A part of me, a part of you (...

By ImYangLetsFight

1K 91 3

Y/n Maizono, along with his sister Sayaka, were chosen to become part of the prestigious Hopes Peak Academy... More

Faded memories, Familiar feelings
A strange feeling
Confirmations of the worst
A trial to remember
Forgotten Youth
Pushing through
Why does everyone save me
Game, set, match
Bro's before Cheerihoes
The hanging of a lost boy
A tough truth to spread
Rank A for Adaptability
Ishida chronicle
Chill Your Chihirios
Friends Make Bad Choices
For The Love of a Digital Sorta-Girl
Trust is a two way street
Popeye the Traitor Man
I wish I Could See You For The First Time Again
Groundhog Day
All Nighters and Fever Dreams

Coffee stains darker than tea

56 4 0
By ImYangLetsFight

Bing bong, bing bing

The screen came on suddenly, light filling the otherwise pitch black dorm room. The voice cut into any sweet dream, rendering them nightmares as Y/n roused from sleep.

"Good morning, everyone! It is now 7 a.m. and nighttime is officially over! Time to rise and shine! Get ready to greet another beee-yutiful day!" The monitor blared, Y/n putting his pillow over his face as he almost screamed.

He hated waking up early. His bones felt empty, his head felt dizzy, and his eyes unfocused as he reached out to grab his glasses.

Forcing himself up, he pushed off the bed and into the bathroom - turning on the hot water, undressing, then leaning his head against the cool tiled walls underneath the water. Slowly, the water woke up his aching body - but his mind was ever cloudy.

Y/n and sleep had a fuzzy relationship. When he had it, it was never enough - but when he didn't, nothing could make him rest. There wasn't much in between. So, waking up gradually became his least favourite part of the day.
During their school days, it wasn't uncommon for Sayaka to have to push the boy out of his bed. Some days, it would take more convincing.

Y/n smiled, thinking about when Sayaka had took the initiative to pour freezing water over his face to wake him - he jumped out of bed like a bat out hell, fight or flight in motion, before slipping on the hard wood floor of their bedroom and earning a rather impressive bruise across his chin. Maybe it seemed harsh, but to Y/n that was just what having a sister was like. They could argue like no body's business, but they loved each other more than anything.

Growing up, they were all they had. And so, they both earned not just a sibling: but a best friend.

Gathering his thoughts back to the day ahead, Y/n left the shower and walked over to his wardrobe - a finger flipping off the camera as he did. It was morning, he was awake, therefore nothing was his chosen thing to care about. That was what inspired the confidence to leave the bathroom still naked and change in his room.

His head still felt fuzzy, but he managed to pull on his pants, shirt, and tie. He didn't tie it though, it just laying haphazardly under his collar - sleeves rolled up messily, and braces not even up on his shoulders. He put his shoes on, but didn't bother tying them. These were jobs for post-coffee Maizono.

He started his trudge to the hall, his digital watch reading '07:14am'. He didn't have the energy to open the doors, so instead just leant against them as he entered - taking the first table available and leaning back in the chair far enough to lean his head on the wall.

As if timed, Kirigiri left the kitchen with two cups in hand. Her expression held nothing, as to be expected, but the sight caught the disheveled PI's attention.

Without a word, she took the seat by Y/n and placed the coffee mug down in front of him. A wide, genuine smile came from Maizono in return - and before he could say his thanks, she spoke.

"Returning the favour." Kirigiri stated, blowing the steam off her mug and taking a sip.

"Well thank you, I feel like I just fell off a train - so this helps."

"You look like it." Was the retort, with no emotion to back it up. Y/n cocked a brow.

"Hm. Thats twice now." He observed, referring to what he was starting to understand was Kirigiri joking.

Kirigiri ignored this, creating their comfortable silence. Maizono was fine with this, his headache appreciated the quiet nature of the lilac eyed woman.

