Teach Me a Lesson

Von ayshiaink

57.3K 4.3K 3.5K

sequel to dysfunction Mehr



1.5K 134 93
Von ayshiaink

"Why Azari keep mugging me?" Moin asked me, mugging my daughter right back.

I laughed at them, showing Beyoncé my screen. "Baby stop looking at your god mom like that." She told our baby, putting her hand between my thighs below.

"Momma, she keep pulling my hand."

"You need to stop putting that dirty ass finger in your mouth. You're five now." Moin argued back.

"Stop starting with my little girl, ho." I told her, curling up my top lip.

Moin mushed Azari and she bucked at her. "Ima get my mommy to beat you up!"

"She can't even fight!"

"Y'all better stop it." I chuckled. "Moin stop starting with my baby, for real."

She waved me off, "She knows I love her." Moin grinned, looking over at Zari who was now giggling.

"Y'all ugly." Bey gave them a stank face, wrapping her arm around me and pulling me up on her lap.

"Shut up. They're jealous of us, Moina."

I waved her off, "I'll text you when I'm ready to pick her up, okay?"

"Yeah bye, Nani. I love you!"

"I love y'all too." Hanging up, I put my phone down and focused on Beyoncé.

She rubbed her hand on my lap while also scrolling through her phone. I grabbed it, slowly taking it out of her hands and she let me, causing me to smile.

It feels good to know Beyonce isn't hiding anything from me, especially since I could feel myself falling back into my obsession with having her all to myself.

"Pay attention to me, Bey."

She wrapped her arms around me, smiling and looking like our daughter. "What are we doing today Nika?"

I shrugged, "I don't know but I have an appointment next week. My ultrasound."

"You mean we have an appointment?" She asked, raising her brow.

"I didn't know if you wanted to come."

"Of course I do. We're having a baby." She looked at me with her head tilted, "Was I not there for you while you were pregnant with Zari?"

"I mean you were there for Zari  but it was just a lot going on with my most recent pregnancy, you know?"

Beyoncé nodded, "Well I got you, baby. And I apologize for not being there the last time."

"It's okay. I been forgave you for that, stop bringing it up."

"I know but it eats me alive, knowing you miscarried and I wasn't even the one there to comfort you."

I leaned up, looking down at my hand on her chest, "Don't let it bother you. I'm okay."

"Does it bother you?" She asked, catching me completely off guard.

"Huh?" I don't think it bothers me, but randomly I do think about it.

"Does it bother you Tiny?"

My head shook, "No."

"Don't lie Onika." She gave me a blank stare.

"It doesn't bother me, baby. It doesn't." I told her again, giving her a reassuring smile.

It didn't bother me.

Her brow slightly raised before my phone went off three times beside me. Beyoncé and I raced to the phone and I got it first, sticking my tongue out at her.

Instead of saying anything, she gripped my hips and thrust up, causing a yelp from me. "Stop bitch!"

"Who's texting us?"

Checking, my brow raised and I quickly pressed the new messages I had gotten from Lauren.

Lo London💆🏽‍♀️: Tiny??
:i'm tryna see if this is still your number lmao
:It's Lauren

"It's Lauren."

Beyoncé mugged, "Which Lauren?"

"My cousin Lauren," I told her with a duh tone.

"The one you fought?" I nodded. "Are you going to text her back?"

Nodding again, I anxiously reread the message. "She's my cousin, baby."

"Text her back." Beyoncé shrugged, "I wouldn't stop you."

:yeah i still have the same number lol
:is everything okay?

Lo London💆🏽‍♀️: yeah im coming to Houston in a few days I wanted to know if we could talk?

"What did she say?"

"She's coming to Houston and she wants to talk."

:ofc we can

Lo London💆🏽‍♀️: is it crazy I want to make up with you after you knocked my tooth out?😂

I chuckled, shaking my head.

: u taught me how to fight cousin 😭
: and u had my face swollen for days, it's still fuck you
:on your momma

Lo London 💆🏽‍♀️: BITCH fuck you!
: i didn't want shit to happen like that, yk i love you Tiny

:I'm sorry it even happened
:i miss u a lot, i regret everything
:i wanted to call you for almost two years but i didn't want to rush it

Lo London 💆🏽‍♀️: we're family, yk we were gonna speak again

: ofc but still
:all that shit was a lot. i never expected to actually fight you like that

Lo London💆🏽‍♀️: ME EITHER
: I was shocked when you told me to pull up and we can just fight it out

:i was just upset
:young and in love 🤦🏽‍♀️ yk how u used to get ab wayne

Lo London💆🏽‍♀️: I know nic but damnnn
:I'll call you later i gotta go get Kam.

Beyoncé tapped my thigh, "Get up."

