Slip N Slide

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Derek: "Heyyy guys! Episode 4 time baby! So recappp... *groans* Fiore and Jake got pushed into a cave, Ellie and Gabby are distrustful of each other, sort of, Dan said to vote out Will, Dan got two votes against him and got pissed but Will got out anyways, and then he disappeared outta nowhere. Weirdo. But, let's begin with episode 4!"

Trevor: "But we didn't even get to sa-"

The camera slides over to Dan starting a argument with Gabby.

Dan: "Why the hell did you vote for me, Gabby!?"

Gabby: "Be...Because, you were too commanding! And rude!"

Dan: "RUDE!? COMMAND-... I guess I can sort of see it... BUT WHAT THE HELL ARE THE OTHER REASONS!?"

Gabby: "Other reasons...? You said to vote Will out immediately, even if he is a strong link... we could have used him more for physical challenges."

Dan: "He would be too afraid, anyway. I hope you understand that now, Gabs."

Gabby: "I hope you know that your getting voted off next!"

Dan: "Right, Ellie, Alec and Tom like me as a friend. I see them as allies. You will be the next boot and I'll make sure of it." He threatened her.

Gabby: "Are you trying to play around with me right now?"

Dan: "No, not really...?"

Gabby: "I see you still have a soft side, hah!"

Dan: "I-..."

Ellie: "Can you guys stop arguing?" She came out of the tent next to them. "I want some sleep, and it's also early in the morning, so shush your mouths."

Dan rolled his eyes.

Alec: "That's gonna get stuck one day." Alec was sitting on a log, reading a book.

Dan: "Uh... what's the context of that?"

Alec: "Rolling your eyes. If you keep doing that, your eyes will get stuck like that."

Tom: "That's a urban myth."

Alec: "It's not. I've seen it once, it happens." He pushes his glasses up and went back to reading.

Dan: "He's full off riddles, that guy."

Switching over to purple team...

Ashley: "Come on, Jake, be more ferocious!"

Jake: "Okay... GRRRR! RAH RAH!" He started making animal noises, cringing as he did.

Fiore: "This is starting to remind me of when a cat tried to kill me once..."

Ashley: "Oh..!"

Ashley: "Anyways, be more ferocious!"

Fiore: "Okay! I'm gonna suck your blood... rahhhh.."

Nick: "Vampires don't make those noises."

Fiore: "Well, they do to me..."

Ashley: "Uhh.. Nick, you be ferocious!"

Nick: "Do I have to? No. NO. NO WAY YOUR GONNA DO THIS TO ME."

Ashley: "Do I have to make you wake up again for picking up apples, running and then picking up apples again?"

Nick: "No..."

Ashley: "Then, do it."

Nick: "Okay... grr... rahh... fuck this."

Lill: "Animals don't say fuck this..."

Ashley: "Anyways, Lill be more ferocious!"

Lill: "Alrightie! Grr! Rahh!" She started coughing on some air.

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