Not much time had passed when Sayaka came toddling in to the hall with Neagi. They'd clearly been in conversation for a while, which wasn't a surprise. Sayaka was an early bird, and seemingly enjoyed his company.

Sayaka saw Y/n straight away, halting her and Neagi's conversation to greet him.

"Morning, Y/n! I'm about to make jam on toast, want some?" She offered, beaming.

How she is so happy in the morning was a mystery.

Y/n nodded. "Please, Yaka-Jack. Damn, I'm lucky this morning - not had to lift a finger. Gunning for Naegi's job."

"If anything, I'm just surprised youre awake. Atleast you managed to actually get somewhat dressed." Mocked his sister, eyeing his attire.

"Not gonna impress anyone looking like that." She added, her tone seemingly implying something that Y/n couldn't pick up. So he just took it literally.

"I don't care much for impressing people, anyhow. I deal in facts and observations- everything else isn't relevant. "

"You wouldn't show to court looking that way."

"I wouldn't show to court looking any way, I aint a lawyer. " Y/n finished, taking a sip of his coffee. His eyes then looked down at the concoction, gleaming.

"Fuck me, Kirigiri. You make brilliant coffee." Was the enthusiastic reply, as Maizono quickly took another sip.

"I'm not sure she's quite interested~" Sayaka chided.

Y/n gave her a look, but it was ignored as Sayaka and Naegi went to the kitchen. Kirigiri was either enjoying the silence or lost in thought. Y/n made a mental note to return the favour again the next morning, and a silent mission to read her. Maybe it would never happen, but a challenge was always fun.

When the Ultimate Luck and Yaka-Jack came back from the kitchen, they were laughing amongst themselves. Sayaka gave a small plate to Maizono, which he thanked her for, before the duo sat at the bigger table. There were 7 people seated there this morning, and Y/n realised he knew none of their names but Fujisaki.

Kirigiri's voice from last night repeated in his head, reminding him he needed to learn their names. So - once the room had an even sixteen, Maizono took a breath and spoke up.

"Uh.. excuse me everyone?" It wasn't not confident. But it didn't exactly sound sure either.
Either way, it was too late to back down as everyone's chatter subsided and they looked towards the disheveled boy.

"I hope no one takes too much offence at this, but could I ask for everyone's names again? I wasn't paying attention yesterday..." Maizono admitted, an odd expression on his face.

The heir took offence instantly. "And why, exactly, should I have to repeat myself?"

Y/n shrugged, "I suppose you don't have to - but do keep in mind, so far I've been calling you all nicknames. And yours happens to be 'snobby long legs'"

His face contorted in a most comical way - hand resting on his chest as if clutching invisible pearls.
"T-Togami. Call me Byakuya Togami."
He sounded utterly defeated.

The next to stand was the sporty girl at the bottom, she was beaming - not at all offended. "Aoi Asahina! Ultimate swimming pro. And this is Sakura Ogami, shes like this super cool martial artist type!"

Ogami smiled beside her, seemingly happy she had a friend like Asahina.

Maizono nodded, "Thank you for the clarification."

"Its cool. If I'm honest, I only knew you as Maizono because I already knew about your sister."

Maizono smiled. "I get that a lot. Oh- by the way, I do know you Fujisaki." He clarified, looking at the girl who smiled lightly back.

"And yano, I went to school with Naegi."

"And you're Kirigiri's shadow." Togami countered, like he was trying to embarrass him for his nickname comment.

Y/n just shrugged, glancing at the girl in question then back to the heir.
"Yeah, I suppose I kinda was yesterday huh?"

His reaction didn't seem to satisfy the heir.

Slowly everyone started to introduce themselves, one by one..

"Kiyotaka Ishimaru! Ultimate moral compass!" Carpenters could use his perfect 90 degree bow as a square ruler.

"Leon Kuwata." Nodded the ex baseball player.

Gonna really miss calling him Ginger.

"T-Toko Fukawa... n-not that you care."

The boy just smiled at her. "Don't be daft, course' I care."

