One Temptation

By xx_sleepyreader

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Alice Madison Monroe is a charming, innocent 18-year-old that wants nothing but to pass her senior year at Mo... More

Authors Note
Authors Note/Characters
Playlist *NOT A UPDATE*
Enemies and Who? (Chapter 1)
New Student? (Chapter 2)
The Dinner Dilemma (Chapter 3)
Spill the Tea Bestie (Chapter 4)
Comforting & Movie Night (Chapter 5)
The Balcony Encounter (Chapter 6)
A Morning Aftermath (Chapter 7)
Filling in The Gaps (Chapter 8)
Revealing Explanations (Chapter 9)
Reality Morning Check? (Chapter 11)
Taking a break *NOT A CHAPTER*
Update **(Not a Chapter)**
Staring to publish again *NOT A CHAPTER*
First Study Session (Chapter 12- part 1)

Childhood Stories (Chapter 10)

16 1 0
By xx_sleepyreader

Hey everyone :)

This chapter is in another POV. Also, it starts off a little bit from last chapter. Again this is another 'filler' chapter, but an important one because it reveals so much about the POV's life. Honestly I kinda love how cute this chapter is. Crazy part is this is just chapter 10 and I have so much more planned like sooo much more. But this story is a slow burn kind so it will take some time to build up. But I promise it won't stay quiet for the whole story there will be some dramaaaa. Anyway, hope you like the chapter :)


West's POV (From Mads house)

"I hid them so you wouldn't have to get them often. I sat you down and gave you water because I thought you hadn't had any since morning. I messed up your room looking for them, pretending to search for clothes until I realized they weren't there. I remembered where Tiffany said they were. So, I got them from there to save you the trouble. Making a mess in your room again was to distract you from the headache and get you downstairs to me for answers, where I gave you water." I explained.

Looking back on what happened with Mads, it seemed like I cared more than I thought. I noticed her headaches and that she had been crying on the balcony. I asked her about it subtly, but she didn't respond, so I just gave her a look. I didn't press further since I didn't expect her to share, especially since I hadn't opened up to her. But I had to give her back the medicine, which I knew she'd ask about. I spent the whole day planning what to say, but when I did, it came out more caring than I intended.

Even Mads was shocked, her expression said nothing but shocked.

She leaned back on the couch, her eyebrows slightly furrowed and lips parted. She was surprised that I even knew what the doctors had said to her 5 years ago.

"I-I well...umm..." She was at loss for words.

I gave her the most sarcastic smile ever, the corners of my mouth reaching up high. I flashed my pearl white teeth and narrowed my eye's slightly.

"Thankyouforthat" she says in a hurry, looking down, then moving her head up to get a glance at me.

"Huh? What was that I didn't quite hear it." I say holding my hand up to my ear.

"Thank you for that." She says quietly, not daring to look up at me again.

"No worries sweetheart" I winked. Teasing her is something I could do all day. Watching her cheeks turn red with just one word made me feel like I won something against her.

"Don't ever call me that again." She says blushing, moving her hands up to her face, trying to cover her cheeks.

"Okay Alice."


You think I would give up that easily, not in my book.

She scrunched her face, "I'll rather be called anything else by you, but that."

"Whatever I think I'll stick to Mads." I shrug.

"Yea that, thank you Wessie." She says with a small smirk, must say it looks good on her face.

I smiled, 'Wessie'

She really was something else, but she was actually so fucking annoying.

There was something about her calling me Wessie, it made my inner 8 year old self do some trick in my mind.

But I rather be called West by her. Kaleb sounds wrong. She has always called me West, my last name. She was the only one that could call me that as well. I remember Zora once tried to called me that and I got so pissed, but I don't know why.

West leaving anyone else's mouth that isn't Mads sounded wrong. I guess it was the same for her, which is why every time I'd call Alice, she freaked the fuck out. For all I know is she doesn't like anyone else calling her Mads, just me.

On some level I felt special.

I mean who doesn't like a nickname from the person they despise the most.

I gave her a smile. A real genuine one.

I think I nearly laughed out loud when I saw her expression, she looked amazed almost. Like she was admiring me, I doubt it's that though. She hated me on another level, why would she think about me in that way?

But the way she was looking at me, I mean I wouldn't miss a chance to tease her about that. I was used to it though, having girls drool over me. The girls at Mount View High were another story, they would literally throw themselves at me.

