There Is No Light 🌇 Without...

By MaryMorningstar81

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In this fourth and last book of the MAGIC OF LOVE series we meet the youngest son of Jace Haronnate Nicolae a... More

Fifteen Years Later ...
Cause And Effect
A Visit To Budapest
Alice In Wolfland
The Way She Makes Her Bed, She Has To Sleep In It
Every Action Has A Reaction, And Every Choice Has Consequences
Italians Do It Better
Unexpected Betrayal
Book Of The Damned
It's Showtime!
A Promising Fender Bender
Moonborn's Secret
Together Again
Witch's Heart
Delusions Of Grandeur
Dead Man Walking
The Strongest People Are The Ones Who Get Hurt The Most
Greed Is The Worst Sin
Vintage Night
If The Child Survives, There Is Hope
Valentine's Eve In The Light
Valentine's Eve In The Dark
Valentine's Day In The Light
Valentine's Day In The Dark

The Prophecy

154 16 2
By MaryMorningstar81


Sebastian and Lois lie in front of the fireplace in their true forms, share a glass of red wine mixed with blood to celebrate Valentine's Day.

Sebastian: What's wrong with our kids, Kitten?

Lois: What do you mean? There's nothing wrong with our kids. Damon's in Romania with Alice and Elena's at Connor's house.

Sebastian growls at this last piece of information.

Lois: Calm down, Wolf.

Sebastian: That's why I can't see what she's thinking. She's put up a wall.

Lois: Would you prefer it the other way around?

Sebastian: Yes, of course. I always want to know that my puppies are doing well.

Lois: She's fine. Believe me, I know.

Sebastian: How do you know?

Lois: You insist, don't you? You want to hear it. All right then. She's in bed with the man she loves and she's having so much fun doing it.

Sebastian: Okay. Okay. Stop it! I don't want to hear any more.

Lois: I told you.

Sebastian empties his glass in one go.

Sebastian: I need a distraction. Do something!

Lois: Right away, my Master.

With the wolfish grace that nature gives her, Lois climbs on top of him as her tail meets his and they tangle together. But before they can touch lips or any other part of their body, the appearance of Alexander and JJ in the middle of the living room startles them and makes them flinch.

Sebastian: What the hell, Alex? How can you just show up here like that?

Alexander: Guardian, we have a problem.

Sebastian: How big?

Alexander: Call everyone except Damon and Alice.

While Sebastian concentrates on sending a mental message to the others, Lois walks up to Alexander.

Lois: What's going on here, Alex? Why did you tell Damon and Alice to stay outside?

Alexander: Be patient, Lois. You'll find out when the others arrive.

Lois: This is my son we're talking about, Alex. I can't be patient. Tell me now!

Alexander opens his mouth to speak, but the appearance of the angels stops him and irritates Lois. Matt walks up to Alexander and Stefan and Artemis hug JJ. The others, Jason and Cecilia, Johnny and Lucida, Matty and Eva, sit on the couches while Jace and Mary walk up to Sebastian.

Jace: What's going on here, Guardian? Why did you send us the distress call?

Sebastian: There's something wrong with Damon and Alice.

Mary: Has something happened in Romania?

Sebastian: I don't know. Alex appeared out of nowhere and told me to call you all.

At that moment, Nicolae lands in the garden with Luna in his arms. Jason, who was closest to the balcony door, opens it and the two of them enter the house.

Nicolae: I hope there's a good reason why you're calling me here on a day like this.

Luna, who is a little cooler, squeezes his hand.

Luna: Look at their faces, Nic. There's definitely something serious going on.

Nicolae looks at the angels and hybrids one by one, and as soon as he realizes Damon isn't there, he's gripped by snakes.

Nicolae: Where is Damon? Why isn't he here?

Sebastian: Calm down, Nic. I didn't call him.

Nicolae: Why?

Sebastian: Because what's happening here concerns him and Alice. Talk to us, Alex.

Alexander turns to Nicolae.

Alexander: When was the last time you spoke to Damon?

Nicolae: This afternoon.

Alexander: Did he tell you anything about Alice?

Nicolae: If you're asking about her possible pregnancy, yes, he told me.

Lois: Her what?

Alexander: Alice's pregnancy, Lois.

Lois: Pregnancy? From Damon? How is something like that possible? Can he procreate?

Alexander: The wolf in him can.

Sebastian: If that's the case, why haven't Lois and I had any more children?

Alexander: Because neither you nor Lois can have children since your true nature has awakened.