Looking up, I smiled and shut my phone off. "No." Putting my hands on her shoulder I bounced my ass on her lap.

She laughed, slapping my ass and I yelped at how hard it was. "Damn, Bey!"

"Get up baby."

I got up and she damn near ran to the bathroom. My eyes started to water from laughter as I saw her struggle to pull her pants down on the way.

"You bout to pee on yourself?!" I cackled. Her pee was so loud, and she left the bathroom door open. "Pissy ass."

"Shut up!" She yelled before a low sigh left her lips.

She soon came back out with a bright smile on her face and grabbed my wrist, "Come on get up."

"Um," My brow raised, "Why?"

"You don't want to have a productive day today?" She asked me.

"Productive how?" I don't have to clean, cook, or care for a child right now, why would I want to do anything on a calm day?

"Let's go grocery shopping. Your house is damn near empty after that party."

Shit, It was. "Our fat ass siblings drank all the fucking juice."

She chuckled, "They needed a chaser."

"It's crazy, we thought that party would've been a shit show." Well, at least I did. Honestly, I had faith in my mom to act accordingly with Beyoncé's mom but I didn't know about our fathers. "But it was actually good, for the most part."

It's good to know they've put their differences aside.

"I thought Solange and Moin would've gotten into it and after the thing with your mom, I thought y'all would've gotten into it too."

My hand waved in the air and my lips pursed, "I wasn't messing up my baby's day for that bitch."

"Onika don't-"

"No, she had the nerve to pull my shirt up like that in front of everybody." I rolled my eyes, just thinking about it. "She should've done that to me when I was pregnant the last time, the way I would've slapped that bitch."

"You should never put your hands on your mom Onika." She tried to scold me.

"Too late for that. That bitch jumped me before." I retorted with a shrug. "Didn't I tell you?"

"You did. I don't like your family dynamic." She said with a slight disgust on her face.

"We aren't all like that."

"Yeah, but you all kinda have similar traits. All I know is you better not ever fight my daughter." Beyoncé put her hand on her hip. "Cause then you'll be getting jumped by the both of us." She said it so calmly, I knew she was serious.

"I'd never. That's my princess."

Azari can't even get me to yell at her, for real. I only yell rarely so when I do, she takes it to the heart. Tears will start falling and she'll start pouting, looking like Beyoncé. I hated it.

Eventually, Bey and I got in the shower and we were on our way to Costco. The whole drive there, I kept hearing Drake "Why you keep playing this man's songs?"

"This shit is fire, what you mean?" She asked with a chuckle, rubbing my thigh. "I'd put you on to some good music if you'd let me."

"I don't need you to put me on. I got a better music taste than you." I argued.

Beyoncé looked over at me with a straight face, turning into the parking lot. "You listen to young boy every day."

A very loud cackle left my mouth and she looked over at me, looking concerned but didn't say anything. Yeah, she better not talk about my laugh.

"I don't even listen to him every day anymore!"

"Only because Azari can't stand that boy's voice. I'm sure when you send my baby off, that's all you play." She put the car in park, sitting back and looking over at me with a slick ass grin, "You ready?"

I nodded, staring into her eyes with both of my hands between my thighs. "Yes."

"Come here," She leaned to me, grabbing me by my neck and kissing me gently. Her hand got slightly firmer around my throat and I bit my lip.

"Let's gooo, Daddy."

She pecked my lips again before shutting off the car and coming to open my door for me. As we walked, I held her around her waist.

"You ate all the fruit snacks, baby stud."

"Oh my goddd!" She dramatically huffed, "When will you stop calling me that?"

"Never, that's your name," I replied, smiling with my teeth showing. I don't think I'd ever be able to stop, it was a habit now.

"We're gonna be 60 and you're still gonna be calling me that?"

"Yup!" I said, popping my P.

She just shook her head at me. We got in and Beyoncé showed the lady her Costco card before grabbing my hand. "Who's pushing the cart?" She asked.

"Not it!"

She glared at me, "You're childish."

Bey took the cart and I walked in front of her. Most of the time, I was doing the real grocery shopping. Beyoncé didn't know how to, if I'm being honest.

She likes to pick up junk and processed foods. I like to cook, so I know exactly what to get.

"Mama we don't even need that." She rolled her eyes at me while I got my oats.

"Good thing this is for me and not you," I replied smartly, putting it in the half-full cart.

Beyoncé mugged me and I soon felt the cart hit my ankle. "OW!"

"That's what you get, stop being smart."

Trying to get to her, I almost knocked myself over when she ran off before I could slap her.

She laughed, at the end of the aisle. "Tiny I'm sorry."

Instead of replying, I took the cart and walked off sending her one more glare. I walked to the next aisle by myself and saw a couple. My head shook at the man with his eyes now on me but his girlfriend bent over, trying to get frozen fruits.

