Beg For More

بواسطة JDRAVENX80

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Destroy Her
Franky's Party
Body Shop
Destroy Him
In the Gym
Meeting the Family
You Owe Me
Beg for Me
Saving You
Alone Together (part one)
Alone Together Part 2
School Daze
Family Affairs
Two Lost Souls
Knowing Me, Knowing You
Wrapped Around My Little Finger
Game Changer
Sweet Little Lies Part 1
Sweet Little Lies Part 2
All Bets Are Off
Prom Night
Whatever Will Be, Will Be
Letting Go


42 0 0
بواسطة JDRAVENX80


I wasn't gentle.

I made it clear that I was only going to slow down and or stop whatever I was doing if she told me to. She never stopped me.

Blindfolded, her other senses were on high alert and I did my best to reassure her that the power was in her hands. She trembled when I placed it over her eyes, tying it tightly behind her head. I undressed myself quickly, but I made it a point to strip her slowly. I wanted to take it all in.

I stood juxtaposed to her for what seemed like forever, roaming her body with my fingers, lapping her neck with my tongue. Every sensation came as a surprise, especially when I placed her hands on my cock.

"Stroke it, baby," I whispered to her, "Harder." She did as she was told, but I never took my eyes off of her face. Even though I hated not seeing those big blues of hers, this is what she wanted and this is what I was going to give her.

"That's all you do is tease me, Sapphire," I told her, trying to hold back every moan that tried desperately to escape my body, "Every damn day..."

Without warning, I slipped my digits inside of her core and she lurched back, tumbling onto the bed. Before her arms started flailing, I grabbed them and held them together behind her back. She gasped when I leaned in and bit her neck.

"Don't worry, baby. I've got you."

"Did you bite me?*


I looked at her face to see a small smile start to form.

"Keep your arms down or I'll have to tie them down, Sapphire."

"Oh my... "

I knelt in front of her, opening her thighs until I was positioned between her legs. I continued caressing her clit with my fingers, but I knew she wanted more. She was waiting for more.

With one hand, I pushed her down onto the bed, legs still spread before me and I dove into her with my tongue, lapping up every ounce of lube her body had created for me.

I watched her grip the bedding, trying her best not to put her arms around me. Her moans were subtle because this wasn't new to her. She may have liked it, but there was no surprise until I gently bit down on her nub.

"Ahh," a mix between pleasure and pain escaped her as she instinctively tried to push her legs together, but I forced them open again, clawing my fingers into her skin.

"Blaze... "she gasped my name.

I hadn't let go of her nub, teething it, I inserted my digits again and I went further than I'd done before.

She whimpered and I looked to see if she was OK.

"There's so much pressure.." she was saying, but mainly to herself.

Suddenly, I gently spanked her pussy with my other hand and she jolted upwards, crying out.

I waited for the cease and desist from her, but it never came.

She settled back onto the bed as I emptied her core, leaving her abandoned. I sat on my knees in front of her open legs knowing she wanted so badly to reach out to me. I took in her entire body with my eyes, knowing that I was going to hurt her, knowing I was going to make her swell.


"Yeah, baby?"

"I need you."

"I'm not going to be gentle, baby," I told her again, stroking my dick as I got ready to demolish this poor girl's cervix. I positioned myself and took one last look at her before plowing into her wet core as hard I could, as deep as I could go. Her scream sent me over the edge and she gripped anything she could find, but I grabbed her arms and held them down, plunging faster into her abyss. My weight lingered on her wrists and I knew by the time we were through, there'd be some marks on both of us.

When she tried to wrap her legs around me, I grabbed one and pushed it over her head. Her toes touched the headboard and I was completely amazed at her flexibility.

This allowed me to course even deeper and her sobbing began. I slowed down, breathless, but she shook her head.

"Don't stop!" She choked.

I lifted her other leg and positioned it the same way, this time watching myself dive in and out of her body.

My hands found their way to her bouncing breasts and I plucked her nipples with my fingers, squeezing them until they were red and then leaning in to suckle them to the point of swelling. I'd stopped ramming into her, but I was buried so deep inside of her body that I felt her clench around me.

