𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧...

allkerishea tarafından

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ᴀ ᴛᴀʟᴇ ᴏғ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛʙʀᴇᴀᴋ ᴀs ᴀ ᴄʜᴀɴᴄᴇ ᴇɴᴄᴏᴜɴᴛᴇʀ ɪɴ ᴀ ᴄʟᴜʙ ʟᴇᴀᴅs ᴛᴏ ᴀɴ ɪɴᴛᴇɴsᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛᴜᴍᴜʟᴛᴜᴏᴜs ʀᴇʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴsʜɪᴘ... Daha Fazla

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven.
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven.
chapter twelve
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen.
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one.

chapter thirteen

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allkerishea tarafından

Good people get good things. Good people deserve good things. That's what Chris has always believed.

It's like the golden rule, only in reverse. And he knows that Shea is one of the good ones.

She's been there for him through thick and thin, and she's always been nothing but supportive. Even when everyone else doubted him, she believed in him. And now that she's carrying their child, he feels like the luckiest man alive.

But he also keeps in mind her past, and he knows that it's not easy for her to forget what Cassie did to them. He wishes he could take away all her pain, all the hurt. He wants her to know that she's the only one for him, and that he would never do anything to hurt her again.

Lately, he's been finding himself having the deepest conversations with her, sometimes about their future, sometimes about the past. He knows she's still hurting. He wants her to know that he'll always be there for her, through thick and thin, and that he'll never stop loving her, no matter what.

"When I was a kid, I always thought I'd marry like ... a politician or something." Shea said, laughing as she lay on her side, propped up on her elbow. It was late, and they were in bed together, the lights low. The weight of her body against his was comforting, and he couldn't help but smile at the sight of her.

"A politician?" Chris chuckled, turning his head to face her. "What made you think that?"

"I don't know. I just ... always figured I'd be with someone who is important." She shrugged, her cheeks flushing slightly. "I never imagined it would be you."

"What life did you picture for yourself?" Chris asked, gently tracing his fingers along her arm. He wanted to know everything about her, to know what made her tick. "What were your dreams?"

"To live on a giant ranch, in a huge modern victorian mansion. With horses, and a G-Wagon, and a personal chef. You know, the usual," she laughed, nuzzling her head into his chest. "Having a ranch house has always been my dream."

"You want a ranch house?" Chris asked, surprised. "You never mentioned that before."

"Yeah ... on a big land. Kind of like a lodge kind of thing." She paused, taking a deep breath. "I always wanted to raise kids in a place like that. With plenty of room to run and play. And a barn with animals. I wanna be like, a country mom."

He smiled, running his fingers through her hair. "You never know what might happen." He paused, his gaze searching hers. "I'd love to give you that. Whatever you want, Shea. Anything. You've always been the best thing that's ever happened to me, and I'm so grateful for you."

Shea smiled back up at him, her eyes shining with unshed tears. "I love you too, Chris. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me too."

"Start looking for a house." Chris said, his voice firm. "I want to give you that ranch house. Whatever it takes, I'll make it happen." He kissed her forehead gently. "You deserve it."

Shea glanced over at him, squealing a bit. "No way." She said, wiping away a stray tear. "You're serious?" She sniffled, her smile growing wider. "But it's like, hella expensive."

"You do know who your man is, right?" He teased, pulling her closer and kissing her forehead. "If you want it, you got it."

Shea blushed, her heart swelling with love for him. "You're the best, Chris." She kissed him, soft and sweet, before settling back into his embrace.

Most of the time that she was home, she would work on the nursery, packing the clothes into the closet and organizing all of the toys. She would scroll through Pinterest, looking for cute ideas for the organization and decoration of the room. She would also spend time with her friends, going out to eat or just hanging out at their houses, talking about everything they were excited for and everything they were nervous about. She couldn't help but feel overwhelmed sometimes, but Chris was always there to remind her that they were in this together and that they'd make great parents.

The seventh month of Shea's pregnancy was upon them, and she could feel the baby moving around even more now. It was the sweetest sensation in the world, and it never failed to make her heart melt. She and Chris had been spending as much time together as possible, cherishing every moment they had before their lives would change forever. They had been going on walks, watching movies, and even going out to dinner sometimes. Chris had been doting on her, making sure she was comfortable and happy.

His fans were wondering where she was and when was her due date and the gender of the baby -- but they would have to wait until she was ready to share that information with them. She wanted to enjoy this time with Chris and their baby without any outside distractions. They had already told their families, and they had been nothing but supportive and excited for them.

Shea spent the seventh month of her pregnancy just trying to enjoy every moment of it. She and Chris were still inseparable, and they cherished every moment they could spend together. She was starting to feel uncomfortable in her own skin, but she didn't want to complain too much. She knew that it was all worth it in the end.

She was also taking his advice and looking for ranch homes in the country. She had found a few that she liked, and they were going to go look at them together once she was further along in her pregnancy. She couldn't wait to start this new chapter of her life with Chris and their baby.

It made her more than happy to know that Chris had been so supportive and understanding throughout the entire process. He had been there for her every step of the way, and she couldn't imagine going through this without him. She felt incredibly lucky to have found him.

"I feel so horny and emotional lately." Shea admits to Maddy, Kat, and BB. "But I just want to be with Chris. I don't want anyone else." They were all sitting in Shea and Chris' bedroom, eating ice cream and watching movies. "I can't wait to meet our baby."

"When are you NOT horny?" BB teased. "But seriously, you guys are so cute together. I can't wait to see you as a family." She nudged Shea's side with her elbow. "And don't worry, you'll get your sex life back. It's just going to be different for a while."

"I know, but -- I don't know." Shea giggled, blushing. "It's just different now. I'm more in love with him than ever." She took a bite of her ice cream, savoring the sweetness on her tongue. "And I can't wait to see what our baby looks like."