The girl looked like she'd just been accused of being a ghost, and immediately looked down to ignore him.

"Mondo Owada. Nice to fuckin' meetcha."

"Junko Enoshima - Ultimate fashionista." Beamed the girl, and Maizono immediately smiled back.

"Ay! I guessed your ultimate right!" He seemed proud of this. He never bothered with mainstream things, so he had never seen the girl prior to yesterday.

"You did?" She asked, her tone a little more surprised than you'd imagine a famous model's would be.

Maizono just shrugged. "Well yeah, you definitely have the aura of one. Besides, with those freckles?" He praised.
"Of course you got into that business."
He didn't lie. Y/n never really saw the value in physical beauty, but he wasn't blind.

The fashionista froze. It was like she'd never heard a compliment before, as her fingers reached her cheeks to trace her freckles. She immediately snapped back into herself though - almost like someone who had changed character in a one person play.

Next; the Fanfic creator Hifume Yamada, who started ranting about 'the world of 2D'. In all honestly, Y/n stopped listening.

Next was Mr Coy - or Yasuhiro Hagakure. Y/n made a mental note of his '30% accuracy'.

"Celestia Ludenberg, Ultimate Gambler." The lolita introduced, a smile softly placed on her face.

Maizono nodded, "That's a very nice name. I think i've heard of you though. Hmm.."
He tried retracing his memories, but it was blank.

The gambler just laughed it off. "In my line of business, it doesn't surprise me to be heard of by a private investigator."

Maizono just nodded, that explanation fitting perfectly.

"Thank you for introducing yourselves again - I know it's tedious." Y/n reshuffled in his seat, taking his coffee and gulping it rather than sipping. Being social wasn't exactly fun, but it was necessary.

After finishing his coffee and toast, he grabs his and Kirigiri's dishes to put away. The silent as ever girl just nodded her thanks.
"I'm gonna go try make friends with Naegi - I think Sayaka may appreciate it. Wanna meet at around noon to investigate again?"

Kirigiri just gave a solitary nod.

Antisocial or not, Y/n knew he couldn't afford it in this situation. The more allies he had the better. He would be able to make educated guesses on who's planning what, and maybe prevent it. He decided today was a Naegi day - especially considering Sayaka seemed all too interested in him.
He trusted her judgement, but it wouldn't hurt to try and befriend him too.

So after washing up, he walked over to Naegi.

"Hey, Naegi-sama." Maizono smiled, the luckster turning his head to see him.

"Hi Maizono-sama, what's up?" He shot back. He was on Sayaka's right, so Y/n took the seat beside him - turning it round to sit and lean his arms on its rest. The poor boy was effectively in a Maizono sandwhich.

"I just wanted to apologise - I didn't take the time to talk to you yesterday, I was too focused on snooping through the school." Y/n explained, his head hung in a half bow.

Naegi shook his hands  in front of him, a toothy grin behind them. "Don't sweat it, it's okay. I understand, besides - you haven't changed much. I already knew you were just busy."

Y/n smiled at the boy. Then turned to his sister, "So have you mentioned the crane yet?"

Sayaka immediately went bright red, her usually soft gaze turning harsh as she eyed her brother. "Y/n!!"

Naegi cocked an eyebrow. "Crane? Like the bird or the construction vehicle?"

Maizono just chuckled. "That's a no. I'll let her tell you on her own time. She always wanted to talk to you, though."

Sayaka looked as if she was going to attack her brother.

"You did?" Naegi turned to her, an awkward smile on his face.

Y/n started mocking her more. His hands lifted up to his face, mimicking Sayaka's body language.
"Oh Naegi-kun, please look at m-"

Sayaka had all but dived onto her brother, one hand trying to clasping his mouth while the other grabbed his wrists to try and pin him.

"Shut up! You pain!" Her shouts were barely audible over Maizono's manic laughter, he stuck his tongue out and wriggled away from her - continuing his bit while running around the table.