"Come for me," I whispered, "It won't be the last time you do, I promise."

I felt her rupture around me.

I let her finish, pumping her juices back into her with my shaft. It was not easy to contain blowing by load, but I wanted her to beg for this before I reached my release.

Without warning, I flipped her over, face planting her into the pillow. I easily found my way back inside of her, digging my fingers deeper into her hips.

She cursed under her breath as I placed myself on top of her, cradling her underneath me. I loved feeling her body connecting to mine.

I pinned her arms at her sides, gliding in and out of her slowly now.

"Blaze, don't tease me..."

"Baby, that ain't teasing you," I told her, "But this is."

I settled my cock between her ass cheeks, grinding in between them to get myself off.

"Damn you, Baxter," she grunted out between moans.

I sat back on my heels, and with one motion, my hand came down hard on her ass cheek. She cried out, writhing underneath me .


I smacked the other one, forcing her to buck up at me.

I dragged her body back down the bed and flipped her over, placing her on my lap as I stayed on my knees.

"My dirty little lioness,"I forced her down on my cock, holding her shoulders as I thrust up into her wildly. Moans and breathy grunts flowed from her every time I hit her spot or even if I was just buried in her.

I grabbed her throat, gently squeezing it, catching her hands as she instinctively tried to take mine away.

"You're gonna get into so much trouble with those hands, baby," I told her not allowing myself to stop jutting into her core.

Sweat layered us now and I wanted to have her in so many ways, but tonight would just be about her not knowing what was coming next.

I poked and prodded every area, fondled and caressed every inch of her to the point of exhaustion, taking her to the limit and then back again. The only time I allowed her arms to be free is when I'd pushed her up against the wall, fucking her into oblivion. She'd wrapped her arms around my shoulders and her legs around my waist. She was so worn out that her head rested on me for some time.

And I did what I promised.

I made her come repeatedly.

The last time though, she begged me to finish. I knew I had to or I'd break her body so I did, expelling myself into her core. We'd been at this for hours. I had only released myself into her one time during our dance and forced myself not to again until she asked me to finish. The things I said to her, the things I was doing to her.... Never in a million years would I have imagined Spooks Soper allowing me to make her own make her beg for me.

I softened and exited her slowly. Her breathing was rapid as was mine. I could see all the markings I left on her beautiful body now completely worn out from our fucking. I ran a finger from her throbbing pussy up her middle and straight to her lips. Cupping her chin, I kissed her gently and then proceeded to take off the blindfold. Her swollen lips weren't lost on me and I wondered when I'd drawn blood.

Once the cloth was off, her orbs settled on mine. I don't know what played in her head at the moment, but her puffy eyes indicated that she'd cried at some point.

"Why didn't you stop me?" I asked her, stroking her cheek.

She pursed her lips together, feeling the tinge of pain now. Wincing, she smiled at me,

"I was willing to go through that whole bag tonight," she admitted, "I would gladly beg for more."


My body was broken.. I was so sore I could barely move.

The way Blaze made me feel though made me think I was insane to want him . I wanted him to do more to me, but I couldn't keep going tonight.

He was concerned for me, but I knew I was OK. He'd grinned devilishly when I'd told him I'd beg for more so I knew he thought he'd won.

The thing is? I DID want more. I wanted so very badly to try out every last thing that was in that bag, and I know he did, too. He looked so concerned for me when he'd seen the marks and my lips. I hadn't even considered the consequences of him being rough with me and I didn't care. This is what I wanted and I got it.

He pulled me to him and stroked my scalp. He loved doing that and I did find it soothing. I knew I was trembling when he threw a cover over me, but it wasn't because I was cold. I felt like I had run a race, a race I was never going to win because I'd never get enough of the marathon.

Even though I wanted him to try it all out on me, the look of concern on his face told me that he was hesitant. I wondered if he'd been that way with the other girls.

"Are you all right?" He finally spoke.

"I think so," I said. Even the way he spoke to me while we were in the throws of passion was different and I was living for it. I needed him to fill the ache in my core and he was doing just that. Had he won? Was he devouring me with his crafty ways and I was losing the battle?