"You're obsessed with him." Kat laughed. "I love it. You two are the cutest." She smiled at them, her eyes sparkling with happiness. "And I'm sure your baby is going to be the most beautiful, smartest, and most talented baby ever."

"Your southern man is looking at you." Maddy winked at Shea, who rolled her eyes but couldn't help but smile.

Shea glanced over to where Chris was with his friends. He was indeed looking at her, a soft smile on his face. Her heart skipped a beat as she felt her cheeks flush with warmth. "Mmm." She hummed, biting her lip.

"Don't have a fuckin' orgasm right in front of us." Kat teased, nudging Shea's side.

Maddy laughed, shaking her head. She watched as Chris continued to stare at Shea, a look of pure adoration on his face.

"Mmm. Guys, I think I'm gonna go get pounded in the bathroom." Shea stands up, grabbing her phone. "I'll be right back." She winked at them, her heart still racing as she walked out of the room. She couldn't wait to be alone with Chris.

"Whore!" Maddy calls out after her, but she's laughing. She turns to BB. "You know what's gonna be the best part about them having kids? Being an auntie! I can't wait to spoil him rotten!"

Shea approaches Chris, who immediately stands up and takes her hand. "Hey, beautiful. Ready for a little alone time?" He asks, leading her out of the living room and towards their bedroom.

Once they're inside, he closes the door and locks it, turning to face her. She's wearing one of his old shirts that's unbuttoned almost to her navel, showing off her growing belly.

He chuckles, because she looks so cute and sexy in his shirt. "You know, I can't believe we're only a few weeks away from meeting our little one." He steps closer to her, cupping her face in his hands. "You're so beautiful, Shea." His eyes drift down to her belly before meeting hers again. "And you feel so good right now." He kisses her softly, his hands moving to her hips, gently guiding her closer.

"You're so fuckin adorable -- wobbling around." he teases, kissing her neck.

"Meanie." Shea giggles, wrapping her arms around his neck. "But I can't help it. My body just feels...different." She leans into his touch, moaning softly as his hands explore her. "And you...touching me...makes it feel so good."

"Where, baby?" he asks, moving his hands over her body, tracing circles on her stomach. "Where does it feel good?" He nips at her earlobe, eliciting another soft moan from her. "You know you can tell me anything, anything you want." He slips one hand underneath her shirt, caressing her bare skin. "I'm here for you, always."

"I'm super sensitive... so... everywhere." Shea whispers, arching her back into his touch. "But... you know... in this spot... right here..." She guides his hand between her legs, pressing his fingers against her through her underwear. "It feels really good." She gasps, her hips moving involuntarily against his hand. "Chris... I want you... inside me." She says, her voice breathy and needy.

"Look at that ass -- so round and perfect." He growls, his fingers sliding beneath the elastic of her underwear. "You're so fucking wet for me, baby." He presses his thumb against her clit, feeling her shudder under his touch. "You want me to take care of you right now?"

"Mmm mmm." Shea moans, her hips moving faster against his hand. "Yeah... please."

And he did what she asked for, no hesitation.


"Can we just talk about how sexy you look with a fucking baby bump?" Persephone says, laughing as she reaches for the wine bottle. "I mean, I could just stare at that belly all day." She takes a sip of wine and then motions for Shea to sit down on the couch beside her.

"It's so fun having a baby bump. Not gonna lie. It's almost like a new toy." Shea laughs, sitting down beside her friend. "I can't wait for the next few weeks. I just want to enjoy every second of it."

"Baby boy is coming soon? When?" Persephone asks.

Shea doesn't want to share her baby's actual due date. She isn't overly spiritual, but she is aware of the superstitions surrounding pregnancy and birth. So instead, she just shrugs and says, "I don't know. Chris and I keep joking that he's going to come early because of all the time we spend having sex." They both laugh, but there's an undercurrent of nervousness there too.

"Ya'll are getting active, I see." Persephone winks, taking another sip of her wine. "Well, I'm just glad you're feeling good. You're gonna be the best mom ever." She pauses for a moment, a thoughtful expression crossing her face. "You know, it's crazy how your body just knows what to do. Like, how do you know how to make milk? It's just... built in."

"I know, right?" Shea agrees. "It's just...amazing. My body is doing this incredible thing, and it's like I don't even have to think about it. It's like this little factory inside me, just churning out milk. It's just the most natural thing in the world." She grins, taking a sip of her own wine. "And you know what? I can't wait to meet him. I mean, I'm so nervous and excited all at the same time. I just hope I'm a good mom."

"You are. You're gonna be a better mom than your mom was to you when you were younger, okay?" Persephone tells her, giving her friend a reassuring pat on the arm. "You've got this, Shea. You're going to be great."

"I know. I just don't want to disappoint Chris or the baby. I want to give him everything he needs, you know? I want to make sure he grows up happy and healthy." Shea says, her voice full of emotion. "I just wish I knew what that looked like. Like... what kind of person I want him to be. I mean, I want him to be kind and smart and all that, but... I don't know. There's so much pressure."

"You take everything one day at a time." Persephone says, finishing off her glass of wine. "And trust your instincts. You're a smart woman, Shea. You'll know what to do when the time comes. Plus, you have Chris. You two will figure it out together." She pauses, thinking for a moment. "And if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here for you. You know that, right?"

"Yeah ..." Shea trails off, looking down at her belly. "Thanks, Persephone. You're the best." She takes another sip of wine, feeling the warmth spread through her body. "I just hope everything goes smoothly. I mean, I know stuff can go wrong, but... I just want everything to be perfect for him."

One of the pressures that Shea has on her -- is making sure she is utterly attentive to her child without being overbearing. This balance is not easy, and she is aware of it. It's important to her that she doesn't smother her child with attention, as this could have negative effects on their development. Yet, she wants to give them everything they need. It's a fine line, and one that she's been thinking about a lot.

