From Dusk 'Till Dawn (Jacob B...

By DaringDesi

866 56 6

Y/N Swan moves to Forks, Washington to live with her father, the chief of police, so that her mother can trav... More

Author's Note
Moving Day
First Day of Hell
First Day of Hell Pt. 2
No-Show/The Accident
Piecing it together
The Truth at Last
The Cullens
La Push Beach
Blood Type
Update Coming Soon

Together/Prom Talk

56 2 1
By DaringDesi

A/N: So, I played around with the timeline a bit. I know, it's not in traditional Twilight format, but that's the beauty of fanfiction. In this chapter the prom will be mentioned and the idea of Jess, Angela, and your character going dress shopping in Port Angeles. With that being said I hope you guys enjoy this chapter.


I woke up and immediately wanted to close my eyes and go back to sleep. It was Monday morning and the pitter-patter of rain droplets on my window told me it was going to be a chilly day at school. I lay in bed, wearing Jacob's shirt and a pair of panties. I sat up and looked at my clock. I was up five minutes early; my alarm being set for seven in the morning. I threw my comforter off and turned to face the window, looking out at the dark clouds and the occasional gust of wind that made the trees dance. 

After a moment of this, I stood, stretched, and made my bed. I then got dressed, deciding on a grey sweatshirt, a pair of blue jeans, and my favorite pair of boots. I held Jake's shirt to my face and inhaled his scent before setting it on the back of my rocking chair. I slid my jacket on right as my alarm went off. I turned off the alarm and stepped out of my room, leaving the door wide open. I went into the bathroom and brushed my hair and my teeth. I held my hair up, making a ponytail, and then lowered it down. Natural hair seemed like the best way to go since it was raining, so I left it down and went back to my room to retrieve my backpack. 

I bolted downstairs and grabbed an apple off the table and a jar of peanut butter from the cupboard. As I was slicing the apple into slices, my dad walked in. He was already dressed in uniform. "Mornin' Y/N/N."

"Morning Dad." I plopped a heaping spoonful of peanut butter in a small bowl and sat at the table with my breakfast. He started brewing a pot of coffee and opened the cupboards. He skimmed over a box of oatmeal as he spoke, "So, how are things going with you and Jacob?" He set the box down and closed the cupboard. He walked over to the fridge and pulled out the carton of eggs, setting them down on the countertop beside the stove.

"Great so far." I dipped a slice into the peanut butter and took a bite. It was a delicious combo. "That's good." He added some cooking oil to the cast iron skillet and turned the stove on high. "Yep. Why do you ask?" 

"Well, I heard from Mike Newton's father that prom was coming up soon." He cracked two eggs into the pan and when the grease started popping dramatically, turned down the heat. I chewed and swallowed, "Prom? When is that supposed to be?" 

He flipped one of the eggs, "Next Friday." He flipped the other. "You think I should go?" "I think it would be good for you to get out and be with your friends for a night. Have fun and be stupid, just not too stupid." Dad sat down the spatula and grabbed a plate, a fork and a coffee cup from the cupboard and drawer beside the stove. He turned his attention to the coffee pot, filling his cup. He grabbed two slices of bread and shoved it into the toaster, pushing down the lever. "Maybe you should invite Jacob." 

I played with my apple slice, dragging it through the mound of peanut butter, "Do you think he would be able to go? I mean he might have a prom at the reservation. I'm not quite sure how that works." I snickered and looked out the window at the rain as it pinged against the window. "I don't know if they do, but..." He scooped his eggs up with the spatula and set them down on his plate and turned off the stove before continuing, "I think he would love to attend prom with you."

I thought it over and nodded, "That sounds like a perfect idea. I'll ask him after school today." The toast popped up, making my dad jump. He turned and grabbed the toast and winced, dropping it on his plate, "Ow." He brought his plate and cup over to the table and sat down. I got up and walked over to the fridge, grabbing the carton of milk out of the fridge. I grabbed a glass from the cupboard and poured until the cup was a little over half full. "Can you grab the butter while you're in the fridge?" Dad asked, cutting into one of his eggs.

I put away the milk and grabbed out the butter, sliding it across the table towards my dad, "Be easy with the butter, dad. The last thing you need are cholesterol problems." "Please. I'm as healthy as a horse." Dad joked. I sat across from him with my milk, taking a few gulps. I set down my glass and finished off my apple slices in silence. When I was finished with breakfast I stood and set my dishes in the sink, mentally setting a reminder to do the dishes when I got home. I grabbed my backpack and turned to head out the front door. Just before I could fully leave the kitchen, my dad stopped me, "Y/N?" 