Was I winning and he was falling head over heels in love with me, ready to do my bidding? I couldn't tell. I couldn't even see straight at the moment and all I could think about was this stupid little game I was playing with him. I'd never tell him. I couldn't. When I left in the fall, how could we remain on friendly terms if he knew I'd been using him to get what I needed and wanted? Unless he was playing me, too, and then it wouldn't matter. We'd never see each other again.

I don't know why that made my heart hurt.

I guess I was sighing heavily at my thoughts because he looked to me again, cupping my chin and examining my face. He was examining my entire body to make sure he hadn't hurt me to the point of no return.

"Baby, I'm fine. Just sore," I told him. He even checked my backside and noticed the welts on my ass.

"I'm sorry," he said, kissing down my back and onto my rear, caressing my buttocks gently.

"You don't need to be,"I reassured him, rolling over onto my back again, "Please be OK."

There's no way he'd cared about other girls like this. That wasn't his style. If they asked for it, they got it and he'd move on. With me? He was ready to take me to the hospital for this.

"I am going to draw you a bath," he said, pushing off the bed and heading into the bathroom.

What was I going to tell the girls when I saw them tomorrow? I couldn't take another day off.

I pulled the covers up over my head and wondered if he'd ever done this with Erica or anyone I knew. I realized I didn't care to know.

My loins hurt and so did my core. The soreness behind my naval was beyond what I'd expected. I'd allowed him to hit every ounce of my insides over and over again and now I was paying for it.


I would do it again.

When he saw me trying to maneuver out of bed, he stopped me and picked me up like I was bride, carrying me over the threshold. I lay my head on him again until we reached the tub and he lowered me again. It was so warm and filled with bubbles.

"Bubbles?" I giggled.

"Is that OK? I got you the lavender scented."

"Yes, I just haven't had my own bubbles in a while.," I told him, "Unless you count being covered in them when the kids splashed me. When did you get these?"

"Threw it in the cart while you were busy figuring out what to spend my money on,"he joked.

He stroked my hair and grabbed my loofah, dragging it gently over my body. I couldn't tell what was on his mind, but he looked like he was lost in thought.

"I am going to shower and warm up dinner," He told me, handing me my loofah so I could finish, "Take your time, though."

I nodded, smiling. I hoped he wasn't mad at me for something. Except for taking care of my needs, his mind seemed elsewhere.

I could barely wrap my ahead around the fact that I was sleeping with my childhood friend. Never in a million years, especially the last four, would I ever think he'd want me like this. Even the girls said that if he didn't like what I offered him, he would have been gone already, regardless of whatever quota he was trying to fill.

Once we finished eating, I began to clear the table and he told me just to go get ready for bed. It was quite late and I didn't want to miss another day of school so I allowed him to do what he wanted. I didn't even care to argue about chores.

He crawled into the bed next to me and smiled, "Dinner was good, baby."

"Thanks,"I smiled.

"Are you sure you're OK?"

"Blaze, if I wasn't OK, I would tell you,"I told him, "I am not going to do something with you that I don't want to do."

That seemed to release a little bit of his tension. I'm not sure when we fell asleep, but the morning came too quickly.


Sapphire was something else.

I was mild with her and I still couldn't understand why I cared so much about how she was doing. Her lip looked better in the morning and she was talkative on the way to school. She did move a bit slower and it made us both laugh.

"No one's ever made me this sore before," she said, sliding out of the car when we got to school. The guys definitely took note, but I don't think she realized that they did.

"I've got to go to the library," she said to me, "I'll see you later?"

I didn't want her to leave, but she had her own thing with the paper and yearbook so I wasn't going to stand in her way.

I made sure to kiss her long and hard before she left my side, though.

"Baxter, you son of a bitch!" Greg chuckled when Sapphire was gone, "Day off yesterday?"

"Nothing new there, bro," I reminded him, lighting a smoke.

"Did she have a little stagger in her walk today, boys?" Greg addressed the guys. I noticed Jordan wasn't there, but he'd been trying to impress Rachel which meant Erica wouldn't be around me as much either, thankfully.