As a child, Shea's mom was in shambles because of how hurt she was after Shea's dad left them and went to Italy. And she was always struggling to take care of Shea and Deme, which made Shea determined not to be like that. She's going to be a better mom, but she's still worried about making sure she gets it right. She doesn't want her child to suffer because of her own shortcomings.

And Shea does not want to be a single mom like her own mother was for a lot of years, until she met Henley's dad, Henry. She's determined that her child will have a father figure in their life. It's important for them to have someone who can guide them and be there for them, something that her own father failed to do.

The thought of meeting her child, holding them in her arms, feels almost surreal. It's like a dream that she's been having for months, and now it's finally about to come true in a few weeks.

"Girl, I gotta get back to work. But I hope the meeting with your dad is good." Persephone says, standing up and stretching. "Let me know how it goes, okay? And if you need anything, you know where to find me." She gives Shea a warm hug, squeezing her tightly before walking away.

Persephone now owns this upscale restaurant in Los Angeles with her boyfriend, who also happens to be a great cook. She's always been good with money and business, and it's paid off. The restaurant has been doing really well, and she loves being her own boss. But even with all that, she makes sure to make time for Shea.

Shea stands up and walks back over to her and Chris' table. He can see that she's nervous and tired, but also excited about the meeting with her dad. He reaches out to take her hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

And when her biological father, named Timothy, walks into the restaurant, Shea's heart skips a beat. He looks just like she remembered him, tall and handsome, with his dark hair and piercing brown eyes. She takes a deep breath and tries to steady her nerves as they exchange greetings.

He lays eyes on her and she can't tell what he's thinking. He takes a seat across from her, Chris sitting next to her on one side.

Timothy doesn't know how to greet his daughter after what he did to her -- leaving her when she was only five years old -- and how it affected her life. He's still not sure if he should apologize or if that would only make things worse. He clears his throat and tries to find the right words. "Shea, I'm... I'm really happy to see you." His voice is gruff, filled with emotion.

"Hi, dad ..." she says, her voice shaking slightly. She takes a sip of water, trying to calm her nerves. She glances over at Chris, who gives her a supportive smile. She looks back at her father, feeling a mix of emotions: anger, sadness, and confusion. But mostly, she just wants to know why he left.

"I assume you have a lot of questions, huh?" Timothy asks, finally finding his voice. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a folded piece of paper. "I wanted to give you this. It's a letter I wrote to you when I found out about the pregnancy. I never got the chance to send it, but I thought you should have it." He slides the letter across the table to her.

Shea takes the letter carefully, feeling a sense of dread wash over her. She glances up at her father, still not sure what to make of him or his sudden appearance in her life. "Okay," she says softly, setting the letter aside for a moment. "So, the most obvious question I have -- why did you leave?"

Timothy takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. "Shea, I never meant to hurt you. It had nothing to do with you, actually. But ... me and your mom, I mean ... we were kinda young. And I had all the means to take care of you and your better, so I did. But your mother? She was unbearable. She made my life hell. I didn't know how to handle it. I couldn't stand the fights and the yelling. I just wanted some peace." He looks down at his hands, now wringing together. "I'm sorry, Shea. I should've found a way to make it work. I should've been a better man."

"Fights and yelling?" she repeats, her voice rising. "I was five years old, dad. I didn't know what was going on. I just knew that I missed you. I cried myself to sleep every night, wondering why you wouldn't come back. And now you're telling me it was all because of her? That it had nothing to do with me?" Her eyes fill with tears, but she tries to blink them back.

"I thought about coming back -- I did. But your mom ... she told me if I came back, she'd make sure you never saw me again. And I didn't want that. I wanted to be in your life. I wanted to know you, Shea. But I didn't know how. I didn't know how to face your mom and all that anger she had. So I stayed away. And I'm sorry. I'm sorry that phone calls weren't enough. I'm sorry that letters weren't enough. I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you." His voice breaks, and he looks away, unable to meet her gaze.

Chris glances over at Shea, who looks like she's about to break down. He reaches over and squeezes her hand, offering her whatever comfort he can. She takes a deep breath, trying to steady herself.

Shea does remember moments where her mother seemed angry, though she was never quite sure why. She hadn't realized the extent of it all. Her father's words make her feel a strange mix of anger and understanding. On one hand, she wants to be furious at him for leaving her. On the other, she understands how difficult it must have been for him. "It's okay, Dad," she says softly, her voice barely audible over the sound of the restaurant. "I get it." She pauses for a moment, wiping away a stray tear. "I just wish you had tried harder. I wish you had found a way."

Shea's mother, Dorothea, could be ... unstable when it came to her emotions. It was one of the things that drew Timothy to her in the first place. But over time, he came to realize that it was also one of the things that made it impossible for them to have a healthy relationship. Dorothea had always been jealous and possessive, and when she found out she was pregnant with Shea, her worst fears were confirmed. She had felt like Timothy was abandoning her for another woman, even though that wasn't the case at all.

"When did you meet your wife? Bedause mom always said you left us for her." Shea asks her father.

Timothy looks down at the table, remembering the early days of his relationship with Wanda. "We met at work, actually. She worked at my law firm. We became friends first, and then things started to develop." He pauses, thinking back. "Your mom never really approved of Wanda. She thought she was after me for my money or something. But that wasn't the case. Wanda was different. She was kind and understanding. She loved me for who I was, not what I had."

Shea realizes that a lot of the stuff her mother has been telling her -- was a figment of her own jealousy and inability to accept the truth. "I'm sorry, Dad. I wish I could have known you back then." She looks up at him, her eyes filled with understanding. "I'm glad you found Wanda. I'm glad you found someone who loves you the way you deserve to be loved."

Timothy smiles. With Wanda, he had two daughters, born in Italy, named Emelia and Valentina. "Thank you, Shea. I'm glad you feel that way. And you know, even though you didn't have a relationship with me growing up, you and I have always been connected. You're my daughter, and I will always love you." He pauses, chuckling. "Just like your mom loves you, too, even though she might not always show it the way she should."

