Disventure Camp Season 1 AU

By Charhills81

834 30 0

What the title says More

Logged and Loaded
Mazed and Confused
Slip N Slide
Baking my Heart!
The Most Tranqulious Game

Meet Me In Tipiskaw

315 7 0
By Charhills81

Derek and Trevor: "Hello and welcome to Disventure Camp!"

Derek: "Where our competitors face certain danger and harm in challenges..."

Trevor: "But they all have fun in the end! Right....?"

Derek shakes his head as Trevor frowns upon this.

Derek: "Don't mind our uh.... Weirdo host over here." He points at Trevor, "But, anyways! We shall get on with the game!"

Trevor: "We didn't even ex-"

The recording ends and then shows it to a bus full of teenagers or young adults and even a CHILD!?

???: "Hey... uh... doesn't anyone find it a bit alarming that there's a child here?"

A orange haired girl with dark green eyes asked, a bit skeptical of that fact.

???: "Uh..." The little girl looked at the orange haired girl, "I'm allowed to...?"

A guy with the book, looking like he could be a history teacher glared at the others. He didn't seem like the type to interact.

???: "So, what's yall guys names? Could seem like a buncha friendgroup and all!" The blonde girl with a cowboy hat chuckled, rubbing her head.

???: "I'm Fiore.... A 6 year old..."

Everyone wasn't so shocked at the statement but the blonde girl definitely was.

???: "I- my name is Ashley... but girl, Fiore, how are you-?"

Fiore shrugged, then went back to her notebook.

Ashley: "Poor girl... she looks so clueless."

—Confessional area—

Fiore: "Haha! People already think I'm a helpless and clueless 6 year old who is so very dumb and doesn't know anything! This is perfect!" The giggling continues on.

The train arrived at a stop, where the hosts, Derek and Trevor, were situated at.

Derek: "You guys made it without any failure! Good job!" Derek clapped his hands, while Trevor shot him a look.

Ashley held onto Fiore's hand, she didn't want her getting hurt or anything.

Ellie: "So what is this about?" Ellie completely disregarded the fact that they're staying at a reality show.

Derek: "Didn't you hear? This is a reality show, consisting of around I don't know... 16 campers...? Urgh, anyways... your here at Camp Tipiskaw! Where your meant to battle your way through challenges and try to win for your team and gain points! If you don't, you will get sent to the voting grounds, where the winners have a prize! And it will be where one of you will get voted out..."

He was expressive... that's for sure.

Ellie: "Yeah, I think I know now." Gabby giggled at her comment. Ellie smiled a little, but was confused on why.

—Confessional area—

Gabby: "Ellie's funny! I should scout her in a alliance if she's on my team!"

Trevor: "Now for the teams... the teal team can include Dan, Miriam, Ellie, Gabby, Drew, Alec, and Will!"

The 7 people that were called out stepped on their teal team carpet on the edge of the dock.

Derek: "For the purple team.... Fiore, Tom, Jake, Grett, Nick, Ashley, and Lill!"

The 7 people that were called out stepped on their purple team carpet on the edge of the dock.

Trevor: "Now, may our competitions return to their respected tents?" Trevor asked, letting them go and talk.

Switching over to the teal team's perspective.

Dan: "Uh so... how is everyone's day... so far?"

Alec: "Fine, I guess." Ellie nods.

Gabby: "I'm doing spectacular! I hope I see some animals on the way here!"

She spots a rabbit, gasps in shock and tries to catch it.

Not soon after, the rabbit got hit by a book.

Alec: "Woops."

It seemed to be a accident but Gabby had a temper.


Dan: "W-Well, Gabby- the rabbit seemed to get hit by just a inch. So it seems to be passed out."

Gabby picked the rabbit up.

Gabby: "I'm gonna name it Rupert!"

Drew smiled as he seemed to write something on his notebook: Gabby, you should treat it so it doesn't gain a infection from a impact of Alec's book landing on it.

They all nodded.

Will: "I-I think we're near to our cabins..."