Call me an arrogant jerk, who cares? Its the truth.

We just smiled at each other for a good 2 minutes. I noticed her eye's moving over my body. I realised right away, I could sense any gaze on myself.

She started off looking at my face. Like she was analysing me, I tried reading her expression, but found nothing.

I tilted my head, but doubt she noticed because of how focused she was.

She slowly moved her eye's down to my upper body, I could visibly see her breath get caught in her throat. I smirked, she was looking at my abs, I know you will call it a big ego but it is satisfying knowing the effect I have on girls. Even if it was Mads. I worked hard on this Greek god body.

I was leaning against the wall with my arms crossed. I notice her gaze move further and further down. Her expression didn't change though. She had a poker face on, and I could not read her well. So that meant I wouldn't know what she was thinking.

"Can I press charges against you?" I say.

"Huh? What" She replies, clearly caught off guard.

"For eye-fucking me." I say in my most boring tone.

She rolls her eye's, then starts to look off somewhere else.

"Just because someone is looking at you doesn't mean it's eye-fucking."

"Sure sweetheart, just stop before I start doing the same to you." I tease.

Suddenly she drops her smile, I also switch back to my poker face, she rolls her eye's which I think is because I was being a jerk again.

But I honestly couldn't give a fuck about her.

I walked over to the couch again, and sat down.

Mads looked like she was in deep thought, like really deep thought. I decided to ignore it and look at the TV, throughout I could feel her quick glances over me. She stopped after a while and just cuddled up in a blanket.

Suddenly, my phone started blowing up, I looked down at the text message. It was from David, my lawyer. He was asking some questions and needed a time to meet up so we could talk about the case.

We had to schedule a meeting for another plan, because the other one failed after Adam and Tiffany had to fly off to Sydney to deal with the business. All because my dad, which I don't even want to call him that after knowing what he did.

He cancelled the dealership that was in Sydney, just so he could take all the profit from our family. It was disgusting what he did, but he was worse then that.

He had done a hell lot of shit that made me sick to my stomach, it was shameful calling him my dad.

What's worse is mum couldn't do anything about it, that's why I had to get the lawyer involved. Now Tiffany and Adam are in Sydney taking care of the shit Simon fucked up. I feel awful, I feel so weak that I can't do anything, and it had to be Tiffany and Adam.

I don't even think Mads knows what's going on, my family is the reason her parents aren't at home. I listened to her while she talked to Aiden, it's obvious they've caught on but I'm not going to tell her. I've also told Alex strictly to not bring up this to Aiden. Knowing how close the Monroe siblings are they would tell each other everything.

Tiffany and Adam know, and my family does but I can't have Mads hear about this, especially from me. I think my mum had told Tiffany to not tell Aiden and Mads.

You might ask, why do I not want them to know?

I just wouldn't tell Aiden, I rarely talk to him. But the reason I don't want to tell Mads is because this fucked up shit would show her how messed up my life is, that would leave me being vulnerable in front of her.

And I can't just not involve her, because her family is involved now. She is bound to find out one day or another, but I can't be in this state when she does. And I don't trust her enough to find out. I know it sounds fucked up, but it's true, Cole and Jake barely know about this, and I trust the both of them with my life.

I don't trust or like Mads, and I don't want to be in a weak state in front of her, even if it includes her family.

Call me selfish, but my family is everything. They are all I have, I can't afford losing them because I was weak.

I finished scheduling the meeting with David, we texted for a good 10 minutes before I put the phone down and relaxed back. We both just kind of stared at each other.

"You know, your not that bad when you aren't being so annoying." I spoke, breaking the silence. It was true, she wasn't that bad when she wasn't being a bitch.

"And you aren't that bad when your not being such a big dick." she snaps back.

I obviously heard what she said, but it would not be me if I didn't make a tease out of it.

I gape trying to act shocked at what she said, "I have a big dick? Well how did you know sweetheart?" I say trying to play out like I didn't hear what she said.

"Shut up you perv." she says trying very hard to give me a smile.

"Make me" I tease.

"STOP, if you are going to do that get out of my house." she yells.

"Well in that case, your lucky because I was just about to leave." I says getting up, not going to lie I was a bit bummed, but I had to get back home now so I could start to get documents and stuff for the meeting with David.

