Disventure Camp Season 1 AU

By Charhills81

848 30 0

What the title says More

Meet Me In Tipiskaw
Logged and Loaded
Slip N Slide
Baking my Heart!
The Most Tranqulious Game

Mazed and Confused

101 4 0
By Charhills81

Derek: "Hello and welcome back to Disventure Camp! We're on episode 3 right now. And noww let's recap! Ellie's alliance is growing stronger, Drew and Dan, Fiore maybe, made a alliance together, which is weird because Fiore is in a alliance with Ellie, Alec, Jake and Gabby... eh. Fiore got Grett eliminated, and that is where we ended off! Heh, maybe this show could be even better than Tot-" He got stopped by Trevor.

Trevor: "Better than some reality shows, he means! Heh, right bud?"

Derek: "Sure."

Trevor and Derek: "Anyways, enough about us! Let's flip the cameras over!"

A camera switches to Jake. He seems to be thinking about something.

Jake: "How do I get across to Tom without Nick asking me where the hell I'm going..."

He decides to just try to go to Tom without anyone noticing him. He heard some footsteps behind him.

Jake: "Nick... is that you?"

He turned his head around to see Fiore.

Jake: "AH- Oh, it's just Fiore."

Fiore: "Hi, Jake! Where are you going?"

Jake: "To T-Tom..." He admitted, guiltily.

Fiore: "Why?"

Jake: "I... I... uh sort of have a crush on him...?"

Fiore: "Oooh cool! Do you mind if I come with you?"

—Confessional area—

Fiore: "I could ruin a few good friendships... I'll tell Tom- wait no... not yet!"

—Confessional area—

Jake: "I'm starting to think Fiore is bad news..."

Jake: "Oh... uhm... sure."

Fiore: "Yayyy!"

They walked to the teal camp. Jake accidentally stepped on a branch, which made a loud noise.

Ellie: "Huh? What was that?" She turned towards the bushes, and peered over it, seeing Fiore and Jake.

Ellie: "What are you doing here. Jake, after the paintball challenge, you literally betrayed our alliance. This is what happens when you trust too much. I seem your here to apologize."

Jake: "Jeez.... Ellie, when will you learn that life have challenges and that your pretty dumb and naive?" He rolled his eyes, which made Ellie a bit angry.

The speakers turned on.

Derek: "Gather at the dock for your third challenge!"

Fiore: "Jake... my legs hurt, can you carry me?"

Jake: "Uh, of course..." He let Fiore get onto his back. "See you later, Ellie."

Ellie: "...." Ellie pushed Fiore and Jake into a cave. Scooting them very far away from the docks.

Jake: "ELLIE!"

Switching over to the docks.

It had been a few minutes passed after Jake and Fiore had been pushed into a cave, everyone was starting to get worried.

Trevor: "Where the hell are they?"

Derek: "Whatever! Let's just start the challenge without them."

Tom: "I'll go look for them. I don't want them being late for this challenge."

Without warning, Tom dashed off decently fast to look for them.

Tom: "There's a cave right here..." He stepped inside the cave and peered inside. "It's completely dark."

Switching over to the maze.

Gabby: "Ellie, did you do something to Fiore and Jake?" She whispered.

Ellie: "Maybe, but I hope they don't expose me. I— I mean us, we should win the million bucks together." She smiled nervously.

—Confessional area—

Gabby: "I feel like I'm getting manipulated..."

Other Gabby on the side of the confessional room: "Don't worryyy.. Ellie said it's all apart of the plan earlier, that must be it!"

Gabby: "But-"

Other Gabby: "No buts, she must be trying to protect you like Prince Charming!"

—Confessional area—

Ellie: "I feel bad for Gabby.. I know I shouldn't be treating her like this, but... it feels right...? I don't know."

Gabby: "Okay..." Gabby replied solemnly, but still tried to rely on Ellie.

Ellie: "I..l'm sorry."

Dan: "Hey, slowpokes! Get over here! Ellie, this task is for you!"

Ellie: "For me?" She went over, infront of Dan.

Voice: "You must swim with sharks for 5 minutes."

Ellie: "F...Five minutes?" She clutched her hands. "If I don't do this this... I'll... do it. I don't wanna get voted off tonight."

Gabby: "Good call!"

—Confessional area—

Ellie: "I am gonna be honest, I didn't want to swim with sharks, but I... I can't lose this challenge for my alliance's sake."

Switching to purple team.

Ashley: "It's been 10 minutes and we still don't have Fiore and Jake!"

Lill: "Calm down, Ashley! I'm sure they will be fine and safe."

Nick: "Even though they are both my enemies..."

Fiore and Jake: "We're here!"

Ashley: "Guys, what happened?"

Jake: "We went to explore a cave, but then we went too far so Tom had to get us out..." Jake lied halfway through his words.

Ashley: "Oh okay!"

Fiore then whispered to Jake.

Fiore: "Why didn't you tell them Fiore pushed us in the cave?"

Jake: "I dunno..."

Fiore: "..."

Nick: "Hey this first task is for you, Ash."

Ashley: "Oh?"

Voice: "You must go into a fire and wear a protective gear for 5 minutes..."

Ashley: "I won't." She pressed the red button.

Jake: "What the hell was that for!? You could be costing us the challenge!"

Ashley: "Oh well..."

Jake: "...."

Switching to teal team.

Ellie: "I'm back... hah.."

Alec: "Are you okay?" Ellie nodded, smiling.

Dan: "This next task is for me..."

Voice: "You must make friends with a spider for 5 minutes."

Dan: "Y'know what, I'll do it." He presses the green button, gulping.

Ellie: "Our team is doing so well!"

Switching over to purple team.

Voice: "Drew, you must have the dentist do your teeth." Drew hesitantly presses the green button.

Then, the screen flashes over to Nick getting a needle in his butt, Fiore riding a angry moose and Lill is jumping out of a helicopter.

Derek: "Well, that was terrific! But even if Ashley did not want to do a task, purple team wins!"

All: "Yes!"

Ellie: "We did our best..."

Dan: "I'm gonna say this outright, but... we should vote out Will. He hasn't really done anything for our team even if he is strong."

The teal team nods.

Nick: "Woah, straight off the bat."

The voting ceremony starts.

Derek: "Welcome to your first elimination ceremony, purple team! This is where you will send your votes, and vote for the person who you want off this island! Understand? Great!"

—Voting area—

Ellie: "Will."

Will: "Dan."

Gabby is hesitantly writing on the paper.

Derek: "Time to reveal the votes!"

1 vote:


Will is shown to be scared.

1 vote:


Alec is shown to be mixed of emotions.

2 votes:


Dan is shown to be pretty confused.

2 votes:


Derek: "This vote will determine who will leave tonight in Disventure Camp!"

3 votes:


Will: "Okay..."

Dan: "Who the hell did the 2 votes for me? I see a threat coming near me."

Gabby: "That was me..."

Dan: "..."

Ellie: "Oh woah."

Derek: "As much as I love to hear this juicy drama, time for Will to go home!"

Will is at the bus stop, waiting for the bus to arrive and as it arrives, Will decided to run off somewhere.


We couldn't find Will for this episode. Sorry.

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