They went forward.

Switching over to purple team.

Ashley: "It seems nice to be goin' out at a time like this, eh?"

Fiore: "Yeah! Especially the birds singing and stuff."

Jake: "Hey, Tom, are you sure your suit will be capable of this heat?"

Tom smiled

Tom: "Yeah!"

Lill: "At least, you won't get sunstroke!"

Nick: "My cashmere jacket is gonna give me sunstroke..."

Nick rolled his eyes.

Fiore trips on a rock.

Fiore: "WAHHHHHH!"

Ashley notices and picks her up, putting her on her back.

—Confessional area—

Fiore: "That stick wasn't apart of my plan... but it helps if I need to manipulate more people! Haha!" Fiore laughed.

Lill: "Are you alright, deary?"

Fiore: "Yeah... I'm alright... but, my leg! Ouch!" Fiore's leg stinged so badly.

Alec sighed.

Nick: "This is such a disadvantage to our team! A child and also she hurt her leg for flipping gods sake! Let's vote her out if we lose a challenge!"

Jake: "Are you serious!? Your crazy! She's just a kid and hurt her leg! Can't you at least give a small bit of respect?"

Tom: "Yeah, I agree. I can't believe you said that about a kid hurting their leg. Maybe YOU should be the one getting voted off if we lose."

Ashley: "Ya'll st-"

Nick: "Yeah, well for fucks sake I'm not letting a child ruin our team!"

Tom: "Your the one ruining it, Nick."

Ashley sighed.


The argument blocked out Ashley's words.

Tom: "Your probably 26 living with your parents still!"


Everyone bursted out laughing at the truth that Nick still stays with his family at the age of 26.

Fiore: "I bet the teal team is having less fun than us!"

Nick: "Shut up!"

Ashley had no choice to but to kick Nick in the balls.

Ashley: "That should quiet him down for a bit."

—Conversation area—

Jake: "Ugh... everything's already turning into a me-"

He sees Ellie right next to him.

Ellie: "Oh, sorry. I thought this confessional spot was empty."

Ellie: "Do you mind if I scoot over?"

Jake hesitantly nods his head, trying to get against the wall.

Ellie: "So, what's the haps? Nothing's interesting happening at my team."

Jake sighed.

Jake: "My team's fighting over Fiore tripping on a stick. Nick began the argument, saying it was a disadvantage because she was a child and she tripped over a stick. Tom and Jake advanced onto the argument alongside Ashley a little. Lill was staying quiet, which was good for her sake. I don't want her getting hit by them. And then, Nick got kicked in the balls by Ashley so he will be quiet for a bit." During all this explaining, Ellie has a petrified face.

Ellie: "I can't believe this happened just because she tripped over a frickin' stick... adults are so insensitive nowadays, eh?"

Jake: "Hm... I suppose that's right."

Ellie: "Alliance, maybe? We can squeeze in Fiore and Gabby. I have a feeling that Fiore kid is a pretty good person."

Alec thought about it for a minute, then nodded.

Jake: "Sure. What's in it for us?"

Ellie: "Huh...? It's just a deal. Nothing serious- unless, your actually expecting something?" Ellie asked.

Jake: "Uh.. nothing. Sorry. We shouldn't be occupied for much longer, shall we now?"

Alec grunted, getting out of his stall.

Dan was right infront of them, as soon as he opened the stall which gave Ellie a scare.

Dan: "Uh... are you guys doing anything dirty...? If so, I can just leave you guys alone."

Dan runs off, Alec tries to set off too but couldn't get to him.

Dan grabbed Drew while he was at it.

Ellie: "Are Dan and Drew in another alliance like us?"

Alec: "I suppose."

Trevor (over the horn): "Get over to the dock guys! Something important."

They all gathered there.

Derek: "So, haha... *gulp* One of you will be voted off, so get your votes up."

Fiore and Ellie: "Already?"

Derek nodded.

The votes were in.

Derek: "The votes are in! Tom and Drew!"