Lois: And why can Damon do that?

Alexander: That's very simple. You and Sebastian were born as hybrids, while Damon was born human.

Sebastian: If that's the case, then it's the same with Elena, isn't it?

At that moment, the door opens and Elena and Connor enter the living room.

Elena: What's going on here? What's the same with me?

Sebastian: Looks like you and your brother are still able to have kids, Pup.

Elena: What?

Elena looks at Connor, a little horrified, and he looks at her the same way.

Alexander: Let's not get too far ahead of ourselves. We can't be sure this applies to Elena. The prophecy only spoke of the male descendant of the Guardian.

Matt: Maybe it's like the angels, only males can procreate.

Jace: Better take care of Damon and Alice first.

Sebastian: Jace is right. One problem at a time. Speak up, Alex.

As Alexander is ready to explain what exactly is going on with Damon and Alice, Connor whispers something to Elena.

Connor: You're not going to tell them about me?

Elena: I will, but not now. As soon as we find a solution to my brother's problem, I'll talk to Jason.

Connor: Why to him?

Elena: He's a biologist and he's the only one who can figure out what you are.

Connor: And what am I supposed to do until then?

Elena: Nothing. Just keep a low profile and stay away from my father.

Then they both turn back to Alexander, who has already started talking.

Alexander: When I couldn't find anything in our books, I flew to Budapest to look in the library, in the section dedicated to the Guardian and the Moonborn. And as I had suspected, I found what I was looking for there. The prophecy of King David from 1045 BC about the first Tribrid, the being with the threefold nature of human, vampire, and wolf.

Alexander is silent for a moment to give the others a chance to realize what they have heard. The angels are silent, but the hybrids are not.

Lois: And how sure are we that we're talking about Damon's offspring? Often the prophecies are vague and have ambiguous meanings.

Alexander: Strangely enough, this prophecy is absolutely clear on that point ... "When the Whisperer of the Five Elements unites with his mortal true love, she'll give birth to the first of his kind, the Tribrid"

Sebastian: Okay. The prophecy clearly speaks of Damon and Alice. What exactly is the problem?

Alexander: "The birth of the triune being will only bring prosperity to the world if the Whisperer sacrifices something valuable for him. If the sacrifice isn't made, the world will drown in a sea of blood"

Sebastian: I see. And I assume this precious thing has something to do with Alice, doesn't it?

Alexander: "Once the Tribrid draws its first breath, it must feed on the blood of the heart of its progenitor's true love"

Lois: No! No! Not that! Damon wouldn't be able to bear it. If anything happens to Alice...

Elena: Wait a minute! Maybe Alice doesn't have to die. The prophecy doesn't say anything about death. It just says that she has to feed the baby with her own blood. That could mean that Alice only has to bleed a little.

Alexander: That would be great, Elena, but unfortunately, it's not. Isn't that right, Jason?

Jason turns to Elena in a tone that suggests he'd like to say something else.

Jason: The prophecy speaks of the blood of the heart, Elena, and that means all the blood. The heart is the last organ to be drained in the event of bloodletting. So ...

Elena: The baby has to drink all her blood.

Jason: Exactly. And when it does, unfortunately, Alice's heart will stop beating.

An oppressive silence falls over the room. All that can be heard is the crackling of the fire consuming the wood in the fireplace, trying to drive the frost from the hearts of our heroes. The first to break the silence is Luna, who speaks to Nicolae.

Luna: Maybe you can do something. You're an angel with healing powers. You can bring Alice back. If anyone can do that, it's you.

Nicolae smiles wearily at his girl.

Nicolae: Thanks for the vote of confidence, baby, but unfortunately, I can only heal, not revive.

At this moment, Triton's voice can be heard clearly in the minds of the Celestials.

Triton: Nic may not be able to resurrect, but Sebastian can. He brought my mom back, remember?

Everyone except Luna and Connor, who didn't hear the wolf, looks towards the balcony door, through which comes the giant black and white wolf with the different colored eyes, Triton, Titan's son and Damon's alter ego. 

Luna freaks out a little at the sight of the huge beast and hides behind Nicolae, but Connor doesn't. He walks up to Triton and raises his hand.

Connor: Can I touch you?

The wolf nods and the man strokes the animal's soft and slightly damp fur.

Connor: Wow! Elena told me about you, but the reality is a thousand times better.

Triton turns his head and licks Connor's face.

Connor: Yeah, I'm glad to meet you too.