Sayaka started giving chase, half angry half grinning.

Kirigiri watched this cat and mouse game of theirs, her expression still as emotionless as ever. But something deep down inside ached..
She wasn't certain what that feeling was, and just ignored it.

"Hey, Naegi-kun! Help me get him!" Sayaka yelled, laughing. Their chase turned into a game of tag - as childish as that sounded. But in a situation so tense, Maizono had thought it was a good ice breaker.

"You'll never catch me!" He stuck his tongue out, pulling his cheek down. Naegi had joined in now, the game gradually getting louder.

Togami had left, unamused. Just in time too, as Maizono jumped over his previously occupied chair to get a better lead. Naegi and Sayaka were just barely on his tail, when the PI tripped up on Asahina's chair leg - pulling it out from the table.

The game halted. He looked up at the swimmer, eyes wide, about to make an apology before-

"Oh, you're gonna regret that Maizono-sama." The girl smiled, standing up.

Immediately jumping up, Y/n started running away again with Asahina seconds behind - Naegi and Sayaka just after her.

In a quick attempt to escape, Maizono feigned a right before bursting through the hall doors.

"You can't run longer than me, Maizono!" Asahina yelled, laughing.

Naegi and Sayaka came to a halt, out of breath and panting. Asahina, however, had continued to chase him god knows where.

"Wow.." Naegi started, panting between words. "Guy... can sure... run..!"

Sayaka nodded, sitting on the seat by Kirigiri as it was closest. "Yeah... he had to... learn to be fast.. god I need a drink.."

Silence occurred once more, the only thing interrupting it being the distant sounds of Maizono being caught by the energetic Asahina - and her cry of victory that came with it.


Now noon, Y/n had just left his dorm. His uniform was straightened now, green jumper over his neat white shirt and bowtie. He was in front of Kirigiri's door, about to knock when-

The door swung open, and his knuckles instantly hit the forehead of the girl.

Maizono froze, eyes widening.

"Shit, Sorry Kirigiri -"

She used the back of her hand to push his wrist away, then stepped out unfazed.

"Are you ready to go? I was thinking we start in the entrance hall since we all remember seeing it differently before we passed out." The girl acted like nothing occurred, her tone not monotone but not emotional either.

"Sure thing. I was wanting to revisit anyway. Something about the camera's rubbed me the wrong way."

After a considerable amount of time searching every hallway, room and area available - the duo found themselves in a classroom. Kirigiri was stood by a desk with a Monokuma carved into it - while Y/n sat on said desk, legs stim swinging to regulate his thoughts.

They'd both been lost in their own theories for a few minutes now, not even aware of the conversation they'd left unfinished.

"I have a theory." Maizono spoke up.
"Taking in account the barriers, closed rooms, and that open ended rule-"

He was referring to the sixth rule. 

Anyone who kills a fellow student and becomes "blackened" will graduate, unless they are discovered.

"- I think I've came to a plausible explanation. In fact, I bet on my job that I'm correct."

Kirigiri turned to him, obviously curious.

"The way this place is set up. It's not just a game for the mastermind. It's literally a game - and killing is how we get experience points."

Kirigiri put her finger to her chin, following on. "So you're suggesting once a death occurs, given that the murderer doesn't get away with it, we unlock a new area?"

Y/n snapped his fingers into finger guns. "Exactly."

"I see. I think I'd like to do some thinking on my own. We'll talk later." It wasn't a question, as the girl left without another sound.

Maizono found himself smiling in her direction, before pushing off the desk and wandering.

His feet took him to the trophy room, where a laughing duo stood - one covered in gold.

"Jeez! You barely have to touch this thing, and the gold gets all over you!" Naegi whined, with Sayaka giggling at his expense.

"Hey Yaka-jack, hey Naegi, whaatcha doooin'?" The PI called, his tone sing-songy.

