Blind Love (Reader X Nightmar...

By YandereEmo

3.2K 163 29

(Obsessed)Nightmare Sans x Blind Reader Trigger Warning! Abuse! For Mature Audiences ~~~ Y/n has known nothi... More

My Catalyst
My Hero
Before The Storm
Your Enemies are Mine
A Good Dream
The Embodiment of Light
Selfish, Blinding, Scorching Sunlight!
The Shadow's Claim
An Agreement
Law of Equivalent Exchange
Void Angel
Animal Impulses
Should I Stay or Go?
If I Go
Ink Jam
Harbinger of Night
Quality Time
Falling apart

Your Choice

108 8 0
By YandereEmo

I opened my eyes in a serene meadow blanketed with vibrant wildflowers swaying gently in the warm breeze. The sun bathes everything in a golden glow, warmth and light emanating from it. I find myself standing, the scent of blossoms filling the air, and a feeling of utter tranquillity washing over me.

In the distance, I sense them - my beloved partner and our children, their laughter ringing out like music in the peaceful surroundings. My heart swelled with joy at the sound of them I could picture their smiles as radiant and infectious. The children's laughter intertwines with the melody of nature, creating a symphony of pure bliss that resonates deep within my soul.

As I approach, I hear them run to greet me, the thought of their faces lighting up with delight. My arms open wide, and embrace in a warm, loving hug. In that moment, all worries and cares melt away, replaced by an overwhelming sense of love and contentment. We are a family, bound together by an unbreakable bond forged in love and shared experiences.

I sat quietly in the living room, my senses heightened by the absence of sight, I listened to the gentle cadence of my lover's voice as he read our children a bedtime story about sleepy rabbits. Their giggles and the rustling of the pages painted a vivid picture in my mind, and I couldn't help but smile at the scene my mind came up with.

Suddenly, a peculiar presence caught my attention, a subtle shift in the atmosphere that stirred something deep within me. Curiosity piqued, I rose from my seat and made my way to the door, echoes of my family's voices slowly faded as I walked.

Stepping outside, I felt a mysterious force beckoning me, pulling me towards something unknown. My fingers brushed against the rough texture of the door frame, and I hesitated for a moment, unsure of what lay ahead. But the call was too compelling to ignore, and with a sense of determination, I ventured forward.

Navigating through the cavern, relying on the echoes and subtle shifts in the air, I entered a chamber of some sort. Despite my lack of sight, a distinct sensation washed over me, hinting at the presence of something remarkable within.

In the centre of the cavern stood a towering tree, its roots stretching deep into the earth and its branches reaching towards the unseen sky above. Though I couldn't see it, I could sense its ancient presence, as if it held secrets whispered through the ages.

To the left of the tree, I felt the outline of a stone skeleton, its outstretched hands forming a gentle water fountain, the sound of trickling water filling the cavern. Nestled within its grasp was a golden apple, its gleaming surface radiating warmth and possibility.

On the right side, another skeleton mirrored the pose, offering a fountain of water from its hands. Cradled within its grasp was a black apple, its darkness contrasting sharply against the surrounding stone.

As I stood there, the cavern seemed to split down the middle, a divide between two distinct realms. To the right, I sensed the cool embrace of the night, with the moon and stars adorning the walls like celestial guardians. To the left, a warmth enveloped me, accompanied by the soft embrace of sunlight filtering through imaginary clouds.

Though I couldn't see the options before me, I could feel the weight of their significance pressing upon me, urging me to trust my instincts and choose my path wisely. The choice was mine.

Surveying the cavern with a sense of trepidation, I couldn't shake the uncanny sensation that both skeletal statues were fixated on my every movement. Their stony gazes seemed to track my steps as I approached the black apple, its dark skin a stark contrast against the pale hue of the skeleton's hands.

Uncertainty gnawed at me as I hesitated, my fingers hovering over the smooth surface of the apple. Yet, an inexplicable pull urged me forward, compelling me to grasp the fruit firmly in my hand. As I did, a subtle shift occurred - the stone arms of the skeleton rose slightly, the gentle trickle of water ceasing as if in anticipation.

A low rumble echoed through the cavern as a pedestal emerged from the ground, rising with a grace that belied its stone form. Positioned precisely between the dividing lines of the cavern, it beckoned to me, a silent invitation to uncover the mysteries that lay within.

With measured steps, I approached the pedestal, the cool stone floor beneath my feet guiding my path. As I reached out, my fingertips brushed against the surface, finding the groove where the black apple rested. With a gentle motion, I placed the fruit within its designated spot, feeling a surge of anticipation as it began to glow with an otherworldly luminescence.

The air around me seemed to hum with energy as the apple transformed before my eyes, its dark skin melting away to reveal a surface of polished glass. As the light danced across its surface, intricate patterns began to emerge, swirling and shifting like ethereal wisps of smoke. With a soft hum, the mirror rose from the pedestal, hovering before me like a beacon of possibility.