"I'd say so!" Rob snorted, "Surprised you let her come to school all haggard like that."

I scoffed, "She's a big girl."

"So what did you use? The cuffs? The gel? The rope?"Jesse asked, curiously.

"None of your business."

"Since when do you keep your sex life a secret, Baxter?"

Greg laughed, "Since he got with Sapphire. What's she got on you, man?"

I shook my head, "That bitch has nothing on me, bro. Can anything be sacred anymore?"

"To you? No."

I pressed my lips together and didn't say anything else. I'd discussed my first few times with Spooks, but now I wanted to keep it to myself. My own personal memories.

"Where's Jo?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Up Rachel's ass," Rob said, "Unfortunately, that also means he's up Erica's AND Matt's. His entire crew has been bombarded by Erica and her little hags."

"Erica's trying to get with Matt?" I asked.

"Looks like it, but who knows?" Rob stomped out his cigarette.

"It's cold as shit out here,"Greg said, downing his coffee like a fiend, "I'm going to breakfast."

"You never go to breakfast," Jesse followed Greg's gaze. We all did. He was watching Melissa and Lourdes make their way across the parking lot to the math building. It was the quickest way to the cafeteria if you wanted warmth.

"Talk about me being girl crazy,"I smirked at Greg, "You got something for Melissa?"

Greg huffed, "No, I'm fucking hungry."

The rest of us followed him. What the hell, right? Maybe Sapphire would make an appearance.

She didn't, but it was fun to watch Greg sit as close to Melissa's table as we could get. She didn't even glance once at him and I felt bad for the guy. I did notice that Rachel and Jordan had passed through the cafeteria, both of them barely making eye contact with me. I get that Jordan was my friend, but he still felt threatened by me and what happened with Rachel. I kept reassuring him that she was free for the taking, but I could see why he'd want keep his distance while courting her.

I texted Sapphire to see what she was up to, but I didn't get a reply. The guys kept insisting that I talk to them about the first round from the infamous bag. The question on their minds was if she was willing to experiment more. I told her she was and Greg agreed that either she was just into the kink OR trying to please me. Either way, score for me, right?

She finally messaged me an apology and that she was just busy running around campus taking pictures for both the paper and the yearbook.

Before math class, the guys and I decided to head out to the back lot for a quick smoke break. Heather, of all people, was there to pick up her little brother. Derrick was a freshman and I only knew him through her.

"Hey, Blaze!"She wrapped her arms around me. I hesitated, but decided to reciprocate the gesture.

"How goes it?" I asked her. She still clung to me, but because I'm the asshole of Avery, I allowed it. Why not? Spooks and I weren't official. Besides, Sapphire was busy and this was perfectly harmless.

"I'm good,"She smiled, "You going to the game Friday?"

I don't know why, but I instinctively placed my hands on her waist. "I am. You?"

"I never miss a game!"She laughed that flirtatious laugh of hers.

"Yeah, I talked my girl into going with me,"I wasn't going to totally abandon her on this one. Besides, I enjoyed watching Heather's face turn red.

"That girl from the other day is with you?" She didn't buy it because she didn't let go of me.

Greg kept shaking his head as if letting me know that I was trying too hard to forget about the respect I was supposed to have for my girlfriend.

"Yep, that's the one."

I was used to flirting with other girls. I was used to sleeping with other girls and making other girls jealous and ridiculously mad at me, but why did this feel unnatural and wrong to me this time around?

"Baxter, Baxter! Look bro!" I turned in the direction Jesse was gesturing to.

Fuck. I watched her watch me for what felt like an eternity. I'd already brushed off Heather. It wasn't what it looked like, but I was being my dickish self and she'd caught me.

To my surprise, Sapphire didn't turn. She headed right towards us

"You're a dead man, Blaze," Rob said.

"Damn, I'mma witness a murder today!" Greg was all too delighted in this.

I couldn't even move. I had nothing suave to say, no apology, no excuses. I froze. She stopped right in front of me, her body flush with mine. I could smell her perfume, I could feel her heat.