"Makoto and I were looking for something I could use for self defence - just in case. What about you?" Sayaka returned, the dejected boy beside her wrapping the display katana in some old printer paper he found in the cupboard below the trophy's. Seems like he's been told to keep it.

Y/n shrugged. "Just wandering. I was with Kirigiri, but she's since retreated to her room."

"You seem to have taken a shine to her, you know?" Sayaka observed, a cheeky smile playing on her lips.

Maizono just laughed. "Nah, it isn't like that. We both like investigating this place - it's nice having someone on the same page I guess."

"Suuure. Anyway, Makoto was just about to go back to his room with the sword. Im free if you want to hang out?" She offered.

"Makoto, eh? First name basis are we?" Y/n mocked.

Naegi had a funky smile, carrying the golden katana awkwardly as he turned towards me. "Sayaka insisted. Besides, it is a bit confusing having two Maizono's."

Y/n hummed. "I suppose you're right. But yeah, sure Yaka-jack we can chill. How about I make us some food?"

Sayaka nodded, biding farewell to the poor luckster. Something told Y/n that sword was a bad idea.

They walked to the kitchen with light conversation hanging in the air, Sayaka telling him all about her and Naegi's day.

By the time they had gotten to the kitchen, Sayaka had finished and was now leaning against the counter with her arms crossed. Y/n was washing his hands, sleeves rolled up to his elbows before he started making a dough. Their comfort food - and a staple and home - was homemade pizza rolls. They were easy and cheap, perfect for two kids under 9 without adult supervision.

"So what about you and Kirigiri?" She asked, watching her brother start to kneed the dough.

He shrugged. "Not too much. We re-investigated everywhere and came up with little more results. We both drew up maps of the camera's and monitors, we decided to use her version though - I kept making the ink streaky."

Sayaka nodded, a laugh on her tongue. "Serves you right for being left handed."

"Hey! Watch it, dirty right hander. We are an elite group."

"Sure, sure." Sayaka jokes.

A pause.

"Hm, do you think maybe something bad has happened to the city?"

"What makes you say that?" Y/n asked, shaping the dough now. It was something he had toyed with too, but he dismissed it as it wouldn't help the investigation.

"Well, no one looking for us makes sense. Dad doesn't even bother with us now, he probably doesn't even know we go to Hope's Peak. But the others - Makoto has good parents, and a little sister, surely they'd come looking for him, right?"

Y/n nodded along, considering this.

"Plus the others... and what about my group? Are they looking for me? Are they okay?"

"Yaka-jack, whatever is going on is beyond me. But what I do know, is if we work hard to get out - eventually we'll have all the answers. We can sit and worry, or we can be active."  Y/n replied, finishing the olive oil coating before pouring a generous amount of pasta sauce in the dough.

"I guess. But what can I do? You and Kirigiri are investigating and thats great - even if its a bit of a dead end right now. Everyone else seems to be ignoring the issue, which just leaves me. Y/n, I'm scared."

"Me too." Maizono admitted, his tone getting darker now. He kept hiding it, replacing the bad emotions with good ones. But he was terrified.

"But being scared is what keeps us human. Keeps us sane. We'll get through this-" he put the uncooked log of dough that was now rolled up in the fridge to rise, pre heating the oven, and then stood by Sayaka. His hand resting on her shoulder now.
"Because we always get through everything together. There isn't an obstacle we cant clear."

Sayaka smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes.

Y/n held out his left arm, a f/c bracelet falling to the bottom of his wrist.

Rolling her eyes, Sayaka mimicked him - showing her matching pastel pink one.

They were clearly hand made. Y/n had made Sayaka's, and she his. They were a promise to each other - something they made when they were younger.


"Obviously you cheesy weirdo." Sayaka retorted, pushing his shoulder jokingly.

"We don't give up, got it?" Y/n tried to pep talk.
"Besides. I need you, Sai."

"Yeah.. I need you too, Y/n." She agreed, nodding solemnly before forcing a smile.
"I'll keep trying. We'll get out, I know we will."