"Oh-well...I- okay." she say trying to come up with a sentence, almost like she was surprised.

"Don't worry, I'll be back pretty soon for the project if not before that." I comment.

She roll's her eyes, "Well it was nice having you." she says, note the sarcasm in her voice.

I was getting up, I looked at her and she looked like she was in deep thought about something. Her face was tense, but after a minute she relaxed again.

I was about to leave, but I couldn't leave without pissing her off first. And no, I'm not going to whip out another frog or worm, though that would be funny.

How could I annoy her? Well I don't think she would mind if I stole her food.

I walked over to where she was sitting, and leaned over. My hand was going towards the table, but not for one second did I break the eye contact. She then realised I grabbed her chicken wrap.

It was actually worth a loud laugh looking at her expression, I nearly did but I had to act serious if I wanted to pull this act off.

She was still gaping as I tried not to bark out a laugh. I started eating the wrap, and oh my, it was actually so good. Before I had just taken the wrap to have one bite and put it back, as a tease. Now that I tasted it, there was no putting it back, it was too good.

I started eating it, then raised it up as I said "Thank you for the food Mads." Before moving towards front door.

She honestly looked so pissed at me, but I couldn't care less. This is what I loved doing, annoying the fuck out of her.

I moved towards the door, when she opened her mouth to say something.

"Wessie, your clothes, they are upstairs." she says

I turn back and give her a 'are you serious look'.

"Just wash them and put them away in my part of your closet. I might want them when I come back for a sleepover. Or if you really wanted you could wear my hoodie to sleep, I might add, it also smells like me." I smirk, teasing and flirting is something I could do all day.

"Piss off." she says rolling her eye's, then burying my face in the blanket.

"Gladly." I says smirking.

"Also, can you believe we went that long without arguing." I add looking shocked.

She smiled slightly at what I said. It was true, this was almost like an accomplishment for us.

"Okay now get out of my house before you jinx it because you are really pissing me off right now." She says with a scowl.

"Okay sweetheart, don't miss me too much." I smirk as I open the door.

"You are still an asshole." She yells back a little louder.

"You are still a bitch." I say back with a boring expression.

She pulls off her signature move, rolling her eye's.

I look back once more before walking out the front door, smirking as I do.

Guess you could say, my signature move.


I walked out of her house, I had parked my car a street down from my house.

Yes, I lived a street down from Mads house, I always had as well. Part of the reason why our families were so close. We used to go to the same park that is near both our houses when we were younger, that is where they met.

Yesterday when I went to Mads house after calling Jake, I was shitfaced. I came back from meeting Simons agent, I was so pissed afterwards I needed to take my anger out on something before it was someone. That unfortunately happened to be a broken TV in an alley way.

I remember calling Cole, because I had told him about the meeting with Simons agent. The first time he didn't pick up, which I'm guessing was because he was with Jake or at Mads house doing something with the others. When I tried again, he just commanded me to go over to her house.

I understood why, he didn't trust me when I was like this and asked me to come over to Mads house since they were all there.

That wasn't something I'd usually do, but I needed an excuse to get away from what was happening. So I went to Mads house.

But I parked the car near my house, I could have brought up the car to Mads driveway, but I didn't want Simon to find out. If he found out I was there, that would leave all my friends in danger and Mads would find out about what was going on.

I walked down to my house where my car was parked, it was just a few blocks down so I pulled into my driveway. Then opened the front door, walking into my house like this felt weird. No one was home, Alex was somewhere, he just texted me 'cya later' yesterday and then said he is okay and will be back soon. Mum was working with Tiffany and Adam from the office, she was also out for the past few days, after the dinner thingy. Simon fucking somewhere, I honestly couldn't give two flying fuck about where he was.

I had enough of today, it was literally the worst, just consisted of making phone calls back and fourth to David.

I needed something, something to take my mind off of these fucking things.

A girl, a fucking drink, my friends, anything.

I thought about calling Cole or Jake to see if they wanted to come over, but then realised they would ask a lot of questions, and I wasn't in the mood to talk about my personal problems right now.

Could I call Zora? Get laid?

There is no way in fucking hell she would say no, she literally waits for me to call her. But where would I take her?

I don't bring girls over to my house, never, ever. I have a strict 'no sleepover' rule that no girl has ever broken, and no girl ever will either.

