Blind Love (Reader X Nightmar...

By YandereEmo

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(Obsessed)Nightmare Sans x Blind Reader Trigger Warning! Abuse! For Mature Audiences ~~~ Y/n has known nothi... More

My Catalyst
My Hero
Before The Storm
Your Enemies are Mine
A Good Dream
The Embodiment of Light
Selfish, Blinding, Scorching Sunlight!
The Shadow's Claim
An Agreement
Your Choice
Void Angel
Animal Impulses
Should I Stay or Go?
If I Go
Ink Jam
Harbinger of Night
Quality Time
Falling apart

Law of Equivalent Exchange

109 5 0
By YandereEmo

An asteroid field sprawled out like a celestial graveyard, a testament to the cosmic forces that shaped the universe. Countless rocky bodies, ranging in size from mere pebbles to towering monoliths, drifted through the void, their jagged surfaces scarred by aeons of cosmic collisions. Amidst the darkness, the asteroids shimmered with an otherworldly beauty, their surfaces glinting with the light of distant stars.

Navigating through the treacherous terrain of the asteroid field was no easy feat, requiring skill and precision to avoid the deadly obstacles that littered the cosmic landscape. Debris floated lazily through the void, creating a mesmerizing dance of destruction as asteroids collided with one another, sending shards of rock hurtling through space like deadly projectiles.

As Dream's arms enveloped me, lifting me from the cold, lifeless surface of the asteroid, a wave of nausea washed over me, threatening to overwhelm my senses. The disorienting sensation gnawed at my stomach with each passing moment.

With every step, my surroundings blurred into a chaotic whirl of jagged rocks and an empty void, the desolate landscape stretching out before me like a vast, endless expanse of nothingness. Fresh and Blue hovered nearby, their presence a reassuring anchor amidst the unsettling emptiness of the asteroid field, their watchful eyes scanning for any sign of danger.

As we pressed onward, the anticipation of our encounter with Nightmare hung heavy in the air, a palpable tension that seemed to thicken with each passing moment. Though I longed to steel myself against the impending confrontation, the persistent waves of nausea threatened to undermine my resolve, leaving me feeling weak and vulnerable in the face of the looming presence.

But despite the turmoil raging within me, I hoped that I could rely on Dream and the two to see me through the ordeal ahead. I steeled myself for the trials that lay ahead, ready to confront Nightmare.

As we approached the large asteroid where Nightmare and his crew awaited, a sense of foreboding settled over me like a suffocating shroud. Ink stood at the forefront, his dark silhouette stark against the barren landscape, his gaze fixed on us with an intensity that sent shivers down my spine. The air crackled with tension, thick with the weight of unspoken threats and hidden agendas.

Nightmare's crew loomed behind him, a motley assortment of sinister figures bathed in the eerie glow of the asteroid's dim light. Their faces were obscured by shadows, their intentions veiled in secrecy, yet their presence sent a chill racing down my spine. I could feel their malevolent energy pulsating through the void, a tangible reminder of the danger that lurked in the darkness.

As we landed on the asteroid's surface, the gravity of the situation weighed heavily upon us, the sense of impending conflict hanging in the air like a storm on the horizon. Fresh and Blue stood at my side, their expressions grim as they braced themselves for the confrontation that lay ahead. Despite the odds stacked against us, I knew that we would stand together, united in our determination to face whatever challenges awaited us.

With a deep breath, I squared my shoulders and prepared to meet Nightmare and his crew head-on, steeling myself. As our group's eyes met across the desolate expanse of the asteroid, I could sense the tension reaching its breaking point, the moment of reckoning drawing ever closer.

Dream stepped forward, his voice echoing across the desolate expanse of the asteroid field, Fresh and Blue stood beside me, their expressions tense with anticipation. The weight hung heavy in the air, the tension palpable as we faced off against Nightmare and his crew.

"We brought Y/n! Give us Ink!" Dream's voice rang out, carrying over the barren landscape with a fierce determination that brooked no argument. His words reverberated through the void, a bold declaration of our intent to negotiate for the release of their friend.

Nightmare's response was swift and uncompromising. "Send Y/n over first," he commanded, his voice carrying a note of menace that sent a chill racing down my spine. The demand hung in the air like a dark cloud, casting a shadow over our hopes of a peaceful resolution.

