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I had to heavily edit episode 1 because of the errors. Sorry guys!

Trevor: "Hello guys! Derek is on a errand right now so he wants me to direct this..! So apparently, Ellie, Alec, Gabby and Fiore formed a alliance... Jake sort of? And Lill won the challenge for her team, but it wasn't a elimination. So kind of a wasted win! But onto the next episode of Camp Disventur- it's still not changed... DEREK!!!"

The scene transitions over to purple team.

Ellie: "I can't believe Grett just ditched us like that."

Gabby nodded.

Gabby: "Yeah. But it seemed genuine. Like she really wanted to be in the alliance..."

Ellie: "Ugh. Gabby, your so optimistic. Sometimes, it's good to change, okay?"

Dan went into their tent without consent but wanted to say something alongside Miriam.

Dan: "Me and Miriam are sorry that we throwed off the last challenge so badly... so we wanted to give you a gift."

Ellie: "It's fine. Dan, your shaggy and weak, but still a bit compatible... Miriam, your old so I don't expect to see you doing much." Ellie said it sternly. As a warning.

Miriam: "Oh, mulch? I have some." She brought out some mulch and ate it.

Dan: "Miriam, I think she meant much, not mulch."

Miriam: "Oh."

Dan chuckled lightly.

Ellie: "But, if we keep losing like this, there is a chance that our team won't even last a overbearing storm or challenge!"

They all nodded alongside Gabby who felt pressured to do the best for them.

All: "YEAH!"

Switching over to the teal team..

Grett: "They have been arguing since last night!" She points over at Jake, Ashley and Nick.

Fiore: "How will we ever win challenges if we can't even pair together!?" She groaned. "I'm gonna take a walk."

Lill: "Okay! Don't get lost sweetie."

Grett: "She's around six and smart for her age for sure. She'll be fine!" Grett was also on the verge of disagreeing or agreeing.

Fiore walked around the forest. She spotted Dan in the midst of it.

Fiore: "Oh no, the nerd guy! What do I do?"

She attempts to throw a rock at Dan, but he quickly notices.

Dan: "Oh, hey Fiore! Are you practicing your rock throwing skills?"

Fiore: "Y-Yeah!"

—Confessional area—

Fiore: "Huh? He's not that smart, even though he's got glasses."

—Confessional area—

Dan: "Fiore's funny! I'll adopt her as my younger sister, as well as Drew being my other younger sibling- while, we're both not actual siblings... it's funny!"

Dan: "I've heard about Nick being mean to you yesterday. Are you okay?"

Fiore: "My leg is sprained but yep! I'm free to walk along the forest as long as I don't go far and go missing! They're really protective... *mumbles* which I hate.."

Disventure Camp Season 1 AUWhere stories live. Discover now