I turned to face him. He pulled a can of pepper spray off of his belt and held it out towards me. "Take this." "Dad---" I started, but he cut me off, "Please. For my sake. I don't want you walking around without any protection until we find whatever is killing people." "OK." I stepped closer and took it. "Oh, and why don't you pick up Jacob after school. See if he wants to hang for a few hours." I stared at my dad confused, "Why?" "I'm going to be working late again tonight and I would rather you not be alone."

"Ok. I will." I turned to the doorway and started to walk through, but was stopped once more by my dad's voice, "Oh, and Y/N?" "Yes?" I asked, facing him again. "Please be responsible. I know how teenagers are and..." "OH, MY GOD!" My face felt like a furnace, "I'm still a virgin, dad."

He covered his ears, "Ok, Ok." He flushed in embarrassment, "You might wanna head to school before you're late." "Yeah. I'll see you later." I said as I rushed out. The splotches of rain that hit my face felt like ice as they cooled me down. I got in my truck, dropping my backpack in the seat and rested my head against the steering wheel. That was embarrassing. 

I turned on the radio and listened to Edge of Seventeen by Fleetwood Mac as I drove to school. I pulled into a parking spot and killed the truck. I grabbed my backpack and slid it on. I stepped out into the pouring rain and trudged along to my first class. 

At lunch I sat with my friends at their table. Eric was passing out flyers for prom. "Monte Carlo? That's our prom theme?" I heard Jessica ask. "Mhm. Gambling, tuxedos and Bond. James Bond." Eric said with a laugh as he passed out flyers. Angela snapped a photo of the crowd of students who surrounded Eric and sat beside me. "So," She nudged my elbow with hers, "Who's taking you to prom, Y/N?" I took a sip from my Pepsi can and set it back on my tray before responding, "My boyfriend." 

"Boyfriend?" Mike said as he sat down across from me with his tray of food. He looked a bit upset with this information. I opened my mouth to respond, but before I could something bizarre happened. Instead of sitting in his usual spot with his family, Edward sat on the other side of me. He didn't have a tray with him; just a bottle of water that he sat down on the table. "Hello."

Angela looked at us both and a huge smile spread across her face. I shook my head, "Oh, no. We aren't together. I was talking about Jacob." Just saying his name was enough to make me blush. "Jacob?" Angela asked as Jessica sat beside her. "Who's Jacob?" 

"Y/N's boyfriend apparently." Angela giggled. "Boyfriend?" "Uh, yeah. He lives on the Quileute reservation." I stammered out, trying to contain my flushed face. Edward stiffened a little beside me. I threw a 'What?' glance his way and turned my attention back to the girls. "Oh my god, you like have to invite him to prom so we can meet him." Jessica gushed. "She already said that he is taking her to prom." Mike stated sadly. 

Jessica smiled and stabbed at her salad, "We should go dress shopping in Port Angeles." "That's a great idea! All three of us should go. Then we can go out to eat after." I swallowed the bite of granola bar that I had been chewing "Sure. Why not? It sounds like fun." "Ok so it's settled. We'll go this Friday after school." Jessica stated, taking a drink of her bottled iced tea.

The rest of the lunch conversation was mostly about the prom theme, and why it had been chosen, or who people were going to go with. By the end of lunch Mike had asked Jessica if she wanted to go, to which she agreed, clearly flattered by the invitation. When asked, Edward said, "I might go, but not with a date. It would be with my family if I did." He then threw away his water bottle and walked out the cafeteria doors. Strange. He seemed fine earlier.

The bell rang and dismissed us to class. Angela and I walked together. "I keep waiting for Eric to ask me to the prom, but then he doesn't." She sighed. "You should ask him." "You think so?" I nodded, "Yeah. Take control. You're a strong independent woman. I'm sure he'll say yes." "OK." She giggled as we walked into our biology class and took a seat. Edward wasn't in his seat. I looked over at his empty seat, puzzled.

I turned my attention to the front of the class and did my work, occasionally looking up towards the open doorway, expecting him to come in late with some explanation for his absence. But nothing happened. I absent mindedly doodled on a piece of paper in my journal when I finished my assignment. Maybe he was thirsty and didn't want to hurt anyone? No, his eyes were still golden, not black like they were that one day. 