Drawing closer, I gazed into the mirror's depths, my reflection staring back at me with an intensity that took my breath away. In the mirror, I saw myself adorned in a gown of deep black, purple, and blue hues, each thread woven with a touch of magic. Tiny white specks dotted the fabric like stars scattered across the night sky, casting a celestial glow around me.

As I reached up to touch my hair, the reflection did the same, I could almost feel the sensation of an invisible breeze sweeping through its strands, causing them to sway and dance in a mesmerizing rhythm. Each lock shimmered with a starry midnight complexion, reflecting the boundless depths of the universe itself.

Lost in the beauty of my reflection, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder wash over me.

Adorned with intricate jewellery, each piece adorned with gleaming stones and gems, I felt the weight of their presence draped around my neck and wrists, a testament to the opulence of the world within the mirror. The jewels caught the light, casting prismatic reflections that danced across the cavern walls, painting the surroundings with an array of colours.

But it was the crown atop my head that captured my attention the most. Like a regal tiara fit for royalty, it gleamed with a brilliance that outshone even the brightest stars. Its intricate design spoke of power and authority, each facet a testament to the strength and grace that resided within me.

As I gazed upon myself in the mirror, adorned in finery fit for a queen, I felt a sense of empowerment wash over me. At this moment, I wasn't just Y/n - I was a sovereign ruler, commanding respect and admiration from all who beheld me. And as the mirror shimmered with the reflection of my newfound majesty, I knew that the choice I had made had led me to a destiny far grander than I could have ever imagined.

As I gazed into the mirror, mesmerized by the vision of regal grandeur that stared back at me, a deep longing stirred within my soul. The image of myself adorned in majestic attire, crowned with a symbol of power and authority, ignited a fire of ambition and desire within me. It was as if I had caught a glimpse of my true self, a ruler destined for greatness, and I yearned to step into that role with unwavering certainty.

But as quickly as the vision had appeared, it faded away, leaving behind only the hazy reflection of my blurred features. Determination surged through me as I reached out to wipe the glass clean, eager to reclaim the image of the queen that had captured my imagination.

As the mirror cleared, I peered into its depths once more, only to be met with a sight that sent a shiver down my spine. Before me, looming out of the darkness, was a monstrous creature, its form twisted and contorted into a grotesque semblance of life. Tar-like tendrils oozed from its body, writhing and pulsating with an unnatural energy that filled the chamber with an oppressive weight.

With a guttural roar, the tar monster surged forward, its eyes burning with malice as it bore down upon me with terrifying speed. Panic surged through my veins as I stumbled backwards, my heart pounding in my chest as I searched for a means of escape.

But there was nowhere to run, nowhere to hide from the relentless advance of the creature. With each thunderous footfall, it drew closer, its toxic breath filling the air with a noxious stench that threatened to overwhelm me.

My eyes snapped open, wide with alarm, as the urgency in Dream's voice pierced through the veil of sleep, jolting me from my dream. His voice rang out, calling my name with a sense of urgency that sent a shiver down my spine, dispelling the lingering tendrils of slumber that clung to my mind.

With a sharp intake of breath, I struggled to orient myself in the darkness, the echoes of my own screams still echoing in my ears. My heart raced in my chest, each beat a thunderous drumming that reverberated through my entire being. The abrupt transition from the tranquility of sleep to the stark reality of wakefulness left me disoriented and breathless, my senses reeling from the sudden shift.

Groping in the darkness, I reached out for Dream, my fingers trembling as they searched for his reassuring presence. His voice had been a lifeline in the darkness, a beacon of light guiding me back to consciousness, and I clung to it desperately, seeking solace in the midst of my confusion.

As my racing heart gradually slowed, I took a deep, steadying breath, willing myself to calm the tumultuous storm of emotions raging within me. Though the remnants of fear still lingered in the corners of my mind, I drew strength from the sound of Dream's voice.

"You okay?" Dream's gentle voice broke through the haze of confusion, his hand tenderly caressing my head as I let out a weary sigh. My blindness had returned, but this time it was different, a stark contrast from the void of darkness I had grown accustomed to. Instead of the absence of color, everything appeared in shades of black and white, a world rendered almost monochrome. Yet amidst this grayscale landscape, Dream seemed to emanate a soft glow, casting a gentle light that illuminated both himself and the world around him.

A dull ache pulsed behind my eyes as he drew nearer, his concern palpable in the air as he spoke. "It's ... almost time ... are you sure you want to do this?" His words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of uncertainty, as I remained silent, grappling with the turmoil swirling within me.

For a moment, I hesitated, the enormity of the decision weighing heavily on my heart. But then, with a quiet resolve, I nodded, my voice steady despite the inner chaos threatening to consume me. "Yes," I replied simply, knowing that whatever lay ahead, I was prepared to face it, guided by the unwavering strength of my convictions.

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