I don't involve the girls I fuck into family shit so they never come over, also because they have no reason to. Zora showing up to Mads house was not my idea, (hopefully Mads has told you this).

I need to get fucking laid, like now.

I need to take my mind of this shit before I go crazy.

Surprisingly, I haven't thought about this since morning though. I don't know what it was, but I think it was because I was at Mads house.

Also when I was talking to her, I felt somewhat relaxed, like I didn't need to get up and do shit about Simon. She unintentionally helped me calm down.

But no way in fucking hell was I going to call her, nor was I going to go to her house. Absolutely not. That is never going to happen.

I decide to finish with the documents that have to do with David.

I sit back down on my bed and try to let every muscle in my body relax.

Keyword: try

I just couldn't, I haven't had a good sleep in weeks if not months. I feel like shit 24/7. The only time I feel somewhat okay is at school. I know that sounds pathetic, but my 'badboy' reputation is a good way to escape from reality. But that also ends when I'm back at home or not at school.

But last night I surprisingly slept quite well. I slept on the single couch since we were all in the living room, but it was not a bad sleep.

I fell asleep thinking about the balcony encounter last night. At first I couldn't sleep so I went up to the balcony, and somehow Mads ended up there. She told me it was nothing but I could tell she had been crying. Her eye's were red, and I know she flares her nostrils when crying.

Don't ask me how I know, but I just do.

The balcony was comforting, I didn't have to talk to her, but we ended up having a small conversation. I even caught her in the process of eye-fucking, which was really funny to point out because I could tell she was embarrassed, and I love making her blush.

Even if it's teasing.

Then of course it had to be ruined, you know I really thought we could chat without being pissed at each other, we were doing so well.

And when she checked up on me, the underlying fight we were having, no shit that was fun.

I really forgot everything bad, yesterday.

I felt the most relaxed I have been in weeks.

But right now, I'm not.

I have school tomorrow, which fuck that. But after school I have the project thing with Mads. My dad literally forced the teacher to pair us together, and now I have to do those stupid study sessions because of him.

I still haven't told Mads why I moved classes, and I don't plan on telling her either.

I have no reason to, I just need to get over with this fucking project so I can get rid of her from my life.

I don't want to have her around, I hate her on another level. But enjoy teasing her to get my fun out of it.

She hates me as well, I couldn't give two flying fucks.

I remember when we all were playing in the park, I think we were around 10.

Me, CJ and Jake were having a race, her and the girl were doing some shit.

Anyway, I accidently bumped into her, I even said sorry.

Which is not like me at all. I never say sorry, especially her.

But I did that one time, instead of moving on she purposely fake tripped over some rock and then blamed me.

To make things worse or better, depending how you look at it. She cut her knee, and while I was getting scolded by my mum for hurting her she stood in the corner smirking at me.

That's another reason I hated her. She turned my own mum against me. Sometimes mum would even let Mads chose my punishment for messing with her. This one time I wasn't allowed to use the TV or any other electronics, while she bossed me around for a whole day.

I had to massage her feet.

Which I did, but my style. I tickled her.

She is extremely ticklish, so that was fun.

It's not the only thing she has done to me.

We have played a hell lot of tricks on each other.

I stole her collection of barbie dolls and put frogs in her barbie dreamhouse instead. I only ever gave her like one barbie back.

In return she stole my Lego collection, and then I pissed her off by smashing cake in her face. Long story short I never got the Lego back.

I very accidently, cut off a piece of her hair after she stabbed me with a scissors on my thigh because I threw worms on her at her birthday.

I still have that scar on my thigh.

Yea I know, shit move to do that on her birthday. But it was worth it after seeing her face. To this day I threaten her with worms on her special day and it's funny as fuck.

The pranks got worse over time.

Few years back, I ripped her project pages that were worth our whole grade, because she slapped me.

Why you may ask?

During frog dissection in year 8, I took the frog organs and threw them at her face.

In return to that she took my guitar.

Keep in mind I love playing guitar.

She took the guitar, and smashed it. Infront of me.

The story of pranks is never ending

Last year I may have put sand in her locker and in return she put a rat in mine.

I guess you could say, we really don't like each other.

I almost hate her, but then again, I love teasing her. Though she is so fucking annoying.

We have played a hell lot of pranks on each other.

But my favourite one has to be stealing her toy bear from fourth grade.

In year 4, we had this show and tell thing, where you bring something to school to talk about.

