walk towards the stage.

Standing up in front of everyone my eyes scan the room. Nat smiling with her two thumbs up. Some girls staring at me and gossiping with their friends ... some definitely checking me out and then my eyes land on Regina who stands in the middle of the crowd looking at me confused. "My apology ... is to me ... I don't owe anyone here an apology. I'm sorry to myself... I'm sorry because no matter how many times my hearts been broken I still put it out there to get broken again" my eyes lock with Regina's who furrows her brows deeper. "You all read that damn book ... you all read what it said about me. I'm not embarrassed about who I am ... some of you may confuse the fact I kept it hidden with me being embarrassed about it but ... I'm not. I was born different to every single one of you and I wouldn't change that for the world. I am who I am and I love that. I wish you all would love yourselves a little bit more and maybe that way you wouldn't be hell bent on bringing each other down. As far as I was aware only two people knew that I was born different to you guys ... my trust was broken for the..." I pause letting out a fed up laugh "... hundredth time maybe?? I know that one person one hundred percent don't write that in the book ... and it breaks me that it had to be the other person... so yeh I'm sorry to myself because I should have looked after my own heart better than giving it to a girl ... who constantly broke it" I watch Regina's jaw tighten as she watches me but she still looks confused. "Miss norbury can I go now?" I ask pointing to the door ... away from the girls who have all clustered round the front of the stage. "Yeh on you go Brooklyn and take Nat with you ... yous don't need to be here" I turn to walk off the stage as Nat pushes her way towards me. Coming right up beside Nat is Regina who walks up to Miss Norbury "Miss I need to go too I need to talk to her" she points to me as I scoff. "You are not going anywhere Regina ... get back into your place" Miss Norbury point behind her as Regina looks at me. Pleading for me to stay and hear her out ... "bye Regina" I turn away from her seeing her place the careless Regina George mask onto her face before walking with Nat out of the gymnasium.

Regina's PoV

I didn't write her in that fucking book!! I need to speak to Brooklyn this doesn't make sense! I need out of here and I need to speak to her now. Fucking perfect ... Janis is up next. I need to pull back some control ... I was just ... wait was I dumped by Brooklyn right now? No I can't ... I can't loose her. I see Janis walk up to the stage holding eye contact with me. She looks from me to Cady ... Cady who looks nervous. "Ok yeh sure I have an apology ..." she starts with a grin spread across her face. "My friend and I thought it would be fun to mess up Regina George's life ..." what? What the fuck? My face drops as I look up at Janis. "So we got these candy bar things to make her gain weight ... we told her lard was face cream ... and then we turned her best friends against her. Icing her out from the group. And then my friend Cady ... yeh you all know my friend Cady... so not only did she get Aaron to dump Regina ... she went one step further... she wanted Brooklyn... so she stole Brooklyns hoodie from Regina's house and pretended that Regina has gave it to her, to hurt Brooklyn. She then repeatedly tried it on with Brooklyn even when Brooklyn and Regina got back together. The ultimate goal ... was to get Brooklyn to dump Regina ... forever with something that you can't come back from ... so there you have it ... whatever Brooklyn just dumped you for ... was actually Cady. Then it turned out Cady was just as selfish and fake as Regina George so this apology is to myself ... and to Brooklyn" my blood is boiling watching her jump off that stage. Cady fucking heron can take anything from me but Brooklyn!

"What did you do? What did you fucking do?" I rant following Cady out of the school. "Regina not everything's about you" Cady continues to storm away from me. "Well it fucking clearly is ... what the fuck did you do? What did you do to Brooklyn?" I shout as we push through the school doors. "I didn't mean for it to ever be shown I just wanted ... I wanted Brooklyn" she rants as I push past her and stand in front of her on the road. "You wanted my fucking girlfriend... she's the one good thing in my life you...." Slam

Brooklyns PoV

"Honey ... you want to talk about it??" My mom asks as I lay in my bed. "No mom I'm ok" I smile knowing she can see straight though it. "You know I know when you're lying right ... your phones been ringing constantly too... talk to me" my mom comes in and sits on the end of the bed. "Someone told the whole school that I'm intersex and how I was born different" I feel my mom place her hand on my knee as I sit up and cross my legs. "It'll be old news soon brook ... was it Regina?" My mom asks sadly knowing if it was this would kill me. "I ... I dunno... but she must have told someone about it mom ... if it wasn't her directly then it was one of her friend and she must have told them" I cry feeling my mom wrap an arm around me. "If it was Regina who told everyone then ... that's something you need to decide if you can forgive or not brook. But ... if it was one of her friends who told that makes it a little more complicated ... you tell Nat everything Brooklyn, Regina's the same ... Regina's going to tell her best friends everything. Including everything about the person she's dating... it's a girl thing. Iv seen the way that girl looks at you brook ... she loves you and you love her ... im sure it's a misunderstanding. Talk to her... don't just shut her out" I sigh knowing my mom's right as I wipe away the tears on my cheeks. "You're right ... I just..." Nat then bursts through the doors with a terrified look on her face "It's ... it's Regina ... she's been knocked ... she's been hit by a bus ... Brooklyn we need to go to the hospital right now".

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