Luna, seeing Connor, plucks up her courage and walks up to the wolf as well, who turns and looks at her. She glances at Nicolae, who encourages her.

Nicolae: Touch him, baby. Don't be afraid. He won't hurt you.

Luna timidly touches the animal's head, and to show her that she has nothing to fear from him, Triton lies down in front of her and rubs against her legs as if he were a dog.

Luna: Oh, God! He's incredible!

And as Triton gains Luna's trust, Jace reaches out to Sebastian.

Jace: You know what, Sebastian? Triton's right. Maybe you can save Alice like you did with Urania back then.

Sebastian: As you remember, I didn't do it alone. Damon helped me by using the elements.

Jace: He can do that now, too.

Sebastian: I don't know if he has the composure, and besides, it could go wrong. Urania is an animal, while Alice... I don't know! I don't know!

Lois: Then we have no choice but to turn her.

Sebastian: No!

Lois: Why not?

Sebastian: Because that's not guaranteed to work either. Turning into a hybrid requires death, but not bleeding out. It's all about the blood, and if she doesn't have any in her, she can't wake up and come out of the grave.

Lois: It's the only solution, Wolf. We have to risk it.

Sebastian: Then I must call Damon. He has a request to make.

Lois: May the Night have mercy on us and help us.


Because of the time difference - Romania is six hours ahead of us - Damon and Alice have finished their celebratory dinner and are already lost in Morpheus' arms. But not for long. Sebastian's call wakes Damon, who in turn wakes Alice.

Damon: Wake up, baby!

Alice opens her eyes and yawns. Very sensible because they've only managed to sleep for two hours.

Alice: What happened, Damon? Why are you waking me up?

Damon: My Dad called me, baby. We have to go back.

Alice: Why?

Damon: I don't know. He didn't tell me. I was just ordered to do it.

Alice: And the Chief's orders must always be carried out. Okay. How do we get back?

Damon: JJ has come to get us. He's waiting for us outside the castle. So get up and get ready. We can't keep him waiting too long.

Alice: Yes! Yes! I'll be ready in five minutes.


After JJ leaves for Romania and the others are busy trying to contain the damage Damon's powers could do when he hears the unpleasant news, Elena takes the opportunity to be alone with Jason.

Jason: What's up, honey?

Elena: I need you to do me a favor, but don't tell anyone until we get the results.

Jason: I don't understand you, but okay. What do you want?

Elena gives him a small vial of blood.

Elena: It's Connor's blood. I want you to analyze it and tell me what exactly he is.

Jason: What do you mean, "what exactly he is"? He's human, isn't he?

Elena shakes her head.

Elena: No, he's not. I tasted him and his blood reminded me ...

Jason: What did it remind you of, Elena?

Elena: JJ's blood.

Jason: How is that possible?

Elena: I don't know. But he told me that his mother died in childbirth. What if...?

Jason: Do you think it's possible that he's a Nephilim?

Elena: Maybe.

Jason: For that to be possible, Elena, his mother must have mated with an angel.

Elena: What if this happened without her knowledge?

Jason: Yeah, there's something to that, but it's also the natural phenomenon during birth.

Elena: You can look it up. He was born in December 2001 somewhere in the foothills of Mount Whitney.

Jason: Okay, I'll look it up. Tell me one more thing. Is it true that you didn't see him coming?

Elena: Yes, that's true. And you know all too well who this happens with.

Jason: Yes, with JJ.

Elena: That's why I'm telling you, Jason. Please help me. You're the only one who can.

Jason: Of course I will, Puppy. Give me some time and you'll know for sure. But you have to understand that no matter what I find, I have to tell your father.

Elena: Yeah, okay, I get it. Thanks.

After planting a kiss on Elena's forehead, Jason whispers something in Cecilia's ear and then disappears into the tunnel. Elena goes back to Connor.

Connor: What happened? Is everything okay?

Elena: Yes. Jason's taken over. We'll know soon enough.

Connor: And then what?

Elena: Then we'll inform our leader and he'll decide.

Connor: Great! I'm screwed!

Elena: Don't worry about it. My father is tough, but there's no one fairer than him. He'll make the right decision.

Connor: If you say so.

A little further on, Nicolae takes Luna by the hand and drives her to his parents.

Mary: What's up, baby?

Nicolae: Mama, I want a favor from you and Dad.

Jace: What is it?

Nicolae: I want you to protect Luna. If Damon finds out about this, he'll explode and we all know what happens when he gets angry.

Luna: Nic, that's not necessary.