She brought that bear to school, if I remember correctly, it's name was 'Lola'. She talked about how it was her favourite stuffed toy, and how much she liked it blah blah blah.

Anyway, after that she put it away in her bag, and I stole it.

Well more like took it, cause she knows about this.

It was a white bear, with a cream coloured ribbon tied around it's neck. Apparently it was her favourite toy, something to do with memories and sentimental shit.

She cried for days after I took it from her. She found out because I snatched it out of her bag in front of her.

Kind of cruel, I get it.

She was very pissed at me, like to the point where she gathered the courage to throw me to the ground.

Unfortunately or fortunately for her I broke my wrist.

It was awful, my wrist hurt like hell. She still cried for days after that and actually gave me glares that scared me at the time.

So to make it up to her my mum forced me to do something nice. First she asked me to give her Lola back, but that would hurt my ego.

I remember my mum was very pissed at me, she yelled at me and I didn't get desert after dinner for one week.

Then after like two weeks I decided I would give her another stuffed animal, but not her bear Lola.

I was around 10 at the time. My Gran from my mum's side used to give me pocket every month. I would get around 30 dollars to save in my piggybank. She still gives me 30 dollars every month. I've asked her to stop like 5000 times now. Honestly I love my old lady, but I don't want to receive money from her now, even with birthday money. It just makes me feel guilty.

I love my Gran, her name is Elizabeth, but we call her Lizzy, Gran Lizzy.

She is my favourite person in the world, honestly, she was there with me for all my bad days. When we would have problems with dad in the family I would stay at her house, she gave me chocolates, late night talks and head scratches.

Or when I was upset with mum she would come pick me up, I remember forgetting everything bad that happened when I was with her.

I can recall every time I fell asleep on her lap, to back scratches.

But like two years back, she moved away to her home town, she is getting old and wanted to spend time at the place she loves the most.

I hate that I can't see her often, but I try to visit her once every two weeks at least, but it does get difficult since she lives 3 hours away. She is alone there, so I try to spend as much time as I can with her.

Gran Lizzy also has a loving spot for Mads and her family, she loves them. Especially Mads, I mean literally everyone loves her. She is soft, kind, caring and nice. Yet I know how much of a bitch she can be under that soft layer of hers.

She also absolutely loves Jake, Cole, Em, and Lia. She's met them all, we had sleepovers at her house when we were younger.

I love her, she makes me feel like I have a shoulder to cry on if I need. I don't know how she does it, but she makes all my worries go away.

Don't even get me started on the salsa she makes. Chefs Kiss.

Anyway, back to stealing Lola from Mads.

That week I took all my saved up money, all the dollars Gran Lizzy gave me throughout the whole of summer.

I went to the toy shop that is a few streets down from the local park. Without telling my mum, I took all of my summer savings to see what I could buy.

I remember walking into the store, I looked around for at least 20 minutes, thinking of what to get Mads. I didn't want to get her anything similar to Lola, that would just be too nice, and what would be the point anyway? If I was going to buy her another version of Lola, I might as well just give her the bear back.

I stopped when I came across two cute penguins, they were tied together so if I bought one the other one would come with it.

(Just imagine them tied together at their arm or something)

I had seen this penguin stuffed toy thing like 100 times before, every time we went there I would ask my mum to buy it for me.

But every time my mum told me 'no' because there was two of them, she always said something like 'what are you going to to with the other one'. It was true, Alex didn't like penguins and I wouldn't want to keep them both.

I ended up buying the penguins, I remember when I took them home my mum actually flipped the fuck out.

First she lectured me for one hour about how I lied to her that I was going to the 'park' and somehow ended up at a toy store. Then went on about how I could have gotten kidnapped or some shit.

She ain't lying, I threw a rock at a dumb shits head who didn't know how to say excuse me to a 10 year old holding two giant stuffed penguins, to pass ahead of me. The bitch nearly tripped me over to the road.

Finally she yelled at me for spending all my savings, on two stuffed penguins.

After like three hours when I finally got to explain to her why I bought them and one of them was for Mads. She calmed down instantly.

I was kind of sad that she was so happy for Mads, she didn't even pay attention to what I did to make it up to her.

But she made it up to me, I got two ice cream scoops for dessert, and a whole day of eating fast food.

Mum even paid me back the money I spent on the penguins, I said she didn't have to but oh whatever.