Before anyone could react, I stepped forward, my voice cutting through the tense silence like a blade. "Everyone shut up!" I yelled, the force of my words ringing out with a clarity that demanded attention. "We'll walk over at the same time," I declared, my tone firm and resolute despite the roiling turmoil within me.

"Blue... will you help me cross?" My voice strained with the throbbing pain pulsing through my head. The sensation was overwhelming, like a relentless drumbeat pounding against my skull, threatening to engulf me in a haze of agony.

With a gentle touch, Blue took my hand, his presence a comforting anchor amidst the chaos that surrounded us. Together, we began to traverse the treacherous terrain of the asteroid field, his steady guidance ensuring that each step was sure and steady. "Blue is going to help me since I'm blind," I shouted over to the others, my voice carrying a note of urgency as I pleaded for their cooperation. "Do not attack him!"

Nightmare's begrudging acquiescence hung heavy in the air, a reluctant concession to the delicate balance of power that governed our uneasy truce. "Fine," he spoke, his voice tinged with a hint of resentment. "We'll send Ink first, then when you are here, we'll give Blue Ink's things."

As we pressed forward, my head continued to throb with a persistent ache, the pain threatening to overwhelm my senses with each passing moment. But I refused to let it deter me, my determination driving me forward even as my legs protested with each step.

I listened intently to the rhythm of our footsteps as we walked, each sound a steady cadence that echoed through the desolate expanse of the asteroid field. With Blue's steady guidance, I felt a sense of reassurance wash over

me, his presence a steady anchor amidst the uncertainty of our surroundings.

But as we passed Ink, a palpable tension hung in the air, the weight of impending conflict looming over us like a dark cloud. Blue's hand trembled slightly in mine, a silent testament to the gravity of the situation we found ourselves in.

Suddenly, Blue came to a stop, his grip on my hand tightening slightly before he gently lifted it, guiding it towards Nightmare's waiting grasp. My fingers brushed against the familiar texture of Nightmare's clothing as he pulled me close to his chest, a belt passing between us as a silent exchange took place.

For a moment, we stood locked in a silent tableau, the tension thick in the air as we prepared to turn away. A familiar sound of sand hitting metal, we began to walk once more, the pounding in my head gradually fading into the background as we forged ahead.

As I stepped through the threshold, leaving behind the tension-filled atmosphere of our rendezvous with Nightmare and his crew, a sense of relief washed over me like a cool breeze on a sweltering day. The cacophony of voices faded into the distance, replaced by the gentle symphony of night animals calling out in the darkness.

With each passing moment, the lingering nausea that had plagued me since the outset of our encounter began to dissipate, gradually receding like a retreating tide. The weight that had pressed down on my chest lifted, replaced by a sense of newfound freedom and clarity.

As I savoured the sensation of relief washing over me, I felt Nightmare's hand gently squeeze mine, a silent gesture of understanding and solidarity. Despite the animosity that had simmered between us moments before, his touch was surprisingly reassuring, a tangible reminder that even amidst the chaos of our circumstances, moments of connection and empathy were still possible.

As I turned towards Nightmare, a tumult of conflicting emotions swirling within me, I found myself drawn to him with an inexplicable sense of longing and familiarity. With a deep breath, I closed the distance between us and enveloped him in a tight embrace, seeking solace in the comforting presence of his arms.

In the quiet stillness of our embrace, my hand instinctively sought out his cheek, my touch gentle yet tinged with a hint of reproach. His reaction was palpable, his body tensing beneath my touch as uncertainty flickered across his features. But before he could utter a word, my resolve hardened, and I delivered a swift punch to his jaw with all the pent-up frustration and anger that had been building within me.

The sudden violence sent a ripple of tension through the surrounding space, the air crackling with the unmistakable sound of weapons being drawn. His companions shifted nervously, their eyes darting between Nightmare and me, unsure of how to react to the sudden escalation of emotions.

"That was for torturing Ink," I declared, my voice sharp and commanding as I folded my arms across my chest, the weight of my accusation hanging heavy in the air. Nightmare's silence spoke volumes, his expression a mixture of remorse and regret as he met my gaze with an intensity that mirrored my own.

But before he could explain, I cut him off with a stern demand. "Shut up!" I snapped, the frustration and exhaustion evident in my tone as I struggled to contain the storm of emotions raging within me. "How could you do that to him?!" I continued, my voice laced with a mixture of anger and disappointment. "I would have returned to you!"