"That's a beautiful sketch." My biology teacher said, startling me. I looked up at the teacher and then back down at my drawing, which was a decent sketch of a wolf. "Are you done with your assignment?" I nodded and handed him my paper. He scanned over my answers and smiled, "Awesome work Y/N. Have you seen Mr. Cullen recently? I could have sworn I seen him pass by in the halls this morning." "He must have gone home sick." I lied, "He was complaining about stomach pains during lunch." Why was I lying for him? "Well, if you see him outside of school can you give him this?" He handed me a copy of the assignment I had just done. 

I nodded, "Yeah, I'll get it to him as soon as possible." I put the sheet of paper in my backpack and went back to sketching my wolf.

School was over pretty quickly, leaving me with so many questions and not enough answers. The rain had slowed down, so I wasn't being drowned as I stood by my truck after school. Edward knew I was with Jacob, so it couldn't be jealousy. Could it? I pushed the thoughts aside as I got on my phone and called Jake. The phone rang only one time before he answered, "Hey Y/N." 

"Hey. Um, I know this is going to sound kind of weird but---" I took a deep breath and leaned against the side of my truck, "My dad wanted me to ask if you wouldn't mind coming over and staying at the house with me. It would just be until he got off, which will be late tonight." I heard him chuckle, "Charlie must be extremely worried that this thing that's killing people is human and not animal. Sounds like something straight out of a horror movie." He paused for a moment before he spoke, "Should I bring anything?"

"A change of clothes. Just in case." "So, is this a sleepover?" He asked, almost hopeful. A smirk tugged on my lips, "Don't get your hopes too high just yet, Jake. My dad likes you, but I don't know how he would feel about you staying the night." I heard a lot of shuffling and something rustling. "OK, I'm pretty much ready to go." "Awesome. I'll be picking you up in about twenty-five to thirty minutes. I love you. "I love you too, Y/N." I hung up and got in the truck. 

The drive to La Push was quiet. A little too quiet for my liking. Thankfully the rain picked up outside, pinging on my windshield and windows as I drove. Twenty-five minutes later I parked outside of Jacob's house. He was waiting for me outside, wearing his black jacket, jeans and a backpack. 

He walked over to the truck and opened the passenger door, hopping in and closing the door behind him. He took both mine and his backpack and dropped them onto the floor of the truck. He then scooted over until he was sitting right beside me. I looked up at him, blushing. "Hi."

"Hi." He flashed that one smile at me and leaned forward, placing a kiss on my forehead. My breath hitched as I closed my eyes for a moment. I opened them and looked into his eyes. "So, you're sure your dad said this was OK?" He asked, his eyes never leaving mine. "Yeah. He sprung the idea on me this morning. Along with this." I held up the pepper spray that I had stashed in my pocket. "Oh wow. Well, he has nothing to worry about while I'm with you. I won't let anything, or anyone hurt you Y/N/N." 

"Buckle up." I said, looking away from him and shifting into drive before pulling out of the reservation. Jake buckled his seatbelt and sat back beside me; his eyes focused on the road in front of us. "I have a question." I said, my eyes glued on the road. "Shoot."

Here we go. "We have prom next Friday. I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go with me." I could see the smile on his face out of the corner of my eye as I continued, "It's even got a cringey theme. Casino night." I glanced over at him, "So, will you go with me?" 

"I would love to be your date to the prom Y/N." He paused, "But." "But what?" I asked, concern heavy in my voice. "I will only go if you let me drive." I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding, and smiled, "Aren't you too young to drive?" "While that's true, we get our permits early on the rez. I already know how to drive. Sometimes I drive for my dad when he can't. So?"

"OK fine, you can drive." I agreed. "Yes!" He said, making a fist and dragging it back towards himself. I laughed. "So, what do you want to do when we get to the house?" "We could watch some scary movies and cuddle." "We could." "Or we could play board games." "Monopoly?" I joked. "Strip Monopoly?" Jacob joked back, a huge grin on his face. "You wish." I laughed at my own joke. "Can't blame a guy for trying." He looked out the window.

The tension was thick, making my skin feel extremely hot. "Jake?" "Yeah?" I swallowed, "Never mind. Don't worry about it." He turned his attention back towards me, "Well now I am worried about it. What is it?" "Do you think that we will still be together in the future?" I asked suddenly. "Why wouldn't we be?" "I guess I was more or less asking if we will have a future together." "Well you love me, don't you?" "Yes." "And I love you. So, what is there to worry about?"