"I need a book out of your car." She said, flatly.

I stared at her until she said it again. This time more demanding.

"Now, Baxter."

She hated me.

I unlocked the car and she grabbed whatever book she'd left there. The silence that swallowed the atmosphere was loud as fuck.

I couldn't even say anything before she turned on her heels and walked away.

"The fuck are you doing?" Greg seemed perplexed with me.

What was I doing?

I ran after her, "Sapphire! Sapphire, wait!"

She had her hand on the door, but I held it closed.

"Let me go, Blaze," she was cold.


Star was watching from inside the building. She was standing in the doorway of their math class, arms crossed and glaring at me.

"Let me go."

I stepped back from the door and she didn't even look at me.

Star rolled her eyes as she followed Sapphire into the classroom.

I turned and headed back to the guys. Heather was gone.

"This isn't how you win, dumb ass!" Jesse blubbered, "Maybe Greg's right."

I didn't reply. I grabbed my books and headed back to the math building.

Her classroom door was closed when I walked by so I couldn't even see her again.

Smooth move, Baxter.


I wasn't surprised, but I was sick of being humiliated. This just wasn't worth it anymore.

I didn't want him to apologize or anything just because he'd gotten caught. I wanted him to grovel and that's what I needed to GET him to do. He kept texting me during class and I was over it. What we did last night and the things I knew we were going to do just made me feel cheap. The act itself wasn't, but the fact that he was still being the playboy that he is while we were supposed be whatever the hell we were, made me sick.

I finished my quiz and asked if I could leave. Being a senior had it's perks and Blaze had taught me that. I didn't want to catch him in the hall after class so when the teacher allowed me to leave, I hauled ass to the school paper's office to hide.

I knew he'd start texting me nonstop. He even called me at one point, but I dove into my work at the paper and let it go. I wished I wasn't so mad at him because we weren't official and that's what I kept telling myself.

If he was upset with himself for getting caught, this could benefit me in the greatest way. All I'd need to do was keep pretending to be mad and I'd get something in return. It felt wrong and I was actually mad and that made it worse.

Brent and Felecia were in the office when I was working and they could tell I was a little less chipper than usual.

I finished most of my editing and asked Brent if he wanted to go over the photos. Every now and then, I kept glancing at the office door, half expecting Blaze to charge through it to grovel, apologize or whisk me away.

But he didn't.

He'd also stopped calling and texting me.

I texted Eliza and asked if she could take me home even though Blaze had mentioned that he'd traded jobs with Randy that day and instead of doing the lawn care, he'd be busting out the books again. I don't know why I was trying so hard to stay away from him when I didn't want to.

I had to. I had to get him to come to me.

I knew I'd have to see Blaze when I went out to the back lot. Eliza was going to meet me out at her car. It was out of her way, but she knew what I was doing. I also knew that getting Brent to walk me out was going to be quite interesting.


I waited for her even though she thought she was riding home with Eliza.

There was no fucking way I was going to let her ignore me like this.

"Just let her go, man,"Greg told me, "You're losing this and you can't admit it."

I wanted nothing more than to win this and if I needed to grovel just a little to make her see I was the only man she desired then so be it.

"She with you or Brent?" Matt was walking to his truck, "Seen her a lot with him today."

"Fuck off, Matt,"I seethed. We'd been in so many fights before that it was almost comical, but I was tired of him talking about her. Erica didn't like it, either and pulled her bitch look at him.

"I mean, she's a looker,"Matt whistled, "I didn't even realize she was that hot until recently. If you're not interested in her, I don't mind sloppy seconds."

Greg grabbed me before I could release my anger out on Matt.

"Calm down, bro,"Greg looked at me as I looked passed him, trying to break free from his grip. I was a big guy, but Greg was linebacker huge.

Matt chuckled, "We″ll go toe to toe later, Baxter."

It was always a promise we both kept. He'd find me tomorrow or I'd find him and we'd bust heads. It's just how it went between us. I was always getting into fights. My Dad, Matt, Sapphire's Dad...It was never ending with me.

