Don't Move

Oleh micahbotha

19 3 0

One moment you're free and loving life, not caring to think what you might be doing to hurt someone else or s... Lebih Banyak

My Life
The Breaking Point
Beginning of War
Food Hunting
Searching For Safety
Robots and Memories
Lost and Confused
Soldiers and Green Smoke
New Way of Life
Caring Duties
A Cycle
The Mothers and Father
Heidi and Tyler
Family Reunion
Politics of the Royal Family
Leto's Return
The Memorial Event
Growing and Learning
Sector 8
More Opinions and A Strategy
Saving Baruch
A Familiar Face
Back in Time
Dangerous Disasters
Forgiveness and Loneliness

Peace and Sympathy

0 0 0
Oleh micahbotha

The very next morning, before the broadcast, I am reading the book Berli gave me a while back as I feel exhausted. I haven't felt nauseous or overly moody, but Heidi has which was funny when Berli asked me about it.

At the moment that I am smiling to myself, Anax walks in to find me laying in bed reading a book and eating fruits.

"Hey," I say with my mouth full of food, "sorry. I had them bring breakfast in here cause I was tired." I slowly sit up as he walks closer and sits on the bed.

"Can I?" he asks as he points to my stomach area and I nod then he pulls up my shirt, places his head on my stomach and lays there. He just listens for some time.

"Ow," I say as the baby kicks harshly and Anax jumps back as it hits him in the face, "he is telling you to stop eavesdropping and taking up his little bit of room." I laugh uncontrollably at his reaction and he shakes his head with a smile.

He then moves over to me and lays beside me which makes me nervous but I continue eating my fruit cause I am starving and they won't give me anything I'm craving.

"Are you craving fruit?" he asks me and I shake my head. "No," I say seriously, "everything but fruit. Sadly, they won't give me anything I am craving. Something about it being bad for Kerogens and all." He laughs, "It is true. Kerogens are more sensitive as babies. You cannot eat fish, chocolate, salty foods, spicy foods. Basically, anything with extreme flavours and such." I sigh, "Everything a woman craves really." He laughs but I frown and he sits up more as he plants a kiss on my forehead.

I blush, "Your mothers explained what that means." Anax blushes, "Oh, did they?" I nod, "So, is it true?" He nods, "I realised it when I almost lost you that day. Funny how it takes big events to make you realise stuff." I smile at him, "That's cute. Heidi was wondering if mothers do it back?" "It is quite rare actually," Anax says honestly, "but some do after a while." "Oh okay," I say, "usually woman are more affectionate." He smiles at that, "Things changed I guess with our species. Anyway, I should go do the broadcast. Father says we will have to go out amongst the people, but only the adults. I suggested otherwise but he turned me down and then agreed, so all the mothers will stay except Alisha, Amoli, Heidi and you. You guys will come with me, Berli, Camden, Tyler and Brody, who is arriving today. Only one mother will be required to come and that will be Basilah, since she is the first mother."

I sigh, "Okay, I will get dressed then. What am I required to wear?" "Royal attire," he says seriously and I nod as he makes his way out of the room. I get dressed in whatever they provide.

Everyone is ready to leave once the broadcast is over and the kids are home.

We head out of the home to find many waiting outside the gates with tears and fear.

James tells everyone to quiet down and then addresses them, "We are hear to calm your fears. If anyone has lost someone, please let us know."

A few come forward, most are Kerogens, one is human and another is a Huke.

We walk towards them and listen to them.

Heidi ends up crying and I try to hug or comfort the people. Basilah as well gives them flowers. The others try to talk to others in the crowd.

It goes like that until dinnertime.

Camden was the most indifferent to their suffering and got reprimanded for it.

I watch Amoli and Brody at dinner as I wonder about her.

Afterwards, I knock on her door.

"Hey," I say quietly as I watch her put the baby to sleep, "did he explain yet?" She nods, "He said he is going to be around more often so that's why he wants me to have more children otherwise he will start looking for another mother, I guess." I sigh, "Do you feel you are ready?" She shakes her head, "I don't feel I will be able to take care of Athena the way she needs to be. I mean she will only start walking at seven months and it is not like Brody will always be here or help out." "Talk to your father yet?" I ask her and she shakes her head. "I will," she says nervously, "tomorrow." "Okay," I say kindly, "let me know if you need anything and how it goes." "Can you take Athena for the night?" She asks with a sad smile and I nod. She hands the baby over and I put her in a crib in my room as she drifts into a deep sleep, once again.