Nicolae: It's necessary. Trust me!

Mary: Nicolae is right, Daughterling. You can't understand because you've only ever seen Damon happy. But he's powerful and when he gets angry, things can become unpredictable.

Jace: He controls the elements, darling. The earth trembles, the fire grows stronger, the water boils, and more.

Nicolae: Not to mention that his telekinesis causes various objects to be thrown around uncontrollably.

Luna: The way you say it sounds scary.

Mary: It's scary, but you have nothing to fear if you stay behind us until your boyfriend manages to calm Damon down.

Luna looks at Nicolae with some concern.

Luna: You're not in any danger, are you?

Nicolae: That's right, baby. I'm not in any danger.

Luna: All right, then. I'll do whatever you tell me.

Jace: Finally, an obedient female in the pack.

Mary: Very funny, Harronate.

Jace: I didn't mean it to be, Morningstar.

Mary pushes Jace and walks away. She takes Luna with her, who follows, eyeing the two men curiously.

Jace: Where are you taking the girl, Angel?

Mary: To talk some sense into her. She really needs to learn how to deal with the Harronate men.

Nicolae: Mama, no!

Mary: Shut up, son.

Jace wants to say something, but Mary stops him.

Mary: The same goes for you, husband.

With synchronized movements, father and son raise their hands and surrender. Luna whistles in admiration.

Luna: Wow, Mama Mary! You're incredible!

Mary: I know, Daughterling, and as for you ... Watch and learn!

Artemis walks towards the two women.

Artemis: Mama Mary's right, Luna. The men of the Harronate bloodline need special treatment, and she knows better than anyone how to do it.

Stefan also joins in the conversation.

Stefan: Don't listen to them, Luna. My mom and my wife are a little too excited. The men of the Harronate bloodline are very simple.

Artemis: Says the man who burned down an entire golf course because his son won the game.

Stefan: How many times do I have to tell you, Babygirl, that it was just an accident?

Artemis: Whatever you say, Master.

As Stefan walks towards his father and brother, rolling his eyes, Lois looks at her watch for the umpteenth time and then turns to Sebastian, who is pouring water from vases into the fireplace to put out the fire.

Lois: Wolf, they are late.

Sebastian: No, Kitten. It hasn't even been ten minutes yet. Don't forget that they were still asleep when I alerted Damon. After all, they have to pack too.

Lois: Damon has super speed.

Sebastian: But Alice doesn't. Be patient. They'll be here soon. Tell me something else now. I saw Elena talking to Jason earlier. Do you know what they talked about?

Lois: No.

Sebastian: I've a feeling it's about him.

Lois: About who?

Sebastian: Him ... What's his name?

Lois: Are you talking about Connor?

Sebastian: Yes ... Him!

Sebastian growls and Lois rolls her eyes.

Lois: Mercy, Wolf. You have to come to terms with it. Your little girl has found her true mate.

Sebastian: But that doesn't mean I have to like him.

Lois: Your daughter is fine. You should be worried about your son. He won't be able to cope, Sebastian. If something happens to Alice ...

Sebastian: No! Nothing will happen to Alice. I won't let it.

Lois: Yes, but what about the prophecy?

Sebastian: We'll find a way to fulfill the prophecy and keep Alice alive at the same time.

Lois: Out of your mouth and into Night's ear, because if something happens to my son ...

Damon: What could possibly happen to me, Mom?

Lois and Sebastian turn to see Damon standing in the middle of the living room with Alice in his arms while JJ walks towards his parents.

Lois: My Puppy ...

Damon sets Alice on her feet and looks around.

Damon: What the hell is going on? Why is the pack gathered?

Lois runs and hugs her son, who is now sure that something bad has happened.

Damon: In the name of Night! Tell me what's going on before I ruin everything here!

The others get moving, making coordinated movements to try and stop the destruction. Elena pulls Alice away and places her and Connor behind Lucida and Johnny, who spread their wings to protect them. Luna stands behind the open wings of Jace and Mary, while Nicolae approaches Damon.

Nicolae: Listen, buddy ...

Damon: What's going on here, Nic? Why are you hiding the mundanes? Who are you protecting them from?

Nicolae: From you, actually. What you're about to hear ... The reason we're all here ... Damn it! I can't tell him!

Alexander: I'll do it. After all, he called me.

Alexander goes and stands in front of Damon, who begins to shake with nervousness and with him the windows and all the glass around him begin to shatter. Matt looks around and his gaze lingers on Cecilia.