Y/n hummed. "Of course we will, we're not psychic for nothing."

Sayaka giggled at that.
"You know, I think i've actually convinced Makoto I'm psychic. I keep guessing his thoughts."

Y/n snorted. "To be fair, even I find him easy to read."

"Wow, he must be thinking with subtitles then."

"Ha-ha, you got me." He sarcastically responded.

Y/n took the roll out the fridge, cutting it into individual rolls and placing them on a greased tin before putting them in and setting a timer on his digital watch.

"Hey Yaka-jack, do you have any gaps in your memory?" Y/n suddenly asked, his sister giving him a confused look.

There was a pause, and then she shook her head.

"No, why?"

"Hm.. no reason, I was just overthinking. Its nothing." He lied.

"I dunno what you're getting at, but okidoki!" She beamed, clearly starting to cheer up.
"So are you sure you and Kirigiri aren't-"


"That was fast." She stated.

"That's what she said."

"Y/nnnnn." She whined.

He just laughed once. "You know me, Sayaka. I don't do friendships, never mind relationships. I decided to try and make an exception for Naegi - but that is more for you than me. Me and Kirigiri are just two people who happen to work well together." 

Sayaka sighed, "Okay, but just - don't be an idiot."


"Yano, an idiot. Like when Catra thought Adora hated her when she left her - but she actually wanted to bring her with her and got captured."

Y/n deadpanned. "Okay, you're speaking my language but it isn't working."


"Fine, I promise you that if Kirigiri has a magic sword that turns her into a seven foot warrior princess - then I'll reconsider my opinion." Y/n stated, crouching down to check on the pizza rolls.

There was a silence. Y/n didn't get up as he was in thought.

"You thinking about her being taller yet?" Sayaka joked to Y/n's back.



"She doesn't need to be taller. She's perfectly fine the way she is." Y/n stated, but then realised that didn't actually help.

"Oh, so you're saying you think she's perfect as is?" Sayaka was really fishing.

"I-- ... I did not say that and you know it.
Is this because of what I said to Naegi this morning?" Y/n stood up now, meeting her eyes.

Sayaka shrugged.

"I don't think about her like that, okay? If I did it wouldn't talk to her."

Sayaka's eyebrow lifted. "Why?"

"Incase you haven't noticed, our situation is complicated. The last thing I need is having another weakness. For all we know she could kill - and if she did, and I was - for lack of a better word - involved with her, my emotions would act over my logic." He reasoned.

"Thats not how I see it. The way it seems to me, is you would have me and her on your side. Maybe even Makoto too. With us all on the same team, we'd outnumber the mastermind and the killer. It would be easier to come out on top."

"And if one of us kills?"

Sayaka paused.

"We don't know how we're gonna react to this situation. It's too new. If - for example - I murdered someone. What is your next move."

"What?" She asked, but Y/n was serious. He stepped towards her.

"If i came to you, covered in blood, and told you I just murdered someone in cold blood - what would you do."


"Ow!! What was that for!" Y/n shrieked, holding his cheek in pain.

"You couldn't hurt a fly. You have the muscle capacity of Makoto's ahoge." Sayaka giggled.

"Besides. You sooooo wanna be her friend."

Y/n just rolled his eyes, dishing up the pizza rolls after the timer pinged.

"I do not..." he muttered after a moment.

"Yeah, and I can't sing."

Before long, they'd both turned into bed.

Beep beep.

Beep beep.

Beep beep.

Groaning, Maizono pressed off his alarm for the sixth time, finally pulling himself to sit up at 06:45 precisely.

He dragged himself out of bed, getting dressed - again not caring about the camera. He'd showered last night, setting his alarms afterwards.

He hated how hypocritical he was being right now...

He brushed his teeth - dry because the water was yet to turn on - and wiped his face down with the wet wipes he had in his blazer.

Today was a blazer day.