I gave one of the penguins to her, and the other one I kept.

I'm pretty sure Mads named it Nala (after Lola). And she still has it, last time I was in her room was when we had the dinner, I am pretty sure I saw it on her bed, along with a lot more stuffed animals.

Like what the fuck does she do with them?

And if your asking, yea I still have the penguin as well, it's still in my room sitting on my shelf, away from where it could get dust on it. I know I make it seem like I would have thrown it away or something but honestly, no.

And I still have Lola somewhere in my room. Probably at the back of my closet, the bear is actually clean and not dusty. Only reason I know that is because a few months back my mum made me do a deep clean of my room, while going through my closet for old clothes I found some things and then got carried away with going through them.

I don't know if she's over me stealing her favourite stuffed animal yet, though it was like 8 years ago, I still think about it a lot. How red her face got when she cried, honestly the tears make her green eye's look like emerald stones...beautiful.


No way I just spent like 10 minutes rambling about Lola and Mads.

Also. Did I just call a stuffed animal... a name?

What is happening to me, only Mads would call a stuffed animal a real name.






I need to get my mind off this shit.

I get up and start reaching for my phone. I scroll a few times before finding Zora's contact.

'Blonde Z #4'


That's what I have her contact saved as...what?

There is too many girls to keep up with. But I bet you out of all the guys in her contacts she's probably put a red heart or some sappy shit like that next to my name on her phone.

All the other guys are the one time fucks for her. Honestly it's same with me.

I don't double dip, in other words, I don't fuck girls more then once.

Zora is the only girl that I've fucked more then once. Mainly because she is obsessed after that bet I placed with the guys. And if I need to get laid like right then and there she very likely wouldn't even hesitate.

I don't date girls, that is something I will never do.

Cole and Jake vowed the same, but Cole broke it over Lia. Which I guess he is literally in love with her so I guess I don't really give two fucks.

Jake is also fucking whipped over Em.

And I plan on staying this way for a long time, if not my whole life.

I text Zora.

Me: Meet me at Rys Roo in 10

Rys Roo is code name that everyone uses for the "party house".

Almost every party of the highschool is hosted there, the house is owned by Ryan who is the most spoiled fucking brat.

His parents are rich as fuck, yet somehow he goes to Mount View High, a public school.

Anyway, all the typical highschool parties are hosted there. Who ever is hosting the party gets 'permission' from Ryan and has to make like a deal with him. And if there isn't a party, people use that house to do other fucked up shit.

Or some just go there to get fucked.

Which is why I called Zora there.

Blonde Z #4: okay Baby, see you there 😘

I roll my eyes at her addressing of me, sometimes I actually find her so fucking annoying. Like she can be tolerable but other times not so much.

I get in my car and drive off to the party house.

On the way Jake called me, I put it on Bluetooth of the car to hear what he had to say.

Long story short.

I picked up and said 'hello' a few times. Bro just let out a witch laugh and hung up on me.

Don't worry this is something I deal with everyday

I park just before the driveway, Zora was already in the house judging by her car that was parked a few houses down.

I went in through the back door since that is always open.

I walk to the living room.

Zora was standing there with a flirty expression on her face. She was wearing barely any clothes, I could literally see her tits falling out of her shirt... if you can even call it that.

Anyway, I don't really mind or care so I just walk up to her with a straight face.

"Hey baby, see you wanna have some fun. Why didn't you call me earlier?" She says twirling her hairs in a high pitch voice.

"Less talking more action" I say back rolling my eyes.

"As you say babe" she laughs.

Next thing I know I'm getting pushed back to the couch and my shirt is off.

"Let's make this fun." She moaned with a wink.

I'm pushed back and now her clothes are coming off.

Today has been a lot.


Woah that's a long chapter.

Honestly I find this chapter pretty cute as it's referring a lot back to Mads and Wests childhood.

I still need a ship name for them.

I revealed a few things about Wests life. It's not a lot bc I don't just wanna drop all the information like that. We need build up.

Anyway, next chapter will be about their first study session together. I'm still trying to think of ideas to put in that chapter but we will see where it takes me.

Until then, Happy Reading as always.


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𝗔𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗲 𝗦𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗲𝗿𝘀 ↬ she's your basic, molded into the background, type girl. She does everything she can to stay unseen. The only people she...