Matt: Where's your man, Bubblegum? We need his power.

Cecilia: He told me he wanted to check something in his lab.

Matt: Call him and tell him to come right away.

Cecilia pulls out her cell phone, but it's not necessary. Jason comes out of the tunnel.

Jason: You don't have to, Princess. I'm right here.

Matt: Hurry up, Professor. Go to Damon and do your thing.

Jason walks up behind Damon and puts his hands on his shoulders. You see, his ability to calm someone down works best when there's physical contact.

Jason: Come on, Damon, sit down.

Oddly enough, Damon obeys and sits down on the big couch. Without breaking contact, Jason sits down next to him and Alexander does the same.

Damon: Well, Alex?

Alexander: Well, Damon ... As you can see, I found what you asked for, and even though you asked me to keep it a secret, I told your father to call them all.

Damon: This is serious, isn't it?

Alexander: Pretty serious.

Damon: Tell me.

Everyone holds their breath as Alexander explains the situation to Damon in simple terms. The more he talks, the more Damon sinks into despair.

Alexander: That's all, Damon. I'm so sorry I don't have anything better to say.

Alexander stands up and Nicolae takes his place. Damon remains silent, staring at the floor, until he lifts his head and looks at his sister. He speaks to her, his voice breaking under the weight of what he has just learned.

Damon: Did you see that? Do you know what's going to happen?

Elena: No, Bruh. I didn't see anything. I think it's like JJ. Your offspring is immune to my visions. I'm so sorry!

Damon: Don't be, Bitsy. It's not your fault.

Damon puts his head in his hands and starts to cry, his body shaking with sobs. Alice wants to go to him, but Lucida holds her back with her wings.

Lucida: No, Alice, don't go. He hasn't gone off yet. It's dangerous.

Before Lucida can finish her sentence, Damon jumps up and screams so loudly that all the windows in the house shatter into pieces, which are hurled in all directions at tremendous speed. The angels envelop the mortals with their wings. Jace takes care of Luna, while Lucida and Johnny look after Alice and Connor.

Meanwhile, Damon takes on his true form and disappears at super speed through the broken patio door. Nicolae immediately spreads his wings and talks to the wolf.

Nicolae: Come on, Triton. We have to follow him. You from the ground, me from the air. Let's go!

The angel and the beast run after Damon, and the others set about surveying the damage after making sure the mortals are physically unharmed.

Jace: Luna, are you all right? Did you hurt yourself somewhere?

Luna: No, no, I didn't hurt myself. I'm fine.

Johnny: And you, Connor?

Connor: I'm fine too.

Lucida: Alice?

Alice: Me too, but Damon ...

Sebastian: Damon will be fine, kid. This is about you. You're the one who's in danger.

Alice: I know I should be scared, but I'm not. I trust you, Chief. I'm sure you won't let anything bad happen to me. Neither you nor your son.

Alice runs and sneaks into Sebastian's arms, who hugs her protectively, though he doesn't think he's worth that much blind faith.

Jace: Alice, do you want to call your parents and your brother?

Alice: My brother, yes, but not my parents. I don't want them to know anything. Not until we're sure I'm going to get out of this alive. I don't know how long it'll take and I don't want them to have to live with such agony.

Mary: The girl is right. Kyle and Katerina better stay out of it. At least for now.


Damon runs on all fours, flinging stones and dirt in his path. He's more of a wolf than anything else at this moment. Triton runs after him, constantly maneuvering to avoid the rocks, while Nicolae flies directly over the trees above them.

At one point, as they approach the clearing with the violets where they fought Nathaniel sixteen years ago, Nicolae shouts something to Triton.

Nicolae: Triton, do it now!

The wolf then accelerates, catches up with Damon and pushes him out of the way with a powerful shove. Damon tumbles to the side, crashing into trees and rocks until he lies on his back, covered in dirt and blood and completely motionless.

Triton comes towards him and Nicolae lands beside him, shaking out his golden-silver wings before placing them back on his back. The angel and the wolf bend over Damon to check on him. Triton presses his snout against Damon's ribs, but immediately pulls back when he groans.

Damon: Ouch! That hurts!

Nicolae kneels down and rolls his eyes.

Nicolae: Let me see, you stupid hybrid.

The large bruise on Damon's right side makes Nicolae grimace and Triton whimper.

Nicolae: Apparently, you've broken a few ribs. Two or three.

Damon: Then what are you waiting for? Fix me up!