"I'm worried about... my body. I worry about whether you would want me like that, or not." My cheeks flushed and I kept my eyes on the road, hoping the tension would let us soon. I was suffocating again. "You're really worried about that?" He looked at me as if he couldn't take me seriously. "Yes. I am." "Y/N, you are the most beautiful girl that I have ever laid eyes on, and you're worried about whether I will want to have sex with you or not?" 

"What if I change? What if I don't look as beautiful as I do now?" My insecurities were peaking now. Fucking teenage hormones. My grip tightened on the steering wheel. "You'll always be beautiful in my eyes, Y/N." He wrapped brought his hand up to my back. He moved his hand in small circles, calming me. "My dad brought it up again today, and I thought about it. It's too early for us now, but one day it's bound to happen. I can feel the tension between us, and I both love it and hate it." 

"I know. But it will calm down eventually. This feeling is new to us both, so it only makes sense that we can't keep our hands off of each other. That's why I'm surprised that Charlie is allowing us to be alone so much." "Lots of trust." 

Ten minutes passed before we arrived at my house. We got out of the truck; Jake carried both of our backpacks even after I protested. I unlocked the door, and we stepped inside, locking it behind us. A chill went up my spine as I thought about how alone we were. "I'm gonna go change." I said, sprinting up the stairs. I walked into my bedroom and debated on closing the door but decided not to worry about it. I practically tore my damp jeans off and dug through my closet, looking for some clean pajama bottoms. 

I grabbed a pair of shorts and slid them on, then I unzipped my jacket, letting it fall to the floor. I debated on taking my bra off but decided against it. I would take it off before I went to bed. I took off my shirt, letting it fall to the floor as I grabbed Jacob's shirt off of the rocking chair. One more night wouldn't hurt. I will return it to him tomorrow. I slid it over my head and shoved my arms through the holes. I straightened the shirt and ran my fingers through my hair. I heard a light tap coming from behind me and turned around, startled. "Knock, knock. Can I come in?"

"Jesus! You scared the hell out of me Jake." I clutched my chest. My heart skipped a beat and started racing. "Sorry." He stopped and looked down, "Is that my shirt?" "Yes. I was going to return it to you tomorrow---" "Keep it. It looks amazing on you." He smiled. "I'm going to be honest I usually sleep in less than this." I said with a laugh. "You could always take some of it off." 

"Jake!" I blushed, crossing my arms over my chest. He walked over to me, running his hand up my arm. Chills followed the warm trail that was left from the touch of his hands. "Goosebumps?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows. "Jake..." "Hmm?" He hummed, his hand resting on my cheek, "Can we play Monopoly?" A smirk tugged on his lips, "Hell yeah. Do you wanna play downstairs or up here?" "Here is fine. The game is downstairs underneath the tv if you want to go grab it. I'm gonna go to the kitchen to get some things done real quick." I gave him a quick kiss before walking past him. 

He followed close behind as I rushed downstairs. He stopped in front of the tv and grabbed the game, setting it on the coffee table. "Do you need any help in there?" I heard him call as I rounded the corner and stepped into the kitchen. "Not really. I'm just doing a few dishes and starting on dinner." "Ooh. What are you making?" "Lasagna." "Homemade?" "Mostly." I replied, "I have no idea how to make pasta from scratch, so I'll be using boxed." I grabbed the box of pasta from the cupboard opposite the stove.

"Sounds delicious." I set the pasta box down on the counter. I set the oven temp to 375 degrees. "You can wait up in my room if you want to." "OK." I heard his heavy footsteps as he climbed the stairs. I got to work on chopping tomatoes into cubes, slicing up parsley and roughly chopping onions for the sauce. I then put all this plus some garlic, olive oil, salt, pepper and a good sprinkle of dried oregano into a pot and turned set it on high on the stove. I added a cup of water and lowered the heat so that it would simmer while I boiled the pasta. I set another pot with water on the stove and waited.

Once it reached a roaring boil, I added the lasagna noodles and waited for them to boil. As I was gathering the cheeses and the casserole dish, I felt two strong arms wrap around me. "Smells good." Jake kissed my cheek and then my lower jaw, making me let out a low sigh. "It's not done quite yet. I still have to assemble everything and bake it." I tilted my head to the side, wanting him to continue with his feathery kisses. "I got bored while waiting on you." He said, his breath warm on my neck. Goosebumps.

