The Most Tranqulious Game

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Derek: "Episode 6 time, woohoo baby!  Okay so, recap time... Jake's been feeling gloomy lately, baking challenge happened, Jake and  Nick pretended to hate each other to get Ashley out. And who knows maybe Drew could get out? Dunno!"

Switching the cameras over to Tom and Jake.

Tom: "Hey, are you alright? We haven't talked in awhile. I'm seriously worried."

Jake: "We didn't talk for, like, 2 days. Chill out." He said, stubbornly.

Tom: "Sorry.. I.."

Jake: "It's fine. I'm sorry, too."

Tom: "I just want us to be friends."

—Confessional area—

Jake: "I like him... but I... I want to be more than friends with him... no, that's... that's weird.. I.."

Jake: "I... uhm..."

Tom: "Are you alright..-?"

Jake: "Y...Yeah..."

Tom: "I'm sorry if.... I somewhat made you uncomfortable."

—Confessional area—

Tom: "I want to protect him with all my heart... but, will he even allow me to...? Or will they..."

Jake: "I just wish... I could be more nicer..."

Tom: "You already are. Even though you aren't perfect, it's fine! Anybody would love to be your friend so that's why I offered."

Jake: "Really-?"

He nodded, smiling.

Jake: "..."

Tom: "Was there... a reason you were quiet from the boat thing?"

Jake: "I...I don't know..."

Tom: "You can tell me- I won't judge."

Jake: "It's just that... I have autism.. and I sort of black out and get overstimulated... I-I never meant to ignore you... I just.." He started crying.

Tom: "It's... fine, Jake. I don't understand what having autism is like, but I accept you. You aren't any different from the rest of us."

Jake: "Thanks..." He hugs Tom, feeling reassurance.

-Confessional Area—

Jake: "Tom's really kind, and I feel happy... but, I just feel like there's still something feeling incomplete and missing.."

The camera switches over to Dan in his tent, either crying or just tears trickling down.

Dan: "Why did I tell Fiore my secret from the boat challenge..? I'm such a idiot.." He lays on his tent floor.

He tugged his hoodie, it was getting hot. But, he didn't mind. He didn't want anyone else to know. He just went to the other side of his tent, like the corner and just rested his head, about to just cry.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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