He checked his pockets, his notebook and pencil in the right inside breast pocket, room key in the left, wipes in the inner zippy one on the bottom left and the bottom right for his spare notebook. It was arguably the prettier one, hence it being reserved for after he'd filled his current.

It had a dark brown leather backing, with a burnt black grid going across it diagonally. Untouched. Unopened. It seemed newer than what he recalled, but he ignored this.

He checked himself in the mirror. He actually looked put-together despite the dark circles under his eyes. Weird.

Setting off, he headed to the dining hall and waited outside it.


Monokuma came toddling past, whistling, before looking at the boy.
"Puhuhu, look who's up early. What's the occasion? "

He ignored the bear as he unlocked the dining hall doors.

"Nice show, by the way."

This confused him. He raised a brow.

Monokuma pulled a face that could only be described as lewd.

"Only you are brave enough to change in front of the cameras. I'd be careful if I was you. No telling who can see." Monokuma sounded threatening, and it somewhat worked as Y/n traced his chest over his clothes, the faint feeling of scar tissue on his finger tips.

"Wouldn't want anyone to know about that, would we?" The bear giggled, then disappeared.

Maizono decided to ignore him, pushing into the dining hall and into the kitchen.

Now, why you may ask? It was obvious he hated mornings. So why, exactly, did he need to be up? Before the announcement no less? (Which was currently blaring as he entered.)


...because Sayaka was right.

Y/n wasn't a social creature. More content alone than in groups, the exception being his sister - but even that had its limits. However...

There was just something about a certain someone that made Y/n want to try and be friends. He couldn't properly place it. It confused him a bit.

On paper, and to most of the living world also, Kirigiri seemed cold. She seemed unemotional, uninvolved, and distant. And to a degree, Y/n understood that.

But also, he didn't. Because that wasn't what he felt around her.

She was quiet, saving her words as if she had a limited number each day, but her energy - to him - wasn't cold. There was something strangely familiar, strangely comforting about her when they were investigating. When they were together.
Maizono couldn't read people. Even the most on the nose, heart on sleeves, open book people. Naegi for example.
Emotions felt like a second language everyone spoke but him.

His emotions were overwhelming, so he didn't often enjoy portraying them - but he couldn't hide them constantly either. It was a weird relationship either way.

For some reason, however, amongst a sea of emotional people he didn't understand- stood one who barely showed a single one. And Y/n had found a strange understanding in that.

He couldn't read her, but he couldn't help but feel like he could try. Where everyone else was complex and a total maze, Kirigiri was a stony constant. It was less overwhelming to talk to her. She didn't speak in code, didn't say things that aren't meant, it was like breathing fresh air in an otherwise polluted world.

But that aside, there was something else...

Y/n just found her so interesting. Working together, it was hard not to stop and just watch the way her brain worked silently. She wasn't a PI- you cant have multiple of the same ultimate per year group - but he knew if she was, she'd be a better one than him. She was cool, calculated, and logical. Exactly the kind of person you need to escape a place like this one.

Y/n couldn't help but feel admiration. That, and in a way... relieved. Of course, if he could change the situation he would. But since he couldn't, he was selfishly happy to have someone like Kirigiri with them.

So. For the first time in his life. Y/n decided he wanted to make a friend.

So today, he makes a favour returned - into a tradition.

At 07:07 Kyoko Kirigiri walks into the dining hall, taking up space on the first table next to the door - the same as yesterday. And as she sits, the PI leaves the kitchen with a nervous smile on his face. Two cups of coffee in his hands.

The woman spots this instantly, and has no physical reaction. This is expected. But silently, she is happy.

Reaching the table, the PI places the cup in front of her, taking his seat opposite her with his coffee in hand.

"Thank you." Came the response. An upgrade from the usual nod. Y/n smiled lightly in return.

There was a comfortable silence for a few moments. Ishimaru usually didn't come into the hall until around half past, and he was normally the first - so they had a while.

Eventually, a conversation did arise.