"Hey," Greg snapped his fingers in my face, "I know you want to beat his ass, but not now." He nodded in the other direction.

Matt peeled out of the parking lot, honking at her on the way out. She didn't wave or smile. Sapphire wasn't a fan of Matt's, either.

Of course, she was with Brent.

They seemed to be lost in conversation and I wasn't about to let her go home with Eliza.

Greg let me go and I didn't hold back.

She saw me coming and shifted her weight a bit.

"Sapphire."I looked at Brent who lowered his gaze, "Are you ready to go?"

"Eliza's taking me home,"she said, lifting her chin in defiance. Brent moved away slowly.

"Hey, thanks for the help today," he said, "See you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, take it easy,"she waved him on as he headed to his car.

"Don't tell me what to do, Blaze,"she was mad. I wasn't making things better at all, "You started this. I don't,-"

"Please just let me talk to you alone,"I begged. I wasn't even sure why I was begging her.


"Why? Because you're my girlfriend and I don't want it to be like this," I told her, "I don't want us to go home mad at each other."

"You should have thought about that,-"

"I have and that's why I want to take you home. Please?" I'd never pleaded with a woman in my life. This bet was unnerving me.

She sighed, looking passed me at Eliza.

"Fine,"she said, "Let me tell Eliza what's going on. I'll meet you at the car."

I leaned into kiss her, but she shoved me off. I deserved it.

"She OK?" Greg was the one friend who was genuinely concerned for Sapphire. The other ones were snickering at me. Jesse said something about being whipped.

"No,"I told him, lingering near the passenger side so I could open the door for her.

"I'm going to lose so much money if you keep this up, Baxter," Rob was saying, telling me his bet was on me winning, "I know she might feel good, but you gotta step it up a notch. You're so fucking whipped."

Greg walloped him on the arm when he saw Sapphire making her way towards us.

Her smile was faint when the boys tried their best to be cordial and inviting. She said nothing to them as she slid into the seat.

"See ya tomorrow, Blaze,"Greg said.

"Yeah, if he's still alive!" Rob snorted.

I felt dead inside already.


He didn't take us home though. He took us to Frog Park.

When I wouldn't hold his hand, he held onto my thigh, circling his thumb around my pant leg. It was enough to make me melt, but I kept my gaze out the window.

Eliza had begged me not to give in to him, but I thought I was doing the right thing by letting him talk to me. Was this his groveling moment?

We parked at the same spot we'd parked not even a week before. How had so much happened in such a short time. He didn't shut off the car, but he kept his hand on my leg.

"Are you going to look at me?" He asked me.

I sighed, staring out at the park. It was overcast that day and I felt as dead as the leaves on the ground.

I finally turned to face him and he seemed a bit anguished. I don't know why he would be. Probably for not filling his quota with me.

"I'm sorry, Sapphire," He said, trying to take my hands into his. I couldn't help myself. I let him.

"For what, Blaze? Humiliating me?"I asked him.

He looked taken aback by my words, "I don't know what it is we have, but you're the one who made the rules. I figured that if those rules consisted of not fucking other people, we wouldn't be hanging all over them, either."

He nodded, "I know and I'm sorry. It's not an excuse, but I'm not used to us,-"

"No, that's NOT an excuse! That's bullshit."

He didn't respond.

"Maybe we should just end this,"I told him, letting go of his hands even though I didn't want to, "Did I do something wrong last night? Is that what this is?"

He pulled me closer to him and I allowed it.

"That's got nothing to do with this. I'm an asshole, Sapphire, and I don't know why I just got caught up in the fucking moment,"He looked at me, "You don't deserve any of this and yet I'm still doing it."

I didn't know what he meant, but I figured it was him being overly flirtatious with other girls.

"Look, I know that you don't trust me,"he said, "But I want you to. I want you to know that this won't happen again."

Sapphire, it doesn't matter. You're not in love with him. Let him tell you anything he wants to.

"Come on,"he beckoned me to walk with him just like we had that first nigh where he saved me from my dad.