Soon I felt her behind me, pushing her hips on me. Nudging my ass back, I spoke. "Get off me."

Beyoncé bit her lip, holding my hips. "I love these jeans on you baby."

"Mhmm," I pursed my lips, getting ready to be petty. "I bet he does too, baby." I nudged

Beyoncé looked up, immediately mugging when she saw him. He quickly looked away, wrapping his arm around the girl.

I chuckled and pushed Beyoncé's hands off of me. "Bet he won't hit me with a cart."

Now she was mugging me. "Yeah, but I bet his bitch will."

"We can fight it out 'bout my man."

Before I could look at her, to see the reaction she'd have, she grabbed me by my throat, catching me completely off guard.

"Stop playing with me." She slightly squeezed, keeping her eyes on me.

I smiled, puckering my lips and she rolled her eyes at me, letting me go and leaving me hanging. "You think I'm joking?"

I wrapped my arms around her before she could walk off with an attitude. "No baby. Kiss me, I'm sorry."

She pecked my lips, obviously aggravated and I laughed, before letting her go. She grabbed the cart, "Let's go man."

"I'm not your man, Beyoncé." I replied, following behind her. "Stop leaving me!"

She stopped the cart again, turning to me, "I'm about to throw your ass up in this cart with this food and go."

"Give me a real kiss."

She groaned, "I just did!"

"No, you didn't." I put my hand on the back of her neck, "Let all these people see who I belong to."

She looked behind her briefly, seeing that the man was looking again. Beyoncé looked very feminine today so I'm sure he probably liked this shit.

The poor girl that came with him.

Beyoncé put her hands on my ass and I smiled into the kiss. She opened my mouth with her tongue, kissing me nasty only for a few seconds before she pulled back, taking my bottom lip with her.

I whimpered, squeezing the nape of her neck and she let my lip go with a childish smile, "Okay I'm ready to go now." She put my hand on the cart, "Stay in front of me please."

I slapped her ass, "Yes ma'am."

"Aye," She pointed at me as if I was our daughter. "Don't touch my ass."

I smirked, "I be touching way more than that."

She shook heard head at me. Maybe 20 minutes later, we were back in the car. She wanted to go pick up Azari now but I honestly didn't want to.

"Baby she's bad as shit."

Bey chuckled, "She gets that shit from Josey and 'em."

"Oh, I know."

"So are we gon' pick her up or not?"

Rolling my eyes, I went to call Robyn. She answered quick as fuck, "Damn girl, you answered quick."

"I'm arguing with this bitch right now." She replied.

I groaned, "What bitch?" It feels as if we're all gonna have to take a few steps back in our maturity journey for just a quick minute.

"The girl you fought, she texted me."

"What's her beef with you?" Robyn is the least problematic out of all of us. Well, slightly.

"She told me to tell you to unblock her and I told her to die." She shrugged.

Beyoncé and I both laughed. I love my friends, seriously. We've all been through a lot together and even though we've gone through shit as a friend group, we still love each other down.

"Where's my baby?"

"Moin got them out back right now. They're in the pool."

"See, she doesn't wanna go home." I glanced over at Beyoncé. "Tryna kill my baby fun."

"Yeah, she's lit as fuck right now." I could tell Robyn stopped texting since she wasn't concentrating anymore. "Moin got them some Wingstop and the kids sang her happy birthday again, it was so random." She giggled.

"Awwww." I gushed over how cute them damn kids were. "I love them badass kids."

Robyn smirked, "You love them enough to take them this weekend?"

"Hell no!" Beyoncé yelled. "We can only take Nani, You all gotta keep the other kids."

Robyn shook her head, making her way all through the house. "Look," She flipped the camera and I saw them all in the pool.

Zari and Nani had matching one pieces on while Josey had shorts that slightly matched them. I immediately took screenshots.

Moin was sitting on the side of the pool, eating chocolate. "Who you on the phone with Robyn?"

"Your bitch ass best friend."

"My mommy!?" Zari yelled excitedly.

They fell into a fit of laughter and my eyes rolled.

"Zari you're not supposed to call mommy a bitch." I told her.

Her eyes widened, "It wasn't me! It was Auntie." She pointed to Rob who was behind the camera.

"You agreed with me, snitch."

"HEY BABIES!" Beyoncé yelled out and I glared at her while the kids all came to the phone.

"Mommy put on her good glasses." Zari smirked and I chuckled, taking my glasses off.

"Girlll! When I come pick you up, I'm coming with a belt!"

"Okay, we can use it on Auntie Mo." She smiled.

"Stop bringing me up, little girl!"

I looked over at Beyoncé, "Let's go pack the food up and then go spend some time over there. I got a bikini I've been wanting to put on."

She nodded.


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