Shea had spent so much time being angry at Wanda. Angry at her half sisters. And angry at her father, for the things her mother had told her. But as she sits here, talking to her father, she realizes that maybe there's more to it than that. Maybe there's more to all of them than she ever gave them credit for. "I'm glad you have Emelia and Valentina, too. I hope they know how much you love them." She looks up at her father, her eyes softening. "And I hope one day, I can meet them."

"Of course you can. They're your sisters. And they adore you." Timothy says, his voice filled with pride. "As for Emilia and Valentina, they know how much I love them. They're my life, just as you are yours. It's been a long road, but I'm finally where I belong. With all of you." He takes a deep breath, trying to steady himself.

Shea glances over at Chris with teary eyes. "Dad, this is Chris." She reaches over and squeezes his hand, her eyes shining with love.

Timothy looks over at the man whom he knows as 'King of R&B' and offers him a warm smile. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Chris. Shea has told me so much about you."

"Yeah -- same." Chris honestly believed that there was more that Timothy could've done -- but Timothy seemed like a good man who was being emotionally battered in a verbally abusive relationship. He didn't want to say anything that might be taken the wrong way. "It's good to finally meet you, too. I'm sorry that you and Shea haven't had much time together." He paused, unsure of what else to say. "I'm here for you both, if you need anything."

Timothy can't take his eyes off of Shea -- realizing how much she's grown up since he last saw her. He looks back at Chris and nods, grateful for the support. "Thank you, Chris. It means a lot." He smiles. "Shea, the baby ... boy or girl?"

"Boy." Shea smiles, her cheeks flushing with happiness. "A little boy." She looks back at her father, her expression softening.

Timothy's heart swells with love at the thought of having a grandson. He looks over at Chris again, noticing how he's been so supportive and understanding. "You know, Chris, I've always admired you. You're a talented man, and you've been through a lot yourself. It means a lot to have you here with us today."

Chris glances over at Shea as he listens to her father, and he can't help but feel a bit of kinship with the older man. They'd both been through a lot, and they'd both managed to come out on the other side. He gives Timothy a nod, feeling genuinely honored by the words. "Thank you, sir. It means a lot to hear you say that."

Shea listens as her father and boyfriend begin getting to know each other, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. It's good that they're getting along, and that her father can see that Chris is someone she truly loves and trusts.

She leans back in her chair, closing her eyes for a moment, taking in the warmth of the sun on her face. "Dad, I'm really happy. With everything that's been going on, it's been hard to find any joy, but having you here today, and Chris... I feel like maybe things are finally starting to look up."

Timothy smiles at his daughter, his heart full of love and pride. "I'm happy for you, sweetheart. You deserve all the joy in the world. And you know I'll always be here for you, no matter what." He looks over at Chris again, giving him a nod of approval. "And Chris, I appreciate everything you've done for my girl. You're a good man, and I'm glad she has you in her life."

Chris smiles back, feeling a sense of warmth spread through him at Timothy's words. "Thank you, sir. I'm just happy to be here for her, and to be part of this new chapter in her life. And I'm honored that you're willing to accept me into your family." He glances over at Shea, taking in her radiant smile. "She deserves the best, and I'm going to do everything I can to make sure she has it."


So, the meeting with her father was successful, but now Shea wanted to talk to her mom about the things she had learned from her father, and how she felt about them. She wasn't sure how her mom would react, but she felt like she needed to have this conversation.

Henley kissed his sisrer's swollen tummy and then sat down beside her on the couch. "You look different." He wraps his little arms around her and hugs her tightly. "You're glowing, just like mommy used to when she was pregnant with me."

"Yeah..." Shea giggles, returning his hug. "I am, aren't I? It's because I'm going to have a baby boy, just like you!" She looks down at her brother, feeling an overwhelming sense of love and protectiveness. "I can't wait to meet them."

Just then, Dorothea walks into the living room. "Hello, my love. How is the little man in there?" She kneels down in front of Shea, her eyes filled with love and curiosity as her hands press against her daughter's belly. "I can't believe we're only a few months away from meeting my grandson."

"Yeah. I think he's sleeping right now. His head is right here," Shea presses her fingers into her lower abdomen, feeling the familiar movement beneath her skin. "Mom, there's something I need to talk to you about. Dad and I had a conversation earlier, and it made me think about some things."

Dorothea sighs, but she knows this is a conversation they need to have. "Of course, sweetheart. What's on your mind?"

"Dad told me he left bedause you guys kept fighting... as a kid, I never really understood why. But now... after everything that's happened, I can see how hard it must have been for you both. And I wish I could go back and change it. I wish I could make you both happy."

"Shea -- I was a terrible mother to you in the beginning. And I drove your father away, yes. But it was never your fault. You were always the light in my life, even when I couldn't see it myself. And I am so sorry for not being the mother you deserved." Dorothea's voice cracks as she looks at her daughter, her eyes filled with tears. "And as for your father, he loved you more than anything else in the world. He would have never left you willingly. We were both selfish, and we both made mistakes. But we're trying to make amends now."

Henley listens -- it's not about his father -- but he is old enough to understand the importance of families staying together.

"I just wish you had ... been a little bit more open." To Dorothea, those words are strong to hear from her own daughter, but Shea doesn't mean them to hurt. "I wish I could have been there for you, and helped you. I wish you could have talked to me." She pauses, taking a deep breath before continuing as she reaches out, taking her mother's hand in hers. "I want us all to be happy again."

Dorothea smiles through her tears. "I know you do, honey. And I promise, I am going to do everything in my power to make sure that happens. We're going to get through this together. We're going to be a family again." She squeezes her daughter's hand, her grip strong and reassuring. "I love you more than anything in this world."

Shea leans over and wraps her arms around her mother, holding her tightly. "I love you too, Mom. And I promise, we'll be okay." She looks over at Henley, who's watching them with big eyes. "And you'll be the best uncle ever. You know that, right?" The little boy nods seriously, already taking on the responsibility. "Okay, then. Let's make a plan. What do we want to do for the next few months?"