"Sorry. It shouldn't take me much longer." I said, setting the items on the counter. "OK. I'll wait in here." He let go of me and walked away. I heard the chair scraping against the floor as he pulled it out and sat down. Mildly disappointed, I went back to work. I poured the simmered veggies into the food processor and blended them up before I assembled the lasagna. When it was ready I slid it into the oven and started running some dish water. "I can do the dishes, Y/N." 

"No, I got them. You're a guest." I felt his arms wrap around me and was suddenly being lifted off the ground. He set me down beside him and took my place in front of the sink, "You did the cooking so the least I can do is the dishes." I sighed dramatically, "Fine, but I'm drying and putting them away." "Fine."

He filled the sink with soapy water while I gathered up the last of the dishes, placing them beside the sink. Jake slipped off his jacket and left it lying across the back of one of the kitchen chairs. I grabbed a dry washcloth from the drawer beside the sink while he started washing and rinsing the dishes. I dried the dishes and put them away. 

As I was drying and putting away the last dish, I heard the rain pick up outside. I sighed and closed my eyes. "You OK?" I nodded and opened my eyes. "I love the rain." "Me too." He stood in front of me now, his hand held out towards me, "Ready to get your ass kicked in Monopoly?" 

"I want to be the banker." I said, taking his hand. "OK but I already claimed the dog, so he's off limits." I laughed, "Don't worry, I'm not gonna take your dog. I claim the Y/F/M/P." (Your favorite Monopoly Piece--- If it's the dog then your second favorite Monopoly Piece)

I followed Jake upstairs. On the floor at the end of my bed sat the Monopoly game board. He had already set everything out--- The plastic container that was used for the bank had the money in it, already arranged and separated into their slots from one-dollar bills to five-hundreds, the houses, hotels and game pieces, which sat in the lid of the box, and the cards which sat neatly stacked on their designated spots on the board. The lot cards were placed in a stack beside the 'bank'. 

Jake sat the floor on the left side of the board and grabbed the dog piece and set it down on the 'Go' Spot on the board. I sat across from him and place my piece on 'Go'. I counted out the exact amount of money that was required for both of us to start the game and handed him his stack of fake cash.

The game began and was moving pretty quick in the first hour of starting. Jacob played with my hair as I rolled the die. Seven. I moved my piece seven places and landed on one of his properties--- State's Avenue. "That'll be ten dollars." He held out his hand, a cocky smirk across his face. I handed him the money and jumped up. "I gotta go get the lasagna out of the oven. It should be done now." "Awesome." He stood, being careful not to knock over our pieces on the board. 

On my way downstairs I tripped, stumbling forward a bit. I felt Jake's firm grip on my arm as he steadied me, "Careful." "Thanks." I said, blushing as I paid attention to my feet on the rest of the way down the steps.

We stepped into the kitchen together. I grabbed an oven mitt and removed the steaming hot lasagna from the oven. "We have to give it at least 10 minutes to set if we don't want to destroy the roofs of our mouths." I placed it on the stove, tossed the oven mitt on the counter and sat down in a chair at the table. "Well it smells like it would be worth the burns." He joked, coming up behind me and placing a hand on my shoulder. 

I leaned back in my chair, letting my head rest against him. "Jake?" "Hmm?" He ran his hand over my hair, smoothing it down in a comforting gesture. "I love you." "I love you too, Y/N." His hand that was resting on my shoulder rubbed the side of my neck. I let out a sigh, feeling a release in tension that I was unaware of. I closed my eyes. "You're really tense." He palmed the back of my neck, kneading out the knots in my muscles. 

"I blame you." I said with a laugh. I heard his small laugh in response, his hand slowly leaving my neck. I groaned, "Why'd you stop?" He sat in the chair opposite of me, "Don't want you to get too excited." He winked. Ugh. 

"Ha. Very funny." I crossed my right leg over my left and sat back in the chair with my arms crossed over my chest. "I'm going dress shopping with Jessica and Angela on Friday."

"Will you be free any other time this weekend?" He asked. "Well, I was invited to a friend's house for a few hours on Saturday but after that I'm pretty much free for the rest of the weekend." I tried to swallow after the lie, but my throat felt dry.