"Does it bother you that you have more to lose in a game like this than the others?" Kirigiri spoke, finally voicing a question she'd been toying with.

"I assume you're refering to Sayaka."

Kirigiri nodded, awaiting response.

"A little, yes. But I have to have faith in her. She's always been the strongest of the two of us." Maizono reasoned.

"I suppose her having you and Naegi bodes well for her." Kirigiri stated, taking a sip of her drink.

"And she'd suppose me having her and you would bode well for me, but we're still in a psychological warfare game of who-will-crack-first." Maizono took a sip also, then continued.
"None of us know what we're capable of, not in this scenario. You can never know exactly how someone will react no matter how well you know them, or how much you like them."

Y/n's tone made it clear he was about to continue talking, as Kirigiri raised a single brow.

"While we sit and all become buddy-buddy, the mind behind the bear becomes bored. They want to see us become desperate. They want us to crack - but they cant afford all of us cracking at once."

"What are you suggesting?" Kirigiri asked with genuine interest.

"Im suggesting that soon enough, we'll be given a reason to kill. A motive, and each will vary in efficiency. This way, the mastermind achieves putting most of us on edge - and some of us in a desperate position. When like this, we act on impulse, we rush details, we don't think things through. If this really is a game, it is intended to be difficult. After all, I assume if the first killer gets away with it, the game ends right? But the rules dont state that. Yet."

Kirigiri was more intrigued, but began idly drawing her own conclusions from this. She responded.

"So, you're implying the lack of another rule is a fail safe? So if, and when, someone kills - the mastermind can determine how well they executed it, and then announce the rules of how they must get away with it. If they do, the game comes to an end. But if they create the perfect crime, the rule can be altered to make it more entertaining?"

Y/n nodded, "Exactly. Making the killer even more stressed. Even less likely to convince the rest of us of their innocence."

"So, what do you think happens if they do or dont get away with it?" Kirigiri asked, already seeing the answer but just making sure.

"More than likely, execution."

"Puhuhuhuhuu!" An aggravating, grating voice came from in front of their table. He appeared from seemingly no where, an innocent smile on his menacing face.

"Aren't you both just the perfect duo. Figuring out my plans, why I outta-!!" The monochromatic bear had a feral face now, but cut itself off. Its exterior changed. It had an idea.

"Say, I do hope you're wrong about the motives having some kind of target. Whatever would you do if the wrong person cracked?" The bear held its face as it giggled innocently, and with that, he disappeared.

"It would be too convenient if there were somewhere to talk privately." Kirigiri sighed. The most emotion since they'd met.

Y/n turned to her, "There is, but we'd probably get some weird allegations. So let's not for now. If we need to talk, whatever we can't infer we'll just have to figure out. Unless of course, you don't mind going in the shower with me." He was joking.



"Earlier, you said your sister would consider you to 'bode well' because of me." It sounded like a statement, it was more a hidden question.

To that, Y/n just shrugged with a smile on his face, adjusting his braces as he did.

"As sceptical as you are of everyone, Kirigiri, you cant deny. We're becoming friends." Y/n then jokingly winked at her, before they were interrupted by Ishimaru leading everyone into the dining hall.

I can't believe I just fucking said that.

Seems Sayaka had gave him some form of confidence.

"You two! Good morning!" Came Ishimaru's voice as everyone else filtered in, seemingly mad at the Ultimate Moral Compass.
"I was wondering why you didn't answer the door."

"Morning, Ishi. Whats up?" Maizono asked casually. He ignored the nickname.

"I have called everyone here this morning because I have an announcement." He stated loudly, turning around to face everyone.

That was when a tradition arose. Everyone agreed to have breakfast every morning together, in order to 'boost morale' or whatever Eyebrows said.

Maizono had a bad feeling that was hovering over him all day. Like something bad was approaching.

Little did he know, he wasn't the only one - as Kirigiri listened to the reapers footsteps gradually getting louder as the day went by...

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