Nicolae: I could probably have them healed like this so you could walk bent over for a few years to teach you a lesson, but you're lucky I feel sorry for you. Take a deep breath because this is going to hurt. On three ...

Damon nods and Nicolae puts his hands on his broken ribs.

Nicolae: So ... One ... Two ...

Damon is ready to take a breath, but because we all know that resetting such injuries hurts less when the patient doesn't expecting it, Nicolae snaps the broken ribs back into place in one motion before saying three. Damon howls, but calms down as the angelic healing light comes from Nicolae's hands and heals his ribs completely.

Damon: Thanks, Nic.

With Nicolae's help, Damon pulls his upper body up and sits on the grass. Triton licks his face and talks to his mind.

Triton: I'm sorry I pushed you, Damon, but that was the only way to stop you.

Damon: You don't have to apologize, buddy. It's okay.

Triton: Do you feel better now? Have you calmed down a bit?

Damon: No, but it doesn't matter how I feel. It's about Alice. She needs me.

Nicolae: I'm glad you got it, you jerk.

Damon: Come on, let's go back, because on top of everything else, I have to apologize to my mom for breaking the windows. She's not going to be happy about that.

Nicolae: That's an understatement!

Triton: My poor little soldier!

Damon: Wonderful!

But until Damon and the others get back home, we'll see if Alice is actually pregnant and what kind of baby she's having, and what exactly is going on with Connor. What did Jason find out about Elena's mate? Let's see ...


While our heroes are waiting for Nicolae and Triton to return with Damon, Doctor, the great and famous one who delivered JJ, whom Sebastian had alerted as soon as he learned of Alice's possible pregnancy, has arrived home with his weapons.

So, Alice is lying on one of the couches and Doctor, whose name is Derek, starts the ultrasound. Everyone's eyes are fixed on the small screen of the portable ultrasound machine. Everyone except Alice, who keeps her eyes closed and prays to Night that everything will go well.

When the transducer is just below her navel, Doctor raises a finger and points at something on the screen.

Doctor: Here it is. Can you see it?

Everyone leans forward a little more.

Sebastian: Where?

Doctor: There. This bubble is the amniotic sac and the raspberry-shaped dot is the baby. As far as I can tell, the pregnancy is about eight weeks old.

JJ: I had already been formed at eight weeks.

Doctor: Yes, I remember that, but from the looks of it, it's going to be a normal nine-month pregnancy.

Jason: You said it's eight weeks, right? So that means the fetus is connected to the mother's bloodstream.

Doctor: That's exactly right.

Sebastian: That's why Alice's need for blood has increased.

Doctor: And this need will continue to increase over time.

Alexander: Damon told me that the baby is already starting to have an effect on her. She can no longer feel the cold and is much stronger than before.

Doctor: That makes sense. The baby will be omnipotent. Maybe even as strong as JJ. It needs a strong vessel that can handle its power. At least until it needs nothing more from her than her blood.

The men talk to each other as if they were alone, working out some kind of battle plan. But the women, who have become mothers, turn their attention to Alice, who continues to keep her eyes closed, only now tears are rolling down her cheeks.

Lois: Stop it, damn it!

Jace: Why are you yelling, Lois?

Lois and Mary sit down next to Alice on the couch.

Mary: She's yelling because you're all talking about Alice like she's not here. But she's right here listening to you and that's why this whole circus stops now. Me and Lois will take Alice upstairs and when Damon comes, we'll come back down. Do we understand each other?

Sebastian: You are both right. Do what you think is right.

So, Mary helps Alice up and goes upstairs to the bedroom while Lois follows her, after first running at super speed and taking two bags of blood with her. Then Jason gets up and drops another bomb.

Jason: Guardian, I know it's not the right time with this whole pregnancy thing, but unfortunately it can't wait.

Sebastian: What now? What are you talking about, Jason?

Jason: I'm talking about the true nature of one of the newest members of our pack.

This statement naturally causes confusion among them and especially Luna.

Luna: Which of the two members are you talking about, Jason?

Elena: Calm down, Luna. He's not talking about you.

Connor: Exactly. He's talking about me.

Connor flinches in shock as Sebastian takes on his true form at the same time as Jace, spreading his wings and showing off his sword.

Sebastian: Stefan, unleash your fire!

But before Stefan can unleash the heavenly fire, Jason runs and stands in front of Connor, who is shaking like a leaf.

Jason: Calm down, guys! Connor isn't an enemy. He's one of us. A celestial being. He's a Nephilim. In fact, he's the son of someone we know very well!

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