"Cool, because I wanted to take you on an official date this weekend. Maybe Saturday night?" "Saturday night is perfect. Where did you want to go?" "I wanted to take you out to see a movie or maybe go out to eat." I blushed and bit my lip, a smile slowly spreading across my face, "I just want to be with you, so it doesn't really matter what we do." I stood, walked over to the refrigerator and opened the door. 

"Would you like something to drink?" "Yes, please." I grabbed out two bottles of Coke and closed the door. I brought his drink to him. "Thanks." He unscrewed the top and took a drink before setting it on the table. I unscrewed the cap on my drink and took a few gulps, feeling incredibly thirsty. I set my bottle down on the counter and walked over to the lasagna. I pulled out a spatula and cut out two slices. I placed them both on plates and brought them to the table along with two forks.

I sat across from him and cut into my slice of lasagna with a fork. I blew on it before I slid the bite into my mouth. I watched Jake as he did the same. His eyes rolled back, and he let out a soft groan. He chewed and swallowed before speaking, "This is delicious, Y/N." He took a bigger bite. I smiled and chewed my second bite. After dinner, which was mostly silent as we enjoyed our meal, we resumed our game of Monopoly. 

Neither of us paid attention to the time as it passed. We both were having fun. It wasn't until it was midnight that I decided to check the clock on my nightstand. "I'm guessing that my dad is going to be home really late." I stretched. My legs felt stiff. "Do you think he will be mad if I'm here over night?" Jake asked suddenly. I looked at him, not wanting him to leave. The thought made me sad, "I don't think so. I can drive you back home in the morning so that you don't miss school." 

I yawned, not realizing how tired I was. "You look exhausted." He brushed a strand of hair out of my face, "Where should I sleep tonight?" "I can go get the air mattress that dad has stored in his closet." I said, but immediately felt regret towards the idea. 

"I can go get it." He started to stand, but I grabbed his arm and stopped him, "Or you could sleep in bed with me." His eyes met mine and I instantly felt like a heated furnace. "But Charlie..." "My dad won't be mad. And if he is, I'll tell him I forced you. Or that I had extremely bad nightmares or something. Please?" I gave him my best pleading expression, hoping the puppy dog eyes would do the trick.

"OK. But I have to change first." "The bathroom is right outside my room and to the left." "OK, I'll be right back." I watched as he grabbed his bag and disappeared to the bathroom. I took this as an opportunity to remove my bra and slipped under the covers on my bed. He walked out of the bathroom in a t-shirt and a pair of shorts, set his bag down on the floor and climbed into bed beside me. My heart was beating so loudly that I could hear it. He turned to face me, scooting closer. 

I scooted even closer, closing the gap between us. I lay my head against his chest and listened. His heart was also pounding loudly. He ran his hand through my hair. I reached over him and flicked off my lamp, then resumed my position nestled against his chest. "Goodnight." "Goodnight, Y/N." I closed my eyes feeling safe and warm.

I was in the meadow again, alone. The only light that shone was from the full moon above. Something brushed past me, bumping into my shoulder in the process. I gasped and looked for whatever it was but saw nothing. It happened again, this time it shoved me, causing me to fall to my knees. Edward's frozen hands grabbed my shoulders and yanked me up. 

"I'm sorry. Please, stay behind me." He pushed me behind him, staring intensely into the distance. I tried to protest but before I could I was being pulled away. The red eyed vampire threw me across the meadow and into a tree. I hit it with a loud thud and slumped to the ground. I reached up and touch my head. Feeling something wet I pulled my hand away and looked at it. It was covered in blood. The vampire was on me in a second, dragging me up to my feet. He forced me to my feet and bit into my neck, tearing the flesh with his teeth.

I woke up screaming.

"What?!" Jacob woke with a start. "Y/N? Hey it's OK. It's OK. Shhhh." He wrapped his arms around me as I sobbed. I took a deep breath. And another. "It was just a nightmare, baby. I got you." "I---" I sniffled, "I'm sorry for waking you." "It's fine." He shushed me, running his hand over my hair. 

I looked over at the clock. It was three in the morning. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asked, his voice sincere. "Maybe someday, but not right now. I'm extremely tired." I felt him nod, "OK. I'll stay awake until you fall asleep." He lied down on my bed, pulling me with him. He kissed the top of my head as I buried my face in his chest and slowly drifted off to sleep.

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