Anax walks into the room soon after with confusion on his face, "Why is Athena here?" "Amoli asked," I say kindly, "I agreed." "But you need to rest," he says seriously. "You said raising children is a group effort right?" I say seriously and he nods, "then?" "Fine," he says with annoyance, "but I'm staying to help so you can sleep." "You don't have to," I say kindly. "I want to," he says seriously and lays down on the couch nearby. "You can sleep in my bed if you like," I say nervously, "it is more comfortable than that couch." He laughs, "I will be fine." "Okay," I say as I fall asleep.

Soon, I wake up to the sound of Athena crying, so I get up to hold her and rock her. I find Anax fast asleep which causes me to laugh and wake him up.

"How is your sleep?" I ask him and he groggily walks over to me to take over. I hand her to him and he sits on the bed rocking her as do I, but falls asleep before she does so I take her away from him. As she sleeps, I drift to sleep.

In the morning, Athena is gone as I wake up, but I am extremely close to Anax, so I decide to try to move away. His arms pull me closer causing me difficulty in breathing.

"Anax," I say seriously, "I cannot breathe. Let go." I try to tickle him, punch him, kick him, but nothing works. "Ow," I shout as a strange pang erupts in my belly and this wakes him up, "something's wrong." He gets up so quickly and rushes to get a doctor. The doctor arrives as sweat starts to make it's way to my head.

Her eyes widen, "We have to get the baby out early." Anax's fear shows, "But Kerogen's cannot do that." She sighs, "Either the baby or her." Tears start to fall from my eyes as the pain intensifies.

James rushes in with Eden, "What are the options?" "There isn't any," the doctor says, "either the baby and her die or she lives. Pick one. We have to take her to the hospital to do the surgery and hope the baby lives." "It is your decision, Anax," James says seriously and Eden's eyes widen.

"Take her to the hospital," Anax says seriously, "do what you believe is correct." Then, I am rushed to the hospital and I start to feel drowsy without any medication which builds up the fear inside me.

I wake up to find Anax sitting there.

"Anax?" I call and he lifts his head, then makes his way to me, "what happened?" "Everything went well so far," he says kindly, "but we don't know whether he will survive yet." Tears fill my eyes and sobs fill my body. Anax hugs me as I cry and until I fall asleep.

Later, Eden, Heidi and James join Anax as I wake up again.

"Can I see him?" I ask with tears in my eyes again as I grab onto Anax's hand, "please." James nods, "You have to go to the NICU. Anax will take you." I nod as Anax helps me into a wheelchair and we head to our son, "Has anyone named him yet?" Anax shakes his head, "The father usually does, but I wanted to wait for you. I was thinking of Baruch because it means hope." "I like it," I say, "It is perfect for him."

As soon as we enter the NICU, I find many human babies and only one Kerogen baby, Baruch.

Anax registers the name as I find a normal human-sized baby inside the little box to protect him.

Anax comes back and says, "At one month and a few weeks, he is not fully developed." I sigh, "A human at this size would be perfectly fine." He laughs, "Yeah. My father is doing an investigation on this and he wants to talk to you." I tense, "Are you saying what I think you're saying?" He nods stiffly and anger fills inside me as I watch my little baby opening his yellow eyes. I glance at his little hand to find the mark placed on it and I look at Anax's hand.

"Is there a way to find out his job before he is born?" I ask curiously. Anax nods, "But only my father has access to it." I sigh and whisper, "He is a leader." Anax tenses, "Nurse, I would like my son to be in the room with his mother." He nods as we follow him as he takes the baby to the room with us.

Everyone gasps as they see the little boy and Anax takes a clothe to hide his little hand.

"Baruch," James says, "that is a cute name." Eden is in awe as she stares at the little boy with tears in her eyes. James hugs her as she sniffles. Heidi just stares at her little nephew.

"We need to discuss this potential assassination," James says seriously and Eden gasps. Even Heidi looks shocked and holds her stomach protectively.

"Athena mentioned that there might have been a breach on the information," Anax says and I tense as I think about it, "maybe we should discuss it privately father. We don't need more people involved than necessary." James nods as they make their way outside to discuss the matter.