"How about we go to Disney? As a family?" Dorothea suggests. "It's been so long since we've all been there together. And it would be such a special time to create new memories with your brother." She wipes her tears away and smiles at Shea, her eyes shining with hope. "What do you think?"

Henley looks excited as Shea nods in agreement. "That sounds like a great idea! We could even go on some of the rides this time. And we could meet the princesses and the fairies!" He claps his hands together, already imagining himself in the magic kingdom. "I can't wait to tell Dad about it!"

Henley stands up and begins dancing around the room, his excitement building.


Shea and Chris are really in their own bubble right now, always thinking about each other, and how they can be the best parents possible for their child. But they also need to spend time with Henley, making sure he doesn't feel neglected. It's a delicate balance, and they're both still learning how to navigate it.

Their recent Las Vegas trip is still fresh in their minds, and they both remember how much fun they had with Henley at the Cirque du Soleil show.

The media and paparazzi can see that Shea's belly is growing more and more each day, and she's starting to show off her baby bump more confidently. Chris can't help but feel protective and proud at the same time. They're making plans for the rest of their lives together, even as they navigate the challenges of parenthood and their own relationship.

One person who did not like this outcome -- was Cassie. Ever since her friendship with Shea ended, and Chris broke up with her -- Cassie has been distant, cold. And she hasn't spoken to any of her old friends in over a year. She feels so alone.

It's hard for her to not be jealous when she reads articles of Shea being pregnant with Chris. She wishes she could go back in time, undo her mistakes, but she knows that's impossible.

Cassie knew that there was also somsoke else who did not want to see Shea with anyone else -- Winter -- Shea's ex boyfriend.

It was a win win situation.

They both felt wronged by Shea, and they both had the perfect way to make her suffer. All they had to do was team up.

Winter wanted to wreak havoc, while Cassie just wanted to break them up.

Winter had other plans. Of course he went behind Cassie's back and did more than what she had asked for. He went to the extreme.

As Shea and Chris walk out of the Las Vegas Casino / Resort, laughing and smiling, the Valet stands next to Chris' sports car. "Good evening, Mr. Brown!" he chirps. "Your car is right here."

"Thanks." Chris nods, glancing at Shea. "You ready to go back to the hotel, babe?"

"Yeah -- my feet hurt." Shea giggles, leaning into him. They walk around to the front of the car, when suddenly, Chris' bodyguard runs up to them, screaming at them to get away from the car.

Shea is confused, but then she hears it before she sees it. A loud, ear-splitting bang shatters the night air. The car explodes in a massive fireball, sending metal and glass flying in every direction. People scream and run, trying to get away from the inferno.

All she knows is, she's hitting the ground, banging her head on a step in the process. Her ears ring from the explosion. She looks around, disbelievingly.

When she finally manages to sit up, she looks around frantically, searching for Chris. His bodyguard is nowhere to be seen. Where is he? Panic begins to set in as she realizes he could be hurt... or worse.

She begins to hyperventilate, tears streaming down her face. She can't lose him now. Not after everything they've been through. "Chris!" she screams, her voice hoarse. "Chris, where are you?!"

She coughs up blood and feels dizzy as she tries to stand up.

Shea's eyes widen, seeing that the valet has been impaled by a piece of the car. She's covered in soot and blood, and everything hurts. She has to find Chris. Where could he be? She begins to stumble through the chaos, looking for him.

People bump into her and she almost falls over. It's too loud, too much. Her ears are ringing, her head is spinning. She has to find him.

She feels one of the guards pull her wrist, leading her into the building. "Come on, miss, we need to get you to safety." He says, helping her to her feet. She nods weakly, following him through the casino, away from the burning car and the screaming. She just wants to find Chris.

She's still coughing, unable to speak as her hands tremble. It feels like she's going into shock. She looks up at the guard, pleadingly, trying to tell him that she needs to find her boyfriend. But he doesn't understand. He just keeps leading her through the casino, further and further away from the scene of the explosion.

"Wait--! I need to go find him!" She tries to pull her arm free, but it's no use. The guard is too strong. She looks around desperately, feeling a tear slide down her soot-stained cheek. "Please--" she whispers, her voice barely audible over the noise of the casino. "I need to find Chris."

"I'm sure he's fine--" the guard notices blood dripping down Shea's leg and frowns. "We'll find him, miss. Just stay with me." He glances around, spotting a security guard. "Hey, over there! I need some backup. We've got an injured witness here."

Shea feels lightheaded and dizzy, her vision starting to blur. All she can think about is Chris. Where is he? Is he alive? She shakes her head, trying to clear it, as she's led through the casino, away from the chaos. She hopes that wherever Chris is, he's okay.

Her stomach tightens as her baby begins to kick, a reminder that there's another life depending on her. Shea closes her eyes, trying to stay strong, as she's led further and further away from the scene of the explosion.

She throws her head back as she feels the strongest contraction yet, her body tensing in pain.

This is the first contraction she's ever had, and it's happening now. Right now. She can't help but feel like it's a sign, a message from her baby, telling her that everything's going to be okay. No matter what happens, she has to be strong for her child.

"Please ... help me ..." she whispers, her voice barely audible over the noise of the casino.

She hears the gaurds panic as they call for an ambulance, but all she can think about is her baby and Chris. Her breath hitches as another contraction washes over her, and she feels herself starting to lose consciousness.

She feels hands shake her shoulder roughly, and someone is shouting in her ear. But she can't make out the words, can't focus on anything except the pain. The pain and the fear. She needs to find Chris. She needs to tell him... she needs to...


Shea and Cassie sit on the steps to Cassie's home. They're both 13 year olds.

"Boys are so stupid." Cassie says, rolling her eyes. "They just don't get it."

"Yeah." Shea agrees. "But you know what they say, Cass? They say that behind every great man is a great woman." She grins. "And I'm going to be that woman someday."