Drew and Tom were surprised to say the least.

Derek: "JK! You guys just get switched over to the opposite team, so Drew joins purple team and Tom joins teal team! Got it?"

Drew and Tom quickly switched over.

Derek: "So, now for the actual challenge! Paintball but make it more competitive!" **yada, because i am not explaining the entirety of that paintball challenge*

Everyone got into their positons in paintball team and getting their gear on

Switching to purple team..

Ashley: "I can't believe I'm about to say this, but what in tarnation! This is ridiculous! It cannot be that extreme!"

Drew's notebook got splattered by paint and therefore it got ripped apart.

Nick giggled a little.

Jake: "Don't even dare or I make Ashley kick you in the balls again."

Nick: "Geez louise, not that serious okay!?"

Ashley: "This drama is getting dumb now."

Fiore: "Yeah...! Just because I got hurt doesn't mean it need to be serious!"

Dan and Tom lurched out from the bushes and ambushed a attack on them and stole their flag but Ashley managed to grab hold of Dan's weak arms and throw him on the bench beside Fiore. With Tom, she decided to do a planned attack with Lill, while Lill did not like the idea of violence actually being used against someone. It helps in a competition. She took the flag away from Tom, but Tom also managed to grab ahold of the flag with force.

Tom: "Now, I don't like to hurt woman so do this easy and simple for me."

Lill: "Sorry, but I simply cannot do that deary."

Tom groaned. He scratched Lill a bit harshly but Ashley began to do a counter-attack from behind. Grabbing the flag, she also squeezed Tom's mask a bit. He panicked and tries to stop her.

Tom: "Get off!"


Tom: "Just, get off! Ugh! Please. I don't wanna make this anymore hard for all of us!"

Ashley: "It's all hard anyways!"

Fiore: "Wait what- that sounds wrong."

Nick began to giggle, but Dan threw a bottle of expired and rotten water he found on the ground at Nick. Dan managed to have the other half of the flag so he ran over to Trevor and Derek but as soon as he did, Nick caught him in a heartbeat.

Fiore: "He managed to do something for the team!"

Lill: "Gre- wait, where the hell is she?"

Switching over the purple team.

Grett had already gone over to the purple team main area, hiding in the bushes.

Ellie: "Now about our alliance, Gabby.. we need to go over some rules, okay?"

Gabby nodded hesitantly.

Ellie: "First off, no leaking our alliance to untrustworthy players. They're not worth our time too. Second rule, whatever you do, don't speak to me during team meeting times or anything."

Grett came out from the bushes.

Grett: "You guys have a alliance?"

Ellie and Gabby: "Oh boy."

Grett: "Don't worry! I won't tell anyone. Only if you let me join."

Ellie: "Seriously?"

Grett nodded.

Ellie: "Fine, but don't leak our alliance. Or else. Your getting convicted to getting voted off. I have my ways to convince."

Grett: "Okay, alliance leader."

Jake smirked, as Drew and Lill sneakily grabbed the flag away from the team.

Grett: "GO GUYS! GO!"

Lill and Drew ran as fast as they could, but Drew tripped over a rock. Fortunately, he wasn't the one holding the flag.

Lill had won for the team!

Derek: "Congrats, Lill! Unfortunately, this episode won't be a elimination. But next time, it will!" Derek winked to the camp.

Switching over to the purple team campsite.

Ashley: "I'm so glad I worked and trained myself for this moment!" She smiled.

Fiore: "I'm sorry that I didn't do much, guys... my leg..."

Nick: "See? This is why we shouldn't let a child on our team. She should be sent home next episode."

Ashley: "Just leave her alone for darn sake!"

Nick rolled his eyes.

They all went to bed.

Switching to the docks.

Derek: "Ah, that was such a impactful and dramatic episode. Can't wait to see more!"

Derek and Trevor: "See you next time at Disventure Camp!"

Trevor: "Wait our camp says T-"

Derek: "W-We will change that later, haha... anyways, see you later guys!"

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