I walked with him, but we didn't talk. I don't know why he wanted to walk, but we did and I was so cold, but I was too confused and angry to care about the chill.

"I truly am sorry, Spooks,"he turned to face me then, his hands in his coat pockets. I didn't realize that I'd had my arms crossed the whole time, not just for the chill, but because I was hurt. Why was I hurt?

"It's fine,"I shrugged, "It's who you are, right?"

I knew I'd hurt him. His face fell when I said it, but I didn't care. This entire week had been crazy and here I was, with my former best friend, pretending to be his significant other all so I could bring him down.

"I deserve that,"he said, walking away from me.

I followed him to a small bridge that crossed over to the other side of the river.

We reached the top as the sun peaked through the clouds at us. I was too cold out here. I knew he was. He'd only worn his hoodie that day.

Making our way to the other side, we climbed down the last couple of stairs and he instinctively reached back to take my hand. I didn't pay him any attention as I was too busy looking at something in the distance. Another couple was walking along the path we had just come from.

What do I do? Trip and fall right into his arms.

"Are you OK?"

God, my pride was hurting so much at that moment I couldn't even look at him. Alas, I also couldn't let him go and he held me because I didn't move. I couldn't.

He pulled away slightly, looking down at me with a smile, "Are you OK?"

"No,"I shook my head, pushing myself into him again. He held me for what seemed to be forever, but I don't know why we didn't speak anymore.


It was a quiet ride home.

I don't know why I took us to the park. I thought it was a place where I could redeem myself. I knew she was hurt by my actions. I didn't understand how I could keep going on with the charade. She was genuinely hurt and I was supposed to be happy about scoring, but she wasn't as hard to break as I thought. She was willing to let me go for my fuck ups and rightfully so.

Maybe Greg was right....

I wanted her to be OK. Even if just for a little while longer. I wasn't through with her yet. I didn't want to be. I enjoyed her company.

"I have to work on the books tonight, but we can do dinner..."

"We have leftovers,"she interrupted.

This wasn't going to be pretty. I had a feeling the next few nights were going to be cold ones.

That night, we barely spoke. I knew she had some tests coming up so I let her do her own thing and I watched TV while finishing up the books for work.

I didn't notice her eat anything, but I heard the shower going around nine and the scent of her shampoo wafted through my nostrils. I wanted to be in there with her so badly, but I didn't deserve her right now. Besides, I decided to be nice, respectful, understanding Blaze instead of asinine Blaze.

By the time I showered, she was already in the bed. I could hear her breath deepening as the minutes passed and I wanted to hold her, but I didn't. I stayed on my side of the bed, scrolling through my phone, when all of a sudden, I heard a soft whimper come from her and she rolled over into me. She didn't wake up, but she placed her hand on my chest and I breathed her in like I was never going to get another chance.

That's how we slept for the rest of the night.

The next few days were a blur. School, work, home, repeat.... I wanted her to talk to me like she used to so I did what I knew best. I bought her stuff.

We arrived home that Friday afternoon before the football game. Everyone had the night off, it seemed, even me. We were both dragging ass when she passed the guest room and stopped suddenly. I watched her go in and when she came back out there was a smile on her face.

"What is this?"

"What is what?" I asked, licking my lips and venturing into the bedroom with her.

"When did you...?"

"I bought it yesterday and made some arrangements for it to be delivered here today,"I said as she ran her fingers across the antique writing desk, "My Mom was in on it. She let the delivery people in if that's OK?"

Her eyes were twinkling as she looked in every drawer, every nook, every shelf.

"You didn't have to do this, Blaze."

"Yes, I did,"I told her, "You deserve this."

"For putting up with you?"She smiled at me. It was the first time she'd really smiled since Tuesday morning.

"Thank you,"she turned back to the desk, but then back to me, wrapping her arms around my waist, "Thank you."

I wasn't going to pass up this chance to hold her.

"Do you still want to go to the game?"

"Of course!"she exclaimed, "I want you to see Fox."

"I think he'd like to see you, too,"I told her, leaning in to kiss her. My heart flip flopped when she returned her lips to mine.

"Baby, I missed that!"

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