Cassie giggles. "Oh yeah? And what makes you so special?"

"I'm going to have very special man. Trust me." Shea replies with a wink. "He's going to be amazing. And I'm going to be the best mom in the world to all five of our." She looks up at the stars, her face lit up with dreams. "I can't wait to see what kind of adventure he takes us on."

"Ew! Five kids?!" Cassie cries, making a disgusted face. "That's so gross! I could never do that."

"I dunno. Maybe. I just feel like ... boys can never come in between me and you -- you know? We're stronger than that." Shea shrugs, glancing over at her best friend. "Besides, it's not like it's my decision. It's God's plan."

"Yeah." Cassie nods, having no idea that Shea sabotaged her date / relationship out of pure jealousyand self hatred. "I guess you're right." She grins. "But you'll always have me, right?"

Shea smiles, her dimples showing. "Always, Cass. Always."


Alarms are blaring as people try to take cover. Chris makes his way to where he sees Shea sitting, unconscious. He's yelling at the guards, telling them to help her, when suddenly, she wakes up. Her eyes are filled with fear and pain, and she frantically searches the crowd until they lock eyes.

She begins to cry as she realizes he's okay. "Chris... I'm sorry. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I just..." Her voice trails off, her hand moving to her stomach protectively. "Please... I need you to believe me."

"Shhh ... we need to get you to a hospital." He holds her up, his arm around her shoulders, and starts leading her towards an ambulance. "It's okay, Shea. I'm here. I'm not mad. I believe you. I love you. We'll get through this together." He kisses her forehead gently as they walk, hoping that the truth will eventually come out and they can start to rebuild their lives together.

Once she's in the hospital, the nurses run tests and monitor the unborn baby. Chris sits by her side, holding her hand, and tries to reassure her that everything will be okay. The paparazzi are swarming outside, shouting questions and taking pictures through the window.

Shea is in and out of sleep, her face pale and drawn from the pain. Chris spends the night at the hospital, not wanting to leave her side. He takes turns dozing in the uncomfortable chairs with her, and when he can't sleep, he'll talk to her, telling her about his day, asking her how she's feeling. He tries to keep her spirits up, but it's hard when he's so worried about her and the baby.

"Someone clearly tried to kill you." The officer tells him, shaking his head.

There are thousands maybe more who don't like him and would do the same thing. Chris thinks, feeling guilty. "We'll find them. We'll make sure they pay." He vows, squeezing her hand. "I promise." He looks down at her swollen stomach, feeling a mixture of joy and fear. "And we'll protect our baby, no matter what."

Shea sniffles. "They blew up your car ..." She whispers, her voice trembling. "Why would they do that?"

"It's just a car -- I'll get over it. You're more important, okay?" Chris reassures her, leaning in to kiss her forehead. "Don't worry about that right now. Focus on getting better." He gently rubs her stomach, feeling the baby kick for the first time in hours.

This fucking person tried to kill him, and his girl, and their unborn baby? Fuck no. Chris knows he can't let his slide. His people will investigate, find whoever did this, and make sure they pay. But right now, he needs to be with Shea. He needs to make sure she's okay.

"Ow." Shea winces as she sits up a little straighter. "Can you get the nurse? I feel like I need to pee." She reaches for the call button but Chris beats her to it, helping her himself. "Here, let me help you." He pulls her up into a sitting position and then stands, offering her his arm for support.

Shea takes his arm and they head to the bathroom together. The paparazzi are still outside, shouting questions through the window. "They won't leave us alone, will they?" Shea whispers, her voice muffled by the bathroom door. "They're like vultures." Chris glares at them, his expression dark. "No. They won't leave us alone. But we'll find a way to make it work, okay? We'll find a way to keep them out of our lives." He kisses her forehead before letting her go, promising himself that he'll keep her safe.

"Someone tried to ..." Shea trails off, shaking her head. She starts to cry again, leaning against the bathroom sink. Chris hurries back over to her, pulling her into his arms. "It's going to be okay, babe. I'm here. We'll get through this together." He kisses her hair, wishing he could take away all the pain and fear.

He doesn't admit this to her, but he's scared too. He's scared for her, for their baby, and for himself. He's never been in a situation like this before, and he doesn't know how to handle it. But he knows one thing for sure: he won't let anything happen to them. He won't let whoever did this get away with it.

The tabloids and social media have been a nightmare for the both of them. Every time they step out of the house, they're swarmed by paparazzi asking questions and taking pictures. Chris has hired a team of bodyguards to keep them both safe, but it's still hard to ignore the constant scrutiny.

Chris becomes paranoid and had all of his remaining vehicles checked for explosives. He starts going to every one of Shea's doctor's appointments with her, making sure she's always safe. The bodyguards are always nearby, watching their every move. It's not ideal, but he doesn't want to take any chances with her or the baby.

"Whoever fucking tried to kill me -- is gonna get theirs." Chris grinds his teeth, his jaw tight. "I'm not letting this go." He squeezes her hand, feeling protective and furious all at once. "Don't worry, baby. We'll get through this together. And we'll have the most beautiful, healthy baby boy ever." He kisses her forehead, his eyes shining with determination.

Shea is worried too, but she tries to remain hopeful. She trusts Chris to take care of everything and keep them both safe. She leans into him, enjoying the comfort of his strong arm. "Thank you for being here, Chris. I don't know what I'd do without you." She presses a kiss to his arm, her heart swelling with love for him.

Days later, as he sits down with his team -- the private investigator he hired, his bodyguards, and his lawyer -- he can't help but feel a mixture of fear and determination. They've uncovered some leads, but it's still not enough. The person who did this is still out there, somewhere. And Chris won't rest until he finds them.

At the same time, Shea paces the living room area as Maddy and Kat and BB watch her.

"Girl -- you can't keep pacing." Kat says, exasperated. "It's making me nervous."

"Sorry. I just ... I'm worried about Chris. And the baby." Shea says, her voice breaking.

Shea was so happy and everything was going perfectly until that day. The day someone tried to kill her and Chris. It's been a week since then and she still can't shake the feeling that someone is watching them. Every time she hears a noise outside, she jumps. Every time the phone rings, she hopes it's not another reporter or paparazzi.

"Who the fuck did this?" BB hisses, her eyes narrowed. "And why? I mean, you're pregnant."

"... I dunno. But something feels off." Shea says, shivering. "Like there's more to this than we know."

The doorbell rings and the women furrow their brows. "Who could that be?" Maddy wonders. "I hope it's not more reporters."

"No way. They can't get past the gate, can they?" Kat asks, referring to the new security gate that Chris had installed after the attack.

"No..." Shea says, standing up. "But I'll get it. Just in case." She walks slowly to the door, her heart racing. She looks through the peephole and her eyes widen in shock.

As she opens it -- rather slowly -- Cassie is standing there with a basket in her hands. "Shea, hi. I...I brought you something. I just wanted to say...I'm sorry. I hope you're doing okay." Cassie hands her the basket, her hands shaking. "I know we haven't talked much, but I've been thinking about you and Chris and...I just wanted to show that I ... I still care."

Shea just stares at Cassie, and then down at the basket filled with pastries and fruits. "Th...thank you..." she says softly, her voice breaking. She takes the basket from Cassie and steps back, observing her ex best friend.

Cassie is dressed like a 50s housewife, with her hair in a tight bun and a matching dress and apron. Her makeup is flawless, but there's a hint of sadness in her eyes. She even has that thing wrapped around her head. "I...I just wanted to make sure you're eating healthy. And...well, I brought some things that reminded me of us. From when we were kids."

"Why are you dressed like that?" Shea asks, her curiosity getting the better of her.

"Huh?" Cassie looks down at herself. "Oh, this? It's...it's a thing. I'm trying out a new lifestyle. I've been reading a lot about the 1950s and I just...I related to it, I guess." She shrugs, looking a bit sheepish.

"Which part? The part where wives are getting beat by their husbands, or the ones where they don't mean shit?" Shea's words are more harsher than she intended them to be, but she can't help but feel a mix of anger and hurt. "Look, Cassie, I appreciate the thought, but I don't really want to talk to you."

"I know I fucked up, and I know I ruined everything. And t--that's okay, but I just miss you. I miss being your friend. And I miss the times before life got serious ... when we were just in our bedrooms, kicking our feet, and pretending to be superheroes." Cassie's voice cracks as she talks about the past, and she has to take a deep breath to steady herself. "I'm sorry for what happened. I'm sorry I slept with him ... with Chris."

Shea sighs, feeling a pang of guilt for being so harsh. "I miss those times too, Cassie. But things have changed. I'm pregnant now, and I have a family. And I just want to focus on that." She glances back inside the house, where the others are gathered around the couch, watching TV. "I can't just pretend like none of this happened. I can't just go back to being your friend like nothing's different."

"It's just-- everyone treats me like I'm a fucking nutcase. And it's driving me fucking crazy, you know?" Cassie looks down at her feet, biting her lip. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry, and that I'm here if you ever need someone to talk to. Or just to be your friend again."

"Its not about Chris, you know that right?" Shea says, trying to be gentle with her words. "It's about the betrayal, and how you just...you threw everything away." She pauses, taking a deep breath. "I can't pretend that I'm not hurt, or that I don't care about what happened. It's about you -- you were my best friend and you just allowed a man to get in between us. And that's not something I can forgive."

"I'm trying to make up for it though." Cassie's brows furrow together. "I'm trying to be a better person. And I just wanted you to know that I'm here for you, even if we can't be the same." She takes a step closer to Shea, reaching out to gently touch her arm. "Please, just...just don't shut me out. I miss you too much."

Chris walks up to them, just arriving home. He looks at Cassie and then at Shea who he can see is in near tears. "What's going on?" he asks, concern written all over his face. "Did you two have a fight?"

"No ... we just ..." Cassie trails off, looking down at the ground. She wipes her nose on her sleeve and takes a deep breath. "I just wanted to apologize to Shea. I wanted her to know that I'm sorry, and that I'm here for her."

Chris narrows his eyes at Cassie, not quite believing her. "Baby, let's go inside, yeah?" He tells Shea, reaching out to her. "You don't need to be out here with her right now. Come inside and talk to me, okay?"

Cassie feels her heart break all over again as she watches Chris lead Shea away from her. She wants nothing more than to go back in time, to before she slept with Chris, before she ruined everything. But she knows that's impossible. All she can do now is try to be a better person and hope that someday Shea will forgive her.

"That wasn't the plan!" Cassie yells at Winter. "You fucking blew up their car, like?!" Cassie looks around, furious. "This wasn't supposed to happen!"

"You asked me for a favor." Winter says coolly. "And I delivered. I'm sorry if it didn't go exactly as planned, but that's the way it goes sometimes. You can't control everything."

"No! You could've killed them!" Cassie says, panic making her voice shake. "And now what are we supposed to do? We can't just go back to the way things were." She takes a deep breath, trying to calm down. "We need to figure out a new plan. We can't just give up."

Winter rolls his eyes, clearly annoyed with Cassie's reaction. "Look, I'll handle it. Just trust me. In the meantime, you need to focus on your own shit. Like, finding a new place to live and all that." He glances over at Cassie.


"Uh oh. I know that look." Chris says, following Shea's gaze to his midsection.

He's dressed to attend a birthday party -- some famous person he's close with -- Shea isn't really paying attention. "What look?" Shea asks, looking up at him. She can feel the baby move, a tiny kick against her ribs. It's almost eight months now.

"Thats the 'bend me over right now and fuck me sensless' look." Chris grins, moving closer to her. He can feel his body heat, can smell the cologne he's wearing. It's intoxicating. "You've been having all kinds of naughty thoughts lately, haven't you?" He asks, his voice low and seductive.

"No." Shea lies, but she can feel her face flush. It's true. Her hormones are all over the place and she's been thinking about him constantly. The thought of him touching her, making love to her... God, it's been driving her crazy. "I've just had a lot on my mind."

"What? Like being stuffed until you're drooling again?" Chris asks, waggling his eyebrows.

Shea gasps. "I have never drooled during that!" she says, her cheeks flushing even more. "Besides, I'm not the one who's been...you know..." She trails off, looking at his crotch. It's obvious what she means. "You're the one who's always so horny."

"Nah, I just match your energy." Chris says, slipping on his rings again. "I mean, you're the one who's been giving me all those longing glances and making me so hard." He presses against her, his erection clearly visible through his pants. "And you know what I'd really like to do to you right now?"

"See? You're the one with horny energy -- not me." Shea says, trying to play it cool. She can feel the heat in her cheeks, though, and the sudden flutter in her belly.

He chuckles. "You sure you don't drool while I'm fuckin' you?" He asks, obviously toying with her. "Because I remember one time..." His voice trails off as he leans in, their faces inches apart. His breath fanned across her cheek, sending a shiver down her spine. "I remember one time when you moaned so loud, and I could feel it in my bones. And when I came, you were so tight around me..." His voice lowers even more, husky and seductive. "I felt like I could cum for hours."

"Don't try to gaslight me. I am not a hentai character. I don't drool." Shea says, but she can feel her heart race. The way he talks about it, the way he makes her feel...it's almost too much. She tries to focus on something else, anything else.

"You can be my Hentai character." Chris whispers, his lips barely brushing against her ear. "I could make a whole movie about you and me. About how I fuck you senseless, make you moan and beg for more. About how I make you come over and over again." He takes a step back, eyes burning into hers. "You want that, don't you?" He asks, his voice low and husky. "You want me to fuck you senseless and make you cum until you can't take it anymore?"

"Don't you have a birthday party to be going to, kid?" Shea asks, trying to play it off. But her heart is racing, and she can feel her nipples harden beneath her shirt.

"Calling me 'kid' when you're younger than me is wild." Chris snickers, walking over to where he'd left his jacket.

"Who's party even is this?" Shea asks. All she knows is that the person is big in the Hollywood scene, and she's heard of him, but not really.

"His name is Eric, and he's a big producer." Chris says. "Do you want to come?" He asks, turning back to face her.

"No ... my feet are sore. I like the bed. It's my home now." Shea giggles, rubbing her swollen belly. She's always had this habit of doing that when she's nervous, or feeling self-conscious. "And you know, I'm not even really in the Hollywood scene. I should probably just stay here, be a good pregnant lady."

"Do you know who your man is? I can get you into the scene more." Chris says, walking back over to her.

"So that when we break up, you can be like 'I made that bitch famous' like you're Kanye West or something." Shea rolls her eyes, but she can't help but feel a little flattered.

"Me and you are gonna fight for that comment." He makes a face at her. "No, but seriously. I can get you in touch with people."

"I don't need it though. Uh, hello. Your future wife made 100 million with one contract." She boops his nose with a playful gesture. "I'm good. But thanks."

"That's kinda hot." Chris grins. "You know, I could get you to start up a YouTube channel or something. Just talking about your life, your pregnancy, things like that. People eat that shit up." He pauses, considering it. "Maybe even some mommy vlogs or something. You know, show off the baby once it's born."

She pouts, suddenly feeling a little insecure. She looks down at her swollen belly, rubbing it gently. "If you think it's a good idea...I mean, I could try it."

"I give you full permission to be a vlog queen, baby. I'll even be in some of the videos with you. Like, we can do couple vlogs and stuff. It'll be fun." He leans in, kissing her forehead.

"Maybe ..." Shea didn't really like the idea of showing her baby off to the world, but maybe with Chris by her side, she wouldn't be so self-conscious. "We'll see. It's just ... I don't know. I'm kind of a private person."

"We should make an OnlyFans together." Chris grins, sitting down on the bed next to her.

"You are so wild." Shea laughs, shaking her head. "But if that's what you want, okay."

"Are you for real?" Chris asks, looking at her skeptically.

"I mean, what kind of videos do you wanna put on there?" She asks, feeling a little nervous. She'd never really been one to share herself with strangers like that. But if it made Chris happy...

He shrugs, leaning back against the headboard. "Whatever you're comfortable with. It's your body." His gaze flickers down to her stomach for a moment before meeting her eyes again. "And you've got a pretty hot pregnancy bod."

"I do." Shea blushes, making him laugh.

He reaches over, tracing circles around her belly button. "So, what do you think? You want to make some videos together?"

"Yeah. But no doggy style. I hate it." She says.

"Whyyyyy? It's the best." He teases, leaning in to kiss her. "You know you like it." His hand slides up, cupping her breast over her shirt. "And you're so sexy like that."

"No. I feel so awkward. And you fuckin' suffocate me, like ... sir, give me some air." She laughs, moving his hand away.

"That's cap for real. You just can't stay still." He grins, pulling her into a hug.

"I'm being impaled -- how do I stay still for that?" She giggles, nestling into him. "You literally put your hand on the back of my head."

"Okay, but when I do that -- it means turn your shit and boom. All you gotta do is turn your head." He kisses the top of her head, feeling her body relax against his.

"You literally give me no time to react." She says, still giggling. "But it's fine. I'm used to it now." She yawns, stretching her arms above her head. "When you come back, bring me food."

"Yes mommy." he kisses her forehead, then stands up and heads towards the door. "I love you." He wiggles his eyebrows at her before leaving.

Shea giggles, watching him go. Once the door is closed, she lies back on the bed, letting out a contented sigh. She runs her fingers through her hair, feeling the weight of her belly press against her back. The baby is kicking, and she reaches down, pressing her hand against the spot where she can feel him moving.

It's amazing how much life can fit inside of her.

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