For a moment, the weight of our shared history hung heavily between us, the silence stretching taut with unspoken regrets and missed opportunities. And then, with a heavy sigh, I relented, the exhaustion of our ordeal washing over me like a tidal wave. "I'm exhausted..." I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper as I allowed myself to lean into the comforting embrace of Nightmare's presence, seeking solace.

As I found myself enveloped in Nightmare's comforting embrace once again, a flood of conflicting emotions washed over me, threatening to engulf me in their tumultuous wake. Despite everything that had transpired between us, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief at being back in his arms, the familiar warmth of his presence soothing the fears and doubts that had plagued me in his absence. I longed to press my lips against his, to revel in the affectionate gestures that I had longed to become second nature to us, but a sense of apprehension held me back. After all, I was supposed to be angry with him, wasn't I?

As I wrestled with my inner turmoil, I couldn't deny the overwhelming surge of love that welled up within me of Nightmare's familiar form. Despite my blindness, I could still feel the contours of his features beneath my fingertips, the strength and solidity of his presence a comforting reassurance amidst the uncertainty that surrounded At. At that moment, all I wanted was to bury myself in his embrace and forget about the world outside.

But as quickly as the loving thoughts surfaced, I pushed them aside, forcing myself to focus on the anger and resentment that simmered just beneath the surface. After all, Nightmare had betrayed me, had he not? How could I possibly forgive him for that?

Nightmare had tortured Ink. It was a fact that I couldn't ignore, couldn't push aside or rationalize away. Sure, Ink had tried to kidnap ap and had succeeded in his nefarious scheme to whisk me away to parts unknown, but he had also warned me about Nightmare and, had told me that he was evil incarnate. And now, faced with the undeniable truth of Nightmare's actions, I couldn't help but wonder if Ink's words held more weight than I had previously thought.

As I grappled with the implications of Nightmare's actions, a surge of anger and betrayal welled up within me, threatening to consume me in its fiery embrace. How could Nightmare have done such a thing? How could he have stooped to such depths of cruelty and depravity, especially when he didn't even know if I was safe or not? The thought gnawed at me, festering like a wound that refused to heal, casting a shadow over the fragile bond that had once united us.

And yet, even as I railed against Nightmare's actions, a nagging doubt lingered in the recesses of my mind. What if hurting Ink had been the only way to ensure my safety, to protect me from whatever dangers lurked in the shadows? What if Ink would have done the same thing if our roles had been reversed? The questions swirled around me like a tempest, their answers elusive and uncertain, leaving me adrift in a sea of doubt and uncertainty.

With a heavy sigh, I ran a hand through my hair, frustration and confusion warring within me as I struggled to make sense of the tangled web of emotions that threatened to overwhelm me. The truth was, I didn't have all the answers, and didn't know the full extent of Nightmare's motivations or the reasons behind his actions. All I knew was that I was caught in the middle of a conflict that stretched far beyond my understanding, a pawn in a game that I had never asked to play.

But even as I grappled with the uncertainty of my situation, one thing remained abundantly clear - I couldn't let Nightmare off the hook so easily. He had crossed a line and had committed an act of unspeakable cruelty that could not be undone. And while a part of me still longed for the comfort and security of his embrace, another part recoiled at the thought of forgiving him so readily for his transgressions.

With a determined shake of my head, I banished the tender feelings that threatened to overwhelm me, steeling myself against the vulnerability that threatened to crack the facade of anger I had constructed around myself. I couldn't afford to let my guard down, not when there were still so many unanswered questions lingering between us.

As Nightmare continued to hold me close, his touch a silent testament to the bond that existed between us, I couldn't help but feel a sense of longing stirring within me. Despite the anger and resentment that simmered just beneath the surface, I couldn't deny the undeniable pull that drew me to him, the magnetic attraction that had bound us together from 'the very beginning.

But as the moments passed in silence, I realized that now was not the time for reconciliation or f'80sorgiveness. There were still too many wounds that needed to heal, too many scars that needed to be tended to before we could truly move forward. And so, with a heavy heart, I pushed away from Nightmare's embrace, steeling myself against the vulnerability that threatened to overwhelm me as I prepared to confront the truth of our fractured relationship head-on.

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