"He is beautiful," Eden says as she looks at his features, "almost exactly like Cayle except his skin is darker." "Hmm," I agree, "his skin is golden like mine." Heidi comes closer to take a look, "He would be a big human baby." Eden smiles, "Yeah, but a very underdeveloped Kerogen." I sigh, "I hope they find this person."

After some time, everyone leaves except Anax. He falls asleep on the couch nearby while I stare at the walls that are painted white. I hear Baruch silently crying and instinctively grab him from inside the box to rock him as well as feed him. I know I shouldn't but I do it anyways and put him back quickly.

Once we hit one month of age of Baruch, we are sent home with a healthy little boy.

His little hands are covered to protect his life.

I am still recovering from the surgery as it is more complex for a little Kerogen to be born, so I am being pushed in a wheelchair as commoners watch on in awe at the little boy.

As soon as we reach home, Anax carries me upstairs and into his room instead of mine.

"Anax?" I question as he puts me on his bed, "I should be in my room." He shakes his head, "You need to rest and it's easier to help you like this." He kisses me on my forehead as he leaves the room.

Knock Knock

James walks into the room, "Sorry, the family wants to see the little one you are holding." I laugh, "Sure let them come."

Basilah walks in with Norah and Emery, who will be one in a month.

"Ooh," Emery says excitedly as she squeals, "it's a boy?" I nod, "His name is Baruch." Norah smiles, "Cute name. Did Anax name him?" I shake my head, "We both agreed." Basilah smiles at the little boy, "Well that seals that then. A little boy means a new heir." I tense as she says this infront of Norah. Norah shrugs, "It's his right and it's not his fault for being born." Emery giggles, "I like him." I smile at her little thoughts and then they leave the room to allow others in.

Alora comes with Hagan, Udeline and Imogen. "It's even again in here," Hagan says happily, "hopefully it stays that way with the twins." Alora smacks him, "We shouldn't speak like that. He just wants equal boys and girls, but it's rude to say that." I smile at him as he rubs his shoulder in pain. Udeline and Imogen just stare at his little face. "What color eyes does he have?" Imogen asks excitedly. "Yellow," I say and they both groan. "Yellow is like brown in humans," Udeline says sadly, "it's so common and it's annoying." I laugh as they leave the room looking disappointed.

Eden then comes in with Berli, Heidi and Cayle. "Aw," Berli says as I know he is imagining his own children that are on the way. Cayle says, "Boys rule. More boys on our side of the family." Heidi laughs at his words. Eden smiles, "It would be nice to have a girl too though. We don't have any and they are a powerful force too." I smile at her words and Cayle nods in agreement. Soon, they leave as well.

Ellerie comes into the room with little Athena in her arms at just three months old. "Hi Athena," I say excitedly, "are you eating the good food now?" Ellerie smiles at my interaction, "Amoli, Kabir and Ivaan are on their way, but I just couldn't wait so I rushed here. I am so glad you and the baby are okay." I smile and then Amoli, Kabir and Ivaan rush into the room.

"He is so little," the boys exclaim together and then they run off. "Now you have to ask me for help," Amoli says with a laugh and I laugh with her, but deep inside I know I cannot do that after what happened, "you okay?" I nod as I rock the little one in my arms.

Kamali walks in and asks, "Boy or girl?" "Boy," I say seriously and she puts on a fake smile. Her children then came into the room to investigate as well.

Alisha and Tyler come in first. She stares at the baby in awe as Leto runs into the room to sit on Tyler's lap. "A baby," Leto says with excitement, "my cousin?" Alisha nods, "Yes and soon you will have a sibling remember?" I gasp, "You're pregnant." She nods, "We found out just as you went to the hospital." Camden is holding Edolie as she tries to run away, but Camden doesn't seem to care about the whole situation.

Soon, it is quiet in the room again until lunch comes around and Anax comes into the room.

"I brought food," Anax says sweetly, "all the things you couldn't eat." I smile excitedly, "Really?" He nods as he puts his hands out to take Baruch. I eat everything happily and Anax just watches me. "Want some?" I ask after a while. "I don't really eat these foods," Anax says seriously. "Just try," I say excitedly as I bring the food closer to him and he obliges. "Wow," he says as he tries more of the foods, "you know, when we were in hiding we couldn't eat these foods because we couldn't access them." "Was it really that bad?" I ask with concern and he sighs. "Yeah," he says sadly, "but I will tell you more later on. For now, let's focus on more important things." We eat lunch in the room and a